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I was fed up with hololive and other big corpos because of how they constantly get dramas here and there.

I finally found a niche vtuber genre that is ASMR and a new favorite that I could as my oshi, and had been enjoying it for quite a while thinking it would be drama free and could relax while feeling appreciated.

Then one of the ASMR girls my oshi is following tweeted that everything with "RP" in the title is simply just, well, roleplay... And it felt like something inside me just shattered... I felt like all my enjoyment and appreciation I was receiving was fake...

Let me just enjoy my escapism in peace for fuck's sake.
You got grifted hard but women will string as many men along as they can for some easy attention and money
Pick better oshis than a fucking whore
You are now obligated to anti her
Honestly, you picked the wrong ASMR side. If you're looking for escapism then JP-side ASMR/GFE is the better choice for you.
>Sick of schizo drama
>A regular user of a schizo drama site
Unironically blame the retarded simps that take it too far and start acting creepy or start sending inappropriate emails. Those actions are why those girls need to say something in the first place.
not subtle at all buy ad
You would have had better run if you got into the ASMR niche a year ago, it's simply a money making scheme right now, and those who are doing it can't even do it right.
I don't think Menace is the right choice to enjoy that kind of niche.
I’m sure this will stop it
I don't care I just jack it and fall asleep
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Mucho texto, enjoy Menace's fat tits.
I don't honestly know who to trust now with this. I've always used Vtubers as my escapism and it was working fine with big corpos back then until they kept getting bigger and started to feel like a business than anything.
Problem is I can't even speak JP or understand it that much.
I don't think it's their fault. The niche is for those types of people and I think the vtubers should understand that before proceeding with it.
Menace just hit differently and she seemed so sweet and someone that could understand me...
>using twitter
you only have yourself to blame. vtuber drama is incredibly easy to avoid
It's all fake anon, she isn't even anime.
On the other hand, do you also get sad when you realize movies aren't real?
>I was fed up with holollive because of how they constantly get dramas here and there
Who sold you this snake oil, lmao. The indie and small corpo scene has a million times the drama that Hololive could ever hope to have. The indie scene is basically fueled by drama.
The thing with movies is it's made to make you feel things.
Indie sphere is filled with dramas but the dramas they blew up isn't that big or at least kept within a certain circle and you're safe as long as you're not in it.
Porn actresses and cam girls are all probably married or in relationships too. When you get into sex work of any kind which includes ASMR then you should either only consume the content or accept that they're not there for you or available. For example, if you play eroge you have to option to obsess over the voice actresses or just the game. If you only want escapism then limit yourself to just the game. In your case limit yourself to only their sexual entertainment content.
Never trust "RP"s. Whatever happens. Do not trust them.
What the fuck, isn't she the GF of that Ravs says Desu guy? Why is she suddenly going full SJWhore?
>hololive [...] constantly get dramas
don't tell me you believe /here/posters
>I felt like all my enjoyment and appreciation I was receiving was fake
By definition it's a type of pretense. What do you want?
You can't be real.
please breast milk toggle
lmao that's rev says desu's wife
dude's in for a rude awakening
Why would you share real life commitments like marriage to your fans who seek fantasy. Your posting reality to your fiction based account. These whores man
this is why they hide behind an avatar. their husband/bf could be fucking them while streaming, and you wouldn't know kek
Ravs is a centrist, not a right winger.
The hint was there already anonchama..
Corpos (with exception of Nijisanji) are trained to filter off bigger menheras and grifters. Even if they have BFs and husbabds like whole PC, they are professional enough to hide it.
Indies are seriously not worth your time
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Average /vt/ nig when he realizes the fictional media he is consuming is indeed not real and all fictional (He found out he is not actually in a relationship with the girl on screen)
A lot of people get it mixed up because guys being obnoxious haters about everything not supportive of them gets interpreted as right-wing.
anybody switching from holo to indies because of "drama" is clearly on /vt/ too much and you deserve this honestly
Hey OP mind explaining why you edited the tweet? Was curious on why she decided to put this random Vtuber on blast found the original tweet and lo and behold this is basically a false flag thread.
I can understand though. I have had some people go completely insane over regular roleplay and think it's real. They were losers with no will to escape their situation and kept making excuses. You can't mix guys like that in with crowds that just want a bit of fun make believe.
