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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.
You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>91152724
(Where we discussed motivation, being housebroken by Azki, shenanigans with Biboo, 99 problems, and daughterfics)
/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em.
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story Recap. There were zero stories posted last thread.
save me gyaru wife...save me...
>ririsanta visiting your house, eating your sausages and putting a pokemon card inside your stockings
Im gonna give ririsanta a riricreampie on her ririwomb
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>Spilled blackberry Ginger ale all over my computer minutes before I have to leave for work
>Come home, clean as much of the sticky shit off my GPU and everything else as I can
>It's fine
Fucking Christmas Miracle oh my god. Arigatou Ririsanta
You better take riresponsibility
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I remember you... you scumbag! I'm the one you battled that one time, the anon you're talking to inherited those Aqua reaction images from me.
My wife being posted in my writing thread? What an unexpected crossover.
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Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Jewel breeding, Bijou is the most compatible Jewel for humans?
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There are no children anymore Bijou, just adults spawned from the womb.
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I will create a race of people who practice genetic engineering like Abh from the Seikai series, but instead of the goal being better adaptation for living in space it's going to be all about creating the cutest lolis. And they'll stop physically aging when they're hebes.
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>me explaining to the police why that 12 year old was really a hag so they might as well let me go
Harems are cringe and gay and you should feel cringe and gau
That "12 year old" is an old hag using a loli potion to look like the nonexistent under 18s.
What is it with this 'ole 'She's 18 but looks 9' or 'She's born at 18'?
Back in ma day, we used to call them by their name; children, and we fucked 'em, and we went to JAIL.
They stopped persecuting sex crimes after the kemono revolution and the world has been worse off after it.
Must breed the inanimate objects
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You're the one who should feel cringe. Harems are based and straight.
Monogamy rules
It's nice an all, but sometimes the love needs to be spread around.
Not to mention a nicely written battle harem can be plenty of fun
>battle harem
Battle harems?
What about battle royals?
The closest thing to a harem fic with one winner and multiple losers was Menhera Wrangler crowning Fubuki the winner.
Holy based
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for me it's absurdly stacked schoolgirls
Someone who is a great scholar of rrats and Hololive lore should write Battle Royale: Hololive and make holos hunt down each other for the dumbest possible grudges
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Laplus smut doko
>Rushia makes a mad dash to try and kill aqua for that one time she overlapped her accidentally
>trips and hits her head, killing herself
How is that a Christmas miracle? It may be better than having your PC break but it's worse than not having spilled the ale in the first place. It's still bad luck overall.
Long hair Lap: Your annoying but cute sister that's super competitive when you play video games together

Short hair Lap: A sex demon that'll suck your soul through your balls

Can science explain this phenomena????
Long hair lap looks like she's still going to grow into it all and turn into a 6 foot tall demon mommy when she grows up. Meanwhile short haired lap is a 'final form' for her gremlin body.
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the way i see its that La+ short hair is usually asociated with her casual clothes which means she's showing skin and wearing little details that make her look more mature. Things like piercings and painted nails make her look ten times hotter to me because it gives that edge that tells you she's taking care of her appearance.

Meanwhile, long hair lappy looks goofier and more "friend" shaped due to the poofy hair and the layers of clothes that make her look comfier.

Also the cut. Short hair plapplus tends to wear things that highlight her curves, while the other clothes hide them.
How does this absolute hornyness of mine translates to a fic? How about that demon "puberty" thing where you are completely taken by surprise when Lap suddenly can use her succubus/semen demon charms out of nowhere
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That's right /wg/ awaken to short girls that you can just pick up and kiss and then someone asks you if you are a lolicon but she becomes super angry because she has SOME chest or is actually flat but has her ID or its just a shortstack and needs you to bring her stuff.

