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A thread to talk about ex-hololive members


Previous thread: >>90657664
Fauna is never going to finish her Minecraft world tree isnt she?
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Good morning and an excellent day to all the nice anons here.
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Can someone explain to me what the fuck is DEI and why are people on X and int the previous thread crying about it?
newest american bogeyman
Just ignore those schizos
culture war spergs trying to spin standard corporate shareholder degeneracy into their culture war bullshit. You can safely ignore it.
Look at Budlight, Jaguar and Dustborn incident and you will understand.
>she will never finish the Minecraft tree
>she will never finish Skyrim
>she will never finish L.A. Noire
>she will never finish Pikmin
Did you even watched her latest stream?
She talked about it
But I was about to go to sleep...
Sakuna birthday stream in 3 hours 30 minutes.

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Have fun Sakuna bros but my sleep reps...
getting crowded...
Why is she celebrating during these recent news? Wtf
Who the fuck is that between aloe and sana
We don't talk about her... And her crimes...
Her tree and Skyrim are her top priority to finish
The rest from here >>90698779 and Silent Hill 2 Remake follows it but I don't think she'll be able to finish them on time
Voldermore of Hololive.
She's the one behind the current situation... and the creation of /xhlgg/... soon, more will join.
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The more DEI that a company has, the more its ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) score increases. The ESG score helps companies attract investors.

The ESG score was deliberately created by a massive American investment firm called BlackRock to pressure other smaller companies to adopt DEI, which results in them going out of their way to be pro-BLM, pro-feminist, and pro-LGBTQBRAAAAP.
If a game or TV show or something tried to preach about social issues, it’s almost certainly because of DEI rather than them actually believing what they’re saying.
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Remember to spread LOVE, not hate!
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This is BlackRock’s (JEWISH) CEO talking about ESG
do notice how this isn't relevant to any topical subject, besides the investment firm being invested in cover (it's invested in everything, we live in a dystopia).
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But she's a LemonLEAF. And it's about to be Winter. Oh man.
She's celebrating being free.

The more Cover tightens its grip on the girls, the more girls will slip between their fingers into freedom.
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including Whoretomi is rancid trip...
that entire bottom row plus one left IN A SINGLE YEAR.
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We're adding the en homos now?
Include the /jp/ homos too then.
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i miss rushia
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i want her to kill me, mikeneko just ain't the same
no, some faggot anti just baked early to sneak them in and the jannies backed him up
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Fine add them let's see you can actually stand on your own merit.
Do the jannies not like it if you label who's who?
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bro, just take them out when we aren't getting flooded with tourists and regulars are making threads again
That fag isn't a Homofan.
I know my point is they have no fans to actually post them even if you did add them. Then when retard-kun is bored wr just remove them. The other problem is you guys keep feeding him.

That said he is an oddly diligent and fast Baker.
>the jannies backed him up
because the jannies consider them as the legit one perhaps
>nobody invited Rica to the VCR
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It is easy to be fast when you bake like 2 hours before the other thread dies lol
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zero chance the jannies are checking the links on the thread, they just keep whichever is first
Anon they do it for free. They're just here to clean it up not make desicions.
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Not gonna lie, I'm not trying to speak for all of /xhlgg/, but I was the OP of the first 5 threads or so (Not counting the first one) and I don't like how we're dealing with the Fauna stuff, especially since I happen to be a sapling.

I wish we didn't talk about Fauna's PL right now just because we know she's graduating. We don't know for sure she's gonna remain a vtuber (Even if it's very likely), nor do we know that she will use her PL account to be a vtuber (Even if it's also likely). Unless I'm missing something, it does feel like we are actually starting to reach doxx territory by bringing up you know who.

