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Thread for discussion of Japanese Vtubers and all related topics, including news and numbers. Previously known as JP Numbers.

Includes but not limited to: Aogiri Highschool, Dot Live, Re:AcT, NoriPro, Neo-porte, VPI Cafe, Hololive, 2434, VSPO, Kizuna Ai Inc, 774 inc, VOMS, Strawberry Prince, VEE, Varium, Sinsogumi, Million Production, Aikatsu Academy, Hasunosora Highschool, Idolm@ster vα-liv, any other corpos, vsingers, ASMR and all JP indies regardless of scale.
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Previous : >>91888139

A thread for discussion of all JP vtubers and things related to JP vtubing.

>Who is on topic here?
All JP vtubers. Especially if they are without a general otherwise, but anyone JP or in a JP vtubing branch goes, for the most part. That interesting Japanese vtuber that none on this board seems to be talking about? This is the place!

>Are non-vtuber topics allowed?
Yes as long as they are Japanese and have sufficient impact on JP vtubing.
Some you might regularly find to be relevant: JP streamers and content creators, Crazy Raccoon, Anime&Manga, JP gaming industry, Vocaloid, Seiyuu, Jpop, National Television, other Japanese media and news outlets, etc

>Can I shill my small indie/corpo oshi here?
They are on topic, by definition. However, remind yourself that low-effort link-dumping and begging has never worked out well anywhere. Make your post interesting, put some effort into writing about them, and it should greatly help your purpose of shilling them as well.

>What is off-topic?
non-JP vtubers without relevant context.

>Number sites for Vtubers?
December 2024 PLATINUM

1) 19,426 : Strawberry Prince Channel
2) 32,509 : Sakuna -【誕生日】告知あり!誕生日にいっぱいうたうぞおおおお!!!!!!#結城さくな生誕祭2024
3) 16,905 : Patra (Indie) -【ASMR】気づいたら寝てる!最高に気持ち良い熟睡ができる睡眠誘導。
4) 17,246 : Kson (VShojo) - 【HoloCure - Save the Fans!】ホロキュア初見!ずっと気になってたゲーム!【#ksonONAIR】
5) 19,987 : Shigure Ui (Indie) - 君も遊びにきたのかね
6) 16,093 : Hinano (VSPO) -【 VCR GTA 3 】#5 お金稼ぐぞ
7) 14,376 : Hinano -【 VCR GTA 3 】#6 チェイスも撃ち合いもやる
8) 24,648 : Strawberry Prince Channel -【新ビジュアル公開】重大告知が多すぎて、メンバーがヤンキーになってます。
9) 18,191 : Hinano (VSPO) - VCR GTA 3 】#8 私も仲間を助けたい!
10) 18,224 : Hinano (VSPO) - 【 VCR GTA 3 】#9 今日は潜水艦か・・・?
11) 21,011 : Yuuki Sakuna (Indie) -【歌枠】すごく歌いたい気分になっちゃった!!!!!!!!!!#結城さくな生放送
12) 21,452 : Hinano (VSPO) - 【 VCR GTA 3 】#11 最高の最終日
13) 15,253 : Yuuki Sakuna (Indie) -【初案件】はじめてのおしごとは食レポ!?!?!?!?!
14) 12,230 : Moka (VSPO) -【スト6】プロゲーマーとスパー!!iXA あくあさん
15) 19,555 : Strawberry Prince Channel - 【生放送】すとぷりすごろく大会!STPRファミリー考案の指令がカオスすぎるwww
16) 20,797 : Shigure Ui (Indie) - なんだか不穏なタイピングゲーム……?【DYPING】
17) 17,821 : Patra (Indie) -【ASMR】濃密でゾクゾク音圧!ぐ~っすり朝まで眠れる最強トリガー。
18) 12,382 : Met (VSPO) -【 スーパーマリオパーティジャンボリー 】勝ってやる
19) 8,822 : Samidare Kuya (Indie) - 五月雨空也を探しています(2)
20) 37,683 : Nerumero (Indie) -【炎神来るぞ】Ver5.3予告番組をミラー配信!マーヴィカ・シトラリ参戦!復刻キャラはどうなる?【原神Live】

x5: Hinano
x3: Yuuki Sakuna, Strawberry Prince Channel
x2: Shigure Ui, Patra
x1: Kson, Moka, Met, Samidare Kuya, Nerumero

