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If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Alt Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis

Schedule: merch break

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters and divorcees. It's easier than you think!

Previous Thread: >>91285454
gleep glorp
I’m a loli!
dead thread for a dead oshi
That’s nice
>Hosts another Meet and Greet on extremely short notice again
Good thing everyone already gave up.
Do anything better with your life.
I'm on break at my government job.
>barely a month notice with christmas in the middle of that and it's not even a confirmed slot yet
sorry shondo but how is anyone meant to plan around making it when at best the slot will get confirmed probably mid next week at the earliest?
you aren't, it's not her fault, if you can make it you can make it, if you can't then there will be more
i know that. i'm just saying the average person can't plan around something like that on such a small timeframe. unless you're one of the small handful of people that are in a position to do that or you were already planning a trip to the con then nobody else is going to be able to make it to any meets
then just say that then next time silly
yes i agree, ideally there needs to be as much notice as possible, which she acknowledged and apologized for it being on such short notice
It's almost like she needs a manager or something. or just don't do m&gs
but her friends do m&gs so she has to do them
Her shunny is going to do a meet and greet with my dingaling.
Where’s it at this time?
divorcees and pedos are barred from attending
that's every single husband
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she will see my yo-yo! ^_^
please actually show up to a meet so someone can point you out to con staff for being a known pedo. i want to see a video of some autist getting dragged out
You should just expect her to always show up wherever 3AM do an event.
Good afternoon Shondopolis!
can do!
i love her very much
okay but they're the ones announcing stuff last second so the issue is still there
yes and shondo just got done explaining she's aware of the issue and intends on fixing it, which it's very easy to do, so you can chill until it happens again
Congrats Tuffy on 20k!
you're gay
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>You're gay for reading my Twitter account even though the only people who can be reasonably expected to read my insane tweets are people from 4chan
Why do you tweet for an audience of men? Are you gay?
why do you watch a girl when you're a faggot groomer? i'm not him btw
no he thinks that shondo reads his 4th menhera alt despite being muted multiple times and being permanently banned and also thinks that she wants to read about how he would kill her friends because they dont mean anything to him
i think you're gay!
glorp <3 syadouShlorp
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She could just decline an invitation and only do events where she can give people notice, but chooses not to do this because she doesn't give a shit.
>just deny the people who can make it because uhhh because grrr she doesn't care
>no i'm not just pointlessly jealous and spiteful!!!!!!
Correct, she doesn't care.
the real issue here is her broken friendship with nina saotome and how she replaced her with olivia monroe
oli is much better anyway, shondo chose correctly
except she's still friends with nina too
when is fallen shadow streaming again
she constantly proves that she is at the scale and level of mental illness that she needs one but she's gone and established that if she ever had one they're her bf
but the antis told me she could get away with anything so she can just walk that back and everyone will happynod
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it's one thing to be critical of them being short notice, but this is just outright anti shittery
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stop trying to cause drama with the barbies
she probably could but she tends to act out of fear that they wouldn't
no but the antis told me that she acts that way because she knows she can get away with it
it's basically on a whim, whenever she feels indignant about her audience she'll basically just do whatever and tell them to cope, but then go back to fearing their reproach the next day
she still doesn't really know what relationship she wants with us anymore
her bf and manager? me.
this is what you think of your """wife"""?
she's not my wife we hardly know each other
>she still doesn't really know what relationship she wants with us anymore
weird thing to say then
relationships don't have to be romantic (the fact she wants a non-romantic partnership anyway aside)
she wants a romantic and sexual partnership with me
saving face
are you autistic or just ESL
He is banned.
it should be pretty uncontroversial to say shondo has struggled with how she wants to engage her fans since hiatus
why even bring it up
its best to just treat her as a streamer. she only needs money from her viewers now since she gets validation and loyalty from her friends now
she struggles internally with her romantic feelings for me
because the topic was how she acts in regard to her fans and what prompts it?
