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Some kind of new vtuber group/agency was just revealed slated for 2025 debut.
The designs are something.
paizuri corpo? sign me up.
oh nice, new milkfactory eroge.
my back hurts looking at this. and im a guy
sure you are, sister
Unholy boobas!
third girl makes no sense. How can a frame that skinny hold tits that huge!
laugh at this flat femanon
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I'm not watching this crap.
Posture and an iron will
>not a single cunny
Is vtubing finally healing?
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Fuck off! Flat is better compared to this monstrosity
That's the opposite of healing.
I think I've seen these designs before
>no link
>illustration looks like something out of a RAITA ero doujin

Fake. And if its real, I give this corpo about 6 months
Based beyond belief
Flat is justice
Sweet jesus BIGGER!!!!
It's from another Honoo no Haramase entry. High effort games with live2D sex scenes, full voice, and every girl has huge tits.
Huh I didn't know the alphabet started at J
Taimanin corpo?
OK pedo
>6 months
Fuck off, VAllure has been thriving
as long as the ass is fat
ya looks like the milkfactory games
milk truck just arrive
>literally just the same thing over and over (except of is black)
get some design variation. they can still be huge but at least make them look DIFFERENT.
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Vallure is an exception. 2024 has been a graveyard for small corpos, and the market is saturated. Big tiddy will not be enough to keep a small corpo afloat
VAllure is offering a product that none of those other small and medium-sized corpos were offering. The OP pic looks kinda similar in so they're offering the same.
Didn't think someone would make a summary like this across 5 years, but thanks for the work, I'll save that. It's scary that 2024 was the reaper of so many agencies, but for 2025, I wanna explore some more agencies for Vtubers to watch, and I'm gonna pray that either they don't close, or they give them the Prism treatment where the talents retain their IPs at the very least.
Problem is that makes them a competitor to Vallure. Also, and in Vallure's favour they have Stronny aka Riifu, who seems to know what she's doing. Does the new group have such an individual?
There’s nothing wrong with competition.
If flat=justice, then
No flat chest
= no justice
= no morals
= no guiding compass
= lack of vision
= will be out of business
where's the name or link.
It's bullshit, taken from an H game. That won't stop tards from arguing hypotheticals though.
It's the blond drills for me.
drills are justice DESUWAA
I can feel my shoulders ache
2nd from the left and 4th from the left literally look the exact same
It's a teaser image with a uniform(?) set. the full designs with their personal clothes will be revealed later
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>kawa entertainment
>died in 2022
>came back from the dead in 2024
If there's no titplay ASMR then it's wasted potential.
How much bigger can we go?
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People find this attractive?
You're reading the graph wrong, silly onion.
Very Taimanin of them, looking good.
You are just weak.
Is this the first chocomilk factory?
Gentlemen, I love anime titties.
Were they all designed by derauea or what?
Can't wait to fuck all their moms
Breast fetish is disgusting.
think akagi rio took over the designs/artist role with the last game. pretty similar style anyway.
I want mommy I want milkies I want mommy I want milkies I want mommy I want milkies I want mommy I want milkies
oh whoops, didn't see the separation between open and closed
Holy gross
I wonder if they have funny jokes or a comedy routine
Missing Lightmotif:
> https://x.com/lightmotif_live
Should go to 2021, I believe.
It's also missing Virtuality Pro
Any more info on this? I like the sound of the premise but am struggling to find much on a new title.
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I love tits so much it's unreal.
Nah, there should be at least one oppai loli.
Tourist detected

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