Welcome to /tactical/, a thread for discussing tactically-themed or firearm enthusiast vtubers!/tactical/-approved vtubers include:Aaliyah Mercury [www.x.com/AaliyahMercury/]www.twitch.tv/aaliyahmercuryAceWindhover [www.x.com/acewindhover]www.twitch.tv/acewindhover | www.youtube.com/@acewindhoverAinslie_Vt [www.x.com/Ainslie_Vt]www.twitch.tv/ainsliesentryAirshowD [www.x.com/AirshowD]www.twitch.tv/airshowd | www.youtube.com/@AirshowDArianna Foxton [www.x.com/AriannaFoxton]www.twitch.tv/ariannafoxtonAtropa Everwood [www.x.com/AtropaV]www.twitch.tv/atropaeverwood | youtube.com/@atropaeverwood2003Bessie [www.x.com/cowgirlcowgirl_]www.twitch.tv/cowgirlcowgirlCaptain Lukasvt [https://x.com/captainlukasvt]https://www.twitch.tv/captainlukasvt | https://www.youtube.com/@TheCaptainLukasCode Named Ferret [www.x.com/CodeNamedFerret]www.twitch.tv/codenamedferretRusty Claudia [www.x.com/RustyClaudia]www.twitch.tv/rustyclaudia | www.youtube.com/@rustyclaudiaElfinpsyop [www.x.com/elfinpsyop]www.twitch.tv/elfinpsyop | www.youtube.com/@elfinpsyopEmberParadox458 [www.x.com/ember_paradox]www.youtube.com/@emberparadox458/ | www.twitch.tv/emberparadoxFishmoochi (Galatea) [www.x.com/fishmoochi]www.twitch.tv/fishmoochiGachaGuns [www.x.com/GachaGuns]www.twitch.tv/gachagunsGantai [https://x.com/gantai_100]https://www.youtube.com/@GantaiDoumekiGondola Gaming [www.x.com/Gondola_Gaming]www.twitch.tv/gondola_gaming | www.youtube.com/c/GondolaGamingVTGrimmivt [www.x.com/grimmivt]www.twitch.tv/grimmivt | www.youtube.com/@GrimmiVTIcelyn Winter [www.x.com/Icelyn_Winter]www.twitch.tv/icelynwinter | www.youtube.com/@icelynwinterJMeZZ [www.x.com/MrJmezz]www.twitch.tv/mrjmezz | www.youtube.com/@mrjmezzvtJuncker_ [www.x.com/JunckerDK]www.twitch.tv/juncker_ | www.youtube.com/@Juncker_Kana (OniKanaVT)[www.x.com/OniKanaVT]twitch.tv/onikanavtKoopa Fortuna [www.x.com/Koopachaneru]www.twitch.tv/koopa_chKuromaru Oniisan [www.x.com/Kuromarutheoni]www.twitch.tv/kuromaruoniisan | www.youtube.com/@kuromaruonii-sanKiitaVT [https://x.com/KiitaVT]https://www.twitch.tv/kiitavtLeaflit Mitsuha [www.x.com/LeaflitVT]www.twitch.tv/leaflit | www.youtube.com/LeaflitAsariPrevious thread: >>91675625
Mako Fukasame [www.x.com/MakoFukasameTV]www.twitch.tv/makofukasameMargo [www.x.com/akiajimargo]www.twitch.tv/margo | www.youtube.com/@akiajimargoMerlinbishop [https://x.com/MerlinBishop4]https://www.twitch.tv/merlinbishopNoona [www.x.com/Rooftop_Noona]www.twitch.tv/rooftop_noona | www.youtube.com/@rooftopnoona14Nyaru [www.x.com/nyaruchuuu]www.twitch.tv/nyaruchuuu | www.youtube.com/c/nyaruchuuuNymphimaniac [www.x.com/Nymphimaniac]www.twitch.tv/nymphimaniac | www.youtube.com/@nymphimaniacNyutora_EN [www.x.com/NyutoraVT]https://www.twitch.tv/nyutora_en | https://x.com/Nyutora_EN | www.youtube.com/@nyutoraPenelope Parabelum [www.x.com/PennyParabellum]www.twitch.tv/penelopeparabellum | www.youtube.com/@PenelopeParabellumRed Baroness [www.x.com/TheRedBaroness1]www.twitch.tv/the_red_baroness_ | www.youtube.com/@theredbaroness6350Remi Springswww.twitch.tv/remisprings | www.youtube.com/@RemiSpringsRenTheVieww [www.x.com/RenTheVieww]www.twitch.tv/rentheview | www.youtube.com/@rentheview/Rihursi [https://x.com/rihsuri]https://www.twitch.tv/rihsuriRye [www.x.com/BreadIsRye]www.twitch.tv/ryeisbread | www.youtube.com/@RyeisbreadSavii [www.x.com/savisenpaii]www.twitch.tv/savii | www.youtube.com/@savisenpaiiSkabVT [www.x.com/SkabVT]www.twitch.tv/SkabVT | www.youtube.com/@SkabARollSharklettVT [www.x.com/SharklettVT]www.twitch.tv/sharklettvt | www.youtube.com/@ScarDumbSleepy Project [www.x.com/Sleepy_Proj]www.twitch.tv/sleepy_project | www.youtube.com/@SleepyProjectSnekuSnafuSnakuhttps://x.com/SnekuSnafuSnakuhttps://www.twitch.tv/snekusnafusnaku | https://www.youtube.com/@SnekuSnafuSnakuChTomoe Umari [www.x.com/UmariTomoe]www.twitch.tv/tomoeumari | www.youtube.com/@tomoeumari/TheExCounthttps://twitter.com/TheExCounthttps://www.twitch.tv/theexcount | https://www.youtube.com/@theexcountarchive3666TwitchyBuggy [www.x.com/TwitchyBugBug]www.twitch.tv/twitchybuggyVanessa Leona [www.x.com/VanessaLeonaVT]www.twitch.tv/vanessa_leonaWafWaffle [www.x.com/WafWaffle_]www.twitch.tv/wafwaffle_Whiskey Project [www.x.com/GrenadesW]www.twitch.tv/whiskey_project | www.youtube.com/@WhiskeyProjectWinters Ch [www.x.com/thee_marked_one]www.youtube.com/@WinterschWishyVT [www.x.com/tacticow]www.twitch.tv/wishyvtZuma [www.x.com/zumlings]www.twitch.tv/zuma
Sharklett is live with a short stream. Yapping followed by DCS or War Thunder.https://www.twitch.tv/sharklettvt
>>91846818lmao she has written a script to do her daily logins on War Thunder automatically.
God, I can't wait until Airshow can stream every day. I hate this timeslot.
Sharklett likes the F-18 now.Tomcat bros it's so over.
I'm happy the shark is streaming DCS again, she hasn't done that on the regular in a long time.
https://www.twitch.tv/ariannafoxtonAri is being french again in War Thunder
>>91851780How do we correct her behavior so she can never be French again?
Riri is cute.
You're celebrating Christmas alone? God you're pathetic.
>>91854709no need to be so rude...
>>91854944speak american, gawdamnit!
>>91846818>Loving the F-18Why is her taste in planes dogshit?
>>91851780>Rafale time>tanks only so far
>>91851780Ari is keeping calm and being a Stacy, ace is being a dork
>>91856106If only she was as GFE as in this clip.
>>91855239She's branching out, she still likes the F-14 and F-16 more. Also she's having fun flying again so I'm happy with that.
>>91858506she's getting there
No sleepy stream, she’s suffering from the brainrot.
Ember is yappinghttps://www.twitch.tv/emberparadoxSteamy is playing war thunderhttps://www.twitch.tv/steamysnugglerAce is playing war thunderhttps://www.twitch.tv/acewindhover
>>91858575Still not good enough. When will she use a MiG?
>>91862009MiGs are good planes. Stop believing in the propaganda airshow.
