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prev stream: >>91388442
today's the last day of baseballholo rearing


Her career is basically over as soon as she loses a match

it's koushien time
I get the sense Marine hasn't understood the concept of a force out this whole time
today's first opponent is A-rank, it could all end here
Marine's shook, she doesn't want to lose. She's scared
man YT's performance fucking sucks

mamono is OP
Baseball is too confusing for her
she definitely doesn't get what a squeeze bunt is vs a safety bunt
good win good win, lets keep this stream going as long as possible
what the FUCK flare learned curveball on her own

isn't that really bad, she might throw her crappy lvl1 curve in the pvp games
marine is leaking piss out of nerves
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this piddly C team is no match for Marine's team
that damn curveball is going to sink her
some of these announcer names are so silly

Canada, Niko Niko Koalas...
marine does not understand how the mercy rule works
marine only understands when she's in pinch
what the fuck is ビビリーズ even supposed to be
Koyori is Aichi's Speedstar
Koushien is coming boys
less heraing
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azki the parikore closer, gets to enjoy the cutscene even though Falre got 26 of the 27 outs
we escaped worst case scenario
here we go
at the rate senchou will end this stream at 24JST as usual
koyo gonna watchalong? she can't be that mad that sanki are doing baseball then
even if she resents it she's mature enough to put it behind
jeez mamono is absurd
mamono please they are already dead
Marine still worrying over which decisions to make when she's already 13 runs ahead
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why don't they sell this game outside Japan, I wanna play now
too japanese
It's full of licensed content
Marine is a bot who says ボール多いいよ,大丈夫? every time flare gets to 3 balls
how many more wins, 4?
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another poor team...
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c105 is gonna be pretty big for Marine stuff
oh looks like we're done today
looks like she'll finish things off on the 22nd
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time to sleep peacefully tonight

could be as early as 5 or 6 on the 22nd
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even more baseball coming?
jesus fucking christ i love her but cmon
22nd for final training, and I think 25th is the big pvp matchup between marine, noel, and pekora
tonjiru with udon in it?
So for xmas its birthday and more ao-kun simping, xmas ruined. Hope new year is reset and come back to quality content
where has riku even been, her last short on the channel was september 1st: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8L5mn_Xcs8
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Marine has streamed 42 hours this december so far, pretty big month for her
it's by far the most she's streamed in any month in 2024, and it's still only the 21st

she'll probably end up streaming morein December than she did in February, June, July, August, and October combined
we're getting 5 months worth of marine in one month
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She was sadly replaced with a leech
who? exsacorp? or torinokawori? there haven't been that many original shorts since that one, they've mostly been re-edited from other content
I wasn't referring to who makes the shorts, but to who is in them with her
those rando influencer girls?


I think they only show up if marine has a new song/dance for them to cover, they're not going to be a regular thing
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Anon nobody likes your blue leech whore so don't try to pretend to be retarded to avoid answering
SuiMari the one superior blue and red ship, even more so than PekoMari
Unfortunately there's only one blue woman Marine likes anymore
I think Marine misunderstood when we said we wanted more streams, we want more varied streams not long streams of the same fucking boring game.
Marine won ichimi won
How exactly are we the ichimi winning now?
I want karaoke streams, horror kusoge streams, collabs with other Holos that aren't from fucking regloss, zatsu streams of what she's working on, watchalongs of movies even of shitty ones, instead of the countless sponsorship streams, TV shows I can't even watch in my country without installing a fucking VPN, no more cheap VR Chat trash.
I want the old, funnier and more relatable Marine back not this boring, sanitized and tame corporate mascot she has become now.
People were in denial about Ao practically living with Marine, but now she's outright admitting it.
None of that is ever coming back.
It's all because of this one game and it will stop the moment it's over.
You don't know Japanese rumao
You're coping indeed.
>You don't know Japanese rumao
Honestly it wouldn't bother me as much if the two lived together, it would be whatever, what pisses me off the most (not even bothers me, pisses me) is that she always have to bring that bitch out on every conversation, even the ones that don't have anything to do with her, she's literally obsessed with her, OBSESSED
And yet there is the suspicion that this tournament is sponsored so she is not even streaming by her own choice.
You don't even know Japanese
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he's not wrong
yeah, i could even deal with ao-kun being negro and railing her everyday, i just dont want to hear about her/him anymore. I want colabs with interesting holos, not the new shit they have to promote.
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let me enjoy kumarine and baseball and doujins
It's Ao who's bringing this stuff up most of the time. Given how much there's going on between them Marine is practically trying to hide it with how little of this info actually comes from her.
I'm not surprised about that from a leech like her, i just find sad how Marine even now allows people to abuse of her kindness.
She says it because people ask her. This is exactly like Kanata and Coco, except Marine is way bigger than the dragon ever was so the effect is much stronger despite anything Ao does.
And people ask, because Marine always talks about her, it's like a vicious circle of bullshit where even if Marine doesn't want to talk about the leech she has to do it every time someone asks about her and then people ask her about her even more.
>She says it because people ask her.
She brought up all of this stuff about staying over at Marine's place constantly all on her own
>And people ask, because Marine always talks about her
She doesn't talk about her that much. It's all the pieces of proof that many in these threads called "schizo headcanon" that give it all away.
Since you know so much Japanese why don't you set the record straight instead of talking shit? Is it because you actually do NOT know Japanese?
He's going to respond with some bullshit like: do your reps, watch streams, I'm not going to spoonfeed you or some other variation.
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why the heck is the card game sold out, what if someone wants some marine cards

