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Festive Moos Edition

A thread with the sole purpose of discussing, sharing, linking, cherishing, and praising cow vtubers of any shape, style, color, disposition, following, language, or size! Goat friends also welcome!

Pomuri [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@MilkyPomuri - https://www.twitch.tv/pomuri
Rosiebellmoo [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@Rosiebellmoo - https://www.twitch.tv/rosiebellmoo
Alicjia da Lontano [EN/IT/PL] - https://www.youtube.com/@AlicjaDaLontano
MiilkyWayz [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@miilkywayz - https://www.twitch.tv/milky
Ushimei Momoka [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@UshimeiMomoka - https://www.twitch.tv/ushimeimomoka
Mookei [EN] - https://www.twitch.tv/mookei
Mooranda [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@IAmMooranda - https://www.twitch.tv/iammooranda
Lola Boba [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@LolaBobaVT - https://www.twitch.tv/lolabobavt
Areum Karla [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@AreumKarla - https://www.twitch.tv/areumkarla
Wishy [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@WishyVT - https://www.twitch.tv/wishyvt
PuddleCow [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@puddlecow_tv - https://www.twitch.tv/puddlecow
Seoully [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@seoullyy - https://www.twitch.tv/seoullyy
Spookiphoria [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@Spookiiphoria - https://www.twitch.tv/spookiiphoria
MoomiStar [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@moomistar - https://www.twitch.tv/moomistar
PinkMoo_Boba [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@pinkmooboba - https://www.twitch.tv/pinkmoo_boba
Altashi [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@Altashi - https://www.twitch.tv/Altashi
Muu Muyu [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@MuuMuyu
Heidi Heiter [EN/DE/TH] - https://www.youtube.com/@HeidiHeiter - https://www.twitch.tv/heidiheiter
Aisha Ushimaru [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@AishaUshimaru

Bai [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@Bai_VT - https://www.twitch.tv/BaiVT

Have any corrections or other Bovidae flavored vtubers to add? Please suggest!
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where my milk jug queen ember ushi?
Thanks anon, added!

Ember Ushi [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@emberushi - https://www.twitch.tv/emberushi
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should mention here this is a (male) game dev who uses this model as an avatar. Still a cowtuber nonetheless with beeg chuuba booba :^)
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Lily/Herapath is a cute and funny strawberry cow vtuber! https://x.com/herapathx
Thanks anon, also added

Herapath [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@herapath - https://www.twitch.tv/herapath
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Is she going to stream HOI4 at some point?
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found this japanese cutie, not sure what her official name is but her twitter is just cow640
Are milky cow sluts allowed?
That's a lot of moos! Are there any particular ones you want to add?
If they're a cow (or goat, or Bovidae family) it's okay!
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Good bake
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Festive moo!
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How about some Wishy?
her voice is so cute! I didn't get so see much of her yet, is she a baker or why are there so many mentions of baking materials on her X?
Yup she's a full time baker! She specializes in bread and sweets. Very cute cow
Alicja and Momoka cowllab later today
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Yes please, my two best girls
What time anon? Will check it out.
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waiting room:

It's so strange that this thread is an offshoot of /vrt/
I believe Alicja and Momoka being talked about so much there is the reason it got created
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There's a lot of overlap because Alicja and Momoka are very active but the thread is dedicated to all cow vtubers (and friends).
Also previous thread >>91774959
Awesome, thanks
I know but what I meant was that /milk/ first got mentioned in /vrt/ one day before the first /milk/ thread was made.
It seems obvious in retrospect like /wool/.
Oh, I didn't know the thread spawned from /vrt/
I'm just glad there's somewhere with all the milky chuubas in one place.
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finally a festive moo thread!
When's next stream?
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Looking forward to this, thanks anon
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Team Cow is live vs Team Ojou
The girls were mooing at each other in the chat already
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The stream has started!
Very disorganize, big stampede
I like how none of them thought to figure out how to play the game first.
any other moos streaming right now?
they keep mooing and talking about milking each other
is this normal for when cows get together
thanks anon, also new moos for the thread. Nice!
Heidi is going to stream in an hour and a half
Thanks anon, added!