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> watching EN VTubers
> watching EN VTubers outside of Hololive
> actually, seriously, unironically investing yourself into an EN VTuber outside of Hololive
How many times will you retards keep hurting yourselves like this?
>I felt like all my enjoyment and appreciation I was receiving was fake...
Well, yes... because it's ROLEPLAY
You specifically went into explicitly-labeled ROLEPLAY content and gaslit yourself into believing it was genuine

That's entirely your problem, retard
Because the 2nd part doesn't fucking matter on his problem? Are you retarded or what?
> Problem is I can't even speak JP or understand it that much.
Anon I literally just watched Japanese streams for 30 minutes every day for a year and I had enough knowledge to understand more than half of what they said.
It is really that simple. And JPs are far more aware of what pays their bills, and are always grateful for any audience they get because most of them know the grind of being a literal 1 view.
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>Corpos (with exception of Nijisanji) are trained to filter off bigger menheras and grifters.
The biggest menhera in the industry was corpo
That's Rev's wife.
and she took great lengths to hide her whole thing while she was there - to the point she got fired for it
she still is under her 4th persona
This but also for JP VTubers
>I finally found a niche vtuber genre that is ASMR and a new favorite that I could as my oshi, and had been enjoying it for quite a while thinking it would be drama free and could relax while feeling appreciated.
Doesnt Strawb have a boyfriend? Or at least had one at some point during her career
The 2nd part isn't for me or about RP ASMR which I'm currently into. I don't know who is gentleGF ASMR is and I only know strawb because of her popularity and she's followed by ASMR vtubers I'm following.
I don't stay strictly to RP ASMR. My oshi does ASMR mainly and she doesn't always do RP.
Instead of complain about escapism, why don't you guys just find a vtuber to date? Seems like they're a dime a dozen so it can be that hard. Just don't act repulsive.
Not OP but I used to be really into JP Hololive but recently they feel too corpo or business. The SOVL that they used to have feels like it's gone now. I only stay to gen 2 now.
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why do you EOPs keep lying?
we literally had this stream today : https://youtu.be/QJtvnQGYfBA
No you don't.
You'd be stupid to not assume every vtuber out there isn't in a relationship.
I'm not reading any of that.
Are these the same person or something? I don't get it
Your definition of fun and SOVL isn't the same as mine. None of their recent streams had the same vibes as they had back when Hololive wasn't big yet. Nothing can ever come close to the neighbor wars and impromptu collabs.
I dont even know WHO this is, but I'm going to anti her now as well just out of principle. Why are women so stupid? It's free money, shut the fuck up and let the poor guys dream

Yes I can use deepl too, congrats
Bro JP is utterly soulless now. Someone is shilling a new product daily and they're shameless about collabing with e-celebs these days.
They're still doing the same shit they've always done, just with more polish, support and FX.
I guess 2views do appeal to groomers...
Easy to know you just watch clips and don't have an oshi lmao.
nta but 1st one is an ASMR RP focused vtuber that always openly announce that she has a BF and even shows her on stream. 2nd one is another ASMR RP vtuber OP's currently into
>and they're shameless about collabing with e-celebs these days.
Old JP was ten times more shameless about leeching
gfe consoomers are biological failures that no woman would touch willingly
If she was smarter she'd have a seperate social to talk about that shit but ultimately it's on you for giving her money/your time and headspace dude. I won't feel bad for you in the same way I won't feel bad for kpop girlies who get devastated their girlboss ended up marrying a dude and having his babies or idolfags do when their kamioshi was having a relationship.
If you're going to cry you might as well say Capitalism is all wrong and that tv shows that hurt people's feelings should be banned.
you can stop larping now, we had the most KINO event in Hololive history this year
Idk why it's so hard to keep quiet about that type of shit, especially if you're getting into something that you know is playing on the lonely aspects of your audience. Do women just really have no empathy? How can a bitch think anyone wants to listen to 'lonely gf sleeps with you' ASMR or whatever and then read about how you're in a happy, committed relationship
Even some of the biggest normie male collabing fleshtubers know not to break the veil and leave their relationship status ambiguous. Hell, even the dudes have to do this sometimes.
