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Mouse and Candii Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General!

IRL Stream over and Mouse is now playing Rivals with friends.

This is the thread to discuss Ironmouse and her streams. Please avoid discussions that are not relevant to Mouse or her streams.

Image source: https://x.com/WhisperVT/status/1776622918270623961

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@MouseClipsOfficial
VODS: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/mnRVN6bA

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>91750511
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connor is a liability
I’d say mouse is streaming but her chats so dead it might as well be emote only mode even with the enabling cunt using leech mode
Sorry they are all busy jerking off to the best friends playing together
More likely they turned mouse into a muted tab since she’s a literal bot in the game
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Less chat interaction = slower chat
It doesn't mean people aren't enjoying watching.
This is some catalog bait levels of dumb
Following since 2022
Bad game and collab also = slow chat
Rivals came dead last in the poll so sure seems like people are sick of it even though mouse continues to spam it
She has done other stuff today so I don't really see it as an issue.
2 hours of pity solo variety just to cut it short for another day of bad collab spam is ridiculous
Eagerly awaiting your goal post move
What goalpost move? How the viewership keeps dropping after she switches to slop rivals? How rivals lost in a poll to literally “some other game?” That mouse is awful at the game and gets out done by bots?
>No raid
I blame the guy who's been shaming her for not raiding vshojos
hope candi kills herself ruins mouse streams
Agreed, vchiban deserves more hate
No idea who you're talking about but that guy was right. Mouse almost never raiding VShojo members is kinda weird.
Latina grudge towards vshojo
There’s 6 live including kson and michi. It is weird. Even giri for the cooking collab thats been in the works for years now would have been understandable
Who cares
Well I love Mouse and Vchiban
I hope she joins them just to piss off the hater.
>That mouse is awful at the game and gets out done by bots?
Listen I can't stand Candii and would've preferred Mouse kept playing Subnautica but that's just mean and straight up bullshit. She's actually gotten solid at playing Cloak & Dagger, particularly compared to some of the other streamers I've seen play them and people I've been in lobbies with.
>Wants Mouse to abandon Mel and Zen
Fake fan and Vchiban plant.
Anon not being in the same company doesn't mean they can't be friends
mouse already makes excuses not to hang with them as it is that would drop completely just like pink love did
Its an autoaim character she cant aim or use her ult properly on. She is terrible at the game and thats even ignoring her attempts at other heros
>chat speeds
>obsessed over Mouse and 'pity'
Such an obvious # monkey yet people still entertained
People are already complaining and pissed about rivals what is one more at this point. This thread is going to be unusable for months at the rate mouse is going.
I don't like 8 hours of nothing but rivals but Mouse playing a a few hours of it each day while still doing other things is fine.
>few hours
If it was that then I would agree but as that anon who linked the hours earlier showed it isn't.
I'm just mad at all the cool streams she promised dropped and forgotten. Her yearly toreba stream was always fun but nope now there isn't even a point to do it with Christmas basically here. Mouse keeps dropping things she's been doing for years for this crap. Even if I liked Rivals I would still be pissed at the other streams not happening.
What is the twitch chat logs site again?
Mouse finally learned what any big streamer learns eventually. There is no point spending any thought or energy in something when you could just brain off and game instead. Same viewers but less work and stress which she needs even more now that she plans five thousand events instead. Combine that with things like Rust and Rivals and you get what we see now.
It isn't perfect and doesn't keep logs very long

Speaking of rust did you know abe wants to do that 3 to 4 times a year
Good morning
I just woke up, and I'm heading to work
Qrd of Mouse stream?
Kino Mouse and Best Friend time. Oh and Connor was there too for a bit
Great irl with some scuff and subnautica cut short by the annoying autist and rivals
looks like they were actually a vtuber or maybe they are still the antivtuber person in disguise
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It only gets worse.
I would have thought if they were genuine they would be more confused about who she was confusing them with rather than saying that.
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Made me curious about just chatting and holy fuck the drop off is even worse than I thought it was.
most of her small events that she plans and doesn't do fall under just chatting so this makes sense it really shows how many she promised and then never did
please delete this makes me depressed looking at it.
Good morning, antis and haters. I hope you find something to fill the hole in your heart and soul.
A day later
>This is unfair for all the other content creators who actually tried to make normal content.

