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The Scarlet Christmas Queen Edition


>Timetable / Schedule:

>Next Live:
Helping to build the World Tree (No POV)

>Previous Archived Live:

>Unarchived Karaoke:
21 total

>Archived Karaoke:
https://youtu.be/T68MKhkRS-g (Monetisation celebration)

>New Cover
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree


>Group Songs

>Shorts Covers

>【DEBUT】Ello Ello Ello~! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice


#BloodflameLive #BloodflameArt #BFKingdom

>OP Template

Previous thread: >>91494415

Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me 'Liz
God save the Queen
Simple as.
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I needed this image, now my gacha rates will be blessed and I won't buy any more figmas.
Though I would buy multiple Lizzies because I luv me Scarlet Queen.
Good luck with the gacha
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This is my favorite Liz fanwork
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Man, I'm gonna miss MC today because I have work to do, bweh, quite unfortunate. I'm looking forward to the Watchalongs and karaoke though.
Hope (You) have an awesome week too!
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Oooh cookies. Good luck with your work
Karaoke #11 vod up on Youtube
Am I reading this right, 2 hours til Minecraft?
1 hour and 20 minutes
Frame is up
Damn I can't into math thanks anon
If you're in the US, its not your fault, since Liz has the wrong time down by still using PDT instead of PST lol.
Any recordings of the event karaoke?
Doesn't seem like it. It was pre-show for the World Tour so they were pretty strict on the recording stuff apparently.
Wunny Liz
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Is this a Doctor Who reference or something else?
Oh I see, thanks.
It has started
Liz just joined the server
Queen is on the Telly!
I'm not sure if Liz is helping Fauna or if Fauna is helping Liz instead... lmao
Fauna and Liz should switch accents for this stream
Lolita Liz...
Lolita fashion Liz
Gothic Lolita Liz?
Artists write that down!
Oh I didn't even notice lol
Liz? Lol
Now it's kinda CMYK
TTS jumpscare
that was right after the not in the lyrics of oops I did it again quip I think
Need one last League collab with Fauna before she graduates
Truth be told, I had no idea what she was going for there either when she said it lol
Sounds like this is going to happen
Jebaited with Rocket League
nothing for like 20 minutes then "I like Hot Wheels"...
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I don't get it
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Liz staying alive while the others are dying. She's come so far
I was just commenting about Liz jumping on Nerissa's bed. Don't have that one gif either so I just chose a recent bloodraven image lol
>>91682942 (me)
Meant for >>91682795
Liz providing the German accent to the stream since CC couldn't make it today (at least so far)
So much fighting all of the sudden
>Slime ASMR
Hmm, don't think I've heard of those
I love Liz's young American girl accent
Justice vs Advent happening right in front of our eyes
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Silly Liz, falling off again
Liz leaving...
but tentatively joining next week
Can I have sexy fanart of your oshi? I'm making a spank bank.
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I mostly have cute pictures but I suppose I do have some spicy as well
Go away
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Yeah, that's true. These short streams where she can help out without POV probably helps out too for getting used to MC so she doesn't get sick as often.
>need to go for a mission
>spends 15 minutes in some Stars' chat
The mission can wait.
You new here or something? She works on homework while watching streams
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we take the ups with the downs...
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Noice, also fast lol
Karaoke vod #12 uploaded onto Youtube
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Keep up the good work, mate
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Very nice. Liz cute
Lizbians work hard
I'm sad that outfits seemed to be more rare these days at least on the EN side. Lolita Liz outfit when
What a cutie
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Lol very cute

Happy for her
My body is not equipped to hold this much jealousy that I have for the people who got to hear it
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i wanna listen to liz sing snake eater too...
7th vod, which is the memberships celebration, uploaded to youtube. Added catbox links for the audio for the 2 songs that needed to be muted so far. Take on Me on the 2nd karaoke, Hard Rock Hallelujah for the 7th.

Minecraft Madness
Kissing IS allowed
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Is the Liz/Rissa thing available anywhere? I think it happened when I was sleeping and I can't see any trace of it anywhere.
Unfortunately no their karaoke was not recorded, on the bright side at least there weren't any duets.
It was billed as a karaoke but it was essentially the world tour pre-show, in the same venue, so there was never any hope for recordings.
>Liz/Rissa thing
What did they sing?
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Time after Time
Liz All I want for Christmas
Nerissa Espresso
Liz Blackbird
Nerissa Heaven knows I'm miserable now
Nerissa Ask me
Liz Rabbit
Nerissa Down by the river
Liz Snake eater
Nerissa Say my name
Liz Daddy Daddy do
Liz Above Below
Nerissa Breaking dimensions
Both together but no duets?
What is this?
bit hard to sing a duet in real time when there's thousands of miles between them
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Life is cruel
That good thing that happened to you?
It should happen to me, too!
Good set list
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same person that does the chibis:

I like their style
Very nice style, and also incredibly fast. That's his 12th piece in around 10 days lol
>when the Queen gives you side-eye like this
Intimidating in the best way
Unakara #13 uploaded to YouTube
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No frame yet but watchalong stream in about 3 hours
Frame is up. That's certainly a picture to use for the frame lol
Not exactly hard to find, but here's the link for the promise musical
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the queen sure is cool
Love me some Liz headpats
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I forget ERB is canonically shorter than Rissa because artists like to draw Liz as "the guy" all the time.
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Imagine if she just used a picture like this. Pretty funny though, I figured she would go for a cutesy one, but the powerwash frame was pretty spicy too
to be fair most other holos are really short compared to liz
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I guess Nerissa is the tallest active holo according to this fanart, with Liz being the 2nd tallest in EN
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Buncha cuties
Cuties indeed
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Has anyone done a chibi liz edit with that one high calorie oreo shake yet?
Even took off the top bun for her. How nice
I appreciate these edits
Queen today :)
Starting soon
Liz observing some tatas
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Nando's sponsorship when?
I'd be cool with this just being a co-op zatsu
RIP English lyrics. Maybe the next musical will have it
I had a good laugh when Liz responded really strongly to Evil Hag lol
This is pretty good so far, or maybe I'm just enjoying it more because of the commentary
The hag keeps changing bodies
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Actual mom of Justice
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Bae's showing off them moves. I don't have a Bae dancing gif though so have this as a placeholder
I like the remix version better than the original, they should release the Musical version as an MV.
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Am I going to need start watching more musicals to understand what Liz is talking about all the time?
These freaking dorks. Also Nerissa is dying live on stream
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Liz gone...
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Bloodraven CUTE.
The dark lord was the hags we met along the way.
Liz needs her 3D ASAP.
I'm gonna sleep...good night.
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Agreed on all points, and also good night
So innit, naughty or Nice?
Why is Nice capitalized? Is it the French city? If so, I choose that one
For I am secretly sandy claus


?= The letter after y

Merry Christmas
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i don't want it but what did you give em?
The award winning game
Cat Quest !
it's cute and fun
i see
congrats to whoever claims it
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Cheers, big ears.
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Cheers good sir, have some choccy milk on the house
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Must hold out for Karaoke tomorrow
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Liz was cute today. It's crazy how different she is when she lets her guard down
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Liz very cute indeed
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Animation with Mori and Liz? More Killer Queen is always cool
Mochi tasty
Very nice look
What's that drink supposed to be
It says KFP, but it's probably Coke Zero.
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What are these dorks doing in Gigi's chat...
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A pair of dorks lmao
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Uploaded Karaoke #14 to Youtube. Had two songs that had to be muted, so added catbox links to both instead.
I Believe in a Thing Called Love - fully muted
Shape of You - partially muted
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Melon ice cream is pretty great
Ah very kawaii
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Thank you!!
That was a fun stream
Chibi love
Where ahoge
Too cute
Karaoke #15 up on YouTube
Its the show to the 60s, which was a pretty fun one. Hopefully should have the next one, which is the VR karaoke up by tomorrow. Praying there isn't any issues with copyright on that one.
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Thanks again brother, I really loved that one too.
Begone with ye page 10
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cute members post
I'm liking A, but B has its own charm
Greetings, (soon to be) FAT FUCKS
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nice red beard lol
Both are cute designs but are too close in design to Mediatonic and big red litigious N characters...
It's funny I played a ton of Fall Guys for like a year and did not make the connection, I guess I can kinda see it tho. The other ones look like those weird Japanese turtles tho.
kappa pikmin yeah
I'm on team B mostly because the mouths give them more character
Watchalong was fun. Liz's FEET when Fauna appeared set the mood. I could taste the disappointment when they realised there were no English subs for the songs
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Both designs are cute enough. Interested to see what will be chosen
If I were to be critical, both are too anthropomorphized for my taste in fan reps but they're very cute regardless.
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A is too basic, it's just a blob. B is an actual character and won't look like some background mob among otomos, grems, and chattini.
A looks like you can be goofy with them and throw them around but also be the big brother/bouncer type to protect the other 3 Justice mascots and I feel like that fits better. B is cute but also just feels too small and cute.
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best senpai Fauna
GG and Raora at CC's Christmas party but no Liz...
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Get into the holiday spirit with some Christmas covers
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Hag queen doesn't add stuff sometimes to her timetable, so it's 50/50 if she isn't there then probably more behind the scenes work for her
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Unakara 16 uploaded to YouTube. Its the VR chat karaoke. Had to mute Uptown Funk so the catbox with just the audio of the song is provided in the rentry.
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Liz Nose.
why did I sub to the pixiv fanbox if it'll just get uploaded to twitter
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Aye guerilla let's go
double ERBie today, God bless
We are live!
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I was watching her OW2 VODs while waiting for her karaoke lol, nice.
That character is pretty hot. Never heard of her though
This feels much slower paced compared to OW2 or maybe these people are bad at aiming lol
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Ame mention...
Liz MVP let's goooo
Elizabeth Rose Bloodgame
She's pretty much a Marvel vidya OC; didn't originate in the comics, 0 film/tv appearances but in 5 games
Racking up all those wins
Ah I see, that makes sense
She's locked in
Mr. America getting revenge against the British, baka
Ah nice, back to being able to look at Luna Snow's ass
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Liz being cute again with all her noises
Another marvel character I don't recognize at all. I'm out of touch
Dang, they lost. First loss? I've been half paying attention to the game while just listening to Liz noises lol
This character is great because it makes Liz want to do silly voices
Dang, double KO by spitting them out over the edge. Nice plays
Random JJJ impression lol
1000 ARS is barely even a dollar man

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