Once you say you're in a relationship and you lose like half your income or you start getting ridiculous hate messages because your audience is so fucking lonely that they can't stand seeing anyone happy with another person.
Take it in stride and don't bother lecturing people about it. There's just no winning and you risk people going even more crazy.
t. used to do female-oriented asmr for lonely women who sent pubic hair balls to my PO box
>you picked the wrong ASMR side
This but you should have gone with the CHAD GOONER ASMR side.
>like whole PC, they are professional enough to hide it.
Phase is a cuck corpo and they dont hide how whorish they all are literally subhuman street trash grifting more money from guys because they all hit the wall IRL
No, women do not have empathy. Their brains are not wired for it. Women are the most valuable member of the species when it comes to sexual reproduction and the survival of the species. They are evolutionarily predisposed to valuing their own lives, wants, and needs over those of the men, children, and elderly. And the latter groups also value women highest among the species.
>pick two of the easiest market of vtubing
>still magically fails at it
Phase might somehow be worse than any other corpo when it comes to whores. You are an absolute moron and a begging SEAfag.
>and those who are doing it can't even do it right.
this is the worst part right now, I click an ASMR and it sucks ass and you can hear the vtubers shitty laptop fans running
>manwhore ITT
You're not wrong but I think for women who are at greater risk of being kidnapped by stronger/bigger men, culling the herd is probably a smarter deal. If it was purely "it's a job" thing, then yeah, better safe than sorry.
Plus it's cruel to let people hang on to false hope. If they're just there to goon and then give you a quick 5 dollars a month, it's all good. Once it becomes more than that it genuinely becomes a game of chance, one might give you a grand one day and the next show up to your house. I'd rather earn a steady pay check then get rick quick and have my life in danger because someone who doesn't know me on personal level "fell in love" with me and I have to pretend to be okay with myself for leading them on.
this tbdes. none of them even takes it seriously any more and most of the time they're all just whispering and yapping non stop instead of doing actual ASMR.
name one (1) singular thing wrong with her you can't
>Let me just enjoy my escapism in peace
I understand, but for me is the constant 4th wall breaking I constantly see more and more oftenbby refering as themselves as their model and how expensive it was to rig, how cool their toggles are and talking about their irl life and sometimes mentioning their irl features like hair and eye color. Just be quite and play the character.
She cheated on her audience with the alien. She then cheated on the alien with one of his friends. I don't like hyper parasocial dweebs but she riled them up by being one of the worse humans imaginable.

>but what about my escapism
I think if you're only concerned about yourself and not your oshi being in danger (and yes, people have assaulted vtubers, even non-gfe ones) you should just try creating AI ASMR or something. You and everyone else mad clearly lack empathy, especially if you see it as a personal attack.
>actually, seriously, unironically investing yourself into an EN VTuber outside of Hololive
I should've listened.
Honestly, every girl I've seen that has the need to specify 'it's just a act' has a partner.
A single person wouldn't be bothered by what is essentially love letters. But somebody already in a relationship would be.
>"RP" is written in the video titles
>can't deal with her stating that these videos are "roleplay"
Anon...you may be too fragile for this world.
Cuckolding and NTR are on the top 5 most relevant porn tags in the western hemisphere. How much more fanservice do you need? Imagine her cheating on her SO with (you)
>A single person wouldn't be bothered by what is essentially love letters. But somebody already in a relationship would be.
Depends on how creepy they are. If they're starting to sound really unhinged, I can understand making a statement before someone does something fucked up irl.
Sorry but my eyes glaze over when people start dribbling into "muh evolutionary biases" in a modern society. If people held cunts accountable rather than continue on simping even after their fuckup, they would all learn to at the very least keep their mouth shut about relationships.
I never saw her as my own gf but she was without a doubt pushing the gfe super fucking hard with her audience and making them buy promise rings and shit. Normally I would say it's just RP and say people should move on but she pushed it way too hard and was surprise she wasn't kidnapped or worse.
I don't understand. What did you think it was?
Has reasoning ever stopped a stalker?
Man the replies on the 1st tweet are so funny. It's like everyone appearing to agree with her on hopes of normalizing having a BF while doing GFE.
Do Americans not grow up being taught, 'sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me'?
