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Okayu: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCKnvC2XMqiXatNTK0N50LqA
Korone: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCsfHkc4iFBGmfFGRS8M5YHQ


>Latest song releases


>previous thread
What's your favorite Okayu stream this month?
What's your favorite Korone stream this month?
personally i loved all of dog’s streams this month
It's easy to love them all, but one must be stand out.
the mikkorone collab
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She is so cool...
He's home
My phone is almost out of space. Help me fill it to the brim with Okayu and Korone art.
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She got followed by Sakaguchi
Samples of the merch from the upcoming SoniKoro cafe.
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She's playing some kind of hair-plucking game
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Cat cooking steak
That's exactly what it is, and it's amazing
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Kedama Korone and Okanyan my beloveds
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>Kedama Korone
I agree
How does she even find these kind of games lmao
Quality content
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She's happy
Okayu playing Metroid. I forget what a neat IP Nintendo is squatting on there.
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>page 10
That was a retarded game, but Korone made it entertaining as usual
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Games are a good medium to be silly and I'm glad some devs get it.
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We need even sillier games for Koro-san, frankly.
My PoV
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Korone could literally make watching paint dry entertaining.
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Korosan DKC time attack, yes it was in November but close enough.
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I love chibi Okayus.
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Mr. Koro is the greatest living entertainer.
Looking forward to the Gamers show this weekend
I'm out of the loop - what's the event?
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>mogudoog thread
it has been 5 billion years...
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I want to kiss those two!
It's their group anniversary show since the company moved away from individual anniversary concerts due to capacity limits.
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Those two too!
Wasn't that the one Mio missed? Has it been a year already?
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>Error: Maximum file size allowed is 4 MB
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fatto catto
I tried to upload a funny Okayu picture but it was something like 4.01 MB.
Very sad.
Why does korone get so many sponsored streams when her views and ccv aren’t great. Not an anti good for her just curious.
Just open it in paint and save it as a jpg.
it was a jpeg https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5404179
The one Mio missed was Cho-cho-cho-cho Gamers which was arranged by an outside company.
The primary thread baker I think disappeared for the holiday season, so I thought to make every now and then.
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I'll indulge you once, assuming in good faith you truly are only curious.

She gets many sponsors for a myriad of reasons including but not limited to; her easygoing natural attitude, her sparking humor, her brand recognition, her family friendly approach in her content, her honesty, she's a dog and that's naturally friendly for kids... but what you really aren't seeing here since you are acting like a normal /#/fag is the amount of subs she has, the VOD views she gets and what's more, we have no idea how Cover markets her when it comes to sponsors but it's safe to say any company that gets promoted by her does get some kind of boost in their sales, otherwise she wouldn't get so many deals.

Not to mention she has a lot of experience and professionalism, is loyal to her friends (and ergo, the company), yab-free and loves her job. Also is worth noting that it's not always like this and other members also have a decent portafolio of sponsorships, but I do agree that Korosan is a cut above most when it comes to this, both in execution and results, because she is very, very, very genuine in what she does. I'm thinking the food review stream for example, in which it was very obvious she didn't like a hamburger and was trying to save it somehow but never pretended to like it.

Anyways, yeah not a profound analysis or anything as such but I hope it helped you somehow, also yes I really like her so this is completely subjective.
As a recent example, I actually peeked at the official stream for that Honda competition and it was barely pushing three digits in viewers whereas Korone's mirror had 10k. That number is average for her but lots of brands would love to have that much attention, not to mention it brought Koronesukis to the venue in person.
Not as much of a robust answer as the other anon, but if I had to pick a fun and popular streamer I'd prolly roll with Korone, and that's despite favoring other holos still.

Koro's strength is plain.
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She is so cool...
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I want to ask Okayu out. How should I do it?
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Cat cute
Only if she can get home from recording in time
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