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>finds her friend's dead body
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Full of Fluff Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive tomboy zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
/flip/ on da telly!!!
Frog Ridah!
Filian offers a COMPELLING ARGUMENT for this debate
Pippa is Really Going Too Far with Filian

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2024 hosted by Filian and ShyLily
VTUBERS GOT TALENT ft Layna Lazar & Megalodon [10/18/24]
FILIAN IS IRL EXPLORING SAN DIEGO with Joey Kaotyk [9/23/24]

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread
don't even THINK about beleleposting
Blele- oh shit, my bad.
blessing this thread a blelele!

you can't stop me
It was in fact a drill
Layna good
Filian is sad
blessed blelelesser
get bent, fricker!
ChaCha is sniiiitchiiiing
True. I feel like it was a good game for a stream. Very outside of Filian's usual comfort zone which ended up in something really good. Her being sad also made me sad, but at the same time I loved seeing her get so emotional
what'd she say? stream plans?
>completely blows your sleep schedule
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The choice was made willingly, sleep sacrificed for filly. I would do it again
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>based filian
Yes. Stuff with Filian next week.
On any other thursday it would be chill since I don't need to get up early... However, on this rare day that I do it's fucked. I am not even going to sleep. I am almost guaranteed to oversleep
Christmas stream? Regardless, hype!
I had no idea. You must really like that game.
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ChaCha kind of reminds me of SmugAlana. Like they have similarities in how their models are animated despite not looking similar.
I dunno if I see it. Like in the boob jiggle maybe kek?
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>love fil
see you bros next stream
hope layna and her simps die
I think it's the boobs, the lean in and the pupils
Yeah, looking at it some more I do see the resemblance in a few things actually
smacking rn
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Some kind of VR scavenger hunt. pic probably unrelated.

I fricked that up
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>filian vn
>Some kind of VR scavenger hunt. pic probably unrelated
Oh neat, I think that was mentioned before a coupleweeks back. That's happening sooner than I expected, thought it would be next year.
I know filian can't stand to be sexualized because she's autistic but why does that just make me want to do it even more?
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
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based and same
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if she doesn't want to be sexualized she shouldn't be so effortlessly sexy
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It's not that she doesn't want to. It's clearly one of her goals since she knows that it's what sells.

It's just not something she can process emotionally very well.
A third of those are just neuroverse streamers lel. Also, seeing Ellie at all near Filian would be so weird, they're both autistic but Ellie is like savant workaholic autism whereas Filian is loud af autism.
Do you guys think Filly prefers her daily orgasm to be before or after she streams?
It's one of my favorite VNs for sure.

Would it have an 18+ patch?
Me in 3 minutes and then bed
This woman drives me crazy
>Would it have an 18+ patch?
Only for (Me).
I wrote this post

That dead body? Me.
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I just buy knives that look interesting but the only knife I use is my multitool kek
filian should stream Snatcher next.
nice collection brother
her daily orgasm happens when she sleeps and dreams of (Me)
I wrote this post
Excited for laynaxfil collab Friday!
smug FRICK
Read that as "laynaxafil" and thought it was some kind of drug for ED like sildenafil.
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fillyBush is real
i got a seminar at work it just started and i already hate it
day of the shave comes closer
technically you do get closer to your death every day
imagine how sweaty it gets
true but before i go ill shave her.
i will personally stop you
you and what army?
You have my sword
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My favourite interaction
>kino streaming honestly
Cute autistic waddle
Need a yandere filly now
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a jar of fillySweat for christmas
i want a jar of pussy juice
a vial of fillyBush for me
fuck that too
jar of fillyDrool for the hat trick
jar is for homos. i take mine straight from the tap.
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I hate this reaction desu
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*pinches her cheeks*
you have changed bro
I'm not him, the cum devil is on his way
*cums on her cheeks*
*pinches her cheeks again*
time to go to school, time to pay the toll for putting an allnighter with the fillystream
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i didnt say what cheeks did i?
Anon, I hope you can vote. This site has a requirement about that and with posts like that you are just asking for it.
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spi on dat thang
thats nasty
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We are making a Christmas card like the 1M follower card for Filian. Last time we had 19 artworks it would be great if we can get even more. But I might be a little bit more critical and won't put something on the card like the Layna violence art.
I will post the card on Filian's Discord sometime in the night between the 23rd and 24th. I will also give everyone a heads up ~12h before I will post it.
>SFW only
>Must be your own creation. Edits and tracings of Filian are fine
>If you can't draw, you can handwrite something nice in paint .net
>Aim for something 600x600 or 800x800, I will squeeze and resize as needed
>Set the background to transparent
>No mention of 4chan or /flip/
>One entry per person