>it suck I'm not as popular as other creators
They did
They love complaining
It's very sad
Man I do miss more JC and react
Based Mouse becoming a gamer.
I do not understand the sperg who thinks being in Vchiban would make her not in Vshojo. Vchiban isn't even a corpo. It's just a group of friends who sell merch. They used to be Mythic even. On top of that, Mouse is in both Vshojo and UTA. If for any reason Vchiban ever asked her to join, Vshojo would have no reason to object.
I would love her to join vchiban
She's in Vchiban.
I mean they are just a small group of friends, the difference really is that she's not in officially. But you could also say that about Zen and a ton of other groups.
It's official.
Homie I dunno how to tell you this.
Mouse in competitive is something I thought I'd never see.
Proof of overall improvement
I'm so happy for her
Everyone else gets to make shit up, I can too.
damn bubi looking fine
blame mouse she did this fully knowing how selfish she is
go to discord for that the brainwashing works over there
Nah. It's you
you enforce it making it even worse, self reflect.
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Solar is the new Meeka lol
Jesus christ I got wet looking at this
fucking cute omgosh
Calm down Mouse
reminder guys we get variety on Friday
mouse will be half dead waking up this early fron not sleeping from rivals 12hr stream prior.
as a man it turned me on also no homo
I want a bit more solo non gaming.
But I take whatever I can get
Those skate blades would be all sorts of fucked
At what point would you be satisfied
What do you mean?
She does less solo non gaming than anything.
Don't get me wrong I like gaming or collabs too but no where near as much
I'm pretty sure ff6 starts later friday too so that will be interesting
It is a shame Mouse's art tag keeps getting fucked so she misses so many of these fanart
At what point do you say "this is a proper ratio between gaming, collabs, and solo just chatting"
nta but I don't want any particular ratio per say I want mouse to stop pushing other plans for collabs. unironically I wouldn't be surprised if over 80-90% of her plans either never happen or happen months later because of this.
So I'm not autistic enough to put a number on it, I'm glad she now tries to do an hour minimum of chatting at the start of streams but she barely does one react session a month, she has been singing more lately but before subathon it was once a month and most of the other stuff like room reviews amas, vrchat or stuff like that become collabs or they happen less than once a month.
I don't mind things being pushed sometimes for impromptu collabs but then just make sure the original plan actually happens
just go back to actual variety with i would do x this week instead of just dropping it every time and saying i got no time while doing 10hr stteams.........simple
everything has been pushed by 3 weeks now kek
>expecting things from a streamer
You have brain damage.
she already tossed eldenring to next year for rivals], it's fucking insane she couldn't even commit to subnautica today saying she didn't want to play rivals and folded.
I mind it being pushed for collabs because she never returns to it. if she did just do it the next day or week I wouldn't care nearly as much. I can't stress enough just how often she does this she pushes plans way more often than she doesn't.
I can point out 20 streamers who do what they say weekly.......why does mouse get a pass on her long streams?
Because I love her unconditionally.
I'm the anon who wants more solo non gaming but I'm still enjoying streams if you don't then don't watch.
Its fine to have preferences or be disappointed but lets not be dicks about it.
concern fags treat her like a kid
I love my mom unconditionally and love her cooking but she still makes some meals I don't like.
I'm surprised mouse is joining this with how rot brain she is this week
Honestly imo I think Mouse just has a large core fanbase who will second monitor her regardless what she is doing. You can tell often because many similar names will disappear from chat during certain collabs and then suddenly reappear when she is deciding what to do next or going solo. The reality is while we may hate that she keeps doing this to us we still like her as a person and streamer and want to support her. That and of course you can't exactly say much without being attacked if you aren't careful though even then her chat has been raging against Rivals the last several streams. Even the votes which normally match her preferences have been leaning heavily against it.
Go watch them then instead or trying to mold Mouse into what you want. People bitching about plans with someone whose never adhered to them for the entirety of their existence and always does things spontaneously is the definition of a schizo
nta but what? mouse completely dropping things this much has not been a thing until recently the fuck are you on. sure she never was the most perfect with following schedules but she actually made an effort to do things soon after she missed them the majority of the time. only like the last year and a half or so has she gotten this bad.
@ them pussy so you get BTFO faggot
oh you're a newfag never mind then.
You must be very new
her mods are also dead in the air when they don't know if mouse is swapping or not
Is it fun to reply to that retard?
It just makes no sense to me
okay you guys are either newfags are gaslighting me I'm done with this convo.
Ok schizo. Can tell you don't watch. Go concern troll elsewhere
imagine having multiple fans with opinions that's fucking crazy
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I think this is more important
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I miss react content
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rip gamer sups
I have a feeling we are going to be very disappointed when we get a gfuel cup
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I don't care about any ratio of anyting. I just like it when mouse streams. Doesn't matter what she's streaming or with who.
bait as fuck
Why are you expecting anything from any streamer? Their "job" is to stream. That's it. If you enjoy it, great. If you don't, watch someone else.
i miss SOTD
It's bait to say I like watching mouse stream?
Mouse could stream anything and I'd stick around.
there were only 3 episodes of SOTD this year
You add absolute nothing by saying you have no preference for content and too many people like you would cause a decline in quality pushing away viewer who might not complain but do have preferred content.
Why do fun interesting things if people will watch you do easier things
why you doing a cop out Lil bro
we got real threadshitters just arriving
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As opposed to you, who's been here this whole time?
bait and switch classic
Do you not have ant streams you are looking forward to or are excited for?
