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Previous thread: >>91577581
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
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Streams / M.E.S.
>【HALO: REACH】MUMEI CO-OP! I hope we can REACH the finale! (haha)
>【#TheBrokenPromise】hololive English -Promise- 1st Anniversary Musical: The Broken Promise
>#HoloENCalendar Day 14
>Hakos Baelz 24 HOUR STREAM PART 1!!
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
>Fanart hunting links
>Tools : QOL & YouTube recorders

>Library of /who/LEXandria
>Most recommended streams if you're new.
>List of members streams + brief descriptions
>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions:
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moom cute!

Right... as opposed to non final season which was totally different
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I missed her so much hooo...
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Rrat Love
looter shooter hate
Oh so you just wanted to argue
Borderlands again NEVER
Wasn't that obvious from the onset already?
They actually found some furniture to fuck around with, kek
You sound like a pissy woman. Can I have sex with you and make hootie babies with you
I want to give mumei a shiny thing
CC will learn the true meaning of the 600 hours
>600hours mention
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>I love chinese names
Meimei is approved now
She's still kyuuning...
Well, of course she does..
Never trust those damn germans
shiggy diggy
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This is basically just a ww2 movie but in space or something
Mumei is wearing the hat!
mumei is the fireman now
she will set fire to your home
I always thought they are supposed to put out fires, not start them..
moom soon
Ever read Fahrenheit 451?
Do we really need to mark out sarcasm now?
no sarcasm. this is the autism general
I was making a joke too.
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Gosh, she's blind as always
>that's literally me on screen now
I want that soundpost
Oh I forgot the stupid ass precursor civilization plot
Humans are Forerunners 343 can eat a dick
Timestamp after the stream, I missed it
How far are they from finishing
This level is maybe a little longer than the last so 1-1/2 hours
They are on the last chapter but from a quick glance it seems to be longer than the chapters before.
Lone Wolf is next.
Can’t wait for one of them to accidentally shoot an explosive barrel in the first 30 seconds and kill them both
depends how long they fuck around
That's HALO STUDIOS to you, deadnaming bigot
Emil is me
They are being evil again
RIP anon in an hour or so
To be fair, Emile did a pretty good job in those circumstances.
the verbal abuse asmr..
Cecilia confirmed NOT the chosen one
I want a mumei affirmation stream
>too big
It was a mumei stream for 5 seconds
I'm just happy to have some Mumei, even if she's not in best shape today.
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I miss her singing this, it's so fun to hear her sing it
mubae bros????
only becoming stronger
Well that was a new voice
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I mean she did amazing
pro tip: to defeat the cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies
I agree!
I miss booty time
Maybe if you're new lol
They found something else to fuck around with
>stacking boxes
Are they... you know?
oh no her autism is flaring up again
I love these dorks.
>jigsaw puzzles
Mumei is the jigsaw puzzle anon
a meds a day keeps the /here/ away
Mumei is jigsaw
She wants to play a game
Ah fuck my halo autism flared up when they completely ignored the iconic keyes moment
Ahh you sank my jengaship
we should do more jiggies
these two are why ledges are painted yellow in games
Impossible. Jigsaw never killed anyone.
Not personally at least
Mumei looks so goofy running around
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Tickling Mumei until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
this is unironically a pretty good run for her here
>CC died first so we could see Mumei play
mmm based she's totally not bad at videogames
That's a fucking GOOFY helmet
I want to coom in mooms womb
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Don't eat her, please..
>3 hours of sleep
8 am? Mumei.....what is she doing?
>"I went to bed at 8 AM, and woke up at 11 AM"
No wonder she sounds exhausted.. Mooooom
I made that post.
mumei HATES CC
they're so cute
They are silly
I worry about her... I don't want to lose this goof.
No updates mumei?
I miss her already...
Her ability to bounce off anybody and do silly things is just irreplaceable...
boo hoo
They are not going to play other halos, arent they?
It is now canon that Mumei officially overpowers and is stronger than Cecilia
>Mumei is on 3 hours of sleep
>I'm on 3 hours of sleep
WE ARE tired and eepy...
It'd be rude to do so on another person's stream. Come on now
She is on top, nothing new there
Were they the first to finish a halo game?
the problem is there won't be a solo stream either, so no updates
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I think mumei should go to bed
lol no
at least not together, I expect we'll see CC playing halo 1 on her own next month
Yea... no. Her sleep is as fucked as ever.
i feel refreshed
I just want her to talk about the "musical" but she is staying up until morning again for god knows what reasons.
Sex with me
sleep procrastination, probably
that hasn't changed so far and it won't change now
wasn't she "fixing herself"
how to hell is she supposed to go to school like that? now days I would probably die if I tried to function with 3 hours of sleep
Semester might be winding down, but it’s not necessarily over yet. Also, what >>91625300 said.
>staying up until morning again for god knows what reasons
discord sex with the usal suspects
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I don't know but I don't think it's working out that well for her. Also meds possibly, she did mention something during the off-collab karaoke when Bae was staying at her place, no?
I have never seen a single school / university in the United States that goes past this date for their autumn semester
Ooh big reach!
The Ahoge is part of her.
It's not cheating.
What if I snip it
You probably haven’t seen too many then.
Graduate but ok
Bullshit, but I don’t want to derail the thread any further.
this chick is in japan using her shitty gaming laptop
>don't want to derail the thread
>decided to start an argument
Too late I guess?
That laptop? Me.
I doubt that but the beast was missing, probably just sleeping.
I didn’t start an argument. That’s all I’m going to say further, since you seem intent on continuing.
>I didn’t start an argument
ogey schizo
Moom toes being licked on right now.
I really want this too but in my head i know this stream isn't happening
she hates us
I miss her wolverine.jpg