>>91862674Airshow actually likes the MiG-21 so you missed there buddy
Jets is yappinghttps://www.twitch.tv/jeanfaymasLukas is playing Stalker Gammahttps://www.twitch.tv/captainlukasvtThe Count has a New Gun, so he's doing an Unboxing streamhttps://www.twitch.tv/theexcount
>>91864900>Count bought a domestic gun in support of local manufacturersAbsolute cringe. Imports are better for a reason.
That was a nice Sharklett stream.
Count's new gun is a Calico
Clips of the Count unboxing his Calico and showing what he got. https://files.catbox.moe/5lmuii.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/rtrrfr.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/0s0268.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/lth8ay.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/i2v9je.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/nu2hac.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/sermee.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/au90eo.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/0wsbc7.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/it0wmi.mp4
Skab is on his seventh episode of his nuzlocke challenge. He also feels inferior to his little sister who caught Mewto with a pokeball, whereas he can't capture Zapdoshttps://www.twitch.tv/skabvtTwitchy is yapping about her lifehttps://www.twitch.tv/twitchybuggy
>>91869317Skab failed to get Zapdos. He had to kill him.
>>91868755Weird looking Calico
are yall getting anything for the winter sale /tact/?
>>91872212I bought my brother Squad and might buy him HLL as wellbut other than that idrk what I might buy
>>91872212Two hunting rifles, can’t figure out what scope to get for one.
>>91872113that's pretty standard for a calico
>>91869317Skab is so abusive to his chat.
>>91874611He hates us
what is it with girls and peggle>>91872700Arianna you cant even afford one good scope, much less two
>>91874729I’m an ojisan. Comments hurt though. I found a Tangent Theta scope that would be perfect, but it’s $4,250.
>>91869317Twitchy’s friends fake southern accent is killing me
>>91876590What about it makes it fake?
>>91876757It’s a northern man pretending to be a Dixie boy.
>>91869317>Kuromaru is an old man and not an OjisanIt’s over.
>>91846587She can have a little bit of G3. As a treat.
>>91879758Haitian warlord meta.
Sentry is playing Misidehttps://www.twitch.tv/ainsliesentryNymph is playing Helldivers2https://www.twitch.tv/nymphimaniacKana is doing a short streamhttps://www.twitch.tv/onikanavtNoona is playing Mario Partyhttps://www.twitch.tv/rooftop_noonaSnaku is playing Psychonautshttps://www.twitch.tv/snekusnafusnakuTomoe continues her career as a Space Marine 2https://www.twitch.tv/tomoeumarihttps://youtu.be/KGNr__yETRM
Skab raided Twitchy. He's trying to grow his harem.
>>91881412Who is in the Skab harem?
>>91879130Please stay calm, I am in the Ojisan age range
Twitchy clips of her huntinghttps://files.catbox.moe/jqr30b.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/l890b7.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/o0loiz.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/bnxhbt.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/qqvhv5.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/20ijnd.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/dlswl7.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/ueh7xz.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/2n1ek2.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/1nsdow.mp4
Leaflit being leaflithttps://www.twitch.tv/leaflit
>>91884227I hate the board zooming.
Talk about streams. There’s like a baker’s dozen on, talk about one! Or else. Leaflit is talking about the good old days, before the woke ruin gaming and how she wanted to play Harry Potter due to her childhood and now she’s watching cooking vids.
Tomoe clips of her space marine dayshttps://files.catbox.moe/fdbp6r.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/x904j3.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/7fr5fv.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/etrdiz.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/41nfut.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/2a85v6.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/um4xaa.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/m3telq.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/ld47rw.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/m9dtak.mp4
>>91886004Jets has been yapping for 6 hours. Why do women love to yap so much. What do they yap about for that long? She’s lucky she’s a cute dork or else I would just tab out.
>>91886004>Talk about streamsI wish nymphi didnt stream so late. I also wish she did more music stuff.
Fine I'll talk about streamsTWITCHY CUTE!
did I post this beforehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY7L-mVIpM4
>>91887604>I also wish she did more music stuff.She does sing original songs midstreams sometimes. but she needs to do karaokes.
