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Last thread

Main links
https://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account)

Peko essentials

1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]

Sololive [Poorfag edition]

>>Original song
Shōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]
Saikyou Megami Usa Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g (MV)
Iiwake Bunny
https://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI (MV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E (Live translated)
-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)
Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 (MV)

>>Cover songs
Discommunication alien
Renai Nou 「New song」

>>Collab songs
[FRUITS ZIPPER] NEW KAWAII (w/Lamy, Ayame, Okayu, Korone, Kanata) [NEW]
Song list


なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!


PekoNoe ASMR
PekoMoona Offcollab
PekoMama April's Fool 2024

>>Pekora's Sololive Letter


>>Thread template
ah not DQ today
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Unboxing 12 holoTCG boxes
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She will collect manjigumi and sankisei. Prepare for bad Choco impressions too
Is there a context to this picture? It is very cute though
i dont think so but i dont watch EN that much
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Me neither but I do remember last year Ina was drawing Pekora on stream and OP's image was made in Feb '23 so maybe inspired by something she may have said during that time.
Peko is no longer chonky
pekotyan's enthusiastic hand movements are always very cute
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so beautiful
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handsome fella
thats me
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still have recording, but no more big work after this
cute singing
her pronunciation actually pretty clear
Is her handcam choppier than usual or am I imagining it
the room is a bit darker
Dosukebe Marine
no BGM is good too
do you think she forgot to put BGM
she just forgot to loop it but its back already
kek the volume is too low
gaki get
no pekotyan dont call it energy, nintendo is gonna sue
Cute Mionergy
>my gen only have big boobs
the reflection actually hurt my eyes
all the witches...
is youtube buffering on your machine?
a bit yeah
no pekora card so far. are the boxes for new cards?
>tcg shop arc
>holo tcg pack opening arc
>pokemon pocket release
Man I haven't touched an IRL card in close to 20 years but it'd be so easy to fall back into it.
its the new set
pekora want nousagi to be loud about wanting ero pekora on the card
I'm always very loud about it
Pekora being sandwiched between ero Noel and ero Marine's massive fat tits.
i smell rigged
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That reaction...
pekotyan won
lol at the Miko message saying don't sell it
Imagine if she'd accidentally cut into that card with the scissors
I want her to snip a card straight through by accident
her throat is starting to sound rough
Her throat... and that blasted horse racing is this weekend too.
that nekoshion too sexy...
At least tomorrow is a big collab, which means she'll barely talk
>tomorrow is a big collab
In chat? Don't see it on holyzer.
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Ririka's Minecraft event tomorrow @ 19 JST
He meant miko's sign on the secret mikorone card. mikochi also wrote "don't sell"
Not a live message. The signature on the card says "uranaide nieee".
What was that again? Hope to see some PekoTowa i guess
It's battle royal in christmas theme. Don't know the details though haven't caught up with the archive yet
even if i never open card packs, the way she cut open the pack all at once really scare me
Multi-pack opening?!?!?!?!?
Ah ok.
How many types of energy are there?
5 colors
>its a bit heavy
pekora really need to stop being schizo
weighting packs works though
nevermind I was wrong there's more colors now
Weighing packs is legit. Its why you never ever buy loose packs because the good stuff is all taken.
not the horses...
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Is this set limited to certain holomembers? Not a single Peko card...
Yeah Pekora was in the first batch.
Tourist here.
So what're the chances she continues Red Dead? I watched her stream of RDR2 and while I thought it was fun, I came away with the impression she wasn't really into it. Was I right?
low to basically never. i also want her to continue but she said she just want to try the game
not 0 but dont expect too much
She'll never play that kusoge ever again.
The stream is glitching to me
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yeah thought it was me
Something wrong with peko stream
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My Pekora is glitching through reality.
pekotyan's GPU is dying...
The only chance I would say is if she doesn't have anything better on hand to jump on early in the next year. It's not like with subnautica that gave her motion sickness but I wouldn't give it great chances. Too bad, I also enjoyed the first stream.
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It's Uzuki
This happened to me on Kanade's stream but not on Pekora's. Something weird happening at youtube.
i wonder why subnautica can give her motion sickness while minecraft not
no idea, I guess the combination of the camera and the physics?
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idk I never got motion sickness playing games not even VR, but I have a friend that easily gets it even from racing games so I guess it really depends on the person
I never got motion sickness from a game until I tried to play Dead Space. Something about the awkward tiny FoV and sloppy controls really made me nauseous and I couldn't play it.
maybe i should try more games to experience motion sickness
That's a pretty weird reason to try more games...
That's really sad. She didn't even see the open world part of it or get to experoence the sagging horse balls.
My sister was almost sick from the first zero g section of the game. Likewise Talos Principle also made her too sick to play beyond the first few puzzles.
Blame rockstar for making a crappy non-game in the first place.
Surreal OGEY
the thing is between all the recordings, the baseball and DQ by the time she has time to play something else she will have likely forgot about it, december is too packed if it had been at a more slow time of the year she would have likely played more
I do. But there are still some parts of it that are fun and I mostly want to see her reactions to thr various old west stuff. You seem like a complete fucking brainlet that doesn't understand why her stream of it was well received. It wasn't for the gameplay, retard.
now what
fap to her
ok and now what
wait for few minutes and do it again.
man girl have it good
you can watch something, her channel isn't lacking in that regard
yes but what