Anyway, Fauna leaving is no shock to me. It's why I wanted /xhlgg/ to become a thing to begin with. The signs were obviously there and have been there for months. I tried warning my /uuu/pals a couple of times but to no avail.
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Anon, she posted 3 videos on her PL account in the two weeks before her graduation announcement after years of inactivity. The account gained 200k subs in a day. She is returning to her PL and wants her fans to follow.
t. the first OP
>she's gonna remain a vtuber
Didn't she literally say she's gonna keep streaming in her graduation announcement video? Plus with the new content on the PL account, I feel like this less "very likely" and more "almost guaranteed".
sound logic IF she didn't start uploading new stuff literally days before the graduation announcement
She's isn't coming back - she already is.
Nah you're overthinking it.
they deleted the xhlgg thread that tried to overwrite that one TWICE. The jannies are definitely on their side and believe they are the legitimate ones
Hmm, fair enough
But this is a very iffy territory, we should be careful. I say this because, let's be real, Fauna isn't the last name that will join the /xhlgg/ ranks.
Jannies not wanting multiple threads of the same and not trying to bother to figure out which one is real is no big issue.
Just make sure the next OP has no homos.
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it is possibly they are malicious or just ignorant but yeah
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I thought we had reached a good balance where we had /xhlgg/ and /orc+/. This isn't probably even actual /orc+/ sisters, it's probably that schizo that keeps trying to kill this thread in different ways. Him realizing that Fauna was getting /xhlgg/'d probably made him even more psychotic since it's been obvious from the get go he's just a Cover shill.
IMO, graduation announcement + PL activity is the point where they should be included. Chloe still isn't linked since she hasn't done anything yet(though to be fair I don't actually know hers)
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I am like 90% sure it is just the sakuna seethe guy
Oh fuck, Chloe is leaving too?
Jesus Christ, I didn't even realize.

You really had a brilliant idea by making this thread when you did. Perfect timing. I'm glad we followed you up on it instead of just treating it as a shitpost.
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> I'm glad we followed you up on it instead of just treating it as a shitpost.
Same, thanks for growing it to a real general
qrd? Last I saw their generals were doing just fine.
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Chloe is affiliating. She said she wants to do stuff outside of Hololive, but she also has chronic throat issues, so it might be limited.
I hope if she reincarnates she just uses her natural voice
He's not actually a Sakuna fan, don't be fooled. That was just the shitposting persona he found the most success with.
His only identity is not wanting this thread to live. And he wants that almost certainly because he's a Cover shill. Or just someone that is dealing with the current tectonic shift we're suffering by trying to take it out on us.
There is a schizo who comes here constantly and freaks out saying that the thread only exists to leech off of Sakuna and is trying to steal people away from his general
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yeah I wouldn't be surprised honestly, you may be right
>is trying to steal people away from his general
Uh which one? There's like 3 of them now. 3 main Sakuna general threads.
I dunno if he ever claimed one specifically, just said this thread is trying to keep people from making a general for her (it isn't). wtf are there three?
Who are the three to the right of Coco?
Never heard of them before
Both these girls are real close to a million. I imagine Sakuna's bday and Mike's MV will give each of them a respective push too
Aloe, Hitomi Chris, Sana
>Can someone explain to me what the fuck is DEI

It's racist discriminatory Caucasophobic hiring policies.
Used to be called duhversity hiring.
Hell in the 1980s it was called affirmative action.
But Caucasians can't hire only Caucasians due to a court case in 80 years ago; that somehow didn't set a precedent that you can't discriminate against Caucasians.
Fuck the kangaroo courts
Hitomi Chris, the witch of the forgotten from /xhlgg/
Some say she lurks the misty swamps at night, looking for /xhlgg/'s to grab and pull into her irrelevant grasp, causing them to never be seen again.
Ah, then he's probably just a schizo falseflagging
>wtf are there three?
Yeah, the original one /Sakuna/ has an active thread right now. Understandable though since they always claimed they will only be active whenever Sakuna has a stream. There's also that general with a jap title but I only saw that thread twice. The 3rd one is called /sakuna/ iirc. Yeah they have similar name to /Sakuna/ but this one appears randomly.
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900 to 1M has been a bit of a grind
Named after skin lotion
>Hitomi Chris
Named after chrischan
Looks like a nagger
>Named after chrischan
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you guys think Rica didnt get invited to VCR because a lot of holos are in it?
I know nijisanji forbids interaction but i dont know if holo aslo does, i know they dont care if its alt accounts.
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Could be. Pretty hard to say. We'll know soon enough because the possibility of these collabs is only gonna keep getting more common.
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>They're going all in on the antiposting against Fauna in the catalog
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There's been a very particular Faunaschizo that has been seething about Fauna for literal years now so this must be like early Christmas for him, trianglebro, not surprised he's taking advantage of the situation