>>91888208This is not a complaint, but how has she avoided twitchcops with this model for so long?
>>91888273If super heroines can get away with being scantily clad, so can Nymph.
>>91881838Any man and woman with warm blood.
>>91891181Wife is safe, bless
Thoughts on cuddling?
>>91892180Who you wanna cuddle?
What did Pippa mean by this?
>>91893228Hello Skab.
>>91894056Good morning
>>91893543She hates alien life and she’s a humanity fuck yeah advocate
Goat is playing Witcher 3: The Wild Hunthttps://www.twitch.tv/rustyclaudia
Goat is just being back seated by her chat.
I swear, Claudia looks eviller whenever her pupils are small
Atropa just announced that she won't get married and have kids. It's literally over.
I'm ready to be a wife and have kids.
>>91901690>>91834779when was this
>>91897965why is she like this and how do we fix her
Kiita is playing DCS World!https://twitch.tv/kiitavt
Guardbro finally won. He got Tomoe to do an ASMR video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1phJOR2za_s&t=0s
>>91902219Is she unironically angling for the childhood friend gfe for her future asmr content?
Savii is walking the path of an exile by playing path of exile 2https://www.twitch.tv/saviiLioness is live and playing shadows of the damned. https://www.twitch.tv/vanessa_leona
goat cannot read, only click heads
>>91901746Maybe about 5 minutes before that post, I'd venture to guess?It will probably get clipped, because she farms for clippable FPS moments.
>not even the tactical or koopa threads can stay aliveBoard needs to slow the fuck down
Whiskey is interviewing naval construction and repair contractors for her bookhttps://www.twitch.tv/whiskey_project
>>91908211Why would she do that? Just make shit up!
>>91907367What is happening
>>91902219Guess rye got jealous that gaurdbro was giving another girl attention and that’s why she unfollowed him
>>91907367>>91908721Pretty sure everyone is just home for the holidays and posting away to kill time
>>91909161Kuromaru is as right. Big businesses need to start making work during Christmas times.
>>91909688Someone sounds like they don't wanna live to see nest year!
>sharklett is just drinking straight captain morgan's
>>91908211whats the book about
>>91910300i can fix her
All your chuubas are dead
>>91914907Jokes on you, Atropa will live forever.
This thread is done and dusted, no one talks about the chuubas anymore except for a few select ones.
>>91914907>>91915736who pissed in your Corn Flakes this morning?
Wishy is playing planet coasterhttps://www.twitch.tv/wishyvtSteamy is playing war thunderhttps://www.twitch.tv/steamysnuggler
>>91915475Anon, she literally just posted herself committing an OSHA violation.
>>91916501Kuromaru did say that OSHA was just another way for the commies to infiltrate America.
>>91917485Kuromaru is wrong then
>>91902219the dark clouds gather
Tomoe is playing Plastic Duckshttps://www.twitch.tv/tomoeumarihttps://youtu.be/H1-dp69kW3MMargo is playing Raw Dangerhttps://www.twitch.tv/margo
>>91917485If you're going to make shit up, at least make it funny
Clips of Savii having fun playing Path of Exile 2 and Marvel Rivalshttps://files.catbox.moe/aspb6z.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/7a77l6.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/wbsb9q.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/h0x66t.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/mdztk3.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/elj5kq.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/yreytd.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/y5gjed.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/rf5n0v.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/890ngk.mp4
>>91921757>Want to check the vod to see how she did against the Act 1 boss>She's still streaming so i can'tdammit woman
Whiskey clips of her having fun in helldivershttps://files.catbox.moe/vqk5h2.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/zpve1f.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/im01y9.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/svvm37.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/bz9h9g.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/8ohcvp.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/1q20qd.mp4
Ember's groomers is making her cry for giving lots of subs. Come save her.https://www.twitch.tv/emberparadox
Ember is playing Elite Dangerous
Tactical Queen Elfin is streaminghttps://youtu.be/IEnPetd93rg https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1nAKEpAnXPYxLLukas is playing Stalker https://www.twitch.tv/captainlukasvt
>>91926330Elfin has no morals and is willing to commit any crime to get what she wants.
