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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>91868832
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Send Dooby your love! \ ^o^ /
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby's website for links and info: https://dooby3d.tv/
Backup rentry and additional info: https://rentry.org/Doob3D
Unofficial Archives: https://rentry.org/DoobyArchive
Doob's discord logs: https://rentry.co/doobcord
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is generally discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
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Doob night!
Have a doobday friends!
Start putting dooby first in the OP
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Sending our girl all the love she deserves. I know how that winter funk can get
Ame and Dooby are different entities, so stop treating them the same.
Don't use Ame to promote Dooby.
Decided to wait till the next thread to post
Have a doobular night fellas
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amelia doobson
dooby's butt and glorpy's butt are different entities, so stop treating them the same. Don't use dooby's ass size to promote glorpy's ass.
goodnight steamers
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Glorp ass supremacy
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Always open: https://awat.420699.xyz/
god damn, thats an ass out of this world
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waiting & hopeful
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>gura: this is uh i guess our last one-on-one
>ame: for now
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>I guess I'm the ultimate ground pounder FOR NOW.

>recording together with myth can still happen.

>Well, I guess the good thing is that Ame can always show up again for bigger projects. It certainly won’t be super often, but there is this hope that she will still show us her smile every now and then

>Will go to Japan and EU soon.

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
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Doob night!
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I believe!
Did any anon compile the QnA from today? Or is there an easy way to search discord? I don't really use the thing
Search for "from: dooby3d in: questions-4-doob" if you want specifically that.
easiest way is to use the search with from:dooby3d
that'll show you all her messages
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G'night my jerbs
fell asleep happy after reading the tf2 comic
woke up sad after seeing hololive events and merch without ame, and seeing doob be overwhelmed...
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doob evening, fellow roingheads
I wanna kiss those small pink lips!
I want dooby to say "doob dooby doob"
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guys, is ame supposed to talk randomly when using the earbuds or am I going crazy?
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doob... surely you can pull some strings to help a girl out, right?
you might need to take your meds
Why is the tail yellow... My glorp
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timeduo love
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Damn that's cute
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no doobert today BUT i got a really neat unique drop in poe2 so today was alright at least
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is he ok to leave?
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he's not getting the christmas bonus, that's for sure
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what does it do
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what the heck!!!
dang i'd like some streams
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>Future Concert Appearances?
>DOOBERT: I've been invited to a few things so I'm thinking about accepting some things! Don't think I'd ever have an event of my own though, just joining others is fun & good enough for me ^^
hololive 6th fes. with special guest Dooby!
>Any good cuban food recommendations?