You are the one acting hurt over some random women saying her ASMR roleplay is just roleplay.
*may break
I thought it standed for REALLY PRECIOUS.
What a woman response.
I don't listen to ASMR so try again, dumb cunt. Maybe actually answer the question.
sisters mad menace is making bank lmoa
>women response
>is still mad about a random ethot snubbing him
I don't know man, you sound like a sister.
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any unicorn friendly western vtuber recommendations by anons?
>you will get cucked eventually
I know, but I have a need that needs to be satiated
you should move on to making your own AI gfe vtuber.
You made me curious about your vtuber and checked and now I understand why would you fall for her. She knows her stuff, and even her model she posted is already cum inducing https://x.com/menmakii/status/1866924531459215443
I'm mad that you're retarded.
Have you checked out Lemonleaf? ;^)
>mad at someone else when you are in the wrong
Post your armpits NOW female.
ok, serious time here for a moment. When i was a wee lad i had a crush on Linda Maltinie from Snowboard Kids 64. That's ok. It's not ok for anyone over 16 to believe that a character or any other public person is directly adressing (you) when he/she says anything.
Take me as an example, here is how my wife saved me from an heroing.
FWMC, they straight up ignore the presence of sexpests. Biboo too.
We almost had a golden gen if Shiori and Nerissa didn't fuck it up.
This way she can at least say she tried to make it clear to her audience that it’s all an act if some weirdo breaks into her home, I guess
Only a female would defend a female having a partner, you female.
Now, post your pubes so I can get off to them.
Advent I guess but they're probably too Japanese for your tastes
is this type of shit actually appealing?
it looks like the same default.png I've seen in multiple isekai series, and across twitch in general
Say to who?
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baused fwmc enjoyer
vtubers don't have culture
It's cum enough for me. It's at least better and had effort than others' where you can clearly see the head is only edited in on the same body type as everyone else on twitch.
Anon, have you not seen the actual real life consequences that can happen from this stuff? It’s not always going to stop at words if you encourage some of those weirdos to keep going
Christina Grimmie was 8 years ago anon, things have changed.
Just keep your opsec clean and you'll be fine.
Has it occurred to you that some of those words are warnings that you're about to be hit with sticks and stones? Anybody with basic self-preservation instinct is going to get a bad feeling about creepy stalker shit being sent to them in the mail.
I don't think Menace agrees with that whore
Why are you shitposting with Menace when she has nothing to do with this and doesn't post stupid immersion breaking shit
Only women are obsessed with that true-crime nonsense.
I'm sure terrorists have killed more people than stalkers but women are still the ones saying 'refugees welcome'.
>Nerissa when she's collabed multiple times with a male from vshojo
>Shiori when she's bragged about an upcoming collab with a voice actor who wants to fuck her
>RP ASMR post has nothing to do with RP ASMR
>one of the ASMR girls my oshi is following
>dramafag's wife
Your own fault if you couldn't see the signs.
Alot of 2view whores show up to defend grifter whore behavior by trying to turn it around and blame the guy because "muh all fans are evil stalkers that will attack me with one wrong move" horseshit
Like fucking clockwork, women like these here are the reason vtubing is pretty much dead
>Women are the most valuable member of the species when it comes to sexual reproduction and the survival of the species
>They are evolutionarily predisposed to valuing their own lives, wants, and needs over those of the men, children, and elderly
These two statements contradict each other.
No they don't. Rape women.
Hear hear!
This is some severe mental retardation
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I want to say you're safe with Menace but she's also been mix signaling like how she's not your GF and that you shouldn't go too parasocial with her but I can understand you falling for her. She knows her crafts very well and is good at it.
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>looking for GFE when the title literally says roleplay
You are a retard, a cuck and ESL. You deserve to be laughed at and I would laugh at you if I didn't know you're just a femoid/tranny falseflagging, instead I'll laugh at the dipshits unironically sympathizing with this position.
t. Roastie
I hate to be the one to say it, but that one's on you. Like any roleplay it's on you to use it as an outlet for whatever your desires are, not to get attached. When you jack off to some momdom or whatever, you don't start looking at your own mother weirdly do you? Besides if you got told by her that "everything she said was meant for you and only you specifically" then you'd feel significantly worse once you realized I could watch that video too.
you sound more triggered than the op.
it can be roleplay without breaking the immersion on social media
look up Nene or Pillow, they don't break the character. As it should be.
