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Is it really a crime to have no rizz?
Yes if you don't kill yourself.
As a streamer, lacking charisma is the worst sin possible
it is when you're as dumb as that twink
having no rizz is different than having predator rizz
That's part of the conclusion I came to. I think he's just uncharismatic and that his negative traits have flared up in response to the response to his genuine unsocialized self.
having no rizz is one thing
having no rizz at coworkers who can't just ignore you, repeatedly, is something else
If they wanted him to stop they could have just asked.
Why do you guys keep defending this rapist?
Then a lot of the biggest streamers in the world are sinners
If your rizz is so bad that it looks like harassment to every girl you try it on, then describing it as "negative rizz" is a disservice to people with actual negative rizz.
Attempted murder shouldn't be a crime then. Skill issue lah
Negative means less than 0; the opposite of positive.
Who did he rape?
Riku's stock price
Women expect men to read minds.
You have done well, thanks to you Aster will pay for his crimes. And due to this action your karma for destroying the life a child, because you backed the pedo ring ran by your former boyfriend, will lessen.
However, this is only the beginning. If you want to stop having those nightmares and quit alcohol, you must keep fighting for the lesser among your people.
yes, if I get a restraining order it's only fair he gets one too
It's more that having rizz lets you get away with a lot more than you should
If that were true everyone on /vt/ would be under arrest
Where is the lie?
you have to ease into the "offering to fly someone to Japan for sex" part, you can't lead off with it
They want to do what he couldn't.
only if your rizz is in the negatives like his.
Ur mom
>26 posts in
>not a single anon calling out the word "rizz"
Once again I am reminded that this board is populated by underaged faggots.
L rizz bro
skibidi toilet hawktuah
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Why do people not think Twisty is the sex pest?
Because unlike you they're not retarded and recognise that acting like a sex pest on stream and acting like a sex pest off stream are extremely different.
genuinely, being a sexpest on stream makes it far more likely they AREN'T one behind the scenes. it'd be too obvious and way too easy to come forward about it since it's super believable. it's the ones who put up a front that they're nice and safe and good that you have to worry about since people won't believe you. it's like how Bill Cosby was "America's Dad" and he was a super rapist
I keep thinking about the tunak tunak tun song
I'd kill myself if I was +25 and still interested in online drama of anime characters
Get used to it old man, it's our world now
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Skibidi rizz?
Lewk ngl finna sus hella skrilla dub yeet cheugy gyat hawktuah delulu fuhuhluhtoogan bussin hits different frfr only in ohio pluh
i came alot listening to his asmrs.
Unironically yes
Yeah yeah grandpa, let's get you to bed shall we?
If she was a sex pest, then why hasn't anyone gone to False with the receipts to prove it?
Because she's a pussy who probably unironically uses safe words and does aftercare for her on stream behaviour.
That’s 99% of the population on /vt/
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fair enough
Only if you're a man
Even the most boring "comfy" female indies have at least 15 viewers as a baseline just for being a woman on the internet

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