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A thread to talk about ex-hololive members


Previous thread: >>90782359
Mikeneko is joining another corpo
Schizobros always win
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Lemonleaf is following this guy
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Remember to spread LOVE, not hate!!!!!!
Will do!
i LOVE Fauna
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You'll have an easier time baiting /#/ with this absolute nothingburger, friend.
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doobs should spread her legs
didn't mean to sage cut me some slack
I actually found it in an archived numbers thread.
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Reposting from last thread
Stop taking about males here
We deleted their shit from the OP pasta for a good reason
Stop polluting my general with your off-topic trash
Next thread will add them just to spite you
Don't care
YOUR general? Who are you Pontius Pilate?
Should I get into Shiori y/n?
Not and xholo. Kill yourself, faggot.
While I do agree with you, why are you putting chinks in the OP? Nobody even watched these bitches during their time.
And to think this thread claims they don't enforce their will upon others and forcefully claim the core discussions of ex-holos as exclusively their own. Get off your fucking high horse you dipshit.
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" Coco ! Where are you? I miss you."

God damn... My kokoro..........
Let's settle this democratically
Sonchou HoloCure in 10 minutes!
Voted yes to fags but no to zhangs
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Actual Previous thread>>90791574
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Haachama finishes Holocure stream when Kson starts stream Holocure beautifully.

literally hive mind
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>Haachama picked Ame
>Kson picked Ame

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Fucking kino
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It's like 2022
Voted no to fags but yes to zhangs
If i wanted to watch fags then i can literally go to /Mans/ or /orc/ now fuck off
Based and glorious
Is Kson always this cute?
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>> Aka-chan princess nonora
>> understand cute is justice meme
>> calls her " Hime-sama" likes an old time.
>> Luna's UNNNnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa

It's like I come back to 2020 - 2021.....
i kinda miss the asacoco episodes where coco had luna teaching swear words in english lol
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>>If you ask me which generation I'm rooting for, it's the 4th generation. I was totally hooked on Hololive at that time.
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>> Good Morning Mother Fucker !
>> Super Chatto Time!
>> Micky Mouse voice

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She also watch her now

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let me join you
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>Coco entering the Holohouse
>welcome back

When anon cries....
>Kson is usually a mid-low 4 view/ high 3 view
>16k currently watching
how do you explain this phenomenon?
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this stream makes me feel things i don;t wan't to feel...
nostalgia, about 15k holofans remember and miss the good old days
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Of cource.... It's love.... they just remember their love again and we may be witness a miracle now.
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>her items so far are her closest friends
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The magic of Hololive
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they are all here
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i dont remember her model being this stiff.
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>> She loves them.
will a miracle happen?
>> Year of Dragon
>> 4th Generation concert

I really don't know but I will throw my wallet for that.
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Dont trust the pink woman. She evil
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Fubuzilla Vs True dragon form Coco

Dai Kaiju senso starts !
Just came back from work. How was the stream so far? What did I miss?
Is ksons normal streaming voice different from Coco voice?
Not difference much
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>pink woman
>green woman leaves hololive
>becomes pink woman
>is revealed to be a crazy psycho
will it happen again?
a kino stream
I'm already watching m8. What I meant is how was the first 2 hours
Why Pontius Pilate of all figures?
>Pink Woman leaves Hololive
>becomes Green
>is revealed to be sweet cinnamon roll
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Kanata is the only one she didn't unlock
i will never forgive nijiniggers
>Holocure comes out
>Ame is shit to play as
>Towa likes FPS too
>be afraid Kay yu will just make an Ame clone
>4th gen is out!
>Towa is just stronger Ame
kay yu is a hack without imagination.
Who said this?
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No matter how much of a fucking retarded numbermonkey you are, there's literally no explanation on how kson's numbers work. She will always be relevant in the eyes of holodrones.
She is laughing so much about Gorilla angel skill
>coco is playable
maybe its time i finally give holocure a try
rule of gacha: starters usually suck so you have to roll for good ones
im complaining about Towa being an ame clone thus shit to play, shes just a lot stronger than Ame but the playstyle is still ass.
she did it
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Kanata with Dragon breath and Micomet

Kino ending
>> Super Chatto Time Lv 5
wait… rushia aint in holocure?!?
owari da
She'd have found something in her skills to sue Kay Yu for
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miguel gato is a nuclear grade walking yab.
You Holokeks own fault. Yabadabadooo kekarrooooo funnyroooooo.
Unfortunately she isn't, Kay Yu did a whole beat around the bush that there was an elephant in the room that he would not directly address and knew that regardless of his decision there would be people disappointed on either side so chose what he felt was best.