x9: Indie
x7: VSPO
x3: Strawberry Prince
x1: VShojo



x173: Indie
x93: VSPO
x36: Strawberry Prince
x26: Neo-Porte
x7: Kemomimirefle
x4: NoriPro
x3: Holostars
x2: Studio LaRa
x1: RK Music, 774 Inc., Maha5 JP, Ireisu, Kizuna AI Inc, HEIWA, VPI Cafe, Ireisu Official, Aogiri Highschool, VShojo

x46: Chiroru
x28: Hinano
x25: Strawberry Prince Channel
x22: Shigure Ui
x21: Hal, Nerumero
x18: Patra
x13: Nose
x12: Tsukasa
x10: Yuuki Sakuna,Moka
x8: Ito Life
x7: Karin
x6: Yuuhi, Ponpoko, Rinu
x5: Natori Sana, Ema, Beni
x4: Tsumugi, GatchmanV, Reid, Tamaki, Kuromu, Met
x3: Colon, VSPO! Official, Root, Tsuna
x2: Riria, Sakura Aoi, P-P, Rikka, Peanuts-kun, HIMEHINA, Sumire, Qpi, Satomi, Nazuna, Dr Kanae
x1:Nito Wai, Hachi, Sakuma Riru, Akarin, Hizuki Yui, Runa, Haneru, Higeki Rin, Ireisu channel, Macoto ASMR, Kizuna AI, Mikeneko, Sena, HaruLuna, Queue, Oga, Setsuna, 774 Inc. Official, Ireisu Official, Toto, Tamako, Kson, Samidare Kuya
So apparently Sei from Nanashi is under fire because she appeared on some streamers stream while she was not streaming using her personal Riot account.

Her skkr is full on enjou mode bacuse she's been playing LoL and Valo with males.
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Can whatever this is on the 24th save Nito?
Because 774 bitches are definitely famous for being pure and never collab with dudes, lol
From the looks of it Popo was with her?
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Link I want to which males this slut is playing with
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It's Ran's fault again
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Traitor bitches
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FPS friend is so lucky
not single then
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Back when we were based. Whore like this would have been fired or at the bare minimum exiled.
There's nothing wrong with playing with cool guys.
But holy fuck, being an Astra and Gekko two-trick, kimochi warui.
This is enjou? Fighting Dory has a near 50/50 ratio.
Idk what you're on about, 774 box loves seeing Haneru playing with Matsumoto, Sibukawa, Hal, Tenkaiji every day.
This is not about retarded unicorns because 774 has no unicorns.
Fighting Dory is just very detestable
she plays Reyna too
what the fuck why is haneru the most hated
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Heavy is the crown
There's a lot of things to hate about Haneru depending on who you are
>antis from NND time
>christmas comment
>womb thing
>antis from Norio
>antis from mahjong sphere
>antis from SF6 sphere
>general 774 fans who think she's stupid (which she is)
Alright things are getting more interesting.
Seems like ShibuHaru has been hinting at a Vsaikyou SF6 and there have been fighting over who would be team leaders and members.
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Let them fight. Let them slaughter.
The Emperor's grace is desirable after all.
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Midday Sun is here
I vaguely remember one of Vsai. There was a team switching controversy which one of the member thought her teammates weren't taking it seriously and wanted to switch. How is that girl now?
I don't care about 774 box. I just want to use this to anti Tamawhore
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Owari da
Hijirime Laeria
she's still around doing her things, but I doubt Hal would invite her to his events again any time soon
I imagine hating a woman who can cook like this

SKKR was never known for its sanity anon
For real, Yue is only #2? She should be #1.
Appland Chuds IPs were restricted for spamming
>Vsai SF6
That would be unironically kino
Nanamori still having it good?
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they went for Fuwacchi and Rore meanwhile Mabodofu is still choking half-dead on her mountain of Monster cans
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Most of the time.
lmao even the baby likes Kotoha rather than Bitchnon

Nah the baby was trying to slap Green Bitch
men wants one thing
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rate the sister
JK Gumi still look nice 6 years later
That's 3 things already and yes, Appland chads won.
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I'm obliged to post Inui for that Toko anon
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Tonelico mogs
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Holy Sex
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Eretto is so lucky
good shit
Suzu mogs this.
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watch Gorilla
the implication that they all have sex at the same place is funny
Primate murder kakkoii
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why specialite at VEE
Evil mama making her children fight

