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Welcome to V&U + Korean VTubers General, a thread for discussion of Virtual & Universe, as well as other Korean VTubers.

>V&U Website: https://vnuentertain.com/
>V&U Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/VNUofficial
>V&U Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@VNUEntertain
>V&U Schedules:

Symphoria Original Song "Crown US":
Solstice Original Song "Wild Things":
Gens 1-3 Original Song "We Are Traveling":
Song Cover Playlist:

>What does V&U stand for?:
V&U stands for "Virtual and Universe." It also means "VTuber and You." V&U is an agency that operates in South Korea, but their talents are encouraged to speak English. They are not limited to speaking Korean and Japanese.
>V&U Members and links: https://pastebin.com/qt2RxQxu
>V&U Fanfics, Fan websites, and other fun stuff: https://pastebin.com/Uc1KjwW8

>Info about Korean Vtubers, English-speaking KR Vtubers, Korean language learning materials (Edit Code: kr): https://rentry.org/kr_general
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Previous thread: >>91109976
Ciccino is still live doing rigging https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_vjsQ2SInE
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I love my girlfriend Cerenity Cosmica
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Liora I love you.
shut up tomoya
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And don't forget the jorkler
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She needs to whack my mole with her thighs.
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I thought she was black
Actually I'm watching her now and she's really sweet and cute. I kinda forgot that she existed but she's become the cute shy meerkat gf I was always hoping for.
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I always discourage fleshposting and say I don't want it, but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy this
I hate fleshposting too yet seeing Ciccino's thighs altered my brain chemistry.
why did she remove the post after a few minutes? Most of you would never have seen it.
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Staff will bonk them.
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I posted this.
I’m pretty sure she’s mixed
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DK got a german girlfriend
DK so desperate, she has to drug herself at twitchcon
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She's come so far
she thought it was too sexy and was going to post another one later
this was a donothon reward
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Mibi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjAQimF9mw4
I blame D.K for starting the trend
DK is the goddess of fertility
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DK is pregnant.
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Mivi should play Eternal Darkness
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I want to lick her thighs so much that my tongue loses its taste buds.
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tomo soon?
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Koko drawing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnP1gfHmx0A
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tomo time!
Chumomi Churaya
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Tomo in the void
my magic worked - tomomi has been cast into the void
>tomomi likes men
yeah, me
>Otacon's handsome and faithful
>but I prefer when, nevermind
being unfaithful to Tomomi to make her like me
wet sloppy tomo kisses
so this game is about becoming a manwhore to kiss a whore?
She's played mgs?
it doesn't matter since tomomi is going to drop it like every single game she plays
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It's called the hero's journey
half life
vnu girls dont accept tomomi's retard pass...
the first one? lmao
How many times do I need to cum to Liora until she notices me
>who wants to touch me
Keep it cummin'
Same but with Meeta. I think I would have to send her a cum tribute
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kissing zebi
Zebi got NTRd
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tomomi is my onahole
tomomi is my best girl
so given what's going on behind the scenes, how many months do we have?
tree fiddy
Honestly, we probably only have the rest of the month.
I'd look into Tomomi's hole
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tomomi kissed a random old man
For only 120 yen, Tomomi's sweet lips can be yours
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Chug bleach, dramanigger. You’ve been trying to shit up the thread for months now
tomomi kissed the barrel
Yeah, me.
starting to get a bit sensitive now that reality is staring you in the face i see
In regards to the Liora stream, I think she said before she didn't feel comfortable streaming with dudes so I was confused.

but on the other I know some of her actual friends IRL are dudes so I'm not very shocked. has she elaborated at all?
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girl kisser
tfw no goblin in glasses to chu
Ignore the schizo
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Bawss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5_GfzfuxIE
For the record I hope she doesn't make mixed gender group streams a thing, or worse solo male collabs.
Yes, yes, PL-kun, V&U’s gonna disappear any minute now, just like you last month, the month before that, and the month before that one. KYS
inspecting tomomi's holes
she's no longer invested in the liora persona, what she does doesn't matter any more.
none of them are invested, really. and it's easy to understand why.
It matters to me. I like the male free experience. She's the only boy I want to look at
Giving Kokone my Kocum
well it matters to the viewers, I doubt people would follow her to her next life if she's spamming male collabs
grand archive sponsor
no shit she's going to play
>taking whatever the doomfagging dramanigger says seriously
Come on, man
just don't see why she couldn't pull Kokone and Nova instead of resorting to this
maybe watch streams
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I wouldn't have so much beef with this collab if it wasn't for the fact she had visited Kokone in person twice this year and never gave us an off collab stream.
Don't worry this company is the worst at providing offcollab content.
Look at the korea visits or Misma's promise to stream 2 times a week while there.
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>Look at the korea visits
I jorked my penor to the last one
>worst at providing offcollab content
unless it's with males i guess
Yeah me
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thinking about tomomi
tomo doesnt know that i already wake up at 3 am to watch her be cute and silly
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https://youtu.be/ELr7O1q8sZM Lilpa and Burger
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부가 ㅠㅠ
PLEASE don't make this a habit, Liora...
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she's not sorry, it will happen again
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this is the start of her feminist arc
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SEX with Meeta
We know, Meetaposter
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Tomomi should play Shogo
Tomomi should assemble a 486 with an SVGA card, SoundBlaster, CD-ROM drive, 3d accelerator, floppy drive, and 14.4K modem, serial mouse, then install DOS 5 on it, set up boot disks with individually tailored config.sys/autoexec.bat files for each game with different EMM366/HIMEM.SYS/FILES=/IRQ settings etc, and then explain the differences between expanded memory and extended memory and DPMS and DPMI without looking it up.
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a man on his mid 40s wrote this
so one of her younger fans?
tomomi doesn't have young fans
I would say late 30s is probably the youngest
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she's my wife and im a zoomer
40s isn't even THAT old for a guy
You see 45 year old men with 18-22 year old girls all the time
cute cope grandpa
where can I learn more about this?
'Archive of our own', and probably look up v&u
>8 streams in the last 30 days
I miss Cerenity..........
NTA but kek
what the fuck
If only she was flat
Ghost tits been playing Infinity Nikki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icV1Dp1AztE
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Zoomer sickday
Being Maeve doctor and making her get a shot in the butt even though we could have done it in the arm
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>he wouldn’t fondle bnuuy’s bnuuys
pleasantly surprised to see her back on Youtube earlier
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Mivi playing BG3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOEaG3nZhV4
Rowa yapping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oUhXtSaNug
Rowa is edgy
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Time to masturbate
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Kissing Rowa…
Liora cum
Amoria's so funny
oh yeah well MY tomomi is cute AND funny
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I masturbated btw.
very nice
Nice nails
Cyon's been going

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