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Last thread
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Late reply but it's Oga. When they went around the expo venue last year, he drew his mascots in different places waiting to see if omaesans could find them.
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I'll schizo post. By god I'll do it.
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The bartender nui is a part of a new religion, raise thy cane
Oh man now he'll never pay the child support, all his income will get forwarded to this church
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Aruran OoT

Fuma Rakuten Elimination Round

No POV from Astel, but he is playing, here's his teammate's POV.
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Why he's MIA?
he has to recover from being forced to collab with holostars, please understand
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I know he's prepping for his birthday but please I just want another gaming series
Comfy RPG with either DQ3 or RS2 onegai
>more sf6
I was a fool for believing he'd take a break from it after reaching random select master...
Miyabi Zatsudan
Temma SF6
It's still better than from-game shit
>Temma just said he was recording something today
>Astel recorded something as well
>Roberu is missing during the weekend like usual
My dreams for something Suntempo related for their anniversary month have been rekindled.
unplan isn't dead! doubters btfo
I'll believe it when I see it
Yea...Should've known that he'll decide on a new goal.
I'm listening to him on background so context kind of got lost but talking about molcar made Miyabi hungry
It's not a Miyabi zatsudan without him making himself hungry
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Maybe it was molcar collab cafe thing but now I'm thinking, what if this poncho is not just for show and he likes eating guinea pigs like a goddamn peruvian
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Nah, MaFia and MiyaIzu also tweeted that they have a recording today.
I thought having to pause the game to switch these fucking boots was changed in ocarina of time remakes but water temple looks as annoying as ever. Aruran has good endurance for tedious shit.
Temma mentioned that depending on the member they will record at home and that he was the only one in the studio today. Although I can see that their schedules might simply not have overlapped to meet so take it with a grain of salt.
I'm always confused by devs not changing the most tedious shit in remakes. it's like they hate making areas of their game more enjoyable
It was. He's playing via NSO, so it's the original.
Temma will never truly escape...
Also he said he'll announce his anniversary goods on the 26th.
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>>91974528 (all me)
maybe I am the only anon in this thread
Sorry, anon. I was busy doing some late Christmas shopping...
>Uproar Christmas takopa
Thank you for keeping the thread alive in these trying times Anon. I'm watching Miyabi's archive of 12 minutes from 3 years ago and the amount of english comments trying to backseat him is funny when he struggled with pronouncing minutes in the beginning of stream, I'm saying it mintch from now on too. He moans whenever the main character kisses his wife, good shit
I'm wage slaving so I can buy plastic.
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sorry i was too busy playing gacha in bed i rolled my fav with the last bit of gems i had so no regrets
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Rio is gonna appear at Comic Fiesta today with Axel and Hakka
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gn anons
Good night, anon!
Robe-chan i miss you...
Something kept him busy
What could it be?
I missed this collab.

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