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She's a thigh fag
holy sex trio
not like there's any overlap of fans, it changes nothing

Yue is an idol.
Hey, the best performance is in free part
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Remember to grab these
in 2024 Tokyo Ghoul carries a Rof-mao boy in live singing, think about that
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Nah this is the best
KZH has a better idol journey than most of the fake whores, he started out as industrial waste in singing and never stopped improving diligently.
2024 EVENT ANCHOR - JP Vtubers
Feel free to suggest additions

Azusa Honami 3D debut: https://x.com/azusa_honami/status/1850919630040379728
Nonono Nono 3D debut
Non-chii Live2D debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ7XZEXpMno
Suzumi Nemo new 3D debut: https://x.com/Nemo_Suzumi/status/1869726365601452420
Meimei Himari wearing popular clothes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4qWrs7TQDs

Re:Act singing relay: https://x.com/usuwasuu/status/1868204458460811301
Mirikurun christmas concert: https://x.com/dotLIVEyoutuber/status/1841073759178146010
Re:AcT Music Festival 2024 ShowDown https://x.com/Re_AcT_/status/1855218785214513177
Asu’s 1st one-man live: https://x.com/kamitsubaki_jp/status/1836361327666958738
Haneru x Matsumoto Poker tournament: https://x.com/Haneru_Inaba/status/1866515912784028031
V Year end song project by Kizuki Miu: https://x.com/HizukiMiu/status/1863194382675120222
Hachi’s ZEPP Tour - New Taipei: https://x.com/HACHI_MUSICINFO/status/1837100790294401118
Ci’s one-man live: https://x.com/Cichan_dayo/status/1866806029784322126
(to 13th) APPLAND New Year Fes. Star Festival: https://x.com/dotLIVEyoutuber/status/1849775415155421477
HimeHina national tour (Osaka): https://himehina.jp/pages/special?t=live2024_namidanokaori_tour
KMNZ 3rd one-man live: https://x.com/KMNSTREET/status/1855598242089828798
Vesperbell 2nd one-man live: https://x.com/vesperbell_info/status/1855623663707635946
Amakami Konomi 3D debut
”Alice in the concerto 2025” ft. Hanon, Nanami Urara, Hanatan, Ikasan: https://x.com/Hanon_moco/status/1834200157015183386
Suzumi Nemo 2nd one-man live: https://x.com/774inc_official/status/1869707483624911090
(to 3rd) Haneru new year mahjong tournament: https://x.com/Haneru_Inaba/status/1865776614434541908
HimeHina national tour (Nagoya): https://himehina.jp/pages/special?t=live2024_namidanokaori_tour
Kizuna Ai’s return
Va-liv 1st live at ZEPP Diver Tokyo: https://x.com/valiv_official/status/1839990067005403284
Lir.E’s first solo event: https://pjblue.zaiko.io/item/367124
GatchmanV’s ALL MEMBERZ event: https://x.com/Gatchman666/status/1870098068106022942
Fighting dory my beloved
I see that she's been playing a lot of POE2
funny, the name Fighting Dory originated from Kuzuha himself
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the stealth queen of Sinsogumi
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You got MIMI she got MIMI. Everyone got MIMI. Expect you, Hanon. Fuck you.
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Literally who? We have Piano chad at home.
why armpits?

Non-chii Live2D debut

Nonono Nono 3D debut

Meimei Himari wearing popular clothes

Azusa Honami 3D debut

Suzumi Nemo new 3D debut
Owari da
Damn, he has this for Christmas?
I have to make do with instant noodles.
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Whose jackalope is this?
Damn, 8PM onwards will be a massacre
774 managers
Do they want just another vtuber who does vtuber things? There are a thousands out there.
I think current Neru-san shines the best doing what she's doing, because she's in a unique spot and her approach to life is different.
Mia is literally perfect wife material
It will save me at least if she's whoring legit
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Emperor pex
difference isn't always good

