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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: https://x.com/rinkouashelia/status/1868473396696379411

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>Lia will be doing a MONDAY NIGHT DEEP DIVE on Chernobyl mold at 7pm EST
>Lia might also be appearing on 90 Minutes to Midnight on Monday night

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia and Lumi were the musical performers for the VTuber Awards Halftime Concert, and Lia debuted her first ever original song "WORLD OF LIA" during the show!
>Lia is NO LONGER MOVING TO JAPAN!! Very important news!
>Lia Licker is safe and okay!
>Lia has a new acrylic stand up for sale

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie WOW!!
>Chibi Lia daki pillow OMG!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins, Stands, Stickers & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Free Lia desktop assistant!
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>91613535
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Thinking about Lia's brown butthole.
thinking about Lias pink idol butthole
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Who is Lia from Phase Connect? to the blind, she is the light. to the hungry, she is bread. to the sick, she is the cure. to the lonely, she is company. to the sad, she is joy. to the prisoner, she is freedom. for the poor, she is treasure. for me, she is everything.
any webms from the concert?
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good night my friends
goodnight bigbro
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thankyou cytube anon for the Christmas movies and trying to find jingle all the way
im trying but im no good at making them
if you have a torrent set up theres a link for a torrent on the archive
something is better than nothing. a bad webm might also trigger a good webm maker into making a good one
meant for>>91643796
Goodnight little spoon
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my ISP threw hands once and i don't want to risk it again
get a VPN nigga
I can't get it below 4mb. also i have no clue about soundposts and will never put the time into figuring it out

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there's one good ISP in my area and that's the one im on, the rest have dogshit speeds. it's not worth the risk
people have to craft soundposts? I thought they just put it in a program
Brother I thought you were supposed to be some kinda smart autist? They dont give a shit if you use a VPN, unless its different in your shithole
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it's not about being smart it's about being paranoid ok
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just because your paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you
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>nigga black Lia
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Lia performed in a literal aquarium stadium with tentacles. It is like if the Little Mermaid had a Yankees Stadium.
Really felt the speculate of the event
>panko liker
the jellyfish princess!
im going to get her another one for her next birthday
based as fuck, coolest yearly tradition
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i didn't really appreciate the "arena" if you will until the anon in the cytube mentioned it
it makes it feel beeg. it feels as big as the amount of viewers who were watching it.
same, it does make it feel cool. imagine the spawn model quality with the stage. it would be the coolest shit in the universe
how do people create quality webms that are like 90 seconds long and under 4mb and they have sound? i will never understand.
Someone get this loLia a McChiggen.
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never ever
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>nigger allowed
>post blackie
The cloud wants some dark meat.
I want that toe meat
this needs sound
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Gays out!
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
navi plz
Knowing Panko is singing that part makes me adore the song even more than I thought possible
Her performance really drew a lot of people.
it sounded like vocaloid music, I would bet not many people were expecting that
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>there is another cky chad itt
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da fuq
Lia should sing this
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This gets me in the holiday spirit
Konlia! Today is also Lia!
thinking about how unironically kino the costco guys wrestling match was
Thinking about Lia getting blown up in an aquarium only find herself performing in one
"90 Minutes Till Midnight" is Dizzy's Monday night "radio show" that starts at 10:30 PM (Pacific time, of course). It is 30 minutes of Dizzy talking, and then 60 minutes of Phase Connect original music. That's right, only original songs, no covers.
The first 30 minutes have been used by Dizzy to talk about some topic, do some sort of radio skit, or interview people; for example, she's had Rie, Jelly, Clara, and also Aiko, one of the Phase managers who handles relationships with artists. Originally the idea was that Dizzy was gonna have a member of staff appearing regularly, although so far Aiko has only appeared once (she has a live2d model already).
thanks chat gpt
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[Lia News] https://x.com/rinkouashelia/status/1868546592321708110
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Lumi and Rie combined have 150 covers but none of those are played in "90 Minutes Till Midnight", only their originals. So up to now you couldn't hear Lia except in the group songs like the Summer Camp's "Endless Sunset". Now that Lia has an original song surely it'll become part of the rotation just like Jelly's songs, Lumi's songs, Rie's songs, Runie's songs, Eimi song, Clara's songs, Michiru's Potion, Pippa the Ripper, even Pico-chan has her original.
It says TBA, so maybe Lia's appearance will be confirmed tomorrow, and the thumbnail will be updated.
It’s a weird spot isnt it because Lias first original song has not technically been released
In 90 Minutes Till Midnight they don't need the video, only the audio, so yeah, it'll be interesting to see what they do. Will they start playing it before the video is released?
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Lumi is releasing her song a bit after noon tomorrow. It's the "concert version". Will Lia do the same? Who knows. Maybe she'll wait for the music video.
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want to make a michi anti ritual post
do it faggot
alright i will

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