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The 340th Wind

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>LAST STREAM:【KUUKIYOMI 4】So polite, considerate, kind, generous, empathetic, humble...

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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>91707443
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has cc revealed early stream game yet?
She has a collector's edition of some Wii JRPG she bought a long time ago that she wants to play but she's not sure if she will buy the console by Sunday so it might be something else.
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i think cece should give fauna sex as a going away present
Yeah, and let me join!
does cc know the wii is analog output only?
I wonder if she took a nap during the afternoon...
Schedule, as it always has been and always will be.
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got called a whore today because I was wearing a low-cut shirt and it was showing off the mole on my chest
Sounds very gay.
just straight up schmeck jorkin it
if youre a lady thats pretty hot
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atleast you got noticed
It's not the little red Otomo today but a femtomo this time... there has got to be something in the water that is causing all of that.
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I barely slept last night and was super tired all day, but now that it's sleepy time, I feel pretty awake.
Incredulous! Fuck those grems!
consider sport and reading books before sleeping (like actual, physical books, not web novels on phone)
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Stupid sexy grems. I'm not falling for it!
>smooth like a dolphin
how do they even pee or anything else for that matter?
I think you should send us a photos and we will decide if this is slutty or if that guy was prude only if you are woman actual woman
I don't really care either way
>don't care if I show off my tits
I can see why you got called that
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is that like a cloaca?
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Something like that
Ewwie, gross..
Please tell me where to find them so I can do something about it
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Alright, that's it! This thread is going down!
Can I at least fuck a Grem before we go Bye-Bye?
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No fucking the grems. You know they're not intelligent enough to consent.
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dumb looking creature
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Stop being so lewd, Otomo!
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Grems are only good for 2 things, and fucking aint one of them
That's where you are wrong
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I know you're a Grem.
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Good night.
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There are two ways this could go
Are fat...
...sexy cock havers
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Great news! I have fallen out of love with Cecilia Immergreen!
I haven't but maybe if I say it often enough it will become true.
Ceci Lomf! I’m excited for her CCCCC,
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ok, gn!
I didn't get to watch the rebroadcast because it was at 6 A.M. for me and I failed to wake up, was it exactly the same as the original broadcast. And if not, did any of you archive it?
I bet original stream is somewhere on youtube
I wouldn’t count for someone archiving rebroadcast. That would be slightly autistic
Yes, it's the same. That's what a rebroadcast is.
There's probably a gofile or torrent archive somewhere from the first karaoke, check the thread from 9/26
don't know wtf's going on with that video. it starts playing fine but can't skip ahead anywhere without it just being stuck spinning
Thanks for responding like I'm retarded. I was asking if it was different or not because when I tuned into Nerissa's own rebroadcast for like 30 seconds yesterday it looked like she was dancing in front of the stream or something. The question was asking whether or not CC also did that, not whether a prerecorded stream I've already watched would be the same the second time.
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Who's that between Gigi and Shiori? I can't recognize the silhouette.
Raora, she has her hat on
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Big cat with her big hat
Oooh. The curvature of the hat made me think it was a hood or something so I was really confused. Thanks!
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Ceci in Raora's chat
I wished I could have casual consensual cunnilingus activity with cc
>I'll totally fix my sleep schedule guys
>AFTER watching Biboo's small hands...!
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I mean... Biboo is pretty cute to be fair
Can I ask a dumb question here, do you guys actually keep track of how many times you've baked????
I mean I keep track of it pretty easily, not sure about anyone else, though. For example, I've baked zero times.
She's not beating the allegations...

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