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Last thread: >>90764810
Rio guitar stream
Izuru: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQsqRPCXbMI
Aruran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsEN_vmdE3M
Astel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IwTVsJ--IQ
Roberu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw3L1k2MTBs
Shien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycyZ_Fzhssw
Oga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYrW17PQPFU
Fuma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biiAusPSaVs
Uyu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2j0yF7fnQA
Where Robe go?
Since the thread was dead when it premiered, Astel DOGLAND cover
There really is only one anon.
Oga accidentally entered Shien’s VC
New stream once the server goes back up.
stewpid question but do jp stars interact with en at all? do they collab sometimes?
I like this developing bromance between Majin and Marutake
did Majin just get a womb tattoo?
https://youtu.be/ZVyivzdXbbE - Roberu
https://youtu.be/zNZeQmiwJQY - Rio
Someone should write a book on how fuma went from being the most popular male vtuber ever to barely getting 100 viewers in holostars
Majin really does get too focused on playing dress-up
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Someone should write a book on how aruran went from being the coolest ojisan vtuber ever to being a annoying fuccboi
He's too cute.
They exchange messages during birthday/anniversary celebrations and such. They do collab from time to time (mainly fps streams), the main problem is the language barrier. They still like to hang out with them and go out to eat whenever EN gets to visit JP.
It was a different time. He is also quite literally not playing the same character.
This is really good.
>spending an hour on customization to get a Terry Bogard outfit
holy autism
Someone should write a book on how Temma is not so boring in his another account
someone should write a book on how anons are faggots who don't watch streams
I’ve been watching bossu work at the cat cafe and talk to other people buying food the entire time
You should watch green dinosaur more angry kishimen san
i like hot anime boys not gross fatty fleshies
That's what I'm doing in this moment
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Can someone tell me why does Majin still have this message on his screen? I thought it would have been gone by the 2nd day, it's triggering me.
anons watch streams there is simply very little reason to livepost or put effort into maintaining the thread here.
Someone should write a book where Oga cucks Mea by having a passionate homosexual coitus with Roberu and she is equally heartbroken and turned on by it, being a fujoshi that she is. Please. I would love to read it.
Scripted and not scripted.
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The medic team is at the amusement park. I was expecting Roberu to freak out more, I guess not since it's just in game.
Every time I check in on Aruran there's some goofy shit going on.
Arusan was tagging along with a police during a chase and the cop car ran out of gas
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I've been enjoying the civ stuff more than the crim/police
Oga has let his inner hermit take over and he just wants to ride around and be Terry now. Ah well it's good to have some alone time too in server this big I guess
Why does Roberu get hit on by every girl on the server?
trying to fuck girls is the only reason roberu joins
Checked out Uyu and he's just silently fishing
It would be one thing if he was chatting about things while doing it but...it's mostly just dead air...
But the girls are the ones that hitting him
Just cause the girls are the ones throwing themselves at him doesn't change the fact that he's only there to mingle with girls.
Oga already called him out for flirting right away (and that happened after he just walked away from Oga without chatting kek).
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Izuru scares me
Roberu so weak
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how can you be scared of izuru. he's just a little guy. the only reason to be afraid of him is if you're a bug or a fish.
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I still giggle every time i look at this image
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Why Astel character looks like a fat lesbian?
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Flower Schedule
>Flower splatoon
Nice, it's been a while.
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I think Gyaru Aruran is actually an interesting concept
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Creatura love.
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>Oga is recruited to the girls bar and looks around his new work location
>Izuru is also there chilling with a friend at the counter audibly yearning for a guy cosplaying who is called Gardevoir Mama
>Oga slowly and awkwardly removes himself from the counter
It was like seeing Oga's purity being tainted in that moment...
I like Astel
Fight Song bump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aZNNQ4leD0
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the one anon in this thread better keep bumping it
KEK. I wonder if he saw it as an unknown side of a little brother.
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What is he planning...?
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You gotta spoiler that, anon.
Sex with those brats oh and that guy too, I guess
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He’s lonely
Fuma was the only one who no one shared what he was doing in VCR...
Why are his eyes glowing?
AsuRobe GTA clip
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I never take any EN skewed polls seriously.
Oh yeah, fair.
What has he been doing in VCR?
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1st Short is out! Spot the difference...
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Th-That's it?
I haven't watched his POV but by coincidence I came across an info graph for everyone's roles and it seems he's a medic.
Killed my (admittedly already low) hype
Is this what receiving coal for present feels like
Temma SF6
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Reminds me of this thread.
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Man, I was expecting something more than just merch and some lame shorts when they posted those visuals last month…
99% of the themed visuals they get are precisely just for merch.
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Temma looks a lot like this
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Temma is the cutest dog.
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The next short will have more than 3 minutes of effort put into it, right guys?
I almost want to laugh out of disappointment
https://youtu.be/NI2i5g5Uz7U - Izuru
https://youtu.be/a_sbCzp460o - Aruran
https://youtu.be/Db4i2NQH3QU - Roberu
https://youtu.be/c4lmY2d2uko - Fuma
https://youtu.be/kiDNUOCwQnU - Uyu
https://youtu.be/ArEge-WKvE0 - Rio
>temma's rm gets asked to do lords mobile sponsored streams with viewers
>Temma gets asked to do lords mobile sponsored streams with viewers
>he refuses and says sorry for it on stream today
Astel ??? Cover Premiere
>Temma rm is not boring
>Temma is boring
I won't be surprised if he decides to graduate in around a year.