you know, I'd rather cover made their money on merch like this instead of taking a cut of marine's yt revenue
horror game streams are boring honestly but more zatsus would be good. I don't begrudge the sponsorship streams though, it's good for her to make some easy money. What's the point of having a huge audience like this if you aren't going to leverage it like that? God knows that money gets dumped directly into the endless cadre of artists she's hired to animate shit for her.

And it's hardly a big time investment for the return. She should just stream more normal stuff so it's not like, the only piece of Marine we get in a desert of non-activity and rather a bit of extra Marine nestled between a bunch of normal content

Marine has done a few of these long series. There was the monster hunter arc, the terraria arc, the ark arc, multiple minecraft arcs, multiple mario kart arcs, the animal crossing arc, the puyoteto arc, etc. etc. that's just how these go. It's not going to be a permanent thing going forwards, it's all going to be over once the competition is over and they match up against each other and see who wins. It's not unusual for marine to sign up for something like this. It's not always going to be something perfectly to your liking but it's a lot better than nothing
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christmas day is the big day
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>There was the monster hunter arc
You mean the one that she ended because she decided that she wants to hang out with Ao?
Is hanging out with Ao a problem? Ao is a girl

new one dropped
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I dunno I think it's cool she sleeps over all the time. You know Marine is the type to insist they share a bed, like she does with every single girl who sleeps over. Ao must be the type to be okay with it

I really enjoy sleeping with people, so I understand where Marine is coming from here. It's nice she's found a sleep buddy
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Marine is in the New Year's tournament that Towa is organising this year
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>It's nice she's found a sleep buddy
Ao is more than that. They're practically dating.
Yeah maybe. I would have preferred Shion or something but Ao is fine. As long as it's a girl.
Actually Ao is preferable to Kanata or Coco, who both also received this treatment from a segment of fans after getting close to Marine
Those two genuinely rubbed me the wrong way, in different ways. I think Ao is also better than Rushia, who Marine did a bunch of half-hearted pairing rp with. Her collabs with Marine usually were very low quality.

The more I think about it the more I think things could be a lot worse. There's a long list of holos that I would prefer Marine spend more time with, but Ao is above the tolerable line for sure. She's at least somewhat competent at really basic banter. A lot better than Kanata or Rushia I think, who usually struggle/d to keep up a good back and forth with Marine.
ichimi community stream
In what world is Ao better than Kanata? Marine's content and overall behavior changed for the worse because of Ao.
>A lot better than Kanata or Rushia I think, who usually struggle/d to keep up a good back and forth with Marine.
Also what the fuck is this part? Kanata has the best back and forth with Marine while Ao completely flattens every interaction because she can only EVER pander to Marine or act like a clown that says "poop".
Kanata just isn't very witty. Her responses when bantering with Marine just don't add much to the entertainment value of the stream, and don't naturally move the conversation along. You can really feel her trying, bless her soul, but she's just not good at that kind of puroresu. She often just gets stuck without knowing what to say and just throws up the first thing she can think of, and it's usually lame as hell.