loyalty until they take a job and she goes nuclear on them
just because it's relevant doesn't mean you should be talking about it on 4chan when she's your wife?
and that's assuming you're even right.
they're still friends and she didn't go nuclear on her, she doomposted
wheres this next meet and greet?
join the discord and find out
She's finally realizing that this isn't actually a real relationship, but is coping for the sake of not losing her biggest paypigs.
kawacon in january
Kawacon. Same convention center as San Japan funny enough.
>Stop discussing Fallenshadow the entertainer in the Fallenshadow thread!
ehehehe~ time to plan! ^_^
that's not what i said, and she's also my wife
she always knew it wasn't "real" and was something else meant to fill her void and our void within the limitations of streamer-viewer dynamic and within her warped ideas of love and romance
it's just that whatever that was became too damaging for her and many fans so she's left trying to piece together the healthy bits while leaving behind things like running after cheaters or wahtever
you don't know her
he knows her better than you
She can have something real with me. She just needs to DM me.
not implying anything but it's funny that her ex no longer counts as a relationship because she did it out of loneliness and desperation
you all are married to her out of loneliness and depravation
what happens if we put these two pieces of information together hmm
Lmao. The amount of cope that comes from her is insane.
when i win irl and get married to fallenshadows pilot she will have her first real relationship
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Anything new in the discord since two days ago?
I'm married to her because I love her, actually
Hope this helps
you dont love her enough to make another discord account? says a lot
Almost done with merch, she's doing another meet and greet at Kawacon in a month, and another at VeXpo in 2025 as well. Both are related to 3am. Shondo using her Oli connection with them a ton.
she also might be on Oli's stream on sunday and might cameo during the vtuber awards (she was asked to record something for it)
You love her so much you ended up getting banned. What a tragedy.
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If i set aside what i believe to be fair for her how will I be able to smile at the sight of my Lord in heaven?
Am I not to love righteousness and justice? Am i to turn away from those characteristics of God simply because of my wife? Should i not instead endure what is fair in my eyes? I sowed and now i must reap, that's all there is to it
Hasn't happened yet
join the discord u fucking nigger qwerty even the retarded antis who get banned can make an alt
Jesus would tell you to make another Discord account.
T has been banished from the discord for 5 or so months
Q excluded himself from the discord for more than half a year simply out of principle due to his own fuckup
One gave in and made an alt and thus ban evaded, rendering any chance of an unban impossible; the other has set their own punishment and has been taking it in full
They are not the same
wrong..he will tell you to stay away from groomercord
give me an invite to the groomer discord i want to join the inner circle
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she's my fute bagel
dm me c:
It's ironic because the last time you joked about DMs it turned out you really were doing it. It would seem like the Groomcord is real after all.
You can join the Groomcord but you need to give proof of dereking atleast 5 different shoggers first.
LTD getting desperate
stop posting about yourself
Tell us how your date with td went Gary
I'm starting to understand Gary San
can do! ^_^
also ya i aint going to San Jose or wherever the next meet and greet is. not worth $1k to get kicked out of a con for flexing my yo-yo in front of Shondo
So who's ready for the shondophrenic orgies coming up?
im ready for my shumo!
im getting first dibs on zoey
She's a broke canadian, she'll be doing fuck all. Maybe T can be a good substitute.
i get dibs on the loli in the thread
I got dibs on shadowmama
After taking her out to a nice dinner Smile
i get dibs on both critters ^__^
i get dibs on baby bunny ^_^
i get dibs on FT :P
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mlem mlem mlem
I dont know if i like this creature. I'm getting shibble vibes. Scared.
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creepy but cute
its nise creature
How many weeks has it been...
2+ weeks
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Monday is the deadline. The van GTA uncle rented is due back that day and she said she wants to get all the full sets sent out by the weekend (will require 2 trips to the post office). We're in the home stretch now.
the one she ends up nose powdering on is mine ;)
Saw a clip today of fallen shadow on instagram by a page called "oshi lifts," had 60 something k likes
Things like that really drive home how many young men aren't fucking
Shondo would want you to lift
if fallen shadow is on your fricking Instagram, then you should consider your own situation mister ^_^
holy projection, batman
huh? Shondo isnt on my instagrams mister

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