That seems kind of sad, I want to see Mouse do fun an interesting things as well as the comfy regular streams.
The mouse is awake. Good luck on the recording.
wonder what it is for
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I fucking suck at line art I'm jelly
whelp looks like all otv+ are playing marvels now
mouse was already invited by rae and foollish it's never ending
rae is a sweat so hopefully she gets mad to not invite her
mouse wants to do ranked so I think the opposite will happen
mouse would tank rae's rank
kek if u think rae is bronze you are mistaken and she takes rank seriously with metas
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I need mouse to download the character mods for rivals the r18 skins please
actually playable
would make mouse bearable to watch her spam this shit
bubi giving mouse backshots
From what I've seen Mouse is a better Cloak and Dagger player than Rae. I watched her stream for a bit yesterday out of curiosity while she was playing them.
I feel like a few of you are too busy bitching about Mouse playing the game instead of watching her play or haven't actually played the game and can't tell if she's decent or not.. Or just want to shit talk her on the off chance she comes across your post somehow so you can damage her confidence.
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Nice. Cute monke hiding.
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didnt rae barely start vs mouse having 40hrs and still struggling pressing more than one button especially since it seems mouse doesn't even know what her character does?
lol flipping the bird
he fucks your oshi
decora continues to be the gift that keeps on giving
only get it in her bf streams now
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I have a feeling Mouse may be playing Rivals soon
>watching rivals even during her spare time
yeah she's cooked
anons earlier said it already otv+ playing rivals it's fucked
Don’t worry theres tons of games and things she wants to do
I was really looking forward to the gift winning stream again this year :(
>if you like her content, don't post here, we're here to complain
fair enough, but most people like her content, it's why she has viewers
Braindead "viewers" who aren't actually engaged with the stream or content.
mouse did mention not knowing what to get monke for christmas so there might be hope. probably not but hope is all we have at his point.
I tuned in for like 5 seconds literally everyone is playing this right now holy fuck it is completely over. Mouse is never stopping.
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yeah bro, all 150 users in /mouse/ are the real viewers vs the 9k regulars on her stream.
>150 users
You vastly over estimating how many people are here. Even in it's heyday, /vsj+/ would be topping out at 80~100, not counting raid days. If IPs were here, you'd see maybe 20 or 30.
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mouse live
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Puta Live
Breaking Rat News!
Wow, record time between announcement and stream start.
fair, I was giving him too much credit
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Merry evening mousenation
Was there a sponsor today I can't remember?
yesterday but it got moved to idk when
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candi killed mouses variety streams to keep herself relavent
Yes there’s one today and tomorrow. Only the one yesterday got moved and she has 3 outside of msi, razor, and the light company
Its the same thing she pulled during subathon 2
Well at least we have some different content before Rivals later.
Remember when mouse talked about things besides a game she sucks at?
ignoring all the subnautica
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It’ll win every poll and she’ll continue ignoring it
she's using connor as a excuse for rivals spam
You must have been watching with your eyes closed then
spoiler ahe's not playing girl game
i want her to but i know she wont
Poor mouse in excruciating pain...
pain is code word playing rivals only got it
the monkey's paw. I don't like mouse being in pain but I also know where this is headed.
that is fairly obvious. hopefully they actually do a lot of the christmas decor reviews and not cut it short. i have faith in connor at least
spoiler she's going to complain about pain
I still wonder what this 3d recording was
you fucking called it kek she doesn't care about anything else but that game
She's such a whiny bitch.
Didn't she say she would use 3d for stream after the recording
probably something like this
no the fuck
she did say she would try but given the pain I don't blame her. 3d is a lot more accurate and she probably doesn't want to deal with that atm.
i don’t remember if she said it would be this stream or not but its not today i guess
Potential toreba and karaoke on monday
X to doubt
She did.
But the pain is probably why she is not
monke is 100% doing rivals later since mouse isn't feeling well to try to cheer her up huh
Just more promises that the brainwashed masses will sweep under the rug.
Buy a gun and single bullet.
Or a chair if you can't afford it.
I'm sick and tired really bad guys but rivals spam and nothing else.....
doesn't even try to hide it
If I remember from last time they did this they basically just play by themselves while talking for this sponsor right?
a fucking sponsor is more variety lately
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I'm surprised how long they lasted before getting hit
Holy shit, she's just so blatant with it.
what happened? had to pee?
Just her blatant disregard for her fanbase.
nothing new
no BLT bf. she hates him
can't be sexual in a sponsor
I hate the English voice acting for games like Genshin and ZZZ
Bubi has that spot today
It's OVER Connor bros
I don't think it is that bad if you ignore the crazy breathing
seeing mouse's fugi there is weird I don't like it
btfo after sponsor cap this
It's so funny seeing the difference in reactions between Monke and Mouse. Monke was laughing awkwardly, lol
Just his defense mechanism for emotions especially because he is on stream
British debuff
Zzz prime gooner with mods
half naked Jane my sexy rat wife
ff6 is tomorrow
Nice. Finally a real game that mouse will only play for an hour and never play again
I never thought about it but it is kind of weird that the sponsor wouldn't give you enough pulls to get the character you are supposed to be showing off.
Anon Connors playing it and Mouse is back seating
Makes sense
>mouse will only play
First final fantasy stream?
No, I’ve seen Connor play 7 and 8. Just assumed mouse was gonna play this time
You missed 9? Imo that was my favorite of them they have done.
nta 9 was great mouse got so emotional at the end. some anons even thought she said ily though I didn't hear it myself.

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