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merry shondmas to all

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Alt Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis

Schedule: merch break

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters and divorcees. It's easier than you think!

Previous thread: >>91651099
passionately filling the shunny with my seed
Shame she's infertile
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small cute girl
>Groomerantis make her mad on twitter
>Says nothing all day the following day anywhere
Reflect on your unbecoming actions :P
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>Didn't get the merch finished until Saturday.
>Couldn't relax yesterday because she was doing a Barbie collab stream and last minute Christmas shopping.
>Today is the first true day she can relax.
>As a result, she's not online at all and likely just watching movies with Shadowmama and Forest Elder.
Why you got to make a conspiracy out of everything when she quite literally said she's going to need a few days off following all the merch she finished?
I love her and hope she takes some time for herself to relax
She deserves some down time. I'm surprised she's still going to try and return to streaming but im happy we get to spend time with her again.
Telling /shon/ to not make a conspiracy out of everything is impossible
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I resonate with this doro
I know that thirf did the original version of this doro but this is too good to be from him
Who did this one?
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nah no thanks my seeds are reserved for this one
this is just an offense to the original
when is the collab with vedal
i edited one from a guy on twitter i saw earlier while going through the tag https://x.com/Anniebelle95/status/1864601857483571377 they didnt include ribbons
Soon I hope!! :D
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6wl-EyhXl0 is the song btw also check out this cool art that Para made earlier
good edit
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some time in 2025
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hopefully soon
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Sounds like you need to do some reflecting.
why is she naked?
>with Shadowmama
anon... how clueless
she is staying quiet because of the hospital stuff
rushing into streaming is to help take her mind off things
this is why she said things will depend on family stuff allowing her to stream or not
she needs us more than ever, shiggies
this is true, be easy on her. she is probably going through some stuff right now. she deserves our love and support
John Guy beat up Shadowmama after getting tired of her bullshit.
all i saw from this was cookies! ^_^
no loli?? ):
Good Evening Shondopolis!
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goodnight shogga
really milking this for all it's worth aren't you?
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I hope Shadowmama will be ok
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reflect on this
Smoking is bad for the shondoro
Very unbecoming.
sex with gary
Erm he's in a relationship
I wonder if shondo is canonically associated with this incident somehow https://files.catbox.moe/w5145n.txt (a church fire that killed about two thousand women during the 19th century).
with a child…
Keep little besties name out your fucking mouth ^__^
i havent given her name mister chubby Gary. now your just purposeful and not even trying to impersonate me baka. go back to faking zman rrats and then proceeding to go back to talking about this vedal dude your all obsessed with.
its been a fricking night.

Goodnight Shondopolis have sweet dreams about receiving your shumo and everyone being jealous of it ehehe~
>>91706316 only if your a loli ^_^
shondo is canonically associated with a convention hall burning down with hundreds of lonely abused men inside
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Sleep well gary
why on earth would you say anything positive to the nonce
he might actually leave if you all fucking stopped encouraging him.
I love all people and I'm in a one sided friendship with all of them
I want the best for gary, which would be for him to stop being a pedophile
i don’t think you can change that
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Yes that's been my point for a while, only he can change it
nta, what's best for him is to leave but he's a shogger trolling anyway
Unless you meant that as it being impossible in general
Not true, it's all reliant on your reaction to temptation, if you get tempted with gay thoughts, but don't pursue them, then you're not gay
In the same way, if you have pedophilic temptations, but don't give in to them in any way(even just thinking about it), then you won't be a pedophile
he isnt a shogger he never watched a stream
he liveposts about Zman on stream and knows things he wouldn't know if that were true
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Now you can never chat again until next year
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I love her!
its quite fun to punch the shumo
I would've killed it if i got into one of my episodes
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Anything new in the discord?
no, sir, nothing to see there.
Gary, no offense, but i don't trust your judgment
did she post the instructions yet on how to retrieve the tracking i paid for?
did you forget what you were told the last 6 times you asked or are you just trying to upset people and shit on her
enough with the antifagging i actually want to know this too
the only one antifagging is you larping like you aren't
she will post the instructions on the tracking on twitter once it's ready, for the 7th time said here and 3rd time said on discord from her
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Scared sorry >>91711687(me)
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