Just tell us when we can expect you back. Or tell us you're graduating ffs.
She has her Ritalin, its gonna be alright.
Mumei's in Gura mode now
my name is ritalin btw
>Good collab stream
>schizos come out of the woodwork when it’s done
Tale as old as time.
Only denialposters are gonna hang around this thread when she's not streaming
fpiss moom is kind of a gremlin
>It's still mad about the lack of drama
Case in point
>still no stream
Did Moom watch The Disaster Artist before watching The Room?
I just wanna to hear from her HOOOO
I don't think so. She should though.
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CC and Mumei have a really cute friendship, I like them together.
>watching movies together
>going to sleep at the same time
>riffing on each other
Mumei and green women are always a good combo.
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Almost always
Well that particular green woman didn't last for very long after Mumei's debut
I need verbal abuse ASMR as she stares at me dead in the eyes like this
Don't make me get Abe-No-Seimei on the line.
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The bean.
The rotund one
Pet the bean
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Flicking that
Bananashi Mumelon.
What the hell is your problem. Things will work out fine in the end stop losing your cool over the small stuff.
squishing the meem
Finals season for my school (fairly prestigious) doesn't end until the 20th, idk what uni Mooms goes to but it's pretty plausibly the same. My friend who goes to a different university has the same finals week.
She likely will immediately go into family stuff given how much Mother Owl demands.
You guys told me she'll be back after the musical. Hooo.
moom today and thursday moom also confirmed
i guess she's not going to be streaming on her channel anytime soon but collabs may be back on the menu instead of her missing everything like she was a few weeks ago
wtf he lied
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What's on Thursday
christmas party on cc's channel
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christmas party.
Yay! Can't wait for Thursday then.
Mumei Claus will return to give the gift of blood and honor.
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Things did work out, why are you trying to resurrect a conversation that ended 2 hours ago?
2 hours before you posted*
Sorry, I lost track of time on my end and am just catching back up on the thread.
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This came up on my YT home and I thought it was Mumei for a sec and nearly had a heart attack
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A hoodrat and her hood rat.
Reminder her first instinct when she saw a giant rrat was to shoot it
Mumei knows that if there's a big rrat, you have to slaughter it.
I overslept and missed the stream...
It's alright, I can assure you that it was kino, and now you can watch it whenever you feel like.
Silly. Moom was cute and bratty. Her and CC make a great pair.
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finally caught up on the musical
Moom was great
she definitely got into her role and acted her butt off
He just said he’d stop (being committed to) posting daily and continue the others some other time
>refuse to be kissed
That's so hot
>mumei no...
>mumei yes
that's a fine loan she has there
Need more (of my) saliva on the Moom and her mooms
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>no NY Moom
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im reminded of the lucky moom cat from that cover teaser
Why the fuck is it steamy
The result of all the coomans waiting til they see her again..
she always knows just what to say...
So cool...
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wow suisei is such a good artist
Well now you provoked Mumei into saying something silly...
kek, Watame finally saw it too
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Why delete?
Are you new?
That's my fathers name, call me Newman.
Look at them go!
Fauna......Hey Sana and Fauna rhyme! It was always meant to be!
litter links expire after a period of time
NTA but I've been using catbox for 7 years, I've never noticed the litter feature. Damn.
files.catbox and litter.catbox are hosted on different servers i think so sometimes when files has gone down in the past, litter still works
lots of dead litter links in the archives that i've found when trying to get old concert clips, pretty annoying
Yeah I get it. My question remains: Why did they use a deleting one instead of the more long term one?
some people just like using litter
the guy who made that was this guy >>91642519 who likes to use litter for all his edits
mumi-chan kawaii
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Sleep well, /who/.
gn hootie
they're still going lmao
Waiting for the medulla oblongata.
cute moom
>August 2022
honestly feels like this may as well have been a decade ago, felt like I've aged too much this past year
Me too. Hoo...
How things were different too....hooooo....
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