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/nasfaqg/ - NASFAQ General - Christmas Edition

Thread for the discussion of NASFAQ, a global financial market simulator based on buying coins that represent the members of Hololive, Holostars, and some of their mamas. Basically, numberfagging for actual-schizos.

This is a fake stock market game meant for to be played for fun, and is not a real stock market. Cryptofags will not be happy here, there is no real money involved. NO, you won't get better at stocks from this. YES, this is an actual game with people playing it, despite what it may look like in thread.

https://nasfaq.biz/info - READ THIS. No seriously, read it, faggot.

Research 1: https://schedule.hololive.tv/
Research 2: https://vt.poi.cat/
Research 3: https://hololive.jetri.co/
Research 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPyLnwSXqkA

F.U.C.K. Reports (Market-based reports, updated daily): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/104gsM_vZz1MuhJxfuYeT_xNFC1Qk1h7zeLVoCyFsrSw/
"Real Oshiboard" Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c-ioaVcHWb4kMHXF8kqND9mZ_O84P-xLzbDoY-JGmrk/
NASFAQ Betting Leaderboard: https://betting-iscringe.github.io/
Returns Report Archive: https://rentry.org/returnsreport
https://files.catbox.moe/jhccbu.webm (embed) (responsibly) (you're) (on) (national) (TV)

Make copies of these Google Sheets to use them yourself:
SUPER Revised Haaton Wallet Analyzer Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10SMwNcfyZyB0IUy-SKVilzbfmZ9nF_zcWOmuqq8vKRs/
Mutual Fund Order Tracker Sheet (prices updated somewhat daily, still guaranteed to update at dividends): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1STk0eb6iBMCiRoMdjbbesA39SJbzvyA-b0NwbwG0bdQ/
Electrum's fund trading sheet, up to date: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1av7htsgnJ5kDbAhrqIVok42rRZpCi0uueEapmqmaByA/

Mikofag's humble attempt to archive some of the thread OC: https://mega.nz/folder/NeQghDqL#mSL13SdqKjKgYVjFCgF6Iw
Thread Lore: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BNIA50Z2vw4pS6gLbxyTL5trAfIo-Uo22womorcx-7o/

Previous Thread: >>91460791
Good morning.
Uoh, gagged Mococo sex
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Seiso Market Update
Sponsored by: BIG PLANS
We are so back edition.

>wtf happened that made so many coins moon?
>Gura - hitting over 500k. Doesnt do anything, moons.
>Ina is over 380k. She was already inclining during her hiatus so that helped her a lot.
>Kiara - I did not see this one coming.
>Kronii - 160k! Surprised to see her this high up.
>Choco - All I saw was that she casually revealed her "human" age. 150k for choco is a nice.
>Moona - hits over 240k. The only ID coin you should buy when it's low. Music coins are fun.
>Ayamy - Missed out on 100k, but 97k is still good for this coin.
>Rurudo and Ame - seem to be acting like Ina did so keep a close watch on them.
>Aqua - the coin is up but it's showing a weird trend that looks like it may go higher. We need koyote analysts on this.
>Raden - Still riding on that tiktok trend that I thought died weeks ago.

>Towa - Still a great day to buy.
>AZKi - a must have music coin.
>Matsuri - I dont see her getting any lower than this for awhile.
>Chloe - farewell tour will start to set in so you will not see her this low as we get closer...
>Beebs - I dont see her becoming a music coin just yet. just over 30k is ok.
>Niko - This Flow Glow is one that I can trust, for now. She gets clipped more often than the others.
>Shion - for those who like to live dangerously.
>Mio and Koyori - HODL and HODL HARD.

That's all I can come up with for now.
Let me know if I missed anything.
Enjoy the run, and Stay Seiso.
thanks for the update!
mmmmm muffled Mococo moans
Stop I can only get so aroused
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Chama poster.

How do you feel about Haato's content as of late?
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Lots of karaokes and chatting streams, it feels a bit like a return to the old form which makes me happy. I do wish she would collab more but thats a long running issue as always that she is too shy
I enjoyed her EN collabs.

Does she mostly do guerilla streams?
Why did gura moon
smu love!
Pretty much, you get a tweet up to 30minutes before is the normal
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Most of the time its a 5minute warning!
Subscriber tick it seems
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I want to give Kimono AZKi a hug, she's so fluffy
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Kimono season is awesome!
so many cuties in kimonos fills me with joy
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I couldn't agree more! I love the girls wearing sandals with their kimono, but the boots look super cool too. I like the image of them twirling around and the fabric on their arm sleeves follow them as they move
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Goodnight anons
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when jingle all the way
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Konbanha orcajoshu!
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I think it is a sell day
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I woke up too late so no SMU.
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I'll be out of the office for a few hours
Seiso was kidnapped by AZKi...
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Wow its green, good day to sell funds
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today too is the best day to buy koyolabo! 0% moontrip sale!
Im sorry little one...
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I'm finally free!
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Goodnight anons
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Don't forget to vote for /vt/'s KWAB of the Year for 2024 if you haven't already: https://forms.gle/jWLgpKt35GJcXNDC6
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i was wondering too its been weeks...
Like a spark from the blue, it's time for the Dividend Review.