I think it boiled down to he didn't want streamers to avoid the game due to awkward reactions if Rushia appeared (for a similar and smaller scale equivalent, see Flare and the Clownfish patch)
its funny but i believe you
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Today was a good day
Kay Yu doesn't want the holos to ignore the game because Rushia is banned from being mentioned or appearing in holo streams.
Skill issue and Ame can stop time both melt bosses
is this true?
This day really is bless day.
I don't care about Rushia, when is kay Yu going to add the CN branch to holocure?
Anon come on now.
Logical answer and true
look at Flare and Fish situation and it's very bigger scale.
This is even a worse idea than adding Rushia to the game.
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Pink attack !
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Catching the VOD now. She thought she wouldn't get Dragon Fire, and managed to get it MOMENTS before Smol Ame showed up. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was scripted, but in fact it was kino.
sorry for being unaware but whats the fish situation about ?
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Coco Simps. Welcome home.
Just add Gen 1 and we good.
I would love to see someone do a fan /xhlgg/ invasion reskin.
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Didn't ask.
wait really? which one?
Flare has a phobia of clownfish, so Kay Yu removed them from the game for her when she tweetwed she said she couldn't do the fishing minigame because of it
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I think a reskin wouldn't be enough, the abilities are very unique to each character
We don't know yet
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That was a fun VOD.
isn't she already in 799 or whatever that name is with a different model?
i desperately need to eat Lemonleaf's cunny
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What kind of emotion she wants to convery when playing only gen4 despite being the one who broke the kiseki knot?
She seem so happy and nostalgic yet you feel something is wrong deep down.
didn't she leave when the divorce drama happened?
It's going to be 4 years soon.
This is the 3rd time she's joined a corpo. What else is fucking new?
actually it would be the 4th
holo > vshojo > that VA one > whatever this is
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You forgot she joined NotWactor. She literally has an existing vtuber persona there.
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she joined 910inc after the VA one like 5 months ago
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damn that girl gets around
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She is so retardedly good at being the villain of Vtubing. I can't hate her. Like hate her for which infraction exactly?! This girl could lie about having cancer and walk it off at this point.
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didn't she have to be hospitalized of literal butthurt? some kinda colon rupture or something?
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>The internet
she's a shark. she has deep connection. she's been around the jp entertainment industry for over 25 years. she used to be on old ass jp tv as guest.
>couldn't win a fight against a Triangle
>after the fight Delu suddently started getting more collab requests and convention appearances
I want to be sandwiched between Lily and Shondo's naked bodies
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are they still friends?

who are supposed to be these 3? Im assuming that notnamie is sana but im not sure about the other 2
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LOVE status?
Dooby Love.
There were even 2 more before hololive (though one of them might not be a real corpo)
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Wait I'm confused, which channel is the real one?

both are, and she also has a twitch. her main content was ASMR in the past so that was the "main channel", but since coming back activity has been on the side channel
Oh my god this is so good

You don't need to know who the other two are. They're completely irrelevant.
Spades Echo former Holo CN memba.
https://space.bilibili.com/1926156228/ is Civia
Ace Taffy is Spade Echo
Told you her indie asmr was amazing.
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who likes Fauna but hates ASMR. I hope she doesn't go back to it
Then just skip it and let the rest of us enjoy it.
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Nah, I'm with you
that's literally the reason I watch vtubers, so I have something to listen to while I'm working or doing other things. ASMR is perfect.
ASMR would be super distracting when you're trying to work
speak for yourself
I also listen to ASMR while I work, but mostly object sounds, mostly no voices, and certainly not the weird coombait softcore erotic audio that some people seem to think is "ASMR".
If there are voices, I mostly want them in a language I don't understand.
It's especially annoying with Fauna cause she is very witty and funny. ASMR removes all that.
I think there is a bit of doomposting here.

Before Hololive she pretty much only had ASMR to get her noticed. I think with Hololive she's developed confidence and a large enough fanbase to not have to rely solely on ASMR. That said women fucking love performing ASMR.
Me too bro. I'm here for the yapping
I selfishly hope Gura and Mumei go /xhlgg/ as well because I want Fauna to continue collabing with them. I'm sorry for being a bad person.
same desu[/desu]
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To feel that way isn't wrong. Letting it consume you and motivate you is though. I've seen people tie themselves into pretzels over this stuff. Some Delumin went crazy and borderline anti in the past.
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>Not doing work with an earlicking ASMR playing in your headphones
I don't care for ASMR. I just feel nothing from it. Fauna is cute though.
I also want to put my seed inside fauna
Dooby Fauna soon
She did do an ASMR shitpost on her channel as one of her 3 comeback videos, tho
So I think there's decent odds she is going to do some ASMR with the $10k asmr mic that she owns
Yes... and do you think 100% of her content will be ASMR?
no one is saying that
Of course not
That's silly
Why are you posting him? That account is from 2020 and he was surely active befoge Cover hired him.
Or does he show signs of returning as an indie?
She is following some 500 people and followed how before she joined hololive.
Sorry to burst your bubble, and besides, you have a junch of other indies she is following.
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Then relax you guys are just stressed from the announcement.
same...it is crazy how I went from desperately wanting Gura to stay in Hololive to hoping that she also leaves over the span of like one day...
I do want them to graduate if only to stream with Fauna but I absolutely do not want them in this thread. I don't even want Fauna here.
I like their own generals and prefer them independently.
Well unfortunately you have no real control over any of those things.
Yes not Hololive. I know it can be confusing.
it's not like she is going to start streaming every day if she graduates you know
I mean, their own generals will be the place to go.
Like, who uses this place to discuss dooby when she has one of the faster generals when she streams?
You don't make the rules here
Board no. But in this general we do.
i know but it isn't about that.
if she stays in hololive she can't/won't collab with Fauna but if she leaves there is at least the chance for it.
don't engage with the retard trying to derail this thread with homoshit again, he has no life and won't go away if you give him attention
That's the thing once you go indie you get flung to the board. Dooby has her own General, /xhlgg/ and /big/.

Delu and Rica could both be in /lig/.

Kson has her own general as well as the Vshoujo generals.

The problem is you've been in the Holobox so long you don't know.how the rest of this board works.
Well the fact is we do make the rules and last time it was put to vote it was pretty unanimously no Holostars.

This is a case of tyranny of the minority. Trying to insist the masses agree with his fringe ideals and philosophy. I'm not responding to him I am responding to the audacity of him insisting he is in charge in any way shape or form.

This is a coalition of the willing!
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fair enough
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>last time it was put to vote it was pretty unanimously no Holostars.
Do you know how to count shitposter kun?

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