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Cute Bearpire edition

>What is /choc/?
A general to discuss vtubers that have tanned, caramel, chocolate or overall darker skin color. EN, JP, Male, Babi, anything goes.

>Our Menu list

>/Choc/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>/Choc/ Skeb List

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If you want to add something to the Menu, reply to the OP.

Previous Thread >>91723954
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Azura live on Fansly
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Thanks for baking. I was debating it but was cooking dinner

Also Acti collab today got scuffed to oblivion so expect a guerilla soon.
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You forgot the (affectionate)
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I LOVE BROWN WHORES (affectionate)
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And there she is
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Seri is very cute
How are you this weekend /choc/?
Live choc
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I quit my shitty job and tomorrow is the last day I ever have to work it! It's going pretty good. How has your weekend been anon?
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Up next on /choc/! Times in JST.
NOW: Savii | https://www.twitch.tv/savii
>2AM: Goro | Holiday Matsuri
>7AM: Tome | Pokemon White Marathon
>8:30AM: Rara + Maiko | 3D Concert: Day 1
>9AM: Acti | Cute Tsundere ASMR
>10AM: Nyaru | JP Challenge: Harajuku Shopping
>12PM: Scarle | Let's Make some coal
Thanks scheduleanon
I still can’t believe Avi doxxed herself on stream lol
Dog in the big city
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All I want for Christmas is a Sana Mommy gf and positive affirmation
Choc olev
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Congrats! Are you a selfposting Oga who can finally make enough streaming? Either way I'm happy for you.

>How has your weekend been
Started kinda shitty. Lotta leg cramps yesterday, but it improved vastly when my wife did karaoke.
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I am so fucking close to spending what little money I have to buy a brown escort and even found one that has the azura body type
Sawa love
I cream to all of them.
I want to get pegged by sana so fucking badly
Nah. But I would love to try streaming while I'm off work.
Been shit
I remember her mentioning that her 3.0 model came out lighter than she expected. The vampire loli might have been the same situation.
My speculation is that she was too afraid to ask for a darker skin tone than what was first provided or she didn't want to get a darker tone to mismatch her 3.0.
What are her fansly streams like?
Pretty good. Came a lot.
Big brown bumps
I'm curious about the content, like does she stream with a nude model and do lewd things? I don't know how far any of the VAllure girls go with that sort of thing.
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Woops, sorry didnt mean to quote
She doesn't have a fully nude model yet, she was wearing a pasties asset. The stream was just the typical Lovense masturbation sort.
VAllure's main thing is audio porn, but they dabble in fansly streams every now and again.
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she got her 3D fast
Her new 3d model is not done yet, but I'm looking forward to it
Don't feel like the offkai one counts
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Thinking about kyubalt sex rn
Good luck anon, stay safe

Hope your choc oshi streams soon to help that improve
Kyubalt is playing Snatcher
Coyo is live with Tekken Tuesday on a Saturday/Sunday
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Scarle handcam

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