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The Cutie Scarlet Queen Edition


>Timetable / Schedule:

>Next Live:

>Previous Archived Live:

>Unarchived Karaoke:
18 total

>Archived Karaoke:
https://youtu.be/T68MKhkRS-g (Monetisation celebration)


>Group Songs

>Shorts Covers

>【DEBUT】Ello Ello Ello~! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice


#BloodflameLive #BloodflameArt #BFKingdom

>OP Template

Previous thread: >>90592012

Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me 'Liz
God save the Queen
Simple as.
Schedule TBA
Confirmed appearance:
Justice + others tour of HoloEN Minecraft server, Sat 11:59pm BST
Possible appearance:
Gigi LoL Collab, Fri 8pm BST
God save the Queen
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Liz doko
My ERBium supply runs low
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No streams this week*
* it came to me in a dream
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I miss my bri'ish wife
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Same, same
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Liz and Roboco cute as usual
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need me a deck of cards with this
Queen Liz, King Raora, Jack CC and Joker GG
would you look at that, its Blackbird o'clock
Liz needs to be permanently stuck in this form from now on
One of my favorite hours of the day
I hope we made enough noise, so that she knows we love that model
I think she likes it too, just depends on how often she can get VRchat. This month is going to be pretty hectic considering double karaoke appearance at conventions, Hong Kong event and whatever they have planned for the Justice 6 months anniversary
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True, happy for her that things are staying busy tho. Good for the fans who are going to Cons too !
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Missing Liz
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Xmas voice pack is out. Liz pretending to be Santa. Even if you don't buy it, the preview is pretty funny.
Christmas came early lmao
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can't wait till 2037 for the liz figma
iirc she said during the recent unarchived or the rewind that she was planning another VR karaoke. Also some kind of radio(?) for christmas.
Which con are the karaokes at?
Its during the world tour at the Atlanta, and Malaysia. Not sure what the exact dates are, but the range is Dec 12-15 and Dec 21-22
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Both of them will also be bloodraven karaoke
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I knew Rissa could not resist, she's pretty nerdy about the things Liz used to get in to as well. It should be good eating for everyone involved !
so GMT-5 and GMT+8. Her being awake at like 2am GMT makes sense then if she's adjusting her sleep schedule for those
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Queen is working hard, but I hope she still has enough time to grace us with her presence. I miss her.
the recent guerilla stream was a good treat tho
was pleasantly surprised!
She is a sweetheart
That absolutely won me over.
it was incredibly sweet of her
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Another artist releasing a book at comiket with Liz in it
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really nice piece !