>looks weird but this is pretty much most cuban food
>has olives/bananas/black beans/onions
>pretty much grew up on white rice and bananas
>side dishes are cucumber or sliced tomato
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100% of lightning damage converted to cold damage is its special effect. could be fun to try out on my witch.
does that make it so you have no shock chance basically? freeze lightning seems strong to me
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yeah. since shock is procced by lightning damage and all your lightning damage is converted to cold.
however, you will be doing a lot more chill and freeze procs, especially if youre using something like spark spam.
anyways doob should come back with a playthrough of poe2, just for me.
she already said that poe makes it feel like there is ants in her brain so she most likely wont. But yeah freeze proc instead of shock proc would be interesting, I feel like freeze is the most powerful effect over any of the others, shock bleed poison and ignite are all kinda shit compared to something that just stops a thing.
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>image to ai generation
I mean its neat
that's awful
can you do better from scratch with 0 experience in 3d modelling?
No? But why the fuck use that awful shit instead of learning how to make it? Its simple shapes, nothing complicated
as the guy who originally posted the image
yeah lmao, its all shapes bro. If anything I can use this as a template for what I want
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Looks good aside from the beans. I have to be in a certain mood to enjoy those.
NTA but looks like a great learning tool to instantly see how things can be modeled. Anti-AIfags are more annoying and retarded than AIfags.
her doobys arent big enough...
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exactly what I said
I mostly wanted to see how accurate it got based on this image
they are fine, when you lie on your back they flatten out
Your oshi is a vehement anti-AI fag, anon...
No she isn't, she just doesn't like that is scrapes everyone's content without consent.
Yeah, she had an AI banner before she debuted
the doobert boobert...
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dooby you can't deny that your mammaries are extra productive and very large.
>loves yaoi of sexy video game boys
dark ame...
Thank god Dooby loves straight comic porn
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you know shes blowing off steam by schlicking to korean BL in bed, right?
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Korean villainess smut
How many times has she used "Whoa everything that happened this year just hit me like a truck" excuse this year?
>ai police
>anti-ai police
>yaoi police
>anti-yaoi police
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Return to Yuri.
I was originally joking but then I just wanted to make sure the guy hadn't missed a funny Dooby update.
this stupid romance obsessed dork needs me to whisk her away from her lifes problems...
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I can fix her (make her worse)
So I’m guessing by marathon streams she means her usual 4h twitch variety streams but an hour or two or three longer.
Or just 4-6 hours of deus ex or fps in one sitting idk
>admitting to reading heterosexual manhwas with chad dicks fucking FMC
she would never as a holo. women are better with restrictions after all.
12 hours of Dress to Impress and you will watch it and you will like it
i would fucking love it
Would honestly be fun
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>9 day since last stream
she's really grinding hard eh?
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dooby is having an existential crisis
you need to come home
yeah me
i made this
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imma doooob
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sex the shork
I made home made tendies coated in crushed up flaming hot ranch doritos for dinner. No pic because I'm a fat fuck and ate them all already. What are my fellow doobroingussies having tonight?
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>Anya, Zeta and Reine (not pictured) want to play Dress to Impress
Another kino collab... Gone.
I had Taco Bell, I tried their new chicken nuggets l,they were actually pretty good.
Made some 3 cup chicken for the first time. Flavor came out fantastic but I think I'd switch around some of the steps to get some better results the next time I make it
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Shark the sex
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y-your welcome?
I was watching a bunch of Korean shows and Culinary Class Wars inspired me to make some handmade pasta
watsons sensitive tongue scar...
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i miss zetame sex
request day on the cytube but also does anyone wanna watch jingle all the way? if not just send me your requests like normal
i personally would be fine with a watchalong of it, but if it doesnt pan out heres a request
Hotdogs later, if we're not feeling to tired to make them
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I made a chicken burrito, was delicious
leftover calzone from yesterday
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well this has begun as I wait for more responses for the cytube
do you have a list of what's been already requested on cytube?
I still have my weekly schedules on hand so if you mention something I can always double check
it's more about not requesting things that already got in before. I just saw that there's a list on the bottom of the page, is that the entire thing or just a part of it?
NTA but the playlist is mostly filled with songs and stuff to play in between streams as intermissions.
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those are just videos that play in between when nothing is playing
here's whats been requested so far
any plans on die hard watchalong? or did that already happen?
I was trying to see who was around so I could do either die hard or jingle all the way the past few weeks but it seems everyone was busy
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I'm glad you're creative writing classes are going well
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a fucking yeastmate
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finally I am bready
stop, dont respond to it pls its worthless
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a tako died for this
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Total fat fuck death.
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this is just bread on bread on bread
the jazz ame bee was the best ame ending
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my lovely latinx wife...
what about fish tank?
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while I wait for more requests some karaoke is playing on the cytube
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we did do that a few days ago but I guess I can put it back on for those who missed it
is there a christmas stream coming soon?
stream next week trust
i dont know but im feeling depressed as fuck so i really damn need it kek
yea but wheter is pne of the marathon sreams or something spetat ewe donj tmow yet
My cat walked on my keyboard while I was typing,oops
This Anon is dead.
This is a skinwalker.

Stay safe guys.

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