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The grim songstress of Hololive, Mori Calliope
>Two threads
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Remember to love your Mori
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Nini debbies
I got baited by the sell out and so now I have two sets of tickets because I wanted the early admission. Anyone got advice for selling these for less than standard and not getting scammed? I’d rather get some money back than be out the extra $200
Still not sold out, wonder how long it's going to take
G'nite catbeat
You'll be able to scalp them through ticketmaster reselling in like a day
you could always message a fembeat on twitter and take them anon
Them not being gone has me worried I’ll be stuck with em
Why did the website fuck her over with the early "sold out" notification? She should complain to them if she doesn't sell out in the end
My guess is that all the tickets were in the middle of checking out so that counted as sold out. I checked just now though and there's early admission stuff again.
She's going to be sad when she sees all the empty seats
schizo the last stream's comments
I bought a ticket, but I'm not sure if I will be able to go...
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Have faith in your Mori.
But doctor, I am the fembeat
Naw, she jsut keeps to tweet about it again tomorrow or something when everyone who was holding tickets hostage are all kicked out.
I want to have my sperm in my Mori.
>Lose two tickets and one kidney
Why did it show as sold out as first? Did someone buy a bunch of tickets and the immediately refunded them?
I'd let a fembeat take my kidney
I would've thought Mori would give her a ticket if anything
They didn't pay
c-could I go with you....?
People throwing them in carts and not paying.
>One lone, nervous, Deadbeat among all of the Fembeats and Mori's relatives/GFs/wives
Why wouldn't they give Mori's mama free tickets?
how impulsive
>ah hell yeah! I got in!
>what the hell? $100??? I ain't paying for that!
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Have (You) got your tickets?
Sounds retarded
Website fucked her by doing "sold out" instead of something like a "please wait" message. I would be super pissed if I were her
no I'm going to watch the stream
Yup, Early Access
>Why did the website fuck her over with the early "sold out" notification?
Because they're technically "sold" once they're added to someone's cart
What you're seeing is people who rushed to add their ticket to their cart but didn't pay for them, so their "claim" on the tickets become expired after a set period of time
Should be fine so long as Mori remembers to keep shilling them (which she might neglect to do cause she's dumb like that sometimes)
I'm still paranoid about mine being general admission rather than early access. Does the ticket say "general admission" on the "my tickets" page only to say "early entry" in the receipt itself?
>groups of people try to buy extra tickets for their friends
>friends do the same for them
>realize they have more tickets than they need
>extras go back into pool, rinse and repeat
It should have said so on the check out page, early access is also more expensive.
Yeah because the stupid way ticket master works it will probably take a couple days for the final tickets to sell. I really wonder if anything is ever going to be done about them? I was able to get Ado tickets because a similar thing happened where the first big rush was squashed by a early sold out message.
I bet someone was running 5000 tabs simultaneously in hopes that one of them would make it in.
I mean it's squabbling over like a dozen tickets when 4,000 were sold.
If you paid $144 you got early access, if you paid $118 you got regular. I had the same thing with the Ado concert in NYC this year, the ticket just says GA whether you got early or not

Mori talked with staff to let more people know
I wasn't paying attention when I checked out. I believe it's the more expensive at 114 but that doesn't line up with the prices listed on the promo website.

See this is what's throwing me off. The numbers don't match up anywhere. The ticket was 114 and I had to pay 19 in fees putting me at 133. I want to say I got an early access ticket because it was more expensive but I don't want to turn up early for nothing.
Early Access GA ended up being 133 in total for me so sounds like you got the regular GA.
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Please confirm
Oh so I wasn't somehow magically the one one to pay that total. So ok I probably really do have an early access/entry ticket. I guess I have to go pinch myself to see if this is real.
sex with snek
>I really wonder if anything is ever going to be done about them?
Probably not sadly, the US government hasn't really bought hammer down with antitrust laws in decades, and Taylor Swift's lawsuit against them doesn't to have gone anywhere in over a year at this point
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Very cute image. Oh, and FUCK YEAH!
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SO many people posting about selling spares. I am so cooked
>Because they're technically "sold" once they're added to someone's cart
That is the dumbest way to implement that. Why not have an asynchronous method on payment verification instead of this stupid static bullshit?
because ticketmaster is retarded.
Probably safer to not have to deal with a dozen failed CC payments per ticket? Shit I dunno ask Ticketmaster.
I can get the logic, when you're buying limited merch it doesn't deserve the item for you. I've been fucked a few times because for some dumbass reason, the holostore said it wouldn't be able to ship to my address until I switch the payment. This at least gives you some leeway to buy tickets if you were there fast enough.
I looked them up and apparently the DOJ is suing their parent company on behalf of almost 30 states
this, I've gotten cucked on limited merch by "Enter your Shop Pay verification code" too many times. What they really need is to have an actual waitlist for reserved but unpurchased tickets instead of trying to hit the refresh gacha
Or just do an actual lottery like Japan does but Ticketmaster probably doesn't like that since it makes life harder for scalpers
>The DOJ was joined in filing the lawsuit by twenty-eight state attorneys general, as well as the attorney general for the District of Columbia.[a][11][12] The DOJ and states are pursuing a jury trial in the case.[3] On August 19, 2024, ten additional state attorneys-general joined the lawsuit, bringing the total number of co-plaintiffs to 40.[b][13
I hope they win this shit cause it's legitimately just a monopoly lmao
Yeah, It's not even a pseudo one like ISPs, its an actual one.
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I usually go to metal shows, can we mosh?
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I got tickets after freaking out and thinking I'd never get any. Thank god anon told me to F5 over and over.