I pray someone makes a dakimakura of a muscular/toned Liz
Would be sweet
That would be most welcome !
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POV: Candlelit sausage-rolls dinner and coke zero
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Liz is cute.
It always is somewhere!
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person does cute claymation-esque animations. I should watch Wallace and Gromit again
Good time to rewatch them all
new one comes out this month
Vengeance Most Fowl
Also loved Fantastic Mr Fox
Cute style too
I had no idea there were new ones past the 90s...
She sure is
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Liz should sing this
Low low low
kino mash ngl, I say yes
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Does Liz suffer from...heartburn?
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Check out her range
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New art by Liz, not sure if this is the one she was working on during the unarchived stream
Looking forward to more...wait does Liz/GG have a pairing name? Flamefister?
Pretty sure Bloodraven is the only collab name she has. Although Killer Queen and Code Red are used, I don't think its really set yet.
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Isn't that the mid-boss in Diablo2?
Yeah, I think its also a faction in Warhammer
>New art by Liz, not sure if this is the one she was working on during the unarchived stream
I don't think so, likely inspired by that stream tho
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Well, Liz is both cute and funny.
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NTA but you are correct.
Queen today?
I believe
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Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?
Calm down Fubuking, but I agree
I keep seeing fanart of Liz with dog ears, or drawn as a wolf. What stream was that? What did I miss?
She had an unarchived chatting stream, where she did homework while chatting some time after Fauna's graduation announcement, its where this soundpost is from. I think she ended up being the only person to stream during that time until Raora's stream the day after, so people just vibed there after the news. Liz was wearing wolf ears during that stream. Here's a link for the full stream is you want to watch.
> unarchived
Yeah, figured so. Thanks for the link.
Love the pose
> I should watch Wallace and Gromit again
A new one just came out on Netflix if you haven't seen it yet
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Imagine if the duet Liz talked about was with Korone and a tokusatsu song
so cute
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>supports trannies
no thanks
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Certainly would be hype lol. Would love to see them collab even outside of song too
The jacket on wunny Liz is so cute
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Liz is so cool. A dragon, a wolf, a lion, a queen, a dork.
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I am starting to think Liz's real power is not just those flames but the ability to shapshift into anything.
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Don't forget skeleton
Truly frightening.
I really like the concept of pulling her sword from the flame. Looks cool
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She even knows how to throw fire
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I want to take Liz out on a date
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We back baby. Karaoke in an hour and a half (she still has the US times wrong kek)
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Frame is up
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More Xmas songs
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my ears are ready
How many Christmas songs are there lol
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Patiently waiting for the stream to start
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Starting soon!
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Kitty on stream
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Liz on the Telly!
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>says her goal is to sing with every Holo
>doesn't even try to sing with those leaving before they depart
Shachou in chat as usual
It's interesting how... CC, I think, had some troubles with her rig in VRChat and she was like "I should call Liz for help, she's a VRChat God!"
I believe her. I can't wait for her to get a proper 3d model.
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Oh yeah this is a real good one
I've been too busy to catch the last few streams
I forgot how beautiful Liz's voice is
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Stay hydrated with that coke zero
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Man, these lyrics make Santa sound like such a creep
Damn, she's going up high for those notes
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I think I just heard new cover next week
I want Liz to pop out of a cake and sing happy birthday to me like I was jfk
Her Elvis impression is pretty good lol
I had the Justice liar's bar in the background and her bunny impressions got me hard everytime. Her range is too good.
Minto hanging out in chat
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>Wanna be next to you, Mint
Holy moly
She's so damn good at this song, holy fuck
My heart.... holy heck Liz
I agree with chat, she should sing Snake Eater in Mint's honor some day. That would be a great fit for her voice too.
Pretty sure that's a perms issue, she talked about it with Mori on Holomelo before
So great on just winging it for the first time.
Is stream lagging or is my internet just shit?
Your internet, no issues on my end
Streams been fine for me the whole time, in the US so maybe its a regional thing
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my mood rn
Christmas came early
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>Coming Up
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This woman is too gay.
Ngl, I always got rock hard when I hear Shakira sing that song. And hearing Liz sing it, give to me the weirdest boner because I think of Liz as a cool auntie and not as a sexual auntie.
This is a great Christmas (?) setlist
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Flawlessly transitioning from Metal to Opera. Amazing
god I love when she does Scarborough Fair
she is singing my favorite songs, she loves me
Scottish Grandpa, Irish Grandma?
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Always nice to hear Liz singing musical songs
her singing really is something else damn
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I should really pay better attention to timetables. I missed the first hour. Regardless, antenna up!
Lol noice
I love this goofball so much
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Anal queen
all good fellow Rosarian, the record button is glowing red
She only posted the schedule an hour and half before the stream so its understandable lol. Rebroadcast at normal 10 am BST tomorrow though
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Nooooo! I was gonna post that later while trying to lower the antenna.
I think Liz and Nerissa should do a Hamilton karaoke where they sing all Burr-Hamilton songs.
Don't give me hope anon...
that Phillip? me
I would be absolutely shocked if they don't have a off collab karaoke during Japan arc
It was basically a guerilla
I have seen Hamilton in the west end 3 times
and I will see it again
Is King George the protagonist over there
Liz please concentrate on the stream.
I just realized her left ear is folded like that because it's following the line of her giant ahoge
I would be happy with any duet stream.
But I'd be even happier with a trio adding IRyS.
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Eww cooties
Valley Liz my beloved
IRyS is not into musicals, unfortunately, but I'd love to hear that trio singing anything too.
As Liz' Japanese improves, we could one day see a good duet, there are several songs that would work with their voices imo, but perms? I have no clue about
Her VA chops are really shining through on the musical content
Love it !
southern liz makes me feel things
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Lol, cute Shachou
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luv the Queen,
luv the music,
simple as.
I was not expecting her Dolly to be that good, hope we get more in the future
Oh no its ending soon
This song is just "Umbrella".
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Gimma a Hallelujah again please it's so pretty
She was just playing the song I think, she said she needed ro learn it later
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She's rizzing it up
I'm Santa btw
she's got my heart in the palm of her hand jesus
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noo...don't go...don't leave me..
Presents coming next week? Looking forward to it
Agniz, my beloved
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>actually got to send a coloured message in chat for the first time since she's the first time I've ever been a member for someone
Feels nice
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She will see it and digest it during SC readings
And you will make her feel good about your support
Happy Holidays Rosarian
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Liz gone
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I want to hear her sing Hallelujah again, curse the fact these streams have to be unarchived
What a great stream, thanks for the hangout gang !
It was a pleasure, man.
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wonderful karaoke, as always! good night
Yeah it was great
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Good night!
Question to the class:

Is her gigantic ahoge capable of load bearing? Do you think GG could dangle from it safely? How springy do you think it is?
Shachou figured it out. Also Liz retweeting his posts lol
I know for a fact that Gigi is able to scale buildings with ease thanks to her claws and tail, but Ceci does indeed use Liz' ahoge to get up facades quickly. The training with Vietnam's special forces was worth it:
I'm honestly afraid to think about which of the two did that training. Let alone thinking about how much denser CC is compared to all the other justice members.
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Her increased mass is also what makes her a terrifying breacher. She can smash down the door and anything you break on her, can be replaced.
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Her ahoge is strong enough to function as a seatbelt for Raora, so I assume GG would be fine too.
Source: Justice Watchalong - Cabin in the Woods, ~15:27-15:52.
Full Context: "Justice in the Woods. Who would die first?"~12:00-16:00.

I'm not sure about its springiness.
Now I imagining Liz lowering Gigi through a field of lasers
Mission Impossible style
Thank you for the timestamp and research. Doing the good work

Very on brand for the flavor of crooked/kooky cop that Justice is rooted in
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Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
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Creative ahoge use
Delilah how could you !
Really hard to come to terms with the fact I finally found an oshi in holo but she always streams when I'm asleep
I feel you, was watching mostly JPs when first getting into chuubas. Staying up late on weekends to catch a LIVE has not gotten easier with age...
At least this makes Liz and Shiori the perfect adversaries; The Archiver doesn't have much to archive
Now that you say it, that is actually a great lore contrast - Liz is elusive and has a small file
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