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Green Christmas Cactus Edition
Last Thread:>>91906818

Previously on /fvr/:
>Brolime did a stream about EVIL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8qC5muoeP8
>Minna put up a highlight video of her Advent Kareoke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL3FJom4D9c
>Malone streamed STALKER 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rSILzu6Cgw
>Nyana appeared on Fillian's Twitch for a segment of her stream
>Sawa will be having a members kareoke tomorrow.
>Raimi will be trying out Marvel Rival, the newest Overwatch Competition https://youtu.be/a3qiEXqrBqY

>What's this about?
Phase Connect's Pipkin Pippa (and eventually Panko) designed a parody VTuber company with AI-generated art. Some of her fans played along and it outgrew the joke to become an actual indie circle (with Pippa's blessing), using a corpo-style gen structure and AI art as a kickoff point. Some of the talents have reached consistent 3views and a couple of 4views, it is only time for complete FlaVR domination. Some designs were made /here/ by AI wrangling anons.

▼ OP Template:

▼FlaVR General Friends
Kiki >>>/vt//pyon
Chocolate Chuubas >>>/vt//choc/
Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Filian and friends >>>/vt//lig/
Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Spanish Vtubers >>>/vt//esmol/
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My Ratwife
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Thank You Anon!
>Raimi doesn't like capeshit, but she's having a good time
Glad to see, I'm not a Marvelfag but capeshit can be fun at times.
theres 2 threads....
Yeah I noticed I went with the one that had these so I thought this was the real one.
▼FlaVR General Friends
Kiki >>>/vt//pyon
Chocolate Chuubas >>>/vt//choc/
Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Filian and friends >>>/vt//lig/
Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Spanish Vtubers >>>/vt//esmol/
[Splatts News]

Splatts has discovered G-mod

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Rat Love
...how do you not know what the fuck Gmod is? Shit like prop hunt and ttt originate from there
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Sawa is gonna have a member only stream sadly. She'll come back fully in January if I recall rightly.
>Raimi update: Iron Man render killed Vtube studio, now using squib
Why is Nyana posting edited art without crediting the artist and acting like she drew it?
She did draw it
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no she didnt
Using a reference for art isn't a crime, everyone does it
Yessir, it happens all the time.
you're both retarded https://x.com/Nyanabanyana/status/1870334493283717463
Goodnight /fvr/ see you tomorrow!
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wonder if the alt version exists too
cute feet
Wait, that's Nyana?
Splatts didn't have a Steam account until he started streaming. Console gamer please understand.

Also if you're having issues with Crimson Court you need to run Flagellant.
Ahhh, that's alright then, glad to see he's discovering what he was missing out on.
Raimi impregnation.
Do not
Yes, we will.
Why not?
Raimi needs more meat cheese, this is true.
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Isn't that expensive?
Rude :(
like cheese made of meat?
No it's a cheese that just LOOKS like raw meat. She ate it on stream before though, so it would have to be a really big milestone to do it again I think.
based, consoles rule, steam suck
what are you talking about? Post the image?
PC definitely rules but I don't like proprietary services like Steam. Physical disc is best.
All physical media is best media.
PC is king, pal.
Yeah. See here >>91980631
Who is that ghoul looking guy as the OP?
Das Amanda Splatts, she's some sort of desert woman armadillo
but why do you need a big milestone? If it's not that expensive, then she can eat it again whenever
I'm pretty sure it IS expensive, like it's gourmet cheese or something.
Thanks Squid
I think it tastes weird, idk
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Splatts is live, playing Among Us , Contra and Castlevania DLC for Vampire Survivors.[/spoilers]



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Nyana has been streaming for 1 hour, it's the 40 K subscriber Christmas celebration
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It's 3D
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I was dinner, sorry Gato:(
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My bed with Nyana on it
Are you gonna bone on it?
it's for cuddles
Cara Malone OP when?
Gouda is good
but how much? I mean, a $20 bottle of wine is, of course, more expensive than a $10 bottle but it's not prohibitively expensive.
I think it's french? Import tax required too, so the price goes up.
Yeah, but caviar is also imported but it's not that expensive to buy.
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[Nyana news]
Late news before the stream
Bros! I will not stream on Christmas (cus concert max reasons) So! TODAY is *THE* Christmas Stream Don’t miss it out!

Waiting Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjO5huk00kc
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I mean, you shouldn't stream at Christmas if your at family.
Christmas Eve is Tuesday, and she's been taking every Tuesday off for "concert reasons", so who knows. Maybe the 3D studio is only open on Tuesdays.

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