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draw your oshi
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community canvas!

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last thread's maggie
i was wondering if i should link the previous thread as well
If you want to, I think it's a decent idea!
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Definitely do! It makes it easier to find cool art people made in the past.

previous thread: >>91482308
OP doodle: >>91676275
>Attempt to make it a Drawthread
Nice tits
The fuck are you doing
It's blank
Draw more Kronii
Oof that Kronii
Draw tits
Post art
Good job op
Draw tits
go back, botfag.
Good shit
Nice hag
Kronii sex
Kek, lil bro actually came in here to have a melty
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>sagespam by some autistic faggot with nothing better to do

I never thought I'd miss this
You want to see real mental illness, check the last few drawthreads, he's from there
Okay gran gran
What a weirdo
Lil bro is ancient lmao
I rather not
>Mixing threads
Damn bro I thought you liked this place
Sounds like too much work
How can you tell you can see sages.
Many posts but the page number keeps going down
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Post spam that doesn't send the thread back to page one, while your own posts do. Either way it's always funny to see requestfags seethe over a drawthread that won't entertain their fetish for free.
Its just one loser.
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i'm still practicing. here's an old drawing
Good job anon
oops, all kronies
do your best drawfriends! make sure to warm up and goodluck practicing
Nice drawing lucky trips anon!
I will not!
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*bring me the sagespammer*
Aaaaa Lain sex! Tasty shorts and great pose! Also I love the penciling, great effect with shading and all
He's a mod, reports don't work on him.
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I drew this a while ago
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nude toggle tomorrow
Dakidecapitation. Good weeb metal song title!
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Lore accurate
Show the whole thing
well that's fucking grim.
im not sure what you mean, it is the full thing. im sorry if it wasnt satisfying enough for you.
Nah, he's not a mod he just uses like 10 IPs so if you report his spam it doesn't look as one to a janny
Don't bother, he's just spamming replies to try and kill the thread
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It's spam, just ignore
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also drew this
Very cute
Janny knows, and he will delete any posts complaining about it and will warn you for reporting the spam.
what the fuck is that thing
Sukeban rocks
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fan art of biibii
Your socials? Who is she? Very cute!
I assume you don't take any requests?
if you are unable to tell
this is not the place to give out your socials right now
Is she hold a big slipper?
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yes, will do
it's a draw your oshi thread not a "shill your art" thread
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Oh, then I guess I should post a drawing I never shilled before.
Happy early new year anon!
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too bad i just love to show it off sooooo much ahaha here u go have some more ;)
Names of these chubas?
Pokifloofs/Fluffs for the purple one.
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oh god the wings. so many feathers
Very pretty anon! Feathers are on the same tier as ruffles on a dress when it comes to pain. You did a great job!
Google only shows me some weird tiktoker thing...
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who the fuck is my oshi I want to draw
Ina is your oshi
killed by tiddy
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moira love! nice details on the outfit
yeahhhh those were also a pain, but thanks for noticing that I did em! don't zoom in on them they're super messy and inaccurate because I suck at gauging space kek
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latest Morp i drew
she looks like she'd melt my heart and my dick at the same time...
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I'm not much of an artist but I like dropping my simplified Morps and someone always saves them
have a fat booty one
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Sana wuv wuv wuv
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oops, meant to reply to the magma post
ass n tiddies
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bug bump
cute drawings
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God I miss those huge chocolate tiddies
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we've increased the canvas size a bit, let me know if its lagging for anyone
morning bump
Based choice using the OG outfit, much better in my opinion
>needs an account
nah I'm good
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kek. Love it, very clever
Damn, pretty as hell! Absolutely love round glasses on girls
Where can I get those Kronii ones isolated
I need to sniff her pits
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Whats with pitfags drawing pits looking like theyve been folded a thousand times???
This, this right here is where my penis belongs