Is Rye okay?
Count got another new Gunhttps://www.twitch.tv/theexcount
>>91923106She's doing a 30 hour stream. So yeah, don't expect a vod for now.
>>91923106>>91930953>profile>Videos>By "Filter By", select "Past Broadcasts">Click on the most recent>???>Profit
>>91931225But then we will be missing her yap while playing
Count showing off his new guns and looking up future guns and might buy his favorite JAKL gun soonhttps://files.catbox.moe/eousgs.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/o6yy0x.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/7dm6pi.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/8qdke7.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/uydj6c.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/wemwj3.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/xn2n32.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/y7cg30.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/jq4adi.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/ep57sr.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/qeaggv.mp4
>>91933659Politicians on guns are a bit cringe.
>>91935127i was about to post the same comment
Snaku is fieldstripping gunshttps://www.twitch.tv/snekusnafusnakuGondola is playing world war z with his friendshttps://www.twitch.tv/gondola_gaming
>>91936479why he look so WIDE in this image
>>91935127>>91935222Fuck you guys m, it looks cool
Snaku fieldstripping two gunshttps://files.catbox.moe/sild9o.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/et8qm3.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/4uce5g.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/l6jlhg.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/59zj11.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/ah4cak.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/d1ukhs.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/tdlr3m.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/u05wdb.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/vj92y8.mp4
>>91940213Why are our male streamers victim-weight?
Bloopa is a bad woman
How does Elfin have over a thousand people watching her on X, but barely over 200 on youtube?
Koopa is live and being a menacehttps://www.twitch.tv/koopa_chgacha is showing off his guns againhttps://www.twitch.tv/gachagunsKiita is playing helldivers 2https://www.twitch.tv/kiitavtJmezz is playing MIsidehttps://www.twitch.tv/mrjmezzNyutora and Twitchy are playing Star Citizen, they might even get marriedhttps://www.twitch.tv/nyutora_enhttps://www.twitch.tv/twitchybuggyFishmoochi is back and playing Mariohttps://www.twitch.tv/fishmoochi_
Koopa being unscared of the horrors she is witnessing is endearing.
Fishmoochi has a new model
>>91943807>>91944631So what’s Fishmoochi deal? second time I see her posted and her X account is blank.
Christmas Tomoe.
>>91927401Won't stop cuckys giving Elfin and her "manager" money
>>91946975She doesn’t have a manager. She’s an independent indie.
>>91947223Anon I hate to tell you this...
Listening to Fishmoochi is putting me to sleep, she should do some asmr.
>>91947724I trust her. She has yet to give me a reason to doubt her.
He's playing Fortnite with a group of friends.https://www.twitch.tv/philip_rosberg
>>91949515>Pilot vtuberdoes he actually play flying games?
>>91950880I've seen him play War Thunder before.
Kana is learning how to make tomato bisquehttps://www.twitch.tv/onikanavt
>>91951314Why is it that whenever I see Kana cook, her kitchen setup is just hobbomaxxing?
I don't know how Twitchy can enjoy Star Citizen
It's over
>>91955781Give her bionic legs now
>>91942916twitter views are based on how many people scrolled past the stream post rather than actual viewers
>>91908211Whiskey starting another project she will probably never finish unless the work is done for herClassic.
>>91956992Is he wrong?
>>91956899Clearly doesn’t know how to use a gunsight as a bombsight. Sad!
>>91957263When has whiskey ever done that? She’s a hard worker and completes all of her projects
Goat is playing counter strikehttps://www.twitch.tv/rustyclaudia
We will never have a wife like bessie
>>91959486>Homemade baby foodYes I will take a bottle of that milk, thank you
>>91959486That food looks so bland.
>>91958580She's a leech anon when she realizes she can't get people to do her bidding she gets bored and drops them and moves onto the next thing
>>91959542Show us how you're better.
when tf did all of this get in her tags?