If we put the 41 or so Holos we've seen Marine banter with for some amount of time on a ranking I think Kanata is probably in the high 30s, she's genuinely bad at it for holo standards

Gender doesnt matter, she'he is a leech and doesnt try to hide it. Extremly obnoxious persona as well
Lmao saying Ao is better than Kanata is new level of delusional. Just GTA streams should be enough to tell that Kanata is competent at banter and roleplaying while Ao can only do one boring thing
You are absolutely delulu if you really think Ao is a better fit than Kanata.
I actually agree about you with Kanata when she collabs with others, but with Marine its natural.
Kanata is better with Marine than she is with many other people, but a lot of that is just that Marine does a lot to carry her conversational partners much of the time - she can make things work if you give her the minimum. Relative to most girls though I think Marine struggles with Kanata, at least on stream. I could easily believe things are way less awkward off-stream, it almost feels like Kanata just seems to get stage fright or something.

The Kanamari line stream was good though, I agree. I think Kanata does benefit when things are less free-form and she's already thought of things that she wants to say beforehand, and there's a concrete topic to circle back to when she's stuck.
Ao's response when "bantering" with Marine is "You're not old, my princess Marine-chan".
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Okay notes for the potentially controversial ones:

FBK only in fine: if you've listened to every SKDW you'd know they've come a pretty long way. Marine was petrified of FBK at first, and they seem to have a really different mindset so it took them a very long time before they found a groove. It still feels like there's lots of distance between them even though Marine has probably spent more time talking with FBK in holo content than any other holo. But it's workable now, at least. And obviously the big ticket collabs like Sister Marine work great, there's no denying that.

Aqua only in fine: Aqua's always been pretty awkward, and while by the end of her run she could often fairly comfortably stream with Marine it could get pretty shaky. Marine at least always seems comfortable around Aqua, which I'm not sure is nearly as true for many ranked below her, and that ends up counting for a lot.

Mel in often awkward: Probably not controversial if you actually watched their collabs. You really wouldn't think from those streams that the holo Marine has been friends with the longest by far is Mel. She's not faking the airheadedness I guess.

Yeah, it's the worst kind of response. I love Marine for making herself butt of the joke for entertainemtn sake and Ao just comes in and ruins it to simp. If it only happens sometimes it might be cute and all, but not almost all the time
Would put Fubuki tier higher, otherwise good reasoning for her, but it's not Fubuking's fault but her image / branding. She can't go all in I think lol

God I need another Korone Marine collab soon because these two are fire.

Dream team for collab would be Marine, Korone, Nenechi and Miko
when Ao is running the schtick it's lame, sure. She's not always just running the schtick though. When she's not doing it, things are usually alright.

It's similar with like, Luna. The first layer schtick interactions suck. But when they have to interact for an extended period of time then they have to move past that and do something else and it's usually good stuff.