Afaik some people already started drawing yesterday.
The card design is not final yet and may change a bit, if you have suggestions I will consider them.
i tried to start something just now but my drunk ass cant even draw a straight line
Don't worry you still have some time
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>won't put something on the card like the Layna violence art
that was my contribution. I thought she liked it desu...
I'm sorry anon, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.
I don't want to discourage you, I want you to make something again for this card. I'm sure if you can make something that is more filled with love.
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>spend a couple hours drawing a picture for Filian to show my appreciation
>she seems to enjoy it
>not allowed to participate next time because I didn't "draw it with love"
>left a "bad taste" in anon's mouth
laynaschizo defending a picture with layna in it? baka
Idk if this time around we will have similar amount of submissions. I, for certain, can say that so far I am out of any good ideas, so if I can't come up with anything I might just settle for plain text this time around. I hope that other anons have some more creativity than me
it was a funny and memorable moment during the NZ trip. I thought she would find it funny. Just because the picture has L*yna in it, doesn't mean I'm defending her. She just happened to be there
Don't be like this anon. You are allowed to participate.
Layna violence art? What'd I miss?
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thats a cute filly
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This >>91783045
That probably wasn't the smartest thing to put on a card. Layna loves filian and filian loves Layna (entirely platonically).
If you want you can go back in time to the NZ vod, get the audio and turn in into a soundpost
the same L*yna that called Filian a "fucking bitch" during the NZ trip?
Mamma mia! Here we go again
No, I actually like Layna and I want to see her friendship with Filian blossom

Yeah, I had a bad feeling about it but I did say I would put everything on the card. I didn't want to make anyone feel left out after they spend their time making something. That's why I stated that I am not going to include something like that again
>But I might be a little bit more critical and won't put something on the card like the Layna violence art.
He can choose to draw something more wholesome
I should make a tile, but idk when I'll have time
Slack off during work like me
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she lost control of all her limbs last stream....
Why is she such a fussy baby?
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I did draw something wholesome that Filian clearly appreciated. It's fine though. I'll just sit in the corner on my own...
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what is this conveying kek
Seems like this week might be so good. Ddlc stream was amazing, there is a Layna collab in the making and there was a break from the last YLYL, so there should be some more good vids. Then there is the upcoming Japan arc, which should also be pretty fun; hopefully Japan streaming hours work for me. Feels good man
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Man I Love Filian
worn vacuum sealed fillySocks for christmas
She's gonna stream at her normal hours, timezones be damned
I think if I met a cute girl who acted like Michiru in high school it would be so over for me. No normal woman will cut it after that.
kek at shondo just bopping in the corner
it definitely enhances the soundpost
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cute filly!
why don't Filian and Annie get along? Did something happen?
Filian was too based for her
>annie is an artist and part of "the artist community" and hates her because menhara artists had melties
>filian didn't pay artists their pound of flesh
>filian stole annie's man
>annie jealous of filians success
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she got troled
and my razor
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do not trust this man
i like where this is going
I never gave a shit about Anny, she gave off fat pick me vibes but I never understood why people seethe over her and her laugh is cute, shes just an attention feeder. But then unprovoked
>Filian is not a part of the family, I refuse to accept that
Total Pig Death
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Clownian blelele
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goofy ahh clowntuber
imagine the clussy, smoth clussy
What is this file name, bro?

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