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Love for OKFAMS! You're welcome to discuss each individual member here.

Okayu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvaTdHTWBGv3MKj3KVqJVCw mogu
Korone: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAnqc_AY5_I3Px5dig3X1Q doog
Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg fbk
Ayame: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fk0CB07ly8oSl0aqKkqFg oni
Mio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-5t9SrOQwXMU7iIjQfARg mion
Subaru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzGlP9oQwU--Y0r9id_jnA duck

https://twitter.com/nekomataokayu https://twitter.com/MO_OKAYU_GU
https://twitter.com/inugamikorone https://twitter.com/k5r6n3
https://twitter.com/nakiriayame https://twitter.com/YODAYOsub
https://twitter.com/ookamimio https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab


>Last Thread
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keep forgetting to put foobs subaccount into the OP
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Note other bakers and me: >>91267032
Update your templates! This is important! Fubuki's sub account is a blessing!
>mio and subaru dropped from the minecraft collab
poor ririka
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1/4 participants gone, jesus.
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Hopefully there will be ohashuba after I get off work tomorrow
Felines love
SENPAI tomorrow
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I miss Subaru
Korosan cackling like crazy, my beloved
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FubuOka just trolled the fuck out of Korosan
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Even though Mio didn't organize the christmas karaoke relay this year she will still be in Koyori's christmas karaoke relay.
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Korone kedama blesses this thread
Couldn't watch it, chimed in for a minute and she was laughing like a madman
Another insane game
What is it all about?
I like Korone
Any news on xmas party offcollabs?
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Adorable shrine maiden Korone grants wishes
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Happy New Year!
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Does anyone have this art?
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I look like this
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Inugami Korone
Well said
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15 minutes until the best time of the week
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The ajiest of marus this week will be starting shortly
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Thank god I made it. Ajimaruya-san, one ajimaru please.
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God I needed that
I will clean out Subaru's slimy nose
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D*sney is gonna freak
Goodbye archive
oh no, I just realize, the whiteboard isn't there...again
Subaru is too good at this
I wish I could have christmas parties all week long...
Nikisei christmas party...
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Wait, so is oozora police on the 24th or 28th?
babadona love
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Babadona my beloved
Lmao Hajime
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Cute how they added a sofa at the office just for Subaru
Stupid duck...
Subaru should beat me with the baton
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When is Subaru gonna get to show off her baton skills again? Feels like last time was years ago...
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You just know Shion has the season pass to there
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I want Okayu to be my travel guide to Japan next year.
I vaguely remember something about Ayasuba wanting to go to a unchi museum together
Subaru's golden unchi...wwwwwwwww
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It all makes sense now
They were made for each other
I've been to that damn Odaiba mall twice and I've walked by this museum twice. I have never once gotten the time to go visit it
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Big 4 + Shion
so....anyone preordered the upcoming Subaru scaled figure by Kotobukiya
Yes, through hobbylink japan
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Subaru gave Salami her a big fat logwwwwww
>Give candle
>Receive poop
Manager mafia is too strong...
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Mane-chan always wins
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I'm sorry Noel, but the numbers don't lie
Bancho is not a snitch
Need SubaFLOWGLOW collabs
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Need more KoroSuba
megaman incident
Inb4 Subaru falls asleep on the toilet
Chat asking what color it is wwww
Moving again...
Oh so it was Noel's place
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Noel is gonna use her spare key that she kept to break into Subaru's home...
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subaluna canceled...no...
Kunkun, is this Subaru in MiKorone 24 I smell?
Subaru you can't just casually dab on people like this
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初期スバル my beloved
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So one Christmas party with Big 3, one with Mio and others and one last one members unknown yet.
Hopefully its Nikisei
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me too. I sold my soul to their private warehouse well over 15 years ago. Now I wish they weren't faggots and give me back the unlimited storage instead of the 90 days bullshit
Mogu + Doog Baker, i know you're in here
Schizos scared him away...
I can't wait for the big christmas party and the absolutely chaotic Mario Party with all seven.
he's gone
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AyaSuba my beloved...
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Why would he be here? I assume he baked because he didn't want to post in these threads
His loss though
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Koronesukis, attention!


You should consider making this

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I found him here once
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>separating SubaOka right off the bat
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It’s over… Christmas is ruined
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Realistic Sonic + Korone encounter
No one wants Mogu + Doog anymore because of this thread
When is this?
This is just 常MOS
It sounds like you are blaming someone or something
aaaa i overslept AyaFubuMi
what'd i miss?
Just talking about GTA and their (lack of) escapades as a group this year
Because I am
I should've added Hokkaido to my vacation plan...
Ojou so baby
I want all the Korone threads and I post in all of them.
Then you are part of the problem. I mean, if there's a problem at all. It seems to be for you. Not for me. I'm perfectly fine with OKFAMS
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Wow, two whole people! If I were to make a Mogu + Doog thread right now I guarantee it would die in 4 hours at like 20 posts.
Fucking finally digital release for the new AyaFubuMi song
There's no point in bitching and blaming, it doesn't help. I learned that when trying to save /duck/
Did you even read my post? There's probably a miscommunication somewhere
>it would die in 4 hours at like 20 posts
That's my point. That's why I'm okay with OKFAMS. That's why it makes no sense to split posters between OKFAMS and doog+mogu
One of my favorites from Blue Journey
stuffing ojou's mouth with softcream from hokkaido...!
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What the fucking fuck is this?
It's her page
She posted this
Korosan, wtf
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>Play Game : 不審者通報しました。 ( steam )
The game in question is this https://store.steampowered.com/app/3214390/Stranger_Watch/

Another janky horror it seems. Looks interesting. The graphics look like something from the 00s, which is good
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Does anyone have these images from this author without text?
He posted links to this gigafile site, but they're dead or something, it just redirects to the main page
Time limit likely expired unfortunately.
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Good art
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This is Korone
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Korone (cute)
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Holy shit, I like this song so much
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I would...but I only have access to a color printer at work which is a literal hour away. If I discovered this like a week sooner then it might have been possible
Don't you have local print shops? Come on
I don't have a printer at all, but I will have this toy made in the next few days
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I agree
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>foobs' boobs
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board fast
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Does she appear only at the end? I'm bad at this kind of stuff.
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Friendly Bump

Mio wants put out a schedule for next week and may stream later today
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Subaru learns that CapTsubasa uses actual soccer moves
game seems like a pretty normal soccer game outside of the outrageous anime cutscenes
has to be realistic enough for them to be in the new efootball
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God damn it.
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Can't even have Christmas...
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Mio's schedule for this week, lots of mio this week
Towa isn't that bad, you guys
I hope you know she still streams, right?
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0:09 she appears in the middle on the left
0::11 she crosses the right part of the frame
Towa seduced Subaru on Okayu's couch infront of Okayu and Mio last year...
Towa seduces Subaru every time they interact, can't beat the banana
First time watching capt tsuba, how is shuba doing
Why are they so violent, is this why it was recommended to Subaru?
She's been doing decently, stamina management isn't the best though.
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Subaru rn
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Dumb duck
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>kamaitachi no yoru
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Another horror review btw
Singingsha in 16 bings
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cute cosplay i came across and thought you guys would appreciate
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Good cosplay indeed
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Lazy Miofa, Mioshas streaming right now, where's the thread.
Too busy vibing sorry
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Im too busy being distracted by the lights in her hair myself, but still.
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One of my favorite pictures
The greatest and the second greatest VTuber of all time
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Korone is the greatest, is that what you meant?
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Also here's more
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Movie reviews sounds like a really interesting concept, but I don't really watch horrors, and definitely not japanese horror movies.
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