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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.
You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>91375348
(Where we discussed Lap's haircuts, short women, childhood friend Biboo, shades of pink.)
/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em.
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story Recap. There was one story posted last thread:

holoEN Imouto and Oneechan post >>91512670
Tags: hololiveEN, SFW, greentext
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Bring up some discussions that are still stuck in your head.
I really fucking like that slave hunter Gigi/ gremlins are treated worse than kemonos idea but I have no fucking clue on what plot you can have that in. Its technically a part of the coffee plantation AU but that setting isn't really conducive for story telling stuff that isn't pure smut or purely about the slavery thing. Really want to make something with the idea but the only vague idea I have is coffee plantation AU!Advent gets chased through the wild, wild world by coffee plantation AU!Justice.
>Pekora's struggles with Anon's anaconda-like whopper
Especially the post about Pekora's training program in the reply chain
>You, your wife Marine and your adopted daughter Aqua
>Sigma Grindset Aqua
I believe I submitted these entries already, 2 months ago, but they aren't in the directory still
Did you use the story anchor last time? Because with how the archive works the story anchor is basically the soft consent to be archived request.
forwarded it to the google form:
Your reading comprehension...
The prompts archive is not the story archive.
what about this one? my prompt is in here
That's because the prompt archive is literally an automatic Google sheet connected to the form.
Meanwhile your fic didn't get archived when you posted it because you didn't bother to understand how our story anchor works https://warosu.org/vt/thread/89725898#p89801045
Since last time you just linked your fucking ao3 fic without bothering to use the anchor.
I still don't get it. Too stressed to understand. I've been stressed for months.
So we essentially have two forms of archival in the thread; The main story anchor, which is described as such, and the prompt form which is the much larger post at the beginning of each thread. You reply to the Story Anchor if you want your story added to the archive. Shrimple. You reply to the prompt post if you have a prompt idea you want saved and put into the gdocs form.
so I just have to reply to this >>91657602 after submitting my prompt in that google form?
No. A prompt submission is different from a story. A story is something you completed, like your ao3 fics. You would reply to the story anchor post with those links, tags for the story which include genre, characters, and sfw/nsfw, and a brief description if you want. The prompt post is for storing ideas that you want someone else to write.
What's your native language?
so what do I do next?
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Delete your posts replying to the story anchor, that makes it confusing when there's nothing there. Then make a new post replying to that post, which includes your story links, the tags for it, and whatever else you want to share about it. Once they're anchored to that post, they will be queued for archiving. That's pretty much it besides replying to any (You)s you might get.
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Unrelated, but backreading through that linked thread, these posts
Just make me imagine Gigi having a shoulder angel and devil but they're respectively the shitgoblin and the hero, with gonathan ironically being the 'devil' whispering her to be good while her 'conscience' is her gremlin half telling her to go wild.
Who's getting abused for this next WIP? (You) or Sora? If you don't answer I'll shoot, don't test me.
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Neither. No abuse you edgy bitch.
Gotta a tough guy huh? Well ok. But just understand that the new WIP is your fault.
>(You) and Sora have unsatisfying lovey dove sex instead of BDSM
Truly the worst timeline.
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>He thinks abuse is the same as BDSM
How many time do we need to teach you this lesson, old man?
We started as the abuse thread! You can't deny your roots!
Punch your oshi! Rape your oshi! Cuck your oshi! Get punched by your oshi! Get raped by your oshi! Get cucked by your oshi!
I changed my mind. Sora or (you) feels like too much of a retread of some of my other works, so I'm going to do a choco-mel abuse story. Already three pages in. I hope it'll be good when I finish it up.
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Times change.
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Go on a date with your oshi's life-size figure instead of the real thing!
That prompt where Koyo-Ai made both you and Koyo cum like crazy was good...sad people took it as NTR-bait
To be fair the original prompt took the pseudo NTR spin when someone mentioned that Koyo would be cleaning her husband's cum out of a sexbot that looked that like.
I'd say that's bleak NTR material in itself, and if anything I hate it that so many fags are so irked by unhappy moments/stories that they'd jam something like "But then Koyo enjoys it too!"
Do we have unapologetically depressing/heart wrenching stories were everything isn't sunshine and rainbows?