Isn't the whole point of gfe asmr to simulate and invoke psychological attachment from men they want it or no? that's an entire point.
>unicorn friendly
Does he know?
Saying it's just a roleplay before/after doing a GFE roleplay is like saying no homo before having sex with a guy as a guy.
Nigger, if your oshi gives you GFE, then she gives you GFE, no ifs ands or butts. If the only time you get it is with an RP tag attached then you are a coping cuck.
>it can be roleplay without breaking the immersion on social media
look up Nene
Except nobody would come to Nene's defence if she tried this because she is obviously GFE 24/7, not just during her RPs. Can you say the same about this person? Because that's certainly not the case for the vast majority of ASMR RPers
Only my sides
it's coni from idol, who was a "YOU PARASOCIAL FUCKS' type. loves money.
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That's addressed in the second sentence. Listen, we can get into a whole conversation about mirroring and the like that the average ESL on this board will be incapable of understanding but at the end of the day the point is to take it semi-seriously rather than totally seriously. I like listening to ASMR erotic or otherwise and I like the tingles and feelings of appreciation or otherwise, Patra was my oshi before I even knew what a vtuber was, but not once has my love for her ever been romantic. Sexual at times, sure, but knowing that everything is for lack of a better term "a bit" is far far far more comforting than an actual experience I end up losing myself in. That's the kind of psychological attachment that's best for you and best for her in my eyes.
Why are you reading twitter
Why are you conflating the voice actor and the fictional character
Do you WANT to be hurt?
This isn't even the first thread you've made with the same image. Is Lumi making these threads?
No, it's like going to a maid cafe.
You want to know the real scoop? That's a man. Well. It's a "man".
>announce to the internet something bothers you
>It never happens again
This is how it always goes. BTW anon did you know you have to be 18 to post here?
>vtuber culture
>watches EN
>I've always used Vtubers as my escapism
Retard, you should have stuck with actual fictional works instead of 3dpd and other losers using an anime mask. i bet you think the term cgdct applied to vtubers too. You fell for it, hard
What did menace do
>The niche is for those types of people
No. Fuck you. Vtubers are entertainment and not fan is mentally ill enough to turn them into their pretend girlfriend. I'm so sick of you mentally ill faggots ruining shit for the rest of us. You don't think I just want some escapism too? Get therapy or kill yourself.
That's Coni, retard.
she was "YOU PARASOCIAL FUCKS" as coni and literally has her cunt ountlined in her panties with bush as menace.
totally not a grifter though don't worry
>I was fed up with hololive and other big corpos because of how they constantly get dramas here and there.
Hololive barely has any drama.
>because of how they constantly get dramas here
simply stop believing everything you read on /vt/.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
what makes menacefags so much worse than other coomerfags on this board? wtf is she doing?
>Menace just hit differently and she seemed so sweet and someone that could understand me...
>I just chose the one who was the most manipulative!
No hope for you
Catering solely to coomers
because she genuinely is the type of woman that will ruin you just by acting naturally
No idea, I just jack off to the rare porn of her I see cross my feed.
You've bee in a pleasant dream.
But alas, you'll need to wake up eventually.
>Has a boyfriend
Every single time. Miori is next.
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holy femoid
rope yourself
my oshi is my girlfriend and that isn't changing
does menace pretend to be your gf or is she just fully unmasked escort services? i'll respect her more if it's the latter.
kill yourself
I am Miori's boyfriend
MenaceCHADs are simply the best though
Menace is literally the best at what she does. All I see is jewcucks seething
Menace is my wife
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Man, strawb is such a FUCKING retard. She could have just defended herself but instead decided to include asmr roleplay in general and basically dooming all other vtubers with the same thing going for them.
i pay your wife for sexual services btw
Tennyo Yui for imouto girlfriend.
>menace is best at milking fans for every cent
>which makes jewfags seethe
i can see it yeah
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Indie vtubers try not to bring down their fellow indie vtuber challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Why did Stawb attack my wife Kanna?
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Pink women BAD
Yes and no.
The best movies map back to reality and are "hyper" real.