also sexthere's not many pictures of bae and other short girls, damn it
Who's the one in the middle
Koleda from ZZZ. She's a fiery little bean and is the president of a construction company. I want to impregnate her head of R&D and care for our real children while she autismos out over machines she also thinks of as her children.
You want to impregnate the bear?
Ben runs the finances. Grace does all the technical stuff, and ignites my need to breed.
Gacha girl but she's also short and hot and the artist drew her there
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Mechanic girls are always sex
Amen brother, amen
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need to rape correct this dine&dasher
>Lap's demon puberty
>she's constantly teasing you and flashing you tongue/nipple/legs
>The rest of holox doesnt believe you and they just think Lap is teasing you
>Cock about to explode as she, again, brushes her naked foot against your groin under the table
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doesn't this mean short hair + long twintails is the best of both worlds?
That's just a cute highschooler
>fingerblasting Kronii as you lick all the sweat and engine grease off of her toned body
>she acts disgusted and verbally berates you, but from all the whimpering, stuttering and cracking of her voice you can tell her arousal is more than just a physical reaction
As someone who's super passionate about underage girls I feel like that hairstyle would classically be on the 6th grade JS to 1st year JC range in anime character design
Include a pun involving creepers and I'm in
koleda and gigi having the same sorta rough nasally tone of voice is gonna give me such a stupid fetish
anyway gigi is definitely someone that shocks you when you realize she has boobs
Going to your second job as a strip club bartender, and realizing Mio, your wife is dancing in the pole. A fight ensues.

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Awakening to Gigi being sexy is the best
Watame’s fuckpet
As for me, I'm Watame's carpet
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what do you call Ui's archetype and which other chuubas have it
Tsundere but you get double the tsun and no dere
Please do society a favor and kill yourself.
Girl that just hates you but not really.
A super tsundere if you will.
a tsundere that has ascended past a tsundere...
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>Delete his WIPs Mogojam
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>using an unapproved Mogojyan nickname
Tsk tsk...
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Nicknames are given by others, you don't get to pick them yourself. Sorry Mohojun, this is not under your control.
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>Yucking it up with Gigi
>"Damn it's hot as hell today. Lemme take off my jacket." she says
>What the fuck? Boobs???
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Gigi with Grem cups is crazy
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im a sucker for the reverse trap that was your best friend when you were a kid, but it always ends up being
>woah she turned into a gigastacy sexo

I want to spend an entire month catching up to my best friend Gigi until she takes off her shirt and my jaw unhinges and my world turns upside down (she has B cups)
So since you GIGGERS are active.
Would it be "better" if she was a beaver (her stream "fursona) that one time they drew that

oooooor is it better to go for a lizard-reptile adjacent animal? Or even another mammal. Basically i dont know if i should prioritize her tail or her sharp teeth
For your consideration.
A platypus? Gigi the platypus!
i actually considered it...but they are purely australian and also really freaky and hard to translate aside from maybe making Gigi lay eggs
Gigi the jackalope?
My train of thought is some wacky hybrid animal with the platypus just being nature's actual weird intersection.
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ghost rimjob
Say does anyone have that pic DrawAnon made of Towa cleaning Kanata's used sloppy cunt?

