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This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do ASMR.

>Ongoing streams

rentry with useful information: https://rentry.org/tinglesvt

Previous thread: >>91787491
Phew Menace, what a way to say goodbye to youtube streams...
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I will remember this.
She's going this far already, imagine how great the maidsly will be
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I wrote a Maro for Menace and accidentally sent it to Mozzu first. It wasn't much of anything, though. I just thanked her and told her how much I appreciate that she shares her lewdness, but it's still a bit embarrassing.
Sorry Mozzu, that was an honest misfire, I swear.
How many months has it been since Tigersex's last ASMR?
The last Cardamom Tea stream before Maidsly?
Her psuedo moans were extremely hot. I *need* to hear Menace count down herself to orgasm in 2025
i love meniss
bro just because they live together doesnt mean the maros go to the same place, its literally a separate internet address

how do you fuck up like that
Menace is my girlfriend
is hers any good? or is it too quiet?
i said this
i made these posts
I'm more attracted to Menace than any other woman ever
Literally just tabs, like always.
Live pissing on Maidsly
In my mouth
Gooning with Menace on Maidsly
Love erina, I was pretty immersed in the vampire one despite car sounds
>tease the most sensitive part ...the tip
Who's going to tell her that her audience is primarily american men whose parents have been gaslit by jews into maiming their children?
I want this to happen so badly. I have a burning need to synchronize an orgasm with my floppy cat maid.
Don't tell jidf but I still have my foreskin. I day dream about her long tongue inside it.
I've seen enough. Menace is the undisputed queen of /tingles/. She is too fucking god.
Believe me, my cock is still plenty sensitive, as Menace will find out when I court her
Ok i stopped smiling like a retard. Now what?
I got intense second hand cringe from that, hope you at least sent a second follow up maro telling her you're a retard and you're sorry
you wouldn't know how sensitive it would've been otherwise. this sort of thinking is copium
It's still super sensitive when she's had her mouth around it, honestly. Menace gives the greatest blowjobs.
Continue to ponder about my cock while I fuck my maid
>hey mozzu i know your grandma just died but I want you to know i am addicted to jerking off to your roommate
Menace isn't here so I can freely say I love her without her knowing about it
I did, actually.
I take solace in knowing she has received far, far worse.
Please tell me you signed it
based retard will cause the rift and end of menace and mozzu
>She's mormon
shes not rofl
Oh thank God, being both Italian and Mormon sounds awful
Her story about becoming religious was she was converted by Joshua Graham
She's jewish
I barely know anything about her family but I knwo enough to know that there is 0% she's Mormon
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glad menacebros are eating good but i'm liking this.
this is very nice.
Anything lewd or just ecchi like Mariya's reverse cucking stream?
lewd and ecchi mean the same thing
The first time Yae licked my ears was the closest I've ever felt to being raped. It was great, I wish more vtubers would try to rape me with ASMR.
No, Coni's gyaru ASMRs were ecchi, but Menace's kouhai ASMR was lewd
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oh it's plenty lewd believe you me.
her 1st twitcast, nun rp and maid rp are fucking amazing. she's not straight up masturbating like some other bitches but her kissing and licking is very fappable.
Fair enough
>wake up
>miwa's been live for 4 hours
nice degen hours bro
Why on members only tho
Members was hotter
i fucking passed out and missed the asmr.......
cause she hates poorfags
Members drawing stream sounds like not a good idea. I saw it but skipped it
There was a members one? Like today?
Yeah, it was right after the one you posted
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Her model really does something to me. She's so pleasant to look at.
Need Menace ryona receiving or giving
she was preparing for her stream tomorrow and just wanted company, it was chill
it's a good idea if you're an artist kek some of these bitches be doing art streams and can't even draw
I'm feeling something too, but I know she's not going to do anything.
I find her :3 mouth goofy when she opens it, other than that I like it a lot too
>she was preparing for her stream tomorrow and just wanted company
Fair enough. Her art is fine though so feels like a waste to members only.
She kept it up right? I'm gonna member when one of my current membas run out soon, have to grab the previous vods that she made members only too.
POV: me
Wish I’d found Menace sooner. Only saw her after the new chibi model drop and she started posting asmr again. Yeah it’s nice experiencing a girl you’ve watched for a long time step into lewder stuff, but I think she’s a really nice a strange girl who’s just fun to watch. Maybe I should watch the green clowns archives, but dunno if it’d feel weird.
Damn that was good, any other recommendations?
Hi Miwa
miwa's pp...
Vivi... Lusealfer... Your vods...
She is pretty nasty and makes a lot of interracial porn shit. I wouldn't give her a single iota of support, ever. Her asmr is cuck tier
Is there piss or not? I can’t listen if there’s piss