whatever you want
im kinda in a fromsoft mood, so im watching dark souls right now, and after that i will watch sekiro and armored core 6
I die with post-Quake fps until half of the 00's very frequently, they wobble the camera too much to the point I had to disable it on the rereleases of Turok (64 fps destroys me)
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I think they're doing sankisei NYE takopa again this year at Noel's.
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they already talked about it before no?
Ponytail Pekora! A very rare rabbit
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Time to replenish her mana!
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Goodnight anons
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good night
Pekora healing factor is strong
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Pekora is both uncute and unsexy.
falsest words I have ever read
I'm starting to believe this. Accusations dating back from the WS box openings. Nadoka pulled a secret Kiara in the 1st set. It's a little sus that it happened twice with the low pull rates.
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my pov
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Impressionist Pekora from the stream earlier.
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Anyone of you remember the timestamp for this?
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Goodnight nousagi
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I need rabbit...
oh kaela actually playing astrobot, now i wish pekochan can play ghost of tsushima
I can't believe Pekora hates Minecraft now
man i really hate this recording stuff if it make her throat hurt so much. i just want to enjoy the stream with her
Anon you're having a laugh are you those horse streams are 100x worse than any recording she'll ever do.
i know but it just that her recording schedule is packed for december. its holiday season man, let her stream.
>Yet another event where she avoids interacting with the Pink whore
Dare I say based? It's the third time that very thing happened (before it was Amogus and another game), it can't be a coincidence anymore (her voice was just fine yesterday too).
Sony needs more copies to be sold for Astrobot(less than a million copies) thus more shilling needed compared to GOT's 13 millions.
I wonder if Hololive can even help increase its sales. wish it could, that mean we got more sony perm
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When Ririka did a tour of the world for this minecraft stream the other day I think there was actually a place to gamble on horse races
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Pekotyans throat...
Cover hate
Do deuce graduate...
my poor bune
I hope next year will have little to no recordings and we get neet pekora back. But sadly it will probably go the other way.
I can give her a special medicine that she can swallow to help her throat.
we need a second pandemic
This image is fucked up btw.
Pekora but she has balls (no penis)
That just means she ends up with testosterone
This you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WptuNxdUOaA
So on top of Pekora dropping out, Subaru, Mio, Choco & Ao are all dropping out too.
Cover is a great company.
okay i dont mind if pekora is out, but that is still many. my god poor ririka now im kind of feeling bad
Subaru is still sick I guess. She sounded bad when Kanade was talking to her. That does suck for Ririka though.
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this peko needs correction
Many dogs and cats in Holo
But what if a second bunny gets added to the fray
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there can only be one
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retweet time
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My sister caught me jerking off to Pekora...
I hope she helped you finish
she pretended not to see but I know she did
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it's all over
I don't get it
its the name of her new original
pekoshio tete
i wonder if they will debut more animal holo in the future
the mv really give the vibe of jiraikei/ menhera girl
I miss Pekochan
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so do I...
btw has anyone had massive issues with youtube lately? Been seeing massive memory usage and general lag. Maybe it's firefox primary but it only seems to affect youtube tabs.
maybe only during stream. so far i dont have any problem with normal video
jewtube is always getting worse
they may be trying a new version of that shit that giga bottlenecks when it detects adblock, who knows the google SAAR engineers arent the brightest in the first place
Man, Pekora would have been a good watch in this event
I wish she had played mute
what are they doing
Minecraft collectathon with FFA world PvP followed by gambling followed by elimination FPS style PvP
Saqua, Shion and Nene totsu today. Decent day, i guess i can live without peko today
sounds complicated, no point in watching if there is no pekora
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Me, me, me and me.
but I'm not running adblock, I'm even using premium. I wonder if they're doing some shit specifically targeting other browsers than chrome.
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I have no problem using brave on my phone and watching streams compared to the app, which lags a lot and has graphical problems like picrel. Might have to do with the chat appearing on screen, because I can't see it on Brave.
Chrome with uBlock and Brave with its innate a(for my phone) seems fine for me. Though opening Youtube as a tab has always been a memory guzzler.
Dunno, I get memory usage spikes even for videos.. Almost starting to think they've managed to introduce a memory leak somehow. Anyway, it's probably just a jeet who shit in the code base.
not bad but I wish it was Pekora instead
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so cute
me on her legs
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will pekora call nene
i dont think so
Throat hort, hopefully cover fuck off and let her rest for awhile
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wait are those THE glasses?
who is that on the left
nene mentioned playing treasure mountain against pekora
that they're going to or that she wants to?
The pink leech.
If she has time I'm sure she will play it with Nene, treasure mountain is one of the games she's actually good at too
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I cum
I'm freezing to death...
I'm behind her, our tails are touching
I'm ready for treasure mountain tournament arc
Me wearing a pink sweater
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In today's stream or are you referencing the stream from like a week or 2 ago where Nene spoke about Pekora checking up on her during her hiatus and wanting to challenge Pekora to a battle when she returned?
00:56:38 ぺこちゃん先輩とお宝マウンテン