I want really really REAAAAALLY badly Fuwawa to lose her temper and scream at Mococo's face "MOCOCO YOU'RE A FUCKING NIGGER" and make everyone in the room feel super awkward. Is this normal?
well the original idea where KoyoAI is more of a sex toy is more appealing to me since i like the idea of a threesome with a version of Koyo and a robopussy that can get both of you horny.
But aside from that i dont think people hate unhappy stuff. My humble opinion is that "sudden NTR" or misery porn is just so much more pathetic than sappy shit.
One reason i dont read "Gore" stories is because they all feel like a jeff the killer creepypasta and dont take advantage of the horror/edge angle.
I dont think anyone here would object to a dramatic tragedy where, say, Gura and you get trapped and she succumbs to her nature and ends up eating you and then having a freak out or becoming bloodthirsty or whatever.
But if your idea is " you were having a normal day until gura came, ate your legs, buttfucked you and then shat in your corpse" then most people here will go "well that's just stupid"

Again we loop into "good vs bad" NTR where i think people WOULD like it if it was a well thought and realized idea. Think of that Mio piece someone wrote not so long ago that didnt hit anyone because it was just "NTR greatest hits" and didnt satisfy both fetishists and people wanting a real story
gigi's lore is like Monkeybone, the silly cartoon character in her head won out and took over the body
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In practice the KoyoAI is just a sextoy. Couples use them all the time, and even the onaholes and dildos with full sculpted pelvises and torsos get a lot of play and it's perfectly healthy. For someone like Koyori the KoyoAI would not only be a demonstration of her genius, but also her vanity, as no one other than Koyo would be a fit for her man. She would even think of it as doubling her self. I doubt it would venture far into NTR territory since Anon would think of it as a sex toy as well. The potential for drama lies in the aspect of addiction. Anon wanting to only have sex with Koyori if the AI is involved is where things would get shaky for the relationship, since now he can't achieve intimacy without the presence of the sextoy, where sextoys by their design are meant to enhance the intimacy, not replace it.
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One day a strange orange woman shows up in your house, yapping about "how can you live like this?" and "thank god you are a guy this time"
which then prompts you to discover the inmortal phoenix has been somehow grooming your very reencarnating self and has always been your wife through the ages
I like that concept sometimes. It's kinda tough to make the overall structure work without some higher level plot to string it along though. More so in related to HOW you are like that to begin with, and what Kiara does to help keep it that way.
>Gremlin Gigi telling her to go ahead and hold his hand
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As the guy who originally came up with that idea I agree it's kinda hard to figure out what you could do with it. It's an interesting bit of worldbuilding, but for the focus you'd definitely have to step away from the focus on the plantation bit. Maybe (You) and Gigi are bounty hunters in that world or something and you're ostracized for the obvious reasons?
Seeing this in 3D really shows how hot the exposed tummy is.....midriffchads I kneel.
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Indeed desu ne
Making Marine jealous by giving her live sized statue too much attention!
Now wait just a minute...
I think it could be cool if you pieced it together like a revelation.
>Flirting with this girl you met because [Reason]
>She's really cool and she really gets you. Hot as fuck on top of it
>Agree to a date at a later date. Bla Bla Bla
>get home and get a call from your brother or any other mumbo jumbo that forces you to research a rather obscure topic
>Get a book from the 20th century
>go to the local library and start flipping pages. Something catches your eyes
>Its...that girl? nah, must be a relative.
>She looks the same...and that woman next to her...looks familiar?
>move on. return the book
>have a fantastic date with her. dont really bring up the book thing since it feels tacky
>She says goodbye with a kiss. Winks and implies you might get some next date.
>You like it, she's refined
>Still that relative of hers was really similar huh. Decide to take a second look.
>apparently she's part of a foundation from...Austria?
>What the fuck? Why is she here?
>dig some more
>Why....why does the founder look...like you?
>The more you dig, the more you find her. NEver fully featured, like she's hiding in the pages of history
>call your folks, ask for the old family tree thingy that your dad loves to bring up as a conversation topic
>"my great-great something was a noble! can you believe it? and here i am, unable to fix my garage door! hah!"