I'm checking out her asmr vods and it seems like just another twitch yapper, which is worse to me than that other stupid shit you said.
just admit you're a faggot
I only listen to scripted asmr because it appeals to me as waifufag but i dont understand the appeal of vtubers its not 2D but not 3d either some kind of abomination fr or actually more similar to twitch esluts, if those hoes are not on leash you will get some dumb bitch admiting to being a whore while doing gfe because women are retarded.
do me a favor and lick a pussy once before you try having an opinion
I have a similar opinion, everything is perverted and in the end things like that happen, the only thing you can do is to ignore it and not spend money on it.
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please recommend me asmr vods where i get called a zako
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Anyone have Menace's cardamom tea stream from last night? I hate having to work Wednesday nights.
Anyone recommend any asmr for sleeping, i listen to most of Raki asmr, something similar would be nice, thank you for helping this anon with insomnia
look hard at the last thread, anon
Fuck thought I combed through it before checking this one. Thanks.
Yeah I'm a blind retard. Thanks again.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4PuaBKS3nM essie
Anything from Kanna/Erika
Any GF roleplay from Alias Anono
KKcyber ASMR
non lewd Mono Monet ASMR (latest member vod particularly)
pre-whore Menace ASMR
Meloco Kyoran ASMR
Menace please do a normal countdown after if you do a piss one, piss isn't for me but I'm not against it at all.
which one of those are non chat readers btw? Im looking for something similar too.
Just watch kanna's roleplays then
Too late she is untethered and her fetishes know no bounds
they might read the occasional chat message but if you're looking for absolutely no chat interaction you'd be better off looking for ASMR uploads and not live stream VODs
it's not that common to interact a lot with chat during ASMR streams though, unless they are actual twitch yappers, which none of those are
So, is there a Twisty archive?
Just yt-dlp https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLApZwDA5EhaC_edhFhRhhEpC3-VD_bRh5
I think someone posted the members vods a few threads ago but I didn't download them
More Menace Witcher 3 today?
Kanna doesn't do roleplays because she is my real girlfriend.
The cartoon woman is not your girlfriend it's my wife
didn't she say she was doubtful? Something about busy with meetings? I hope she does though. Botchling quest was as far as I made it in Witcher 3 so I'm excited for it all to be new, though she's making me want to play it in parallel.
>Have a girl give JOI and kisses
>then watch her play Witcher 3
The gap makes both better.
I hope she plays the gothic 1 remake, or the SS1 reamke.
You can fuck a real gf and then watch her play witcher
MMZero, KumoyKuro, and Toast. Super simps
Can m*nacefags at least not start shitting up the thread with namefagging
They ? Na that just my alt
democracy dies in darkness
Can't wait for Menace to post her grabbing chubby belly pic one day
Menace needs to show off her amazing body
That reminds me, Did anyone ever find her old nsfw stuff? i tried searching her old name in the gwa archives on /t/ and got literally nothing so i assumed its all permanently gone
true gfe
Anon yes I know who she was, this does not answer my question
these are public videos + 1 membership, nothing crazy.
feyre asmr would be really nice if she didnt nonstop yap about some random shit going on in her life
i wrote this, and it's every time i tune in too
i share her timezone so it's great for late night but it's always life talk, girl i watch vtubers to escape
Gfe asmr is literal crack to me im so addicted to this, i cannot imagine how pleasant affection from girl would feel like, god its all so tiresome i just want to check out so much.
It's GFE (realistic)
Fuck that whore her videos are humiliation ritual, constant chat and donation and name reading, i hate those types so much its unreal.
my girlfriend is streaming in about an hour!
>humiliation ritual
do you just parrot random words you learn from here with complete disregard of their meaning
What a fucking retard you are
Read between the lines, anon is humiliated because he feels poor.
Menace zatsus give me butterflies, it's worrying.
Found even a bigger moron, why is there so much subhumans.
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>come to the relaxed ASMR thread
>be angry
Yeah, I enjoy her voice and mommy energy but the incessant name reading absolutely killed it for me. Someone tried to explain there's some kind of system thing of "joining" her going on but I have no idea what they were talking about. In any case, listening to her telling CaptainPiss57 that he's a good boy instead of (me) is just an instant tab close. Treat your chat as a goddamn amorphous blob, it's not hard.
I've bought hand strengthening gear so I can take a good hand picture for Menace...I want to imagine her masturbating to a pic of my hand.
miwa tells you to kill yourself ASMR (unironic)
>instead of listening to asmr he comes to shitpost in the thread
>get angry
Gee, anon, it's like you did this to yourself?
>subhuman calling other people subhuman
it's entirely your fault that they misunderstood what you meant. pirate a textbook, poorfag

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