This week's Total Dividend Pool comes out to $127,807.11.
This week's Dividend Pool is 10.34% higher last week's pool.
The average payout this week is $1,205.73 per coin, which is 7.58% over the all-time average of $1,120.79.
32 coins were over the Average Payout this week.

Top 5 Largest Dividend Changes:
>Marine :: $5,118.60 :: 83.81%
>Raden :: $3,060.32 :: 100.37%
>Miko :: -$2,676.33 :: -59.41%
>Watame :: -$2,639.06 :: -76.34%
>Okayu :: -$2,195.16 :: -66.83%

Top 5 Smallest Dividend Changes:
>Reine :: $0.22 :: 0.04%
>Syrios :: $0.54 :: 0.50%
>Hakka :: -$1.08 :: -1.16%
>Flayon :: -$1.22 :: -2.02%
>Civia :: $1.23 :: 10.39%

Overall Average Dividend Change was $114.03
Average Dividend Increase was $486.98
Average Dividend Decrease was -$364.32

Top 5 Most Unstable Dividend Payouts:
>Raden :: $2,873.68 & 88.8% Over Average
>Choco :: $510.23 & 85.9% Over Average
>La+ :: $571.43 & 83.6% Over Average
>Aqua :: $1,196.93 & 74.2% Over Average
>Flare :: $577.09 & 72.9% Over Average

The Following Coins all had a Dividend Payout of less than 1% from their 4-week Average:
>Rushia, AZKi, Ui.

Overall Market Shift from Mean was $59.27.
Average Dividend Spike was $297.19.
Average Dividend Dive was -$327.34.

This week's dividends set an all-time high record for Ina'nis, Izuru, and Kronii.
This's dividends set an all-time low record forAltare, Fuwamoco, Hololive, and Riona.

Hope everyone got the dividends they expected this weekend.
in my nasfaqg?
divs came back!
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thanks for the div review!
Made for wholesome pets!
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Like a glint from the blue, it's time for the Morning Review
Today's Starting Liquid begins at $2,855,643.42, a change of -6.03% from yesterday's Starting Liquid.

Top 10 Upwards Adjustments (of 25):
>Fuwamoco :: $66,673.34 [106.90% over Avg]
>Nene :: $66,555.42 [132.21% over Avg]
>Cecilia :: $44,467.61 [93.22% over Avg]
>Shion :: $19,861.98 [24.87% over Avg]
>Shiori :: $17,242.36 [21.52% over Avg]
>Zeta :: $13,812.37 [25.77% over Avg]
>Kanade :: $7,140.58 [15.50% over Avg]
>Iofi :: $6,894.76 [12.67% over Avg]
>Pochimaru :: $4,791.72 [7.89% under Avg]
>Rexford :: $4,721.98 [26.22% under Avg]

Top 10 Downwards Adjustments (of 77):
>Aqua :: -$396,268.81 [58.05% under Avg]
>Calliope :: -$167,372.10 [50.94% under Avg]
>Rikka :: -$163,733.07 [51.59% under Avg]
>Suisei :: -$115,538.65 [64.96% under Avg]
>IRyS :: -$64,134.03 [69.76% under Avg]
>Towa :: -$58,771.92 [67.21% under Avg]
>Ina'nis :: -$42,759.11 [43.50% over Avg]
>Fauna :: -$23,397.47 [31.77% under Avg]
>Pekora :: -$23,033.32 [33.62% under Avg]
>Ayame :: -$14,558.43 [47.31% under Avg]

Top 10 Highest Value (based on 4-wk Dividend Avg):
>Suisei :: 36.30%
>Towa :: 23.24%
>Niko :: 22.80%
>Marine :: 18.99%
>Calliope :: 10.26%
>Chihaya :: 7.66%
>Vivi :: 6.91%
>IRyS :: 6.82%
>Pekora :: 6.44%
>Lui :: 6.00%

Overall Average Adjustment is -$9,126.39
Average Upward Adjustment is $10,585.79
Average Downward Adjustment is -$15,532.85

Today's adjustments set an all-time high record for Civia, Mel, Nabi, and Rushia.

Don't get baited, pick up some good deals, and I'm Bauk, Bautches.
thanks for the update!
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thanks for the review! welcome back!
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Kanaken 3D Live tomorrow!
This is gonna get me all menhera...

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Today too is the best day to buy Towa!
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Will be out of the office for another good couple of hours.
Donuts and coffee are in the breakroom.
You'll have to provide your own creamer.

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