>A Noble...one of the few nobles that knighted a woman...
>This is freaky, and you've inmersed yourself so much that you forgot that the date is happening. Go to it
>It might be the best date of your life, followed by some great sex
>its so great
>its like she knows exactly what to say
>its like she knows exactly what you like
This also can work with Kronii, i just realized
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I don't feel like Kiara would beat around the bush with you. At least after a few reincarnations, she would be much more direct
>Look, I'm a phoenix, you're my soul mate, any more questions?
She would have the same song and dance memorized, since you would be drawn to certain objects, hobbies, ways of acting through all your various lives. You would even ask her if it got boring being with the same person for so long, with dozens of lifetimes worth of memories, and she will always give you the same answer
>While you're still you, all the memories are special, unique, and keep this bird walking forward, no matter where or when you'll be waiting for me.
>Even when I was a chick?
>That took some getting used to the first couple of times, but MAN did you know how to twiddle my clit
You know ages ago I had a concept for a crackfic that used this very same idea, but it was basedon the Epic of Gilgamesh.
>Kiara is a tyrant, just like Gilgamesh, and you're her Enkidu, but you're a mortal.
>After a long life together, you finally kick the bucket.
>Kiara says something like "... I told you this would happen." Alluding to how she always reminded you that she was immortal, and that it was a terrible idea to fall for a godess. But she's not saying it to you, she's saying it to herself.
>Sunken in desperation, she ventures down into the underworld to retrieve your soul
>But when she pulls you out, you have no idea who she is.
>"Damn...must have sucked to reincarnate and find me with a vagina"
>"Well yeh, but once i learned how to use the dick, it was smooth sailing"
>"Ah piss off. it hasnt happened since the 80's. Gotta say, the 60's whats the worst, with both of us being guys and all of that"
>"Jeeez...at least i was the top...right?"
>She just shakes her head
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Yeah that's the rub isn't it. The whole relationship is kind of reliant on the power dynamic of Gigi being saved from being in a worse situation by the fact that Anon has the means to keep her from being killed for what she is. Which in the idea's home setting means having him be a slaveowner. Inherently it's kind of a fucked power dynamic for romance.
Even trying to untangle that by extending the concept out to Justice just makes it something like Gigi being Liz's attack dog she has on a leash of "the implications".
Though this does make me imagine the cast for this being Justice, as colored by the AU.
>Justice is a slave hunting group funded by the young master Anon. Members include
>Gigi, the former heir of the Murin family. Here because being with you is the only way she's still alive
>Liz, the young lady of the bloodflame clan. Here because their clan is trying to hook you up with her.
>Cecilia, the ancient automaton. Gifted to the organization under ambiguous circumstances.
>Raora, the slave. Here because your bleeding heart couldn't stop yourself from saving her being executed.
>You, the young heir running this operation because it's keeping Gigi from the pyre. Wrestling with the way the world is run.
>Now they're on a road trip hunting down escaped prisoners in the wacky world of kemono slavery.
How fast does Anon die that he's had to juggle that many incarnations?
I think making Kiara able to just change her sex is kinda a cop out to the impact of her wanting to stay with you regardless of what shape you take. Also what the other anon said, there would be different iterations in the same half century, unless you got hit by a truck in 1959, and then kiara found you again in the 80's. She's not going to fucking steal you from your cradle.
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i was just making a joke...but then again wouldnt that be funny in of itself?
>Anon dies way too fast and Kiara is constantly reincarnating triying to tardwrangle him
>"wait...the 60's and the 80's? isnt th-"
>"We learned the importance of protected sex"
>"but we-
i think you are drowning in a glass of water here.
You can go with just old plain racism (as in, there's friction between humans, elves and kemonos) but they all band together in one sentiment: Gremlins are the fucking worst.
Why? well you dont need a reason to just hate someone if it helps take the heat off you, but there can also be the implication that unlike the other races gremlins are "abominations". Something like a race born from magic not too long ago.

You dont need the plantation AU, you only need the other races to look down on gremlins and this opens the door for you to take the concept into any direction
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>unlike the other races gremlins are "abominations". Something like a race born from magic not too long ago.