Is it safe to book a hotel near the venue? I know LA can be shady but I figured the Hollywood area would be pretty touristy.
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I love this gremlin
I want to SO badly but I'll wait to read the crowd first before I start
The only bad neighborhood I know to avoid is skidrow.
Yeah West Hollywood is pretty tourist friendly
idk about the quality of hotels (since I live in LA already) but the only thing really shady about the area is probably the overpriced souvenirs and trinkets lol
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Celine dion was furious not too long ago because her concert supposedly "sold out", but at the time of performance only half the seats were occupied. Ticketmaster CEO needs to feel scared.
Yeah the area near the venue is fine. I stayed at the Godfrey 2 blocks away, walked around no issue. The Mexican place (El Zarape Vine) on Vine and De Longpre was pretty good.
Well this concert isn't big enough to be THAT big of a target for scalpers. Celine Dion is a superstar. For those types 95% of tickets probally go to scalpers lmao.
The Waffle on Sunset right next to the venue was also decent food but slow service
Lol I'm at the Godfrey too. Looking at other stuff to do around the area for the few days. Who's bringing the pink wig?
I don't plan to go too far, just around Hollywood, maybe the observatory for some tourist photos. I'd head to Chinatown because I love the movie, but it's kinda far and I don't want to get ganked or pay $100 in taxis.

Cool, I found a cheap but not TOO cheap place since I'm hoping to go to Fes as well.
What I don't get is why there isn't a queue if tickets say they are sold out for canceled orders. like when you get the sold out message there should be a option to join a queue for any tickets that come back for sale.
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I have the whole costume but it's in a women's small which I am not
Stream tomorrow?
Umm pics?
yeah, probably, she didn't mention any particular breaks
probably wrapping up DS2 if she has enough time
She didn't mention anything but I wouldn't be surprised if she played more DS2
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Time to bring this night to an end. She did, >We did it, even those who are going to be watching from their own homes, everyone start getting fucking hype!
I'm worried she's going to be nothing but a fromsoft streamer for the near future with how she's trying to play everything on the assumption the perms will be gone forever
I don't really wanna go to LA but I'm doing it for fun. Hopefully there's more East Coast shows next year. Or even something in the midwest, I'd be okay with taking a 3~ hour flight.
I've hyped but remembered it's like a month and half-way away still lol
I'm probably get more antsy the closer we get February
Could be worse. You could be going to a show in LA and then immediately hopping onto a plane for fes.
she literally had two back to back kino collabs and a PoE2 stream
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But that's what I'm doing.....
Well Debbie, hit the gym.
working on it, down 30 pounds this year
NTA but nice
Pics or it didn't happen.
I'm sure I will get antsy too. First time I'm really traveling alone so I need to prove to myself that I can do it.

Keep it up! And don't forget squats to keep that ass fat! >:}
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Oh, is the artist doing a set of these type of images? I saw a similar Kronii one the other day.
Bro's kinda of a deathclockfag, so we'll see what else he post tomorrow
what software would you load on robomori?
would keep factory one, but the optical hardware and image processing firmware needs to go
I fapped to another chuuba and I feel bad I feel like it might be too late for me bros I'm way too in love with my Mori
The GOAT OS, Windows vista
>I fapped to another chuuba
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Not him but IRyS, Scarle, Reine and Shiori are a few I fapped to.
Did she say who did the art she showed off for the song? It looks kinda like Ina did it but there's also something about it that makes me think it's not.
Nah I don't think she mentioned but we'll probably find out when it gets close to release
based and same
Yea it's weird I look at some of the faces and think it's definitely inas art but then I look at the face directly next to it and I think there's no way it's her
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Now that I'm reminded of it again, that scene when Aigis lets you touch her crystal is hot as fuck.
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Idunno, somehow I don't feel Ina would draw herself like this. Might be wrong, of course.
Yeah that's one of the ones that makes me think it's not her yet if you asked me who drew IRyS in it I would 100% say it was Ina.
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I think Mori should get an outfit that makes her look like Byakuren Hijiri
Anyone else feel similar
I was thinking something more like Mitsuri Kanroji
what if she gets an outfit that makes her look like my wife
What will be the alt color of her hair gradient?
Nah, that'd fit a haggier holo better imo. Or maybe Anya.
I love this outfit it's pretty sex I really wish there was more lewds of it
>What will be the alt color of her hair gradient?
I dunno
Maybe like Red at the edge and Pink the closer it gets to her scalp?
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Mostly the clock but with a small skull inside of it.
Mori should bring Tutu and Ghostie to the concert and have them do zoomies across the stage while she sings

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