Vtubers can't do that.
imagine marrying a pornstar.
I'm not sure it'd be worth it at all.
>content labelled RP
>needed to be spelled out by the content creator that it is indeed roleplay
nigga u dum
It's a very bold assumption to think that lemonleaf will be 100% unicorn friendly.
Strawb speaks for all ASMR Vtubers out there and that everyone shouldn't fall in love with ASMR vtubers with RP content
ASMR chubas are grifters. They know what ASMR is for and the trade for money is OK for them.
ASMR viewers are coomers who crave GFE. They are the most pathetic vtuber fans.
ASMR chubas deserve the horrible fans they have and ASMR fans deserve to lose all their money to the grift.
Vtubing is flawed because it has no culture. It's all taken from stream culture and anime/manga/otaku stuff but bastardized to make profit in scummier ways. Falling in love with an anime or manga character is better than being given a lecture by some dumb e-hooker on how you're a bad person or whatever. Return to /a/.
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>was looking forward to this
>strawb with the most fucking retarded take ever
>ASMR relay ruined
God fucking damn it.
Pink women good and cute. Both her and Dianko Lastrea are excellent 2view choices who will remember your name and will be genuinely happy to see you.
Why are women like this? She had to ruin Christmas. Of course. What an awful woman.
The audacity of strawb being included here surrounded with GFE ASMRtists.
>Nerissa when she's collabed multiple times with a male from vshojo
Never saw her with kuro.
Oh yeah I almost forgot about this relay. Guess the immersion is ruined for it now.
/tingles/ in shambles after shitting up the board for weeks
how anti-parasocial was menace as coni?
Women don't really know how to shut up huh.
Cheers to anyone still listening to it, I guess, since that relay is pure RP.
It was going great until Strawb decided that she speaks for all asmr vtubers.
>Take advantage of extremely lonely mentally ill autism men who no women would never touch with a 10 foot pole.
>Expect them to not be weird
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The day Strawb ruined ASMR for everyone
Strawb is married to Rev, so of-course she's assblasted.
Strawb will always be a talentless whore whobl doesnt know how to speak for herself
menacefags are SEETHING their fotm slop was called out
Drama is Vtuber culture tho
The english vtuber world is the WRONG place to look for escapism, there are just too many conniving women looking to manipulate guys just like yourself for their benefit
Your heart will get broken many times over if you continue like this
RP I need to tag my posts as role play here so everyone understands.
It's very hard to find a vtuber that isn't horrible at ASMR. I prefer JP because I have no idea what they're saying. If it's in EN they'll say something that completely ruins it.
>Let me just enjoy my escapism in peace for fuck's sake.
Want escapism and peace? try a noose
I'm impressed by menacefags. At this rate, they'll overtake mozufags in total annoyance on this board before March.
When is Menace getting a 2D/3D model? Her simps have been giving her lots of money these past few months, she should have more than enough for a model by now.
kek this is more fitting than OP
ASMR is sold exactly to the kind of people. At least this is what I assume, because I never understood it - it does nothing for me.
But doing affectionate roleplay and then being surprised when a lonely man falls for you... well what did you expect?
>I don't stay strictly to RP ASMR. My oshi does ASMR mainly and she doesn't always do RP.
Ah, but you misunderstand; every time she does ASMR it's RP, since her whole character is RP and therefore everything she does under/with it is automatically also RP. "but it feels so real" yes that's the point, and how they get you. Either suspend your disbelief or find a different hobby.
This is a sad thread.
Please, seek help. If you can waste money in fake girlfriends (who say clear and loud they are not your girlfriend), you can waste money on therapy.
holofags are seething they'll never get menace-tier content from their sterile slop
What'd you expect from Rev's wife.
Strawbie has always been a grifter, she used to be a very "hahaha stfu PARASOCIAL I'll do what I want" vtuber but it started to make her lose money, now she tries to justify the fact that she abuses lonely people with her fake GFE by writing walls of text
Women can’t even grift right. You have to know you’re getting grifted and you have to be thankful for it. You don’t even get to have the illusion.
why is she singling out menace if other asmr was the one with the controversy?
She debuted it a few hours ago
did you mean strawbie or menace?
or is the point that menace doesn't even try to justify her flipflopping
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? It just sounds like you are mappingvyour opinion to fact.