Naruhodo... I see it now. Gremlins are witchers but for autism.
im not familiar with witcher lore but i think Grems being like a "disease" that mutates is interesting.
Like one day you are a normal teenager then a tail spurts and your teeth get sharper and now you are stuck in your weird inbetween state
Oh I thought this was the idea in the first place
Gremlins being natural dregs of society because no one wants anything to do with them, driving paranoia of being infected with whatever they have and spreading rumors of them being corrupted by sinful behavior and whatnot
So, like Lepers, I think you could double down on that idea and make Gremlinism a genetic disease instead of an infectious disease (of course, nobody knows that). You could even add a tragic twist that Gremlinism is a germline disease.
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>You, your wife Marine and your adopted daughter Aqua
I remember posting that prompt. Fun, albeit off-the-rails discussion. I tried to write it when Aqua announced her graduation but didn't have the willpower to see it through.
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>You love Suisei so much, just the very thought of her makes you want to jump off a building because you know there's no way it would work between you two (provided she's even interested in the first place!).
>You want to write novels, she wants to sing at the Budokan. You want to stay at home and read, she wants to go out and absorb all the latest trends. You're still pals with a couple of guys from the manga club back in senior high, she's surrounded by all these celebrities and musicians and other beings from a world you know nothing about.
>You know all this, yet you feel this invisible force pulling both of your heartstrings together. What the hell is this? Is this how deluded you've become?
>Or maybe there really is...?
>"Oh, damn it all!" you say as you shut your laptop closed, before clicking your tongue. "Like that's ever gonna happen!"
>"Come on, Anon, you're being too harsh on yourself," said Fubuki, flipping through a page of the manga she's reading. Like in the old days.
>"No, I'm just being realistic," you insist, before exhaling some air. "Just being realistic..."
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>"wanna use that sigma sperm on my goonhole?"
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Naruhodo... Teen Wolf
Gremlins being super lepers ala arknights' infected would be fun way to work them in... Unfortunately kind of reliant on their being a lot of them. Which is why I suggested them being more akin to witchers since or more generally a rare mutation since that justifies the 'uniqueness in cast' a bit better.
i dont know if its "fic" worthy but i really want a scene where its Mori being her usual tomboy self and then hardcutting to some extremely girly shit like her cooking you food with an apron or her in her wedding dress criying or even her breastfeeding your kids

dunno i just want her to be uncomfortably girly
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Im gonna eat Kobo's cereal after banging her mom
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I actually had the Striga more in mind, since a lot of gremlin ideas have gravitated to "high class girl gets cursed"
Also a rare event, with pretty uncertain causes and cures even.
The idea the striga is more about how she affects the reputation of the family involved (though in the story, its more like she a constant reminder of all of their dark secrets)
You could maybe do something with why their relatively okay with hunting down runaway slaves as well. Maybe young master Anon is weird about the concept of loyalty? Like, he understands that slavery isn't great, but it's the way the world is so there's no sense changing it. Kemo's work for the humans who in turn clothe, feed, shelter, and protect them, and either side breaking that social contract rubs him the wrong way.

>The Murin's were always good to your family, doubly so Gigi after your father's death, so taking in their ostracized daughter at the last minute was a no-brainer. Especially when the alternative is a cruel death like putting her on a pyre due to her gremification.
>Cecilia was a mysterious automaton who's been with Gigi since birth, so you have no issue with her coming along even if most other people find a living doll off-putting.
>Raora is your elder half-sister, born from your father's dirty secret of having serious kemo fever, your mother hated her but Raora was always a sweetheart who worked hard and never caused problems. After your dad died your mom began to punish her for the littlest things, leading up to an attempted execution that you stopped since you were head of the house and you thought she never did anything wrong.
>The Bloodflame's have always been borderline vassals to your family, something that's always rubbed them the wrong way so after the Patriarch of the Mous family passed they sent Liz to marry you and take control of your house. She couldn't stomach the idea of using you like that so she spilled the beans about her family's scheme and you in turn shielded her from any reprisal .
Sorry, Anon. Suisei is too busy pleasing rich old men for Budokan gigs.
> Kobo's cereal is some weird shit straight from the Internet like sour gummy worms sliced into an approximation of noodles, with an energy drink as "broth"
I don't get what this is implying?
