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The 334th Wind


>LAST STREAM:【FAR CRY 5】WITH BIBOO! It's okay guys we'll save everyone! Stand behind us!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks

{COVER} Forgotten Words | 忘れじの言の葉 #歌ってみた #cover - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twto2g0FwTQ

Birthday Merch Holopro: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ceciliaimmergreen_bd2024
Birthday Merch Geekjack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/cecilia-immergreen
Birthday Merch Order Duration: [2024/11/12 08:00 ~ 2024/12/16 18:00 (JST)]

#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>91206976
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Zeitplan: stream today at 9pm CET
Who gave her the moefang module?
>buys a shamisen
>new years outfit has a shamisen toggle
>we get streams of her learning to play
Ok, new thread is up so I guess it's time to open a new frame... lol
Too little time for that I guess.
Cecilia giggling
Cecilia, wake up!
Stream cancelled (it was never scheduled)
Dangerously cute cc in the OP
CC doko? Did Updatilia not tell her about the stream?
>evil ceo play
am i missing somthing is this a new meme?
>evil CEO
hmmm I'll give her the benefit of the doubt considering she lives in Germany and isn't aware of how the americans are starting to execute CEOs in broad daylight
Another green woman has played the same game and has also been accused of being an evil CEO. Think of it like an inheritance.
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>she thinks Luigi is the better brother
Only 8 and a half thankfully
they talked about managing an attraction park on Fauna's stream
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>>91344121 (me)
Oh yeah, Good morning?(It's 8pm) btw
wowwee same fanart as the op I wonder who baked this thread
>can bake a thread
>can't make a schedule
Unfortunately, I can't claim that I saw myself and CC in the same room, but I assure you I'm not her.
>can make a zeitplan
i don't speak bs
burgers really are failed state maxxing the last few years
I hope she returns to Factorio if only because the DLC has a huge mining drill and I want to hear her make that noise again but louder
>huge mining drill
She hasn't approached launching a rocket yet you expect her to travel to another planet already, lol.
she has the wrong type of autism for factorio unfortunately
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>Drunk Sekiro
Holy shit, Mumei is alive.
members asmr? oh boy
>CC starts Lone Wolf
>we're finally going to Reach Halo now right guys?
Really good streams this week, but I don't like that she counts Monday as a stream day and takes Thursday off.
>Thursday off
probably needs some extra time for sunday
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I see she separated drunk stream and doki doki ASMR kissy GFE unlike we wanted...
>drunk sekiro
>mumei halo
based week
>unlike we wanted...
not the way we wanted*
I'm ESL sorry
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>sell the product
>make a prototype...
is that normal for merch?
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Looking forward to Sekiro
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That's why it has this line
>Go to store
>Try a bunch of headphones
>Buy headphones
>Go back home only to realize it requires bluetooth and your bluetooth stick is missing

how long will it take her to go to the store and get a new bluetooth stick? because shipping costs will probably cost too much so it's better to buy locally lol
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hearing these old stories is like watching a rerun of a good cartoon
Two months.
Why is she making so many erotic noises today?
half a year
sorry, I try to be more discrete licking her
winter coldness triggers need for warmth which triggers need for body heat which means women want sex
just throw in more coal like a true immerheimian
>korea mode
Kinda curious how many ESTomos are in here
I’m not much of a science man but this makes sense to me. Also explains the saying “as horny as an Eskimo in a freezer”
I have never heard anyone say that.
>furry allergy
I would quit too.
Never ask Cecilia what she was doing in Ireland between 1965 and 1972
I said it just now. I thought if I said it with confidence it might catch on
>Sees a turtle
>Reads his name
>"I don't think so"

why is she so rude
Facts aren't rude.
why are you so rude
Facts aren't rude.
Facts aren’t rude.
So you see.
>feral state
hey that habitat is just like otomos in the doll section of the toy store
is she going to make a bug walk?

Only sad part is, that I can't organize the Halo Reach collab with /who/ this time since something came up...
I can do it, it’s not that hard, right?
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I thought she hates harems... maybe she accepts if it's only 2 girls?
Please do, thank you Otomo!
she hates them because the blue haired girls always lose
Would it better to have a password or leave it public?
up to you, I kept it open
It be rather odd if she started saying "How many people can I put in a train?"
wish there was non-JurassicPark dinosaur zoo builder that wasn't permanently stuck in early access that Cc could play...
>Make the barrier height at least 3,7m
>Sure thing
>Sets height to 12.64m