She's not, OP put in his own member shit.
She was signaling out the catalog thread about that one GentleGFE girl.
Is this supposed to be Menace?
menace isn't nearly as honest
Are you Lumi?
No. Menace is smart. Strawb is giga retarded that doesn't know how to shut her mouth. I think the point of OP is that Strawb basically spoke for all the ASMR vtubers that they don't mean it when they're doing ASMR in a roleplay form.
This is literally not drama. You are retarded if you think this is drama. If this is all it takes to ruin your escapism, you are doomed.
look at the last 50 /tingles/ threads and tell me that drama isn't inherent to being a menacefag
gentlegf and darlingstrawb are obvious shitters, if you gave them a single proper look, you'd know they're obviously just there for profit. Sure the others are just in it for profit but they at least have the decency of being professional and putting up with the schizos. They create a proper experience. bitches like gentlegf and darlingstrawb and I could probably find some others don't care about the people one bit and they take no pride in their work.
>in the western hemisphere
No one tell him what language NTR comes from
Just watch Zenya and her JOE ASMR streams.
Honestly it just amazes me how Strawb could be on a same collab or circle with Nene >>91350920 who's managed to be faithful to GFE for years already.
I'm just glad Menace isn't in it.
I will RAPE menace and make her my rapewife.
lmao retard
If you want a girl to actually be into you you'll need to find a menhera JP 2view and slide into her DMs. Even better if they're predebut.
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>Menace just hit differently and she seemed so sweet and someone that could understand me...
Menace is never a good choice because she would have been Lumi if she wasn't poor.
Lumi on the other hand would never be menace even if poor because those who look down on others only double down when they are in the guttter
Lumi would just be saviorbait.
>my broke religious parents used to smack me if I fucked around
Hits different than
>my master's degree-holding 7 figure net worth strict parents used to smack me around when I fucked around
Why do you think she's so good at GFE you good-for-nothing loser. It doesn't take much to put two and two together
Menace is safe because she is smart enough to understand her business. She would not torpedo her income and career by collabing with males or mentioning them in any form. If you want the full kayfabe experience Menace is one of the safe ones.
i just use gfe vtubers as a replacement until i get a real gf.
pick less shitty chuubas retard
This desire for escapism is the biggest problem with vtubing by far. Fix yourself and stop seeking it out, you emotionally starved addict.
No, you will be miserable at all times and learn to live with it.
Poor ligcucks always getting cucked.
cat murderer
>well what did you expect?
for the paypiggies to shut up and give me money but otherwise keep their disgusting existence out of my sight unless it's to give me their life savings

Obviously they're all aware that the only people who would actually pay for their lifestyle are mentally ill as fuck and that they're specifically targeting them. They heavily fleece these braindead, lonely, vulnerable, mentally ill retards for their money, and they feel no qualms about it. After all, if it wasn't them scamming these mentally ill retards it would be some call center in India or a crypto scheme. However, even the biggest GFE grifter is still a woman at the end of the day, and their innate disgust for loser males kicks in eventually and they HAVE to shit on them, it's just their nature. Every instinct in their body is screaming at them to call their fans disgusting incels and tell them how much they hate them, you can only suppress that for so long, even if you're making bank scamming the mentally ill. Just look at Rushia/Mike who trashed her career to keep her gachi paypigs and convince them she was still single and would never male collab and was ACTUALLY their girlfriend (while being married), only to eventually have a meltdown and shit on her gachis she cultivated and strung along with personalized, private DMs
This one isn't related with another dramatuber?
Miori is my soulmate
id rather give my money to a cute girl over Jew Goldstein, actually
Nene is that costhot blacked whore isnt she? That is your definition of GFE?
“escaping” from inceldom means inevitably you get attached and send parasocial shit and demands to her, and she doesn’t want to deal with losers. sorry chud
Yeah. She's married to him. It's not a doxx btw. They both tweeted about it.
>holo out of nowhere
You are not tricking anyone falseflag king
>feel like a business than anything
You get what you pay for.
Stability is preferred as you age.
If you listen to GFE asmr and think it's anything other than braindead coomer shit then I suggest you "escape" life

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