Kinda want to see it again.
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Preaching to the choir
Save me tall girls...save me...
>two useless lesbians
>one jokester
>one autist
>One wet cat
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Too much words...
head dizzy
Grems are based on geckos so what about that?
There's that one dog milf vtuber who's a brit and her voice is sexo.
i still think its funny how well she fits being a hyena
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>Hyena Gigi whole erect clit is larger than your cock.
Okay a hyena fits like a goddamn glove. That is going there even if Gigi is not african i think?!
No its not
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very hot
yeah I don't think anyone else has quite the same "scruffy looking cat-dog-thing with big chompers that keeps howling with laughter, is obsessed with mpreg, and also often gets treated like a boy" energy
the color scheme is on-point too
To be honest most of the alleged lolis in holo are just short/petite girls anyway.
I vaguely remember Matsuri saying this but 'there are no lolis in hololive' isn't much of an exaggeration.
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yfw when she goes with you to the boy's bathroom and uses the urinal
imo only Kobo and Kanade have this problem and Kobo's is mostly cause her legs are sticks which give an illusion of height
Kanade just being a regular girl also messes with the illusion
You lads oughta stick with human women
Demon Nun Marine absorbs all your sin by completely draining you of every drop. And yes when she shows off the demon horns an "I'm Horny" joke could be made
Sure you become enthralled to her as a side effect but she doesn't mind having nice cock to milk when she's needing it
With how bad her mumbling is It's not my fault I heard Mogojyan as Mogojam.
God speak more clearly you stupid dog
I don't think human women have tits capable of withstanding the temperature of blue flame...
If anything, I'm an unusually ethical actor in this society. My sexual habits consist purely of masturbating to eromanga and anime style illustrations (=I don't touch 3DPD in any way). Live action porn which destroys, degrades and exploits real people is always worse than the most offensive 2D content. I definitely wouldn't do society a favor by killing myself!
I though that was some sort of ghost flame. Although I mean it's TOTALLY not something to draw someone's eyes to her tits. Sure it probably drains some of your spirit the more you look into it but it's worth it right?
The longer I stare at her flame the more I feel the need to set back kemono rights.
>One wet cat
Who if you knock up will probably just turn on breeder mode and possibly break your dick with how much sex she wants
But I can't think of La+ as being erotic in the slightest so she must be long haired
Tall girl and manlet but it's exaggerated to high hell. Like the girl is described like a giantess while the guy is continously described smaller and smaller.
Having a shotgun wedding with Biboo (She thought she couldn't get pregnant)(she was wrong)
Its Christmas season and (You) are the unlucky soul that's forced to work (while everyone else is enjoying their holidays and spending time with their family).
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Shotgun wedding with Biboo
She thought she wouldn't lose to you in GoldenEye 007
She was wrong and now she has to marry you
Shogun wedding with Princess Bijou of the Rockugawa Shogunate.
You fucking KNOW She plays Oddjob
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>You and Biboo are kids.
>Have a bit of a crush on her since shes GIRL who likes VIDEO GAMES as much as you
>1v1 her in Goldeneye. Tell her if you beat her she as to marry you when you two get older
>She agrees, thinking she'll win
>She was wrong
>For the next 15-20 years, Biboo calls herself your wife to everyone you meet (You two are unmarried)
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Biboo feels too young for goldeneye.
There's a surprising lack of Biboo in the archives.
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Much like how there are no lolis in hololive, there are no lolicons in /wg/.
It's fun to imagine vtubers being born 10-20 years earlier and inserting them into an 80's or 90's setting
>pic unrelated
Nigger we've been on life support for like two years and Biboo debuted months ago, it's not surprising.
>Biboo debuted months ago,
Anonchama it's been over a year...
Man, where does time go?
doomposters are so retarded kek
She's definitely older than she lets on. That said I agree Goldeneye is probably too old. Make it Halo 2.
>Halo 2
Playing Xbox with Biboo!
Watching Naruto with Biboo but your Chinese bootleg DVD box set blueballs you by missing the last 30-40 episodes (before the endless filler saga begins)!
Listening to 00's metal with Biboo!
It's not for a lack of want. Advent is only recently coming into their own and getting comfortable. A Vtuber's true debut is a year later, to paraphrase the saying.
I find it extremely endearing that Biboo's (and Shiori's) taste in music includes mid to late 2000s Nu metal.
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Shiboo is such a strangely cute duo. Like they feel like they should be at odds (shy goth nerd that looks unnerving and spontaneous genki girl that looks like a magical girl) but somehow they are surprisingly close to the point that in japan Shiori would take her hand and lead her everywhere or the fact that Bijou's first instinct is to hide behind Shiori
This looks like a scene out of 1984 where commissar Sora is leading another 2 minutes of hate.
"There are no lolis in hololive" is the current mantra of the party......You may disagree. Hell, you might have seen it with your own eyes. But the party has said otherwise. There are no lolis in hololive.....
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>mogoyan your breath smells of his cum
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What's in the sack?
Least sexy creature
The fingers of the last anon who didn't finish his wips. He had no use for them anyways.
Then she's at the WRONG house to be delivering presents.
Why your gift of course! For being such a good boy. Now get close to Azki so she can give it to you. Don't be shy!
Since Azki is so supportive, she should really get a role in the fics she enjoys.
>"Dad, look it's that hag lover."
>"Good thing your mom isn't here, Anon. She would be terribly frightened. It's a damn disgrace that a sick degenerate like him isn't behind bars yet. What has happened to this world?"
>"Dad, why would anyone lust after mature women?"
>"I don't know, Anon, I don't know. Common loli-loving folks like us could never understand a monster like that man."
Taking Biboo to a Avenged Sevenfold concert!
Having to put her on your shoulders the entire time because she can't see over the crowd!
No! You're just saying that because I haven't been doing my WiP's and she's hear to 'lure' be into a false sense of security and then snatch my fingers away!
I know I should never have left the house that one day and joined a club that writes stories and such!
Now now Anon you're being hysterical. It's the holiday season! Nobody likes a Grinch and besides, why would Azki take your fingers? Then you couldn't write! Now c'mon, come get your gift. Azki would hand it too you but it's kinda heavy.
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>Jeez AZKi, what could you have gotten me that needs a box big enough to hold a small chil-*gasp* no! You didn't!
A mighty spirit takes a pity on you on Christmas and enters the human realm to cure your depression with her silly and whimsical hijinks!
lyrica my beloved
can i get a rimjob instead? im taking my meds so the whole depression thing is no more