Foxes over Comets? Fubuki the wingwoman? To be Forever 18 again?
>He doesn't have a Fubuki tulpa
Fake /wg/ regular spotted
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I need a fic where Biboo constantly comes over to your house trying to seduce you 24/7 because you called her unsexy once.
Would you betray your fatherland to help her achieve her ambition?
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Why is Mumei sending me these pics...?
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What have you been reading lately anons?
The tab for the second chapter of fantasy high is just sitting there because I haven't found the time to read it all.
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She wants you to Coom to the moom
>Meat is Murder
Short, but I like the idea.
>For Whom the Bell Tolls
So... is this gonna be a fic where Anon gets random underwear shots from different Holos at night, and when he confronts them in the morning they go like, "What the hell are you talking about, Anon?" and then proceed to send even more of them the night after?
That just makes me imagine an insane plot twist you're with Mumei the entire time then get a notification of her doing a sexy photo in another room despite her being right in front of you.
>"Anon? Anooon?"
>You hide the phone in your pocket quickly. Perhaps too quickly. "What?"
>She tilts her head to the side, but her eyes are looking at the pocket your phone disappeared into. "What were you looking at?"
>Your vision spins as the weight of realization throws you off-balance.
>If Mumei wasn't the one sending you those naughty photos... then who was...?
>"What was it, Anon?" Mumei stands up from her chair and stands directly in front of you, almost an inch away from your face. An inch too close. She's looking down at you between those knockers. They were just as big as they were in the photos. "Show me."
>"B-But... I don't wanna."
>"I said show me..." she says, before taking hold of your hand, trying to fish the phone out. "Show me...!"
>Suddenly, IRyS, Kronii, Fauna, Bae, and a few other Holos enter the room. Kronii instantly realizes what's going on.
>"You two should've locked the door first," she said with a slight smirk.
>"It's not like that!" Both you and Mumei cry out, before the latter lets go of you.
>This is when you realze: The person sending you those dirty pics and nudes could be any of these girls. ANY of them.
I need to fuck Marine with her in this outfit NOW!!!!!!
Plot twist
It's mumei, but not the mumei of the present. It's future mumei who went back in time via a favor kronii owed her in order to set up her past (present) with you via spoofing her own phone number.
>"Beebs, please stop calling it that."
>You wanna go hard on this motherfucking GYATT huh? Oh yeah you like that? Want me to hawk tuah on that wank-shank?
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For some reason I'm imagining evil bijou alter saying this. As if there's a logic of if regular biboo has zoomer brainrot then the corrupted evil biboo should have advanced coomer brainrot.
Fubuki's pregnant with your child, and it's the happiest time of both of your lives.
That is until a nigger punches her stomach and rapes her, killing your baby and putting his own offspring in her.
Oobib would be the silent stoic type until Bijou uses some word with double meaning
>You evade the phantom cuts
>"Hey! Leave him out of this! He's just a goon"
>Oobib blushes
>Bijou catches it
>"Huh? Whats the problem? He just goons all day"
>Oobib lowers her sword, triying her best to be composed as she shakes and blushes
>"He's a straigth Edge kind of goon too!"
>Bullying the evil rock because She's shy about coomer stuff
Rocks are quick to recognize lewdness
Having a nice cup of tea with Mio after destroying your bed railing her.
Good News Gigi join you as your partner in the Goldeneye Tournament.
Bad News She's an Oddjob player
Can you look at Gigi the same after this?
This makes me think of an idea where Marine tries to incorporate coomer zoomer lingo to spice up the bedroom but you both keep cringing.
>"Cmon Anon, here! I know you want to smack my.. uh... what do the kids call it again? Cyatt?"
>"Right! Give it slap and come goon my... vaginussy?"
>"Marine can we PLEASE just make love normally."
Saving Oobib with the power of love! And a good dicking!
>Lab partner Kaela
>You ask her if She's okay
>"Yah i feel so SIGMA" she says with not a hint of irony
>mental damage
>Turns out her daughter is teaching her english slang
You and your partner have fallen out. After so many years, it feels as if the spark will never come back. In fits of solitude, but of you cheat behind each other's backs, but when push comes to shove, you remember why you wore your wedding rings so proudly.