towa stream starting now, this will reveal what games marine will play, what team she's on, whether she's a leader/ who her leader is, etc.
I outright hate Ao, but I do love Marine. It's a balance of being supportive of what she wants to do and making sure I don't say anything that can be misconstrued as being an anti when Ao and everything about her pisses me off.
She's always doing it when she's with Marine. There's no "interacting for an extended period of time" to get past it when this is the point they reached after interacting for an extended period. Their starting point was Marine rejecting Ao like everyone else does, and the end point is Marine accepting Ao.
Ao uses it as a crutch in general, but she lets it drop around Marine decently often. They haven't been collabbing much lately but I'm somewhat optimistic that future on-stream interactions won't be as cringe. My expectation is like, the first 5 mins they'll play it up for the stream and then they'll start interacting more like normal people, probably closer to how they talk off stream
How many times do collabs need to happen for you to assign this? Some combinations are not THAT common. It doesn't feel right to have some placements where she's collabwd with some dozens of times and others like once.
yeah the sample is obvious way way smaller for some than others. It's pretty vibes based
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marine is participating in this, it's on the 13th of jan
>Ao uses it as a crutch in general, but she lets it drop around Marine decently often.
I think you're missing the point. Ao doing the "wow I'm so cool! Don't you like me?" and getting rejected is boring but that's not what's being talked about.
>My expectation is like, the first 5 mins they'll play it up for the stream and then they'll start interacting more like normal people, probably closer to how they talk off stream
That's exactly the problem. They talk they way do off-stream, which is overly sweet and boring. If Marine does a self-deprecating joke Ao flattens it with a pandering response.
Dogshit list.
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marine is on team towa
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one of Marine's games will be PLATE UP!
Kroni and Elizabeth with Marine, jesus christ, only Cali was missing to create cancer trio.
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Marine will also be in the secret game
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Marine will also be playing Fall Guys
So much this, it's super irritating, it's like bitch, praising Marine is the job of us ichimi, yours is to banter with her and do comedy on stream not fake simping for her.
>If Marine does a self-deprecating joke Ao flattens it with a pandering response.
The irony is that even though they talk like that on stream, she also behaves like a cunt with Marine bossing her around and forcing herself into her activities.
Bitch should be more respectful with her superior.
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Ao's biggest crime is because of her im saying negative things related to my oshi and it hurts me.
Ao is poison. I wonder how long we have to put up with this shit, but I imagine it will be pretty long lasting.
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That's how I felt about Coco and Rushia, you have no idea how relieved I was when they disappeared
Today's yet another hanging out with Ao day btw
Sure thing Zhang bro
Coco pissing off China was the best thing she ever did, that was based. It was everything else about her that sucked
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>It was everything else about her that sucked
Such as? After the chinkout, Coco and Marine hardly collabed at all.
yeah, and I was grateful for it

although it wasn't all bad. The way marine fawned over coco was a side of her we don't see that often. She doesn't simultaneously respect but also feel comfortable with many people in the same way.
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God how I would love a Collab with Flare, the last one was ages ago, but I see it difficult now that Flare is also obsessed with other Holos outside her generation, fortunately irys is not annoying unlike others....
The thread went extremely full retard again...
At least we have pitcher flare that marine is worshipping and she's messaging flare every second stream to update her on what game-Flare has been doing in game
How? Marine is objectively in love with Ao.
Not now Marineschizo, we are talking about MariFlare
Even Shion says Marine and Ao are lovers
But you're the Marineschizo.
There's something funny about shion noticing this. There's like a, that could have been you vibe to it.

But shion's own analogy of it being like seeing a side to your mom that you weren't supposed to see is funny too. I wanna hear more holos spill their takes honestly

Lots of gratitude to shion for giving her impression though. If they're this obvious about it there's no way others haven't noticed
whoops meant to reply to >>91967846
UMISEA my beloved
EVERYONE has noticed it.
Shion's case just shows how little she has been around other hololive members and how she doesn't pay attention to general happenings.
Kanata commented on it as early as April or whenever that Monster Hunter stream was.

mikeneko just sang bishopai
shion's total lack of interest in hololive is funny. pearls before depressed swine. Glad she sticks around anyway.
We don't like leech whores here anon
Shit this reply was meant for >>91968543
But the fact that my post accidentally applies to the subject of the general it redirects to makes it funnier so I won't delete it.
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Marine's OUR card art is interesting, it's that meme where people take off their clothes and lie down with the clothes draped over them

The idea is great but the execution could have been better, I feel like
wow that art is garbage. Its Marine's bad cosplayer, not Marine, its official?
This looks AI generated
it's the Hololive Official Card Game, this is the art they use for the rarest rarity Marine card

this set went on sale yesterday, I think it sold out immediately
To be fair Marine is not perfect either, she has made questionable and even stupid decisions in the past, it's just that now this obsession with the leech makes her flaws more obvious.
Literally never saw Marine doing face like that in any official art before nor stream.

I like the idea, but complete miss, especially if its the highest rarity, good i didnt know about it and didnt waste money, id be so mad
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here's the 2nd highest rarity art
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a lot of the other marine cards are Akasa Ai pieces that have been repurposed for the card game
Ill take Akasa Ai commons then over whatever the high rarity is
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looking forward to the suimari orisong

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