small update with Gigi and Elizabeth. Thanks so much for the hyena suggestion, im so mad i couldnt come up with that
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I like the concept for Gigi but you are a coward for not directly making a clit dick joke.
>Reed Deer Elizabeth
take it with the brits.
they live in an island where there's next to no cool animals and they decided to make lions their personality
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>Marine got fondlable 3D tits
Ridiculously dangerous play but I respect it
>If you could input numbers like you fuck, we could be working for Google
I fucking love brratbro's dialogue...
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There you are! I was getting worried.
Let's go back up, okay?
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he's dead anon...THEY got to him...
Chekov's bat....
Anon I was pointing out the mispelling.
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what even is the origin of this and the mio image? just some fat edits?
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AI actually.
Hell yeah
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>Go to a mixer as a plus one since your friends need it
>oh god. Shigure Ui, your damn nemesis is the other plus one
>Both of you are seated across each other. Introductions
>things start well but quickly sour as alcohol lubricates tongues.
>while everyone else is triying to get into each others pants, Ui and you start throwing jabs over some old arguments you had
>then its a new argument
>You two are kinda killing the vibes so the mixer gets cut short, but you two remain on the bar fighting over some inane shit
>then you continue this on the street, on route to your house since no more trains
>she tries to win the argument by sticking her tongue down your throat. You respond by turning off the lights and getting into the cheap futon with her
>Next morning is awkward.
>You quietly make breakfast as she takes a shower and brushes her teeth with the toiletries she left last time she came here
>While the washing machine works, she hangs some clothes to dry.
>You two sit and eat breakfast in silence.
>Rest of the day is spent chatting, cuddling and just lazing around together
>until the sunset
>Ui gets dressed, you sheepisly take out a brand new hair brush and put it next to her toiletries
>walk her to the door. More silence
>Right before opening it, she tiptoes and kisses you on the lips.
>Soon enough you are hugging and kissing her as she tiptoes to meet you on the middle.
>Both of you separate, she puts her shoes on
>You can swear there's a blush there
>Walk her to the station in silence. Her hand bumps into yours and you capture it. She intertwines her fingers with yours
>reach the station. Stand there, waiting for five minutes
>as the train slows down, she gives you a quick peck and rushes to the train.
>she doesnt look back, and neither do you as you turn around
>as you walk home, you click your tongue
>Damn her. Someday, you'll make her as lovesick as you are
Sorry but no, you'd probably bring some sort of terrible calamity to the area of her influence if you tried to make a powerful spirit lick your anus.
>A sudden torrential downpour ruins a rural Japanese farmers harvest
>"Dangit! That damn Oni was eatin' her boyfriends ass again!"
Ayame would refuse of course and chase him with divine wrath all the way to the countryside where the farmers would try to lynch Anon for offending their goddess and being a horny degenerate.
>Damn her. Someday, you'll make her as lovesick as you are
Ui-sama: Love Is War - a working class trash version of Kaguya-sama set in some mediocre public school
>sees your word count
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Comforting Mint and proving that you think she's sexy.
Minto is sexy in that this bitch isn't sexy at all kind of way.
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That doesn't sound like a good compliment to give a girl
Just explain that it's like how pugs are so ugly they go back to being cute.
She's gonna possess you and make you punch yourself in the balls
>accidentally engages in my fetish
Not helping her case.
For some reason this just makes me imagine both of you having a Subaru at your side trying to get you two to actually get together. She has normal Subaru, you get Shiobaru.
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Make it meta and have it be Shiori's degenerate fanfiction from watching the of you bicker in the office irl
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Compiled a greentext post I found backreading while going through old thread
holoEN Imouto and Oneechan post
Tags: hololiveEN, SFW, greentext
