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Mori Calliope, the creeping Krampus of Hololive holodays
I want to put my tongue in Mori Calliope’s unwashed butthole
Wonder how ENreco will go without Fauna now
I'm wondering if they are going to have a fauna dungeon or not.
uhm, morp
I'm fuckin' Meepin' over here
meeping is literally illegal right now
I bet she uses the Christmas model her next stream. She always likes playing with new toys.
>meeping is literally illegal right now
Only if you get caught...!
god ac6 was so fucking kino, maybe ill rewatch those vods
Same, I might do it during the break
Never excepted to get so into it lol
I've got it on video and am currently reporting them to the calliopolice
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I'll meep you before you can reach authorities
Guessing she left for the homeland or will leave today given the timeline she gave.
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they are already here
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I won't go down without a fight!
I bet one more day actually. I doubt she would leave literally the day after christmas since she said its only 4 days there.
Why is this allowed?
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Stream needed to hit it's required cuteness quota and Morpo took matters into her own hands
I like a Mori with a little meat on her bones
She is probably at a perfect spot now.
yeah, mine
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Sir, a new Bonebros image has just hit the tower
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remember to love your Mori
where was that Gartic Phone stream I missed who's channel was that on?
think it was the cc christmas stream
When did she say this lol
last year and I have no clue what the context is
I think it was a karaoke of someone.
There was no context, she just said it. From memory I think it was in prechat.
>Actually found it
Wow, impressive debbie
I just looked for the first time someone posted >>91959145 since it was a youtube chat screen shot I assumed it was made back when she first said it and I just checked the couple streams around then. I'm kinda surprised no one made a searchable database base dof holoylzer's logs of everything holomems have said in chat.
Mori is on Mio's team for that thing Towa is putting together.
Wtf Fra is still alive, also wtf he's doing 2hu stuff!?
Yeah. I think he's been producing stuff for some idols too if I remember right.
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Are these the teams for the Hololive Halo 3 BTB collab?
Moriu is in the chained together part and the ???? one
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Did anyone notice this before?
fuck if only
You could say some people did, yes
The Queen of Armpits: Mori Calliopits
How the hell is that team of Peko/Niko/Ela/Biboo gonna work? lol
iirc Kaela doesn't speak japanese
Zeta and Kronii's japanese isn't the strongest either. Mori's team is the only one that can communicate semi effectively lmao.
How much do you love morbi
thiiiiiiiiis much
I'd over-throw a third-world nation in her name
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I never really thought about it at the time but I guess it was kinda weird how much roommate stuff she was doing a few years ago.
imo at the time and now I viewed it as just being an outlet for her to express thoughts/emotes she couldn't say on this side + a final hurrah since signing to a label meant she'd put much more focus into this side
That and she just missed performing on stage. She couldn't exactly go to her old underground places to perform either.
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Mori tailmogged...
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What happened to your apostrophe, debbie?
Mori should let me squeeze her butt
She is getting dangerously feminized now, any more and she'll be firmly in tradwife territory
She has!
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stop Ghostcatposting
She really should just start posting him on Mori. Nerissa is posting her new cat on both.
At this point it would be a little weird to change up the kayfabe
>I found a camera that can take pictures of ghosts
There kayfabe kept and we can see pictures of Ghost Cat and Tutu playing together.
I want her to upload pictures of the two (now three) of them, but continue to put faded filters/paint over Ghosty
If she had done that reaper business this year, it would have been much more disastrous.
Do you think we'll get any member's streams this month. I'm pretty satisfied desu.
Did she get a third cat already?
might get some crammed into the final week, imho the asmr should've been mem-only, youtube is being cunty about those recently
>Almost half of Mio's team is pink women

Leave some for the rest of us!
the catbot you silly billy
There would have been 2500 tickets left
Sometimes I wish you would stop spoonfeeding the non-stream watchers so they can continue making fools of themselves.
Indeed, that little "Ooh my" motion she did made me actually squeal imagining her thoughts in that moment.
Mori should play Uncharted
Which one was that?
Morp should meep
Mori should suffocate me to death with her tits
Mori should play Ikaruga.
Then realize how easy Souls is
Mori should have sex with every deadbeat starting with me.
Mori should kidnap Biboo
Mori should bench press Biboo.
Bijou the barbell
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was this a fun stream should I watch
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Do you like watching Mori bounce around in 3D?
Not unless you want to be ROCK hard
Ticket progress

2024-12-15 14:24:06 423+479+289
2024-12-16 01:23:28 370+479+289
2024-12-16 09:08:07 360+479+289
2024-12-16 10:19:56 358+479+289
2024-12-16 11:22:54 347+479+289
2024-12-17 08:34:15 310+479+289
2024-12-18 22:42:01 274+479+288
2024-12-19 18:05:14 262+479+288
2024-12-20 11:38:01 251+479+288
2024-12-21 09:31:34 241+479+288
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Go back
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Previous thread: >>91892179

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwyNwiA5um8
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)_

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec
//// Stream Otonoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sbDC2cKRpI