>>91960574Her mods are very american, please understand, she needs the views.
>>91960610so is she actually one of (((them))) or are these orbiting mutts just pasting shit for traction?
>>91960654She needs to get traction to become a full time streamer.
>>91960731im tired boss.....
>>91960904So am I, but people have to make a living while streaming.
>>91961067they really don't especially looking at what it leads to.
>>91959486I wish I had a trad southern wife
Goat clips of her being a menacehttps://files.catbox.moe/vz0zy7.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/m1yl0o.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/g15y32.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/669uu1.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/o3jq4w.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/q3szdg.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/kgjdaw.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/kr4jbd.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/c9fidh.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/hc89aa.mp4
>>91959486Is she and Kana the only ones that cook?
>>91960574I'm honestly wondering whether the goat is a chaser. Like, her collab and raid choices are interesting...But in a platonic or "bro" way given she's pretty low sexuality. Which makes it extra weird she's chasing!
>>91963637Goat just needs a sigma male to take care of her.
>>91963081This is some good clips, anon. Always love me when goat gets some love.
>>91962257No you don’t.
>>91962257What about a southern tard wife?
>>91963329Atropa's done a few streams cooking wild game.
wait is wishy a >sheFor some reason I think this, but I forget why.
>>91968565nevermind I refound the tweet. I was right. Also Twitter search sucks.
Cuddle correction.
Need tank autist wife
why did nobody post that Wishy is playing Project Zomboidhttps://www.twitch.tv/wishyvt
>>91968565i'll be honest i thought her voice was like that cause she was germanshe still a cutie though
Airshow is live and playing DCShttps://www.twitch.tv/airshowdIcelyn is celebrating her 18th birthday, come watch herhttps://www.twitch.tv/icelynwinter
>>91974558>her 18th birthday
>>91975189No wonder she had watchers despite being so boring lmao
Icey is a good singer, but she’s a huge fucking weeb.
>>91975530She’s not boring. She’s a very interesting woman with a cute personality
Arianna is planning to play Helldivers 2 with Riri!https://twitch.tv/ariannafoxtonTwitchy is yapping!https://twitch.tv/twitchybuggy
>>91977394You just hate her because she’s wife material.
>>91977605Riri and Ari are so cute together whenever teaser one another
>>91978696Wife material.
>>91980819You can just do it, what exactly is she going to do about it?
>>91980819Twitchy or Ari?
Is it just me or is Airshow happier now?
Steamy Snuggler is playing War Thunder!https://twitch.tv/steamysnuggler
>>91982501Why do we hate her again? She's a pretty good war thunder streamer.
>>91982894It’s unironically a man with a voice changer
>Skab doesn't own a carWe gotta help him
>>91982406Much. He sounds very relieved.
>>91984365He's also streaming for longer. This is the first time I'm able to catch his stream
>>91982894>>91983363A voice changer is fine the main problem is that they are pretending to be an egirl and retards are falling for it
>>91983567Is Skab supposed to be the working class BFE?
>>91984873But she’s a woman
I’m starting to like Riri
>>91985765You keep thinking that!https://files.catbox.moe/ve7qt7.mp4
>>91987943That’s a deepfake
Elfin finally decided to commit a lovers suicide with us, come watch her follow through with it.https://youtu.be/5w8snHe947Mhttps://x.com/i/broadcasts/1ZkKzRmEBwdKv
>>91988140Elfin hates shondo. It’s over.
>>91988140>Someone in chat has a happy family>Elfin blows up at him and calls his family a bunch of Feds.
>>91988955She disrespectes Abe’s finally wish?
>>91988955Atropa should get married.
>>91989419Who’s this?
>>91991133Ainslie's mascot I think
>>91988955Why is she like this?
>>91988140>She hates DEIShe’s perfect
>>91989865yes but not to me, I'm scared
Lukas is playing Psychopomp GOLDhttps://www.twitch.tv/captainlukasvt
>>91993565She needs a sub, anon.