And on top of that /#/ has made a lot of enemies (Including us to an extent kek) and they are huge Fauna fans, especially due to her inclination to appeal to unicornfriends. Her graduating was always gonna lead to unfathomable levels of shitposting.
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90 minutes until you all get some cakey
The BlackRock financing was just to get hold out companies on board. Even if dei gets cancelled it is still the ideology and practice of most companies in the west.
Their was a graph on new hires since COVID and 75 percent were orcs.
These are economic pogroms
how close are Doob and Lily?
jk i hate that they split between YT and twitch
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doob is still a ways off ngl
It wasn't even the race thing. It's more the sex/gender/whatever thing that's really poisoning shit. See all the legally-mandated-trannoid shit coming from California.
Thank Ame, Aqua, and now Fauna for giving us the critical mass we need. Can't wait for 2025. I bet this place will eventually be like /hlgg/classic to the soulless modern version that Cover is now pushing.
>It wasn't even the race thing

D.e.i. 100 percent includes race. It promotes hiring of orcs. I am phone posting or I would post the official designations
woa that's awesome guys you should make like /dei/ general to discuss this.
I should also bracket your mom and sister for a sex sandwich
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The one we shall not name...
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>that forehead
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Graduation exposes you to everything.

But you've never had friends like us.
It's just so weird that it's just fucking Aqua with cat ears.
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Here's what our resident schizo has been doing, by the way
His one man fear mongering campaign continues working
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And you are right.
You understand Kson's post now
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Will you buy first Sakuna's first merch right?
If you would

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Lol I'm a 30 month Sapling. I helped make this thread back in the day because I am a Delumin.
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better pic
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fairly high likelihood she will be shipping me some merch next may
Mikenekoschizos won
She's literally uploading videos again as LemonLeaf. It's fine to post about it.
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15 minutes
My condolences to you
Gura will leave too and will hang out with Fauna
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Why are you linking your own posts here falsflagger?
Next time someone bakes a new thread use this list instead:
sure why not im gonna start collecting exholo merch now lol
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Nice begin with Dickson first
Please PLEASE take acetaffy's youtube out. It bothers my autism severely. SHE DOESN'T DESERVE TWO LINKS!!!!!!
TWO LINKS!!!!!!!
probably because she streams on both from time to time i reckon. i've only watched her on youtube
Our destination schizo is working overtime... I hope he doesn't hurt himself going that hard...
idk whos who is Chris actually on this list
You may have to add Kson's Twitch in the future?
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It's real and I think we'll get more high quality asmr from her without retarded Cover managers.
i dont want asmr
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I hope she pulls a Delu and adds green or some little flowers to her remodel as a reference to her Hololife.

>Saku just colored in the blue
She is something else.
I do, I already followed her ~5 years ago because of that and Cover was holding her back.
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the blibli link is already in the youtube link. same goes for kson
Sleep tight SEA schizo. You were working extra hard.
Dooby and Leaf collab soon
Hitomi Chris is Houtou Momojiru since 2019.
There was a person who kept archives of Hitomi Chris and Houtou said that Hitomi Chris is her sister so the guy didn't believe until he heard her.

Go to her first video or stream and hear her voice
Google shows nothing corroborating this speculation, neither in English or in Japan
Sounds like a schizo theory
your meds, sir
Why google when I gave you the link?
How about I come to your house and fuck you
I know very well how misleading trying to guess connection's between people based on voice alone always bites /vt/ in the ass. It's not sufficient.
Well go to Melhod, the guy who archive Hitomi's first stream. He will tell you on Twitter message
I hope Fauna has the same mama
Let think Chris is unborn child. It's not your fault but we actually don't know about her and even know that is real rm or not.
What about the time frame between 2018 the time she got terminated and 2019 when she debuted? Would she have taken the time to find an artist and rigger for her new model since that takes a lot of time to make a live 2D?
Low possibility, her financial told otherwise and if she has that money for commission illustrator and rigger then " Hitomi Chris incident shouldn't happen in the first place"
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It should have never happened in the first place the Cover graduations caused by Management which honestly is very concerning now all leads back to their handling of Hitomi Chris.

