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- Megas:
/lig/'s Archive (Non-Paywalled, excludes HoloNiji)- https://mega.nz/folder/JYtkXJwL#07gAQCQqI_9FsmX9oQJKSA

Ask in thread for options below (Including paywalled cards)!
Horny image maker: https://twitter.com/Wataaamage
Koi image/video maker: https://twitter.com/koi_s3
VTuber/Hololive Koikatsu Card
- Koikatsu Database: https://db.bepis.io/
- Pixiv Releases: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/バーチャルYouTuber キャラ配布(コイカツ)
MMD VTuber (iwara.tv)
- https://oreno3d.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#1)
- https://erommdtube.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#2)
- https://mmdfans.net (Iwara video cache/archiver)
Subscription Site Archives:
Patreon/Fanbox/Gumroad/etc. - https://kemono.su/
Fansly - https://coomer.su/
Catbox : https://catbox.moe/ (200mb max)
Litterbox : https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ (1Gb Max/temporary storage)
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Wishing for a rat tied under the Christmas tree.
That tummy's way too small compared to her tits and thighs. still would
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Imagine coming down on Christmas morning and finding an embarrassed and horny rat wiggling her naked butt at you
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i'd rather be the one tied up waiting for her
This a perfect example of what I want to see in these threads. I don't care about boobs or anything. I am enthralled by pure, unapologetic cuteness. I want to see more cute or wholesome here.
Bae should have tits that big
Bae using you as a sex toy all Christmas sounds good too
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I want to fuck and impregnate this big titty dragon
And drink from her milk-engorged breasts
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I can't not see that image without being reminded about the head groomer of a doxx site crying about Fansly yet he retweeted Mozzu looking like a bimbo. Couldn't make it up, what a faggot.
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Kek, what a hypocrite
definitely the west is to blame
>also noel and matsuri
Bae eating my ass
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any chance someone has LDKI's shion, hajime, latest laplus? I know merry milk doesn't have the shion/laplus, but trying my luck is all.
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does parkdona have an art tag or some way to find art of her
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How is Ami doing these days?
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Holy shit I'm gonna carry her to bed and tuck her in and kiss her goodnight on the forehead
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i wish someone would draw that. any refugees from the drawthread in here?
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One morning Kronii wakes up with four boobs in two rows on her chest. What would she do?
Did you know that Merry Milk's birthday is on Christmas Day? I'm looking forward to the holidays for more than one reason!
Merry Milk anon - Reply if you need a card!
Please refer to the rentry in the OP for what I have.

Ok! Hatoko IRyS and Kiara below!

Wishing you luck on the other cards, but here's the hajime!
As nice as it would be, pretty much all the drawers moved to the drawthread when it was created long ago, we don't really have artists here anymore

...off topic, but how do the drawthread anons deal with it? I really did think it would improve a bit after trying trips, then a suggestion box, but the last couple threads seem both lacking in deliveries and just constant arguing. I'd die if I had to deal with that on a regular basis
>how do the drawthread anons deal with it?
we have our ways
Made for milking
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