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Breaking A Sweat Edition

X: https://x.com/tsunomakiwatame
Fansite: https://www.tsunomakipasture.club/

Original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBK39rTWRAs_G93pnUW3K-7
Mini original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iDfjOVqChEelXHyaDQBpA8m
Cover songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iAP2AdGLOHthUhAJTrEXqGb

>Hop Step Sheep!

>News/Recent Events

>(11/16th) The third chapter of ウェスタdeクッキング is out now! This time Watame and Haachama are baking bread together!

>(11/20th) A Friends With U plushie featuring Watame's casual outfit is now on sale! It even has a tail!

>(11/30th) Watame made a triumphant return to AFA Singapore for the most recent stop on hololive STAGE World Tour '24 -Soar!

>(12/3rd) This year's Christmas voice pack is travel themed! Enjoy a sleigh ride in Finland to meet Santa with Watame!

>(12/4th) The line-up for HoloFes 2025 'Colour Rise Harmony' has been announced! Watame will be performing on Stage 1 (Day 1) and the Creator's Stage (Day 2)!

>(12/8th) Watame's treasured song Fins finally passed 1 million views!

Previous thread: >>91142234
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Their outfits kind of match.
What an idiot.
The chase has begun.
Back to the closet...
Turning round to see her looming over the closet made me jump just now.
It's been so long since Watame played with Flare I have no idea what Azki is supposed to do next.
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My bad.
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Oh my god I remember how long it took to do this with Lui.
>watame remembers clearing this quickly
It's been so long Watame has forgotten all the jumpscares and is just screaming along with Azki.
She's camping lol.
Azki is figuring it out.
Burn the house down!
Looking for something to start a fire with now.
Watame is making monkey noises...
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>botan no kagi
Even in horror games Azki always has a map to hand.
Watame blowing the trumpet for Azki to charge into battle.
Shortcut unlocked!
Nice scream just now.
Azki's brain is broken...
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Aaaaaaaand back to the closet.
She solved it! I was expecting that to take way longer. Sasuga bean.
I've been busy taking care of my baby nephew but I got the stream playing in the background. I don't remember this game being this long when Watame played it or maybe its perhaps did it in 2 streams
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Watame's playthrough was like 5 and a half hours long but she also did all the endings.
Is Azki still on her first run?
お乳ついて… Dirty minded sheep...
Azki's mental has been destroyed by the introduction of a new area before the end.
So close...
It's OK she had an emotional support Sheep.
Azki thought Kinu was eaten...
Finally we are at the cave.
sad sheep
She did it!
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Azki dealt the finishing blow...
azki cute
too many endings for azki
I like her 何何何s.
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With that Watame and Azki have both completed their punishments from their card shop simulator face off. I love long collabs like this and seeing them both scared by the jumpscares was very cute.
That was pretty fun even though I could only listen for most of it, instead of watching. I love it when hags play scary games
Which live is this from?
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3rd Fes I think. They sang 動物占い together.
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Thank you.
Most of that is paywalled of course.
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A fed sheep is a happy sheep.
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Watame got caught (again).
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Sex with a sheep
Who does she think she is?
Shigure Ui
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