Unless girls exercise their upper body to make their chest fit, they usually have some folds in their pits.
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nta but there's a lot of anatomy/muscles and it's kinda fun drawing it
now that's an ASS
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I like this thread better
I honestly haven't been drawing chuubas at all in a long time because the drawthread has been largely shit, so I appreciate this thread
it's like the "draw a yoshi" ones from /v/
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...I am not looking forward to shading all those feathers...
The penis? All me.
prob should have asked this before but is it fine to just draw my oshi's ass on this i started drawing just so i could draw shiori's ass and thats mostly what i draw.
yeah probably. I think it’ll get censored in the pic that gets posted to the thread tho(if it’s explicit)
Personally I don't mind NSFW on a Maggie but I'm not the canvas owner. We've already had plenty of ecchi stuff on the previous canvas.
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I only draw my oshi’s tits
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point taken guess i'll just draw her ass in these and also good kronii.
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Fucking lewd.
Could help if you make the light source originate slightly behind her, that way most of the wings would be in the shadow and you only need to do the top ones
methinks you should also draw your oshi's ass, in some sexy lingerie with a garterbelt and straps that really sink into all that goodness
love this dork and her huge butt
I ain’t good enough to do that yet lmao. all I do so far is take an image on one monitor and attempt to recreate it on my other. maybe I’ll try and see if I could do something like that next time tho
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That was fun
Don't think that, if even I could (badly) do it I'm sure you can do it too!
It's not like it's all that hard to get the basis of it down anyway, just gotta think in 3d and where you wanna place your lamp in that space! After that it's just a bit of adjusting the colors to what looks good!
I believe in you anon, challenge yourself!
Holy fucking pendulum hangers with massive puffy nips
ehhhhh maybe. problem is then I gotta rethink all the other colors on all the rest of her body, and that's also gonna be a pain lol. I'll think about it
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personally I like the approach of doing feathers in clumps, but it wouldn't match your artstyle too much, but do your best!
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many great works, love to see it
ahhhh that looks real good. love the button you drew btw
I'll figure it out. I'm actually more of an author, I just participate in these thread bc it's fun :D
oshi bump
cute ass
Now take the drawing of your oshi and put a Santa hat on it
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finished drawing ore no Ina with the nude toggle. presented by fauna
heh nice
Look at how flat she is, that’s so fuckin hot
What does bug milk taste like?
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ahh wrong tab
say hi to the freaks for me
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did a couple before
stay alive while I'm shading.
sage spam incoming I guess
go back, botfag
Who killed her?
She died for our sins
I miss her every day
Die spammer
Excellent collection of busty Kronii(s)
This is a blessing, thank you.v
Who's this chuuba? And what she is. Another Moth girl?
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>like 60 posts got wiped the fuck out
>he's back for more
holy fucking schizophrenia
Of all possible chuubas you choose the one that eats spiders and has a split personality, for real?

Haachama is crazy but her content is topnotch. Mayhaps that's why she still around.
Has anyone draw any good Haachama porn lately?
Not really
But you could ask for some at the /ai/ thread
Nope. She's JP. They don't get porn that much unless they have super loyal fans. And unfortunately Haachama only has crazy fans. Isn't the same.
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right, finished this one up. tried what was suggested
and did backlit shading. it was some fun thought exercise and I think I did pretty alright with it thanks for the encouragement!
Well that sure sucks. Someone should do some quick lewds now.
Still no clue who's this vtuber
Im going to draw pornography of my oshi
Nice job on those wings, they look extra fluffy.
Who are you drawing next?
I think that someone should be you, anon
>going to draw pornography of my oshi
Just remember to share it.
Who's your oshi? Can you share the old lewds?
Don't waste time telling us what you gonna do. Just fucking do it.
What happened to this mushroom?
That looks nothing like a moth
I got no ideas, any suggestions?
nah. maybe you should go ask in drawthread
Who's this? Shiori?
That doesn't sound like a good idea, anon... Just suggest something
There's actually a page that ads Santa hats to pics like that one with the animated head pats
the voice of an angel. beautiful. excellent portrayal of your oshi, anon!

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