Like I don't like doing this because it does cause anti sentiment and the talents are the ones who take the brunt of it.

>Hitomi Chris needed a computer to run everything got involved with a shady person because Cover did not provide and when she refused sex he made a scene and Chris was terminated by Cover because Cover had no support for her
>Aloe who was given permission by her manager to test her model is suspended after dedicated antis dig it up the test stream 3 two days after debut which is a death nail even if she stayed
>China Taiwan incident Management flip flops terminates enter CN Branch though there were A TON of other internal issue Spades Echo was already planning to leave due to internal bullying
>Coco graduates due to management back officing her and Cover nearly lost Towa and Kanata because of this
>Rushia's entire situation and eventual termination caused by management... though she did herself no favors
>Mel terminated for a data leak
>Fauna leaving due to disagreements with management

It's annoying because we all knew back in 2020 Cover Management was shit we have a MASSIVE LIST of grievances but graduations and terminations keep getting caused by management.
The archnemesis of Hololive may be are Hololive's managers themself..... grim
>homos in the OP
It's always been.
Honestly, they may be a bit off-topic threadwise but for the purposes of this post, they are.
Remember why Magni/Vesper left? Management.
I'm just gonna assume this >>90705537 is probably just a shitpost.
I think that the name "Aloe" is based on Grim Aloe, a character from the Bomberman (Bombergirl) series.
"Sana" is probably just an anagram of NASA.
Not sure about "Chris", but she's supposed to be a girl from the future, so it may or may not be a reference to Steins Gate. Who knows..
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>> Kson will play HoloCure

Except Kson talks about her oshi always is Haachama, I never find she want to do something with Hololive. This may be first time
She's called Aloe because it is a plant.

Everyone in Gen 5 was based on a plant

>Yukihana - Snow Flower -
>Botan - Peony
>Aloe - Aloe
>Momosuzu - Peach Blossom
>Polka - Weigela
Money on her announcing Aloe's headphones when she sees them.
this is a reach
Aloevera ... I see....
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It's not that far off honestly, they even have unique yukata's they got for their gen concert with the respect flower prints on them.
>Lamy has a flower in her hair
>Nene has literal Peach Blossoms in her hair
>Polka's dress is shaped like a Weigela
>Aloe is green
>Aloe's Yukata would have been purple-pink with green green accents for the Aloe Vera

Fate is weird.
I do genuinely wonder what that dynamic would be like
See >>90721388
I didn't know that.
By the way, I'm this anon >>90719224
Blind schizo
Gamma pl is there but you're too stupid to read the op properly
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I just want to go back.
Ok but where's the good porn
>The Hololive you once loved no longer exists
Could be Holo, could be Niji
So far the only corpo willing to touch her with a 10 foot pole is NeoPorte
Surprised that there hadn’t been anything between her and members of 774 inc. given prior connections
With the exception of Rica, trend is good so far on maintaining mama’s
The sex plant
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>The archnemesis of Hololive may be are Hololive's managers themself
Let's just say that the lyrics of Scary Monsters and Super Creeps it's based on her
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>She had a horror of rooms
>She was tired, you can't hide beat

>She could've been a killer if she didn't walk the way she do,
>and she do

>She opened strange doors that we'd never close again

>She asked for my love and I gave her a dangerous mind
No one on this board is old enough to remember Chris
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The name of the game around here is that we pretend to care
>caught the Aloevirus so bad I had to mating press a chat bot
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She had sex
How about sorting out who's who instead of just an unsorted list
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I get the song but I don't get it
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Did anons remember to spread LOVE today and not hate?
A Kson and Dooby collab would be nice
I spread my love. Hehehe.
Dooby love
>we never got another AOE2 game woth Fauna
i don't think that will happen any time soon because they're both the type that only collabs when someone invites them
maybe if they both get invited by the same person...
Why not stick Sana next to Fauna you disingenuous prick.
Lemon love
Cute lemons!
does anyone have a list of graduation dates along with reasoning for graduation?
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i can't belive it
It's such a shame they hate each other
I thought I heard they squashed the beef and it was just shondo being a bit menhera.
>Inb4 we find out Lily is actually VERY menhera and has been holding back this entire time
Can we just not adding males into the list
I had enough with them before
We are working on it.

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