Honestly? Not much.
I've just fallen into rereading my favorites and the dead series that I'll forever die mad about.

For fucks sake someone finish To Be 17 Again and First Summer Memories.
You're pretty cute anon, telling the thread to die as you're saving its life.
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Seriesanons doko?
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You won't get me to talk. Now put the hags in the bag, nice and slow.
oh boy you have NO idea how fucked shit is
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Let me guess... Another 50000 words taken from the next chapter of Lost and Found
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tsk tsk tsk dear mangopan....you've really need to aim betterbecause IT WAS YOU MOCOCO! YOU WERE THE ONE TRAPPED IN THE ETERNAL WIP
First arc done, at last. Now comes the crappiest part of any writing endeavor: finishing it.
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Naruhodo... Pale Mococo...
>"M-Mocochan? you are erasing your own wip??"
>"Nooeh! its not mine! im gonna show them!"
>"Moco-chan stop! That's your story debut! Your map!"
>"hahehaheeh! another 40000 words taken! that will show them! Im not crazy! Im Mococo!"
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I don't know who you think you're talking to, wise guy. I didn't ask for your arc, I asked for the hags.
And don't be a little pansy. The finishing is part of the all encompassing fun that is writing.
I don't see this name in the list of officially approved ways to refer to Mococo Abyssgard. You're in need of re-education, citizen. Guards, take this man away!
my associate and partner in crime has already prepared our getaway vehicle.
you shall never take me alive, monjajuan
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>hey anon wake up!
>you stayed all night playing those video games huh? Seriously!
>Huh? you had a dream? and i was on it?
>yoai? what's that?
>and i was...da fister?
>Interesting! tell me all about it while i work on my excel sheets
I feel like "Normal" Gigi should absolutely be human rather than having the gremlin tail.
Her gremlin and human sides but they switch like Jekyll and Hyde
What if it's actually a buttplug
This Gigi only appears when you deprive her from league of legends for 2 hours.
>"Hey, how's that reaction going, is it done yet?", you ask
>"It's straight bussin...." she says, deadpan
>You're left to decipher what exactly that means as she silently returns to monitoring the stir plate and writing down her observations
>In the next cabinet over, lab supervisor Koyori tears her hair out, desperately hoping these two autistic nerds will successfully flirt with each other, even just once.......
>It's been 3 weeks since they started already, can they ever figure it out?
Okay, what if? Let's see where you go with this.
I summon, this prompt!
Gremlins aren't real, Dame Murin has just been fucking with you by pretending to be a shitgoblin for the past decade.
>Gigi is a completely normal human girl, except she LARPs as a gremlin 24/7
>freaks out any time someone touches her "tail"
>one night the two of you are hanging out, and you finally get sick of the gremlin bit
>assuming it's attached to her pants, you grab her "tail" and yank the thing out when she has her guard down
>her panicked screams immediately give way to orgasmic moaning as you look down at what it is you're holding
>you are confused, horrified and aroused all at the same time
This is better.
This is lame.
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a criatura
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Now see? Was that so hard? She will make a fine addition to my collection, and I know exactly where she will go.
Well anons I wanted to gift you guys a lil something to write with but as it turns out, they don't offer keys for it just a drm free copy.
Some of you probably won't trust a random zip off of 4chan, but it does come from humble bundle originally and I haven't altered anything.

But here's also a steam code for a game with nothing to do with writing necessarily but yeah!

??= HATE spelled a different way

Merry Christmas anons, from Santa
>Eternal Threads
Genius CarlJumbo?????!
The other game in the zip is "Kind Words Lo-fi Beats to Write To"
Please don't put my oshi in the casting couch getting bred by black cocks. I sure would hate to see my oshi get fucked by a bunch of darkies.
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Anon, you know who you are.
I've read 2 out of 3 chapters.
As early as now I will say, you are COOKING, man.
Of course the fic I am pertaining to is Gura's Cumflation Adventures.
Glad you're enjoying it man. I have to say, I wasn't sure if shrinking down Bae and using her as a condom was a good idea, too safe, you know? But I think I hit the right notes.