Ririmu is a ship sister
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no wonder she's out for blood
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Real sisters ship this
Marinasu opening their relay, roster is tailored to suuji's taste (+Canna)
I love canna
me too urame me too
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Hano is now the bane of ReAct losers, none of them will show up where she does
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Bully panda is the type that will rob a blind person
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Nao belly is really a national treasure
top legs
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This is why we always win by default
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ayyyyyyy the Norio-Defiant Force is so back
It's over
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>Dr Kanae
Any guess is right
The Queen of giving head
Scenes when Hal is the one playing Apex and Reid is the one playing SF6.
The world has changed.
Aieee it's Komaru okayyyy they live next to each other. Yuri is REAL. Amirite bros?
New Shiina at an odd hour for an outfit reveal
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How will the 3D look?
Everyone lesbo until they meet a giga chad, then they give head.
Is the skirt removable?
by Chaika only
very healthy
What does the OP image imply?
holy gap
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It has to be this way.
Hal should invite Pizza chad for saving his 2 view.
>yuri is real
>AKB comes to mind
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not when he enters the picture
That Non-chii is Nozomi? But everyone knows this already.
why did you split them when they're all 8 pm
brainfart, gomen
Grim, choosing 1 out of 5
Saotome Gabu Palette Project Trainee Debut
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>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
MilliPro should have good 3D, their artist is one of the talents so it should be super easy on the production front

rate Pmaru's "cooking"
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It's a mushroom kind of day.
I will watch Queen of REALITY and fighting dory side by side
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Canner love
how is she so cute bwos, she's like a small animal
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Re:Act losers can never/
there's no choosing, of course I'd watch Nozomi
hano love
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Drop Fighting Dory a like.
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That's an indie that debuted like 4 months ago
pmaru buff? more like pmaru debuff
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I'm a flesh chad, I'm at Himari
QRD on Himari
I'm over here
Beni is so lucky
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MilliPro 3D confirmed good
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Congrats on 1st Specialite Global Tally...lots of surprises today
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flesh chad, Tsukushi's best friend, one of the few vtubers with a Vocaloid voicebank, was doxxed by Kadokawa, memelord
her Vocaloid is probably more popular than her
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Nonono 3.9k doryaaaaa
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And of course Whotano gets the worse slot this thread wise for the relay

Sorry Nemotards, Nonono is mogging her very hard singing-wise and number-wise
Meant Solo for Global Tally....REALITYs future looking bright?
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Hachi watch out
meanwhile, Nonchama....
aogiriturds mogged lmao
18k, good luck
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Holy sex
best 3D today
her response to the Kadoxxkawa stuff was based
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never forgive still
hmm, this one moves around like a fat bitch
holy fuck Nanashitters, take a proper shot at her face.
Karubi tier
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Holy sex
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Can a fat bitch do this?
Wrong scene
Hinano did something similar.
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Eh,,,what about Utano
>short gasps
>wiping forehead
>after 20 mins
yeah about that...
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Holy mating ritual
Nonchii looking as flat as Ai now
She's back bros... Our goddess has returned to us T nT. It truly is an ohayo ohayo good morning.
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Her arms are suspicious wide apart
Looks a bit weird compared to the god-tier design by Pmaru mama sama
am i back home...? it's been so long...
We hate LD2 slop here
>upper teeth and bottom teeth
oh no
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Forgive onegai
Rigging is a bit more rigid than I would have liked. Or maybe she's not used to using Live2D yet, we'll see.
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we're so back
That thing on her head?
It's me.
And yes, we are fucking.
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Drawing vtuber models in hard-to-convert styles is an artist's fault btw
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You must forgive
calm down Nanamori, she's still streaming
I'll wait for Rene's new 3D to pass judgement
Back with shitty live2d that you used to look down upon kek
>the first
>Often credited as the mother of tubing
>A literal pioneer of the industry
>Can't break 1k on a 2d live debut
Oh how the mighty have fallen
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Old one is still better
>when her mom flirts with Nokki-kun
The mouth's movement is slower than her enunciation. It's a bit of an eyesore.
Karma is a bitch. They love shitting on live2D when it took off
You don't know what you're talking about
Edit some chad behind her.
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Super debuyan...constantly out of breath
holy sexo
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Say something nice to Nanamori the Prince.
new Omesis debu content
It's good enough of a model for someone who will probably stream once a week (at most)
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pick your Sana chama
Pmaru is a lousy artist in general, none argues against that includig herself
more like once a month
The omesis just prove there was a way to remain relatively successful while having a baby. Going online and admitting to hundreds of thousands of people that you had back to back weeks of rawdog deep creampie sex in skimpy little slut outfits for a guy you knew for like a month until you got knocked up is probably not the way to go.
Not home yet until Kizuna Ai returns and collabs with Non chii
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14k peak Hachi is safe for now
who are you talking about because there are like 10 people I can think of that fits the description
Oh hey alternate hair
Feels good be a millichad
way better