Noona is playing Barotrauma https://www.twitch.tv/rooftop_noonaSkab is playing Barotrauma https://www.twitch.tv/skabvt
>>91996005it's a mega collab
>>91995431I’d be Atropa’s bottom boyfriend
>>91996477That’s a lot of people
>>91996918You better be loaded with wealth
>>91996918I thought Atropa was a bottom.
>>91999077No, she's a top, she's sadistic.
Gondola is playing Dusk againhttps://www.twitch.tv/gondola_gaming
>>91996005Really hoping their time in that game is good
>>91996005Noona and Skab should do more collabs more.
>>91988140>decide to tune-in on a lark, because bored out of my mind but don't want to sleep yet>stream gets Sarah Silver-snipedkek
>>92001166She went a bit far in places. She needs help
>>92001166female comedians ruin lives
>>91999077she's a switch, depending on whether she's sober or not
>Gondola wants to shorten his name for branding purposesHe's going corporate.
>>91949391Enjoy getting dono scammed by Elfin
>>92001166>>92001447>>92002143what happened lol
>>92002559Elfin would never scam us. She's too much of a good person for that.
>>91988354>fake schizo hates a real oneNot surprising from Elfin Griftwhore
>>92002769Elfin is not a grifter
>>92002638She played a clip of Sarah Silverman the comedian and got bonked.
Kana is playing Dino Crisis 2https://www.twitch.tv/onikanavt
>>91947223>independent Avgbirdenjoyer and other ex-Yuko Yurei groomers gave Elfin thousands of dollars to get on the admin and management team.
Elfin is back and even stronger than before. https://youtu.be/bfLqse7eqXY
is this TOS safe?
gondola about to become walter white of peppers with his unsanctioned cross-pollinations
>Gondola gets ask how is life after serving and he stays quietIt's over.
>>92004047Slander and falsehood.
Clipanon here, clips are going to be a bit thin for the following days. Just to let you know, now.
>>92006779Keep lying to yourself.
>>92007171what happen
>>92008223Christmas is around the corner.
>>92008363Clip-anon is going to be clipping family videos. So heartwarming!
She really admired that Austrian painter
Remi is streaminghttps://www.twitch.tv/remisprings
Gondola is getting better mentally now.
Gondola clips of his Dusk Streamhttps://files.catbox.moe/5kom7x.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/wfcuyq.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/r2txb5.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/c6a3m9.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/gkcdl4.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/00gybz.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/j458dc.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/3dx6xd.mp4https://files.catbox.moe/1y8llt.mp4
>>91981109no i meant she needs to have a nsfw tag so artists will draw her nsfw. all these lewd ecchi art is driving my insane
>>92012904Her art is not lewd.
>>92012985all her clothes are a seam from busting
>>91974558Icelyn is not 18 you retards. I look away for a second and you start making bait posts. We are better than this. >>91975530Icelyn anti shut the fuck up. Don't like? Don't watch! It's that simple. Others do like her, so stop shitting up the thread every time she is mentioned.
eepy is having her monthly rant on her server again
>>92014475I was wondering what happened for her to get political all of a sudden.
>>92014555she types a storm every once in awhile i guess. bad day maybe
>>92014475>>92014555what happened
>>92014617shes just ranting about retarded people who watch her or are in her discord. shes on a parasocial tangent now
Sleepy is incredibly anti-GFE for a person friends with alotta gfe chuubas
>>92015349She's breaking up with us now.
>>92015456breaking up with us in text and not on stream. It's bleak
>>92016535i sometimes forget that she's basically a neet
Kuromaru is mastering the way of the Samurai.
Mako is live and yapping and playing gameshttps://www.twitch.tv/makofukasame
>>92020179Puffy cheeks
>>91983567Mourn for Skab we must not. Rejoice we must. For he has become one with the force.
We're gonna cuddle.
>>92021386Skab isn't dead, yet.
>>92020179Mako gets bullied even in collab workplace
>>92018951Rye my beloved...
New thread>>92022767>>92022767>>92022767