but beware of chihaya
I see I'll check it out later gonna be honest I don't know who that is.
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The new flowglow girl with short hair
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I have only watched a single Niko clip out of everything FLOWGLOW and only know Su because she's in Pekora's powerpro team but couldn't actually tell you anything about her.
Holy kek
That last wave, kek
Get her to dress like Pekora. As a joke, haha.
No way man, she wouldn't look good, she's got tattoos on her arm and the wig wouldn't go well with her face
She meant pleasure mountain
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Pekora's pleasure mountains...
Way too big...
this is about right
Perfect size
I want to cover them in caramel and then lick it all off
I dont even need the caramel
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faggots lol
fuck them incognito with adblock works perfectly fine anyway
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>inb4 reddit
It werks
nice it worked
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she only has 3 days left to finish power pro
whats even considered finished for this
the moment summer koshien is over, that means if she loses a game there then its over
it wont take that long then...
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Stop being poor, anon...
I'm not paying google for shit, they already get too much from the share they get from my membership
Stop shilling PajeetTube,'s shenanigans.
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la la la la la labbit
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me backseating
I'll get some sleep before stream
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Her holocure stream gave the dude too much copium
Some part of me wishes that Discord message never happened, and it would be better to live in ignorance.
She would've blown up eventually either way, that message was just god luckshitting Hololive again.
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shiopeko love
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kakkoii pekochan
i thinks i need a good horror
like damned
like seriously they dont make good horror game anymore
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Do I ignore it and enjoy it or do I point it out? I think I'll enjoy it and let it be.
what do you consider to be good horror?
Play a PS2 survival horror game.
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Pekora is dating too many women simultaneously
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I just found out that Sampaguita got a translation patch (PSP only)
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me, passed out due to getting dutched oven by pekora.
You're about to die...

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