Berryleche [EN] - https://www.twitch.tv/berryleche
Alma Maito [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@AlmaMaito - https://www.twitch.tv/almamaito

Let me know if I need to make any corrections.
My Mooba!
the fact no one in here moos is mind boggling to me.
mooo moo muuu moo mouu moo muuuu
Mooba chuuba moo moo
hang in there dairy farmers
are cowtubers mostly eu hours coded
I don't think so
Marvel Rivals
Q&A chat
Look at those milkers
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cute parents
Some of the more active ones are
Was a fun and chaotic stream
adorable how she always apologizes when she coughs
Is this a /wool/ split?
No I think it is more of a scenario of convergent evolution, or perhaps more along the lines of copying off /wool/s homework for a similar natural concept.
oh hera, I discovered her from the ASMR rp she did, shame she doesn't do more.
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What nice assets they both have!
Thanks anon, adding her to the list as well!

Mandy May [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@mandymaystreams - https://www.twitch.tv/mandymay
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Maroyaka Milk JP cow
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Marota Ch. JP artist also does drawing tutorials
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Ah! Very cute, added!
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Hoozuki Iriya JP Demon Cow
Occasionally fleshstreams ASMR
That's a lot of milk!
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Shimofuri Ichibo JP food streams
Thanks anon! Added as well!
Another anon wanted to find this cow >>91834532
Do you happen to know her name?
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This is all I found. I have no idea who this is
wagyu waifu
The fact this isn't that much exaggerated compared to her real udders is amazing
>Spookiphoria [EN]
dropped an i there
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Thanks for pointing this out anon, will fix it!
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love all these moos!
Lovely gigamilk.
I love her design
Very cute, unfortunate that she doesn't have much content
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I need her
Adorable, I really want to see her get some more art
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Please add to Goats:
Azura Dulait

She's playing Buckshot roulette in two hours, and tomorrow doing a "mall shopping roleplay" ASMR (and then Members RFA).
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All the moos love you
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aisha holocure
Added, thanks anon!

Azura Dulait [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@AzuraDulait
who is she?
Moo is she
That's Heidi Heiter, she's a new chuuba that started about two weeks ago
She's also in the op
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Please add this newbie chuuba to the goats:

Her name is Cosmi (Coslimonka)

Thanks anon, another goat!

Coslimonka [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@coslimonka - https://www.twitch.tv/coslimonka
She's streaming in about an hour
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Where's the love for my girl Rosiebell?
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idk ask reggie
she's going through it
Heidi is live now: http://twitch.tv/heidiheiter
Her slight accent is very cute.
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No liveposts or screenshots of cow streams?
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She's growing fast
Who is this milky moo?
Ushio Tia
Yeah, it's really hard to place. Her streams are nice and cozy
She was only active for about a year.
Assuming her first language is either german or thai it's hard to say where she is from or if she even grew up there. Very multilingual flavored beef here.
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Shame, that is such a nice design
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Cow cut down in her prime
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Typical for livestock, unfortunately
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ok morbid
Doesn't sound kraut to me. Doesn't sound like whatever engrish southeast asians yap either. She has a pleasant voice and her giggles are adorable as fuck without sounding forced
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Bessie aka CowgirlCowgirl EN Vtuber indie
She's a moomoo mama
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Thanks anon, added!
Cowgirl Cowgirl [EN] - https://www.youtube.com/@cowgirlcowgirl3713 - https://www.twitch.tv/cowgirlcowgirl
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Amen to that!
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What happened to her?
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/milk/ is lasting through the night now good to see
Heidi is streaming GTA IV: http://twitch.tv/heidiheiter
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Holy cow, there is entire twitch team of cow vtubers? Team Moo Moo Milk?
Is there anyone from the group that you'd like to add to the list?

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