Got to make sure the skinwalkers can’t get in
frontier are a bunch of hacks but nobody else wants to do those games right. it is what it is
I love how her grr sounds
Does she have the train tism?
She's german
Ok. Might do Desert Bus to mix things up.
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sexy trains
Didn't know she was having a collab with ERB
are there any good train games she could play?
Transport Fever? Don't know about perms though
it was never zeitplan-ed, you mean
I'm fackin' Zeebrah
What joke am I missing here?
rip his jewtube channel
>hears Bri'ish accent
>it's ERB!
>never zeitplan
Yes you're right.
>Ceci loves potatoes
>Ceci eats a lot of potatoes
>Ceci farts a lot
hee hee
I thought they hated their trains because they're always late. I suppose that's the railway companies' fault and not the train
poteitos also give you big butts
Ah yes, the famous Irish bakeries.
Green makes you free
>otomo assistant gets hired
>gets fired not even 5 minutes on the job
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first time im getting irritated during a CC stream because she isnt taking the game seriously in the slightest
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oh no! not the anime woman playing the game wrong!
now I know how nierfags felt...
this but unironically
If you're going to get mad at an anime woman for playing a game wrong I expect you to have at least 500 hours on the game
I haven’t played a video game in almost a decade. It’s my secret to enjoying every stream
It'll happen to you soon enough
t. all Halotomos, Factoriotomos, etc.
>71.3 hours
Those are rookie numbers!
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I really doubt that lmao and I already play game "wrong"
>CC has no beaver
literally my german doll wife
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It’s either this or she takes it too seriously and recreates auschwitz
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I don't think Tiger is happy...
Cecilia being a thing and not a person makes me extremely horny
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Time for some Pinkerton!
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>it's very sad because it's alone
Most relatable video game character fr
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Damn, just like everyone in this board. How relatable.
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Spin to win!
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>she built a bloodsport arena
Would you fight other Otomo to the death for her?
I would win.
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nah I'm good
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I would kill them in their sleep.
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>built a train that goes into the park
yeah fuck that machinist!
That was very graceful.
What an unfortunate and unavoidable tragedy
>planet zoo
>spends 30 minutes building a death train
>buy evil doll
>look inside
>it's evil
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We TOLD you Otomo! Don't dead, open inside!
this game is just factorio for women
So, just factorio?
factorio with much easier unlocks and no difficult logistics challenges
Tycoon games are almost predominantly for middle school boys. It was that way when Maxis was the king of the PC gaming world.
>goes on a tangent
>completely forgets about the game
>remembers the game
>"now, how do I build the rails"
I love this woman.
>Middle school boy=women
Are you saying you want to have sex with middle school boys?
If you see middle school boys as women, I'd recommend going to your local church and finding God.
Actually, wait, no, you'll probably become a catholic priest.
In a dress?
it’s CC posting in the thread again
Why would you wearing a dress make any difference?
wait a minute, this is a planet roller coaster
For intimidation.
>wait a minute, this isn't smash brothers...
>cute Heil Hitler
>re-educating protestors
really, wdsmbt?
stop speciemixing, Ceci, it's not cool...
cc what about the animals...
Only the cute ones deserve consideration
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>Want to keep watching Ceci
>Have to sleep to not die at work
I guess I'll keep watching from bed
Good Night!
It's already been 3 hours. She'll probably stop soon anyway.
simply quit your job to watch more cc! it's easy and fun!
Yeah I'm waiting a few minutes to see her end now
I got the job to buy her merch...
am i crazy or does she keep saying "nipple" instead of nepo
no, I hear it too
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I’m starting to suspect that CC isn’t actually cool and that she’s really just a big dork.
You are crazy or deaf.
I'm starting to suspect she's actually not very smart
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>>91354596 (me)
Okay, now Good Night!
>green whore
I'm out
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Good night.
Can confirm. Transport tycoon was goat.
Burgertomos run the thread now
Let’s not be ridiculous now
every time i watch cc this meme comes to my mind
Just realized I love CC
You're late.
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CCmei this week !
She’s the only thing keeping hoomans from starvation
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life's great!
Still no Cranks ASMR
She’s only…4 months behind. Give her a break
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I guess I should've specified gaming skills. Oh well.
She said she hasn't forgotten, and that the batch plus something extra is on it's way.
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>decide to go to sleep early
>fall asleep during stream
>just wake up and can't sleep again
I really love when my brain randomly chooses to take a nap instead of just sleeping
Otomos, how was the stream today? I was on a train without service earlier so I missed it.
She was cuter than usual
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I'm empty!
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Why she is so naturally and effortlessly cute?
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Good morning.
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This image makes no sense. Why does she have muscle / bone line when she has joints ? Like the back line one literally gets cut off. Just pick either full joint or none at all.
Yeah, joints are kinda fucked. Especially in lower part of back.
But that doesn’t change the fact that I would love to grope her ass for hours
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A ceciless day... How will I survive?
Think back on how much of your life you already spent ceciless and be glad for the present
Do something for her.
Alright. This goonsesh is for you, Ceci!
What will you do 2 minutes later?
Watch a VOD or something, idk.
dont tell me otomos are a bunch of quickshots
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>Tweeted just after I woke up
This is for me specifically
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I won’t survive
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Wrong thread
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>steals your heart
why is she up this early
She did say that she's not streaming because she had to do something today.
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I can't believe otomos died from Cecilium deficiency.
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I'm next. I'm thinking of creating Ceci's tulpa so it will be easier for me. Or go fully into schizomaxxing with those recordings from Monroe Institute that are supposed to induce OOBE and I will visit Ceci and watch what she is doing through astral
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Our puppet wife
I'm something
Good one. She must have fell for your original jokes.
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For some reason seeing traces of schizo yuri fanfics is so fucking funny.
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>Doll joint creases
This anon gets it
>ambient light not green instead
goslingtomo, you had one job...
Why would you make a picture of me from behind? Are you some pervert?
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My bad.
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Guntomo is canon now
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Imagine CC but eviler
I can't.
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Nah, she is the evilest among Immerdolls
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Like this?
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Stupid car.
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dumb looking creatrue
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We don't raise ze hand like zad anymore!
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Don't mind me, just on my way to bring CC her tea
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I want pancakes but it's 9pm...
No one will judge you, except CC
The place I wanted to order from is closed...
I was wondering if I should eat cup ramen, but I weighed myself and decided to not become fat fuck
Why would you order pancakes
but... we already are fat fucks
If you starve yourself your body will horde all the fat reserves it has and it will be counter productive to losing weight.
Is Ceci fat? She eats a lot from what I deduce

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