Tomari joins Gatchman in the saving VOMS campaign
As expected this design is still shit
Turns out this was the REALITYwho all along
should make this the default
It's kinda fucked up how much she looks like that pink girl who was supposed to replace ai-chan
Which one do Sasuke and Uzuki Kou fuck?
she looks so good here.
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We love Love-chan
the real body of course
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Oh fucking Christ they do look the same. That's uncomfortable
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nonono is so fucking sex
there's a better pink and blue girl already
they need to get their shit together
I'm not surprise since Pmaru is infamous for plagiarism
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Love chama doesn't really use that outfit anymore, she looks like this now. Also staying true to Kizuna Ai Inc she has never had Live2D, so it doesn't cross some uncanny valley for me.
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Her Highness lives rent-free in your subconscious
Heavy is the crown
Yet usually when I postrd her or MilliPro none cared, so I stopped
My beloved... Okaeri...
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The whores had their puny little fun, now clear the path for Emperor's Steam Winter Sale shopping

Popura is hyping her 1st anniv next year (next month) by revealing guests one by one.
First is Nekurochi.
The rule of this thread is keep posting your oshi even if 99% ignore her
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Super delayed 7th anniversary stream!
I see that this is an early Christmas theme live. She delayed it too much that this was the only logical choice.
Kikuno Joe will have it so good on 24th night.
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>"read aloud a story for you"
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Looks like Amamiya and Shibuya Hajime
Damn he hasn't bought any game this year
What going with Amazura Sumoa?
Joe Mama is muscular, tall and full of stamina at night
Like I said I won't be surprised as she's plagiarist. Do you know the story behind this short? It's not something Pkeks will tell you
nothing, you were baited
>no more smoka
it's over
Damn this makes me appreciate the new model much more.
that guy who liked crying women will enjoy this stream
>Yakiniku pazuru
It's always about food with this bitch
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flesh on the screen
everyone that matters
meanwhile on Nyantasia channel
snake my goddess
black clothes: virgins
red clothes: giga whores and fuckboys

>Saddogāru sekkusu
Judging by this pic he's 2 heads taller than her
holy sekkusu
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Tsukushi in 25min
Yeah I don't get it, does she have sex because she's sad or is she sad because she had sex?
Aoi is so lucky
>Sad girl sex
>Timed to release on Christmas Eve the Nip holy night of fucking
Well, at least she is honest.
song is neither
it's about being a tool
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It's all or nothing to get back to 1 million
Being a tool is a honor.
Setsuna's energy overwhelms the 3 bitches from the other company
>Tentei, Snek, Toi
Toitoi and Snek only have pure yuri sex with each other.
Gekko was buffed
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What was the point of her Northeption arc?
Feels like she did nothing before leaving.
That makes her the bitch actually
She's a feisty bitch, true.
Also Nyantasia girls are supposed to be cats so I guess they are all pussies.
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Rate the model.
Sadly AI was just a level of sex that she can't match. Especially this outfit.
>305 posts
oh ow, night thread incoming
Why does she wear bra that protrudes the shirt? Is she stupid?
Hire a proper artist please
AI's designer and artist is who?
Pmaru-sama is a high-profile artist
just not for her arts
En Morikura
Because it's fucking sexy
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Get in
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Thanks Pmaru
Oh so that's where she went.
I hope her old fans can find her. I took a quick look at her channel and there's not much there yet cept she seems to have just debuted a live2d model.
Anyone kept up with her content? What does she plan to do with this channel/persona?
It's a side channel that she might do content on when she's not busy. Not her focus atm, she's still doing VA and whatever work regarding Kizuna Ai Inc.
rip switch
Now we are talking
Do they shoot people on the streets in Saitama?
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No but they force curry down your throat
She's the best talker, like ever. Anywhere in anything.
As you can tell from the channel's frequency, it's just a hobby thing for now.
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Ado should become a vampire than start vtubing.

Kneel, now.
I think she won this 3D base on sexoness
new thread
No wonder Beni fucks him weekly after their radio show.

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