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>bullying mint by giving her less attention and refusing to call her sexy no matter how much she sluts it up
>either turns into Freak Fantome and ghost assaults you (good) or awakens to some weird petplay where she's just begging you to praise and spoil her
Mint isn't sexy. She is the opposite of sexy; she repels it. I listened to her talk about jerking off minotaurs and it was like nothing. Her giant ass and important moles become unsexy the moment she begins to speak.
Nice try mint
What if Mint possesses you and has sex with your girlfriend?
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This. She's a ghost and a freak.
I want her to give me a weird as fuck blowjob by phasing my dick through her neck or some deranged shit that makes me question if the vatican should burn
A story framed as generic NTR but it's actually your oshi killing people.
Like she goes on a solo trip to Jamaica and you think she's getting passed around but she's actually murdering warlords.
This but it's still framed as a narrative of 'losing her' but instead of by dick it's from bloodshed.
So something like (You) overworking yourself for a promotion because you don't want your beloved gamer maid to lose herself in her vigilante work.
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What if Biboo was cool and edgy?
>Battle to the death
>Accidentally make a shitty pun in the middle of it
>She starts laughing like someone is whipping a window
>Mood ruined
>>91520372 (me)
Imagine her year 3 update.
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God that just makes me imagine a seeming anti-climax into tragedy ending.
>Lay down your guard after hearing Evil Gem Bijou laugh.
>Think maybe she isn't entirely gone and give out th hand of mercy.
>Just talk with her like old times but...
'I'm sorry Anon'
>Find yourself with her sword in your heart.
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>"Looks like I'm a real heartbreaker"
>*Window wiping noises ensues*
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I feel like Watame should be on Ui's side and Subaru on yours. Or if you want to save Subaru to be your daughter in the epilogue have someone like Marine?
Biboo's donut steal OC is so funny
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Hey! Ascended Bijou is a serious character for serious stories, and totally not what Bijou pretends to be when playing with her mall katana in the backyard when nobody's looking. Everyone's looking.
Imagine walking in on Biboo doing some edgelord monologue in front of her mirror while she listens to Linkin Park.
Bae is made for fucking on every piece of furniture, and in full nelson
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i know the exact type of voice you're describing for Liz
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>Shiori's face after I punch her really hard(she doesn't feel anything anymore)
Her favorite series ended, now life has no meaning to her.
but I haven't finished writing it yet.
So tell us, is Gura cumflated to death?
I thought she was the one doing the cumflation?
It's not revealed yet...
Three victims and yet no clue if it's futa gura and her microdick or someone elde entirely. The suspense is killing me
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>futa gura and her microdick
Shouldn't it be microdicks?
Not to spoil you but one's a fake.
I am writer RAAA
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Raa.... aaaa?
It's okay, Anon. You can do it.
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life's been hard miosha... why not make a fic about being comfy
>my bitch wife trying to get my attention about stupid shit like bills and giving attention to our kids(I'm playing Monster Hunter)
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This is my writing face.
IRyS pimping out Bae's butthole
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The children yearn for the SCP fic where Anon faces horrors beyond human comprenhension by simply being too overworked to care
Go and kiss Fubuki to recharge your batteries
You do you bud, your wife and I are gonna be clapping from the next room when you win
Miosha comfort fics (where you comfort her and make her understands there is nothing wrong with being pampered by her husband(me))
>11 days until Christmas
>Still not done with my Christmas wip
Should I switch gears to a Christmas-themed fluff one instead?
the musical was shit and thus i declare that all of promise engages in a cum drinking contest
So what promise got broken? Besides the one where they promised me sex.
they promised to drink cum but they didnt
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