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Yeah, I think you could do a little better with Bae. The idea's solid but realistically, she'd drown in Gura after the first 10 or so minutes.
What I do like is the slow burn between Anon and his repeated attempts to inflate Gura. Like he's in the Olympics, you know? You need to drag that out a bit more. Have Kiara come in with measuring tape every now and then, so she could congratulate Anon's progress.
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Dear Santa Suba,
Can I get a hag for Christmas (extra plump if you're feeling generous)?

Thank you,
I haven't been reading anything lately. If anyone has a one-shot they want to recommend feel free. I'll read it and give a review.
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I want to write, I know I do, and yet I find myself blankly staring at a page. Like a car that keeps stalling the drive to write never comes...
The Perfect Day.
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I'm back in the video game enjoyment arc. Will get back to the next part Soon(tm).
my momentum is small but i hope i can snowball it
trying to resist trashing it cause i'm not liking the way it's developing right now
What if you're the Gremlin because you don't have a tail. After all everyone knows humans have tails like that
Please dont dump our one good chance at getting Lap smut..
Sadistic onee-san Laplus taking her brothers first time...
Dirty uncle (me) staying overnight at the Darknesss family's mansion for New Years and making a visit to Lapu-tan's room in the middle of the night when everyone else has fallen asleep...
I don't plan on stopping but I'm probably gonna change the setting or simplify the scenario after i get a nap in
my gut tells me one or both of these is holding my imagination back
>she isn't there
>she snuck to her brothers room just before you got there
>fall asleep waiting for her to come back
>Everyone sees you leaving her room in the morning
>you're not invited back next year
That doesn't work for me, brother
What if you go into her brother's room and rape her next to her poor little ototo while he watches horrified and gagged?
That's good, but remember: it doesn't count as rape if she's got heart-shaped pupils during the sex
So have Lappy groaning, crying and swallowing her screams because you told her if she screams or calls for help, you'll kill her ototo! Got it.
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After some digging, I remember I really liked the idea of Cecilia as a sister.
Though, what went through my head was more like "What if the kid she was taking care of suddenly started thinking she was his sister?"
I feel like her personality would be interesting here.

Maybe she could be outwardly friendly but cold, only because she's insecure about her inhumanity.
Or she just acts with total german awkwardness.
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No idea man. I have been trying to get the next chapter written for a while and I've got two scenes, but when I look at what I have to do to set up the next part I get overwhelmed and don't want to do it anymore.

I'm unironically considering a sort of hard, sudden finish that will lead into the second half but I know if I do it it is going to leave people feeling disappointed because there are two major characters that aren't going to be around for almost all of second half. Shotgunning their arcs is going to make people upset with me.
One step at a time. Thinking about that stuff is part of the process so don't get discouraged
word count isn't everything
Save me geoguesser girl
Well she's supposed to be a servant automaton right? You could have her be this "family heirloom" that's cold because she's seen her family come and go.
>Hello. My name is Cecilia Immergreen. I was built by Anon I, the clan founder.
>My purpose is to serve and care for you, young Anon XIII, as I have for generations.
>No. I am not your sister. Please don't call me that.
I think she would end up being cold because the latest in the family line is a retard who can only look at people through fetish tinted glasses. Meanwhile lamenting how far the gene pool has strayed from efficiency.
a fic where you have a chibi erbie on your shoulder
An Ace Combat style fic with Azki as your wingman
A minecraft style fic where Fubuki is your cock.
Sipping your drink alone, occasionally making awkward small talk at the company Christmas party until your coworker Shiori starts nudging you to talk to a friend she brought along. You can't help but notice said friend is standing right under the mistletoe.....You try and pull away but Shiori's grip on your shoulder is tight, her mischievous smile growing as she marches you closer and closer to your doom. She set you up.......
>There is a lot to unpack here as you are being led to your self-perceived doom
>Who the hell is this woman? Is that herself on her sweater?
>Why is Shiori like this? This is not a normal way to introduce people.
>God there's fucking desperation in her eyes
>Is this because I set up that wig and broom in my cube to make it look like I was still there while Shiori ranted about whatever it was that infected her feed that week?
>Is she even wearing pants?
>Am I a big enough asshole to be a dick on Christmas?
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