Regardless of your off-topic post the game is fucking ass and nothing of value was lost.
Amber Colored City, The Morning of The Shanghai Crab by Quruli, not that anyone does
Maybe there are reasons viewers don't know. He did Eggy Party though.
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There are six, about to be seven, streams live, and you retards are talking about off-topic shit.
Nice cover.
To be fair watching GTA streams live is a time sink and it's better to wait for clips of good moments.
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Didn't realize it had been a full year since his last solo covers, the heavy mixing for it is interesting
Are Astel's covers the first Holostars JP covers in almost 6 months? I didn't quite keep up since the anniversary live.
no? izuru dropped a cover for his birthday (three, if you count the menshi and rin cover of laika) plus traffic jam last month. rikka dropped ao no sumika on the 1st of October, also had a duet with yusuke.
aruran bling-bang-bang-born in august
fuma dropped one for his birthday in july
Then this list is just dead then alright. Thank you!
>Izuru asks for opinion on his gang outfit
>gets called an NPC by the girl he asks
>heartbroken because he genuinely picked things he thought would look cool
This poor child...
He also seems to get rejected by girls…
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New cover from Rio tomorrow.
Astel needs to buy a better fucking car. This piece of shit wagon's top speed is annoying the fuck out of me.
He took Ramune hostage yesterday, and not in the handsome dom daddy way, but in the sweaty old man way...
Inshallah the gods have answered. I hope it's stuck in that property.
timestamp please
A little bit before it happened.
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Thanks anon
Miyabi Kusodeka Bayashi
>immediately dies of thirst
Fuma came to save him.
fuma revived him by performing cpr on his dick
im so fucking jealous...
This dumb Seaweed went straight into GTA without fixing the title and thumbnail. Nice though.
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>a hoodie you can wear your nuis as accessories
That's some neat merch although I'd worry about them falling off and losing them.
>Info about holoexpo2025 is out
>Detailed description of the hololive stages and events
>0, literally nothing about holostars
I’m surprised but not surprised at the same time, how do you describe this feeling?
Wasn't it like that last year too? I remember anons complaining about the same thing for some reason.
>movie producer arc
Around this time last year, we got silhouettes of Rio and Shinri and info about ichi oshi talk. More info wasn't until a little later with an official stream iirc
Rikka SF6
mf bought the same fucking van again kill me
I guess it's a given with whatever is going on with management. I am personally not so upset about it since I never cared about it but it'd suck if it means there will be no more ichi oshi talk for the boys.
>it'd suck if it means there will be no more ichi oshi talk for the boys.
I mean, they could just go back to making it an entirely separate event at a separate date and venue like they did before
Marutake recruited Inui so I hope the Happy cafe will get a bit more lively. Oga also said he's interested in becoming Marutake's desciple as in wanting to take a movie himself.
I wonder if maybe that's the case. It would be better for Starmin if they didn't have to fight for tickets vs Holofans just for the chance to talk to their oshi.
dead thread
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I feel like if my jap reps were better I'd appreciate the word game Astel and co and playing a bit more.
They've just been laughing for hours and I don't get it.
Yep. Stars getting added like an afterthought to things like maps has been constant theme in holoexpo. Except when they decide to make group pics of all the talents that everyone besides extreme unityfags hate. Then they're either awkwardly on the sides or in the background selling ice cream or whatever it was suntempo was drawn to do last year. For the sake of fans who are doing travel plans for holoexpo for stars cover should be way more transparent about their involvement in this
>NARUTO!!! (Rasengan)
>SASUKE!!! (chidori)
>robechan called uyu
he loves him
Last time I posted about Astel' streams here, others complained we were overtaking the thread so I'm just watching quietly now
I'd like it if you posted about his streams or whoever, don't listen to retards. I always try to post myself but I'm always asleep or at work when he's live.
Oga is full in creative mode now. I am glad he found something to pour his passion into this VCR.
I've been working my ass off doing JP reps this and last year so I could stop posting here and directly comment in his chat outside of copy pasting greetings, I'm happier with that.
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Izuru became a cow...
Yeah. I'd like him to mingle with others more since networking is so important in this job and chance like this rarely comes by but seeing him have fun on his own is why he became my oshi in the first place. I'm happy he's enjoying himself.
How many times Fuma been a hostage today?
poor fuma was partially sticking out of the car...
Too many people in medic desu. Hopefully many will quit soon.
Last year medic collapse arc was kino
It's Fuma, he's just so bullyable.
They really love playing GTA the whole day
I think my brain is melting from watching Uyu fish so much
Yup. At least now the server goes down for a few hours so people are forced to take breaks.
>Robe is the only male again
Where's Fuma?
KEK, Rio's such a bad driver.
Roberu and Fuma are on their way to save Rio.
Oga GTA clip
>he's enjoying himself.
I miss Ritunes Labo...
We still haven't gotten that Rio RiTunes Labo...
I thought the server ending at 6am?
The severs opened later than usual, so I guess they'll close later too.
>Runa is now seducing the father after Gan chan is gone
She really is a damn succubus
Ganchan would never touch that whore.
>it's better to wait for clips of good moments.
Is there any recap clips like this but for other stars?
Not quite the same, but I noticed that Yukio (Yauji) uploaded a clip featuring Izuru
>i got the title of professional hostage
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smug brat
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Shien confirmed pov for tonight
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