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Shotgun Showdown Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Live /BIG/s

>Wordcloud creator

>/BIG/ logo

>OP template

>Vod channels


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>91768795
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when's da next doob
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luv this flipper
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based and same
i doob not know
no bigots live
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i hope filly plays more games like today
what's she doing?
lemon cute
filly cute
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gunite biggy <3
night snuffer
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GN Snuffybro
gn raccoon enjoyer
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I presume he's asking whether those are her natural numbers, or whether the average is higher because of big raids.
wtf Vienna live
ah, then they are natural, I wouldn't be posting the number updates if she wasn't retaining 1k+ on her own
bienner? at this hour?
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he needs to be stopped GOONGOON
it's 1am for me...
hi mountain man
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>Girl don't poop
he doesn't know, does he
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>morning bienner stream
very based. good morning.
>rain: have you ever considered a London vacation?
wtf how does she know about
good morning biennerbro
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holy frick
also what the fuck is this
morning (even tho it's night for me)
uncooked meat?
beef, scallions, and sesame seeds
Final Rin makeship figures!
i should have bought one when i had the chance
Bulgogi that she made herself
happy for her
would eat that (cooked)
comfy bienner stream
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>love /big/ model snuffy
>yeah bao lucy collab
>crazy filian
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>lilpa arise?
>ruru girls frontline 2
>goose horror gaming
>>goose horror gaming
i'll be watching this
she might be trolling, but that's what the tin says anyway
should see if there's more of these hiding in the cafe
music to my ears
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winter ruru a cute
bienner ass
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Dya is love and live
wat da dya doin?
Drawing numi
bery nise
idk what da buga doin
mtl says a sudden match with her brother
might mean wakgood, she doesn't have an actual brother iirc
Lucy and Bao should become a duo
"Pick-me and Pygmy"
burger sex
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so what the fuck is this actually
was she trolling after all
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okay maybe a little spooky
it's the new FOMO game
think you mean FOTM there boss
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frog with a new outfit in 1 hour
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Love my wolf wife
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This pajama looks like the one worn by Scrooge from A Christmas Carol.
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this is more screams per minute
>frog with a new outfit
another one?
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they're cheaply made by destitute sea creatures
She has 4 new ones for this month or something
french woman
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She wears black lace for me btw
I will jork my peanits to sleepy bear.
would you consider this flat?
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bye bienner...
Perfect body type
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Dya back inline
uuuuuuuuuu bienna uuuuuuuuuu
No this is delightfully petit.
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