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/

Mori Calliope 2nd Concert “GriMoire”
February 26, 2025 @ Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles
Capacity: 4,000
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}
yes yes i totally believe you apifaggot
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That's a jolly Morp
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The stream in the Christmas outfits backfired, now I'm suffering early Morpo withdrawls
posting a morp
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we should link this to Mori, kek
I need a Mori cosplayer to step on my face
I don’t know what genre/sub genre of j-rap Creepy Nuts occupy, but I really am convinced that if Mori does anything pure rap focused in the future she should go for an adjacent sound. Obviously she shouldn’t just copy it wholesale (outside of covers), but I think it’s a sound that suit her raps real well.
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Well, I finished watching The Leftovers. Pretty good show overall even if I was getting bit bored by the last season
I love Mori I think about her all the time
i am still waiting for the unalive physical limited edition release
meeping tonight?
Meeping in the skies above the Great Pacific
Yeah, Mori's
I keep humming Skeletons, it's really grown on me
My favorite song on the album
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funny memes aside I think Ope is cute
Ope has proven to be fairly harmless
Ope was possessed by Weird Cat when she commit all those crimes.
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He meant to post in global. The video was posted there right after.
Morp in the USA
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I miss her
And here we go again
same, I keep tossing it on as background music for chill gaming
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I'm gonna miss that Morp....
Told you yesterday was pre-recorded and a travel day.
she's totally squeebing for us right now
Actually I thought travel day will be today, but i forgot about timezones but yeah it was obvious it was going to be 2 or 3 days before christmas
Ghost of Tsushima being rated M means they don't have perms for it. It was anything rated M and below.
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>It was anything rated M and below
Doesn't that mean they would have perms for it then?
Below M
A cutebeat
the actual measuring rating seems to be CERO, and Ghost of Tsushima is rated Z which is 18+, Bloodborne is D which is 17+ so it's fine
So is Bloodborne and they have perms for that.
That weems like a weird way to decide what they have perms or not.
They always had Bloodborne perms from Fromsoft, just not perms for playing them on PS3/4.
The Sony originals that were developed by Sony have only be given if they had ratings of T or below.

Perms from developer, per developer. Perms to play on a console.
Me in the box btw
I'm getting all of you a Mori for Christmas
>but no pits
It's over, bros, it's so over...
They have a foot in the door now, so it's a remote possibility instead of lolno not happening.
footfag victory
Sony explicitly forbade any M rated game.
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And a week ago, they explicitly forbade anyone playing their games. One step at a time.
Not a Sony developed game retard. That's Fromsoft.
>my mori............................................
Is Gigi /here/?
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Anon you can't be so confidently incorrect on why BB is allowed and GoT is not, it makes you look real fucking stupid. They ain't using the ESRB rating, they are using the japanese CERO one. BB is D while GoT is Z. Z is not allowed.
You idiot, Fromsoft was not Sony developed. They don't ask Sony for perms. It's why Mori was able to play it in the past.
It's published by sony, retard
NTA but BB is published by Sony, which why they lost perms for it in the place
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You need both the publisher and developer permission.
Exactly. Which is why they ask Fromsoft for perms and had perms when Sony was still a No
ITT: bunch of retards who arent in the company talk about the details of the company policy
Mega retards
It has been discussed on stream which you would know if anyone watched streams.
Just one retard who doesn't watch streams enough to know why BB was ok to play for a short amount of time and why it is suddenly ok again.
>Oct 14th 2024
>Refers to herself as the apprentice of the grim reaper

>Kronii powerwash was on the 18th
>clearly states her training is over and she is a fully fledged reaper now

So its confirmed that her promotion occurred sometime between these 2 points.
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Mori should buy several firearms
She said she is visiting her grandparents and they live in Texas so she could very easily do that right now!
I don't think anyone thought otherwise
Yeah, most thought there could be a chance since JP sometimes do that stuff live, but when Biboo mentioned never having egg nog before when she had some at Mori's place it showed it was recorded a bit before that.
I wouldn't be surprised if the grandpa/grandma Mori didn't already own a couple
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I want to give my reaper wife a hug
Maybe she watches streams
That is hilarious to me when you have a literal flayed body in Bloodborne knocking on a wall right before Ludwig's fight and the most gore I remember fro GoT was beheading.
>I showed you my scythe answer me
calvin kino
this but her boobs
can someone unedit their voices like last time please?
>C-man, Haykos and Irik
>Posting in the same chatroom as Gigi
This is basically like sex when you really think about it
the lonely island energy is higher than it's ever been, also
>Not-So-Silent Night (1:58:09)
Police brutality!
IRYK sounds mad cute...
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Jeb Bush meme dot png
So no streams?
No, she said so. But she has 2? kraokes and a ASMR pre recorded she will release.
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Nah there's a couple pre-recorded streams in the pipeline
I'm disappointed Mori never finished FF6, or even got to the timeskip.
Did she ever confirm how far she got?
It was pre-timeskip.
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Good. FF is shit.
>Tutu and Ghostcat PoV
This was the funniest part of those VR chat things. I bet they stopped it since they couldn't stop people from recording the video feed in VR chat directly.
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Hoping Mori is part of Ina's 3Dlive, she always says she loves Mori's signing voice
last we heard she was fighting the crane boss
that was more than 2 years ago though
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you forgot to change the color.
Milkster karaoke
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Thoughts on this creature?
would plap even if she has autism
I can listen to this woman sing for hours
I think Morp might've been chatting someone's ear off about DS
>Chammers DS3
Holy kino
Imagine having a little autistic family with Milky and you, her and your kid send weekends min-maxing Chaos in SA2 Chao Garden
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Holy boobers
I planned to play some vidya and go sleep, but I found myself vibing to Milky's singing and not really wanting to bother doing anything else
wish I could watch Chama later but I have an early family X-mas since we all work through the holidays
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Have a little nape to hold you over.
Shoulders are like thighs. Something nice to look on, grab, kiss and possibly nibble on.
goddamn White Christmas from Milky was so good
God, there's like 4 different streams I wanna watch on right now lol
Leader continuing her jumping adventure
I wonder if she'll show up this time
she's with family brother, they don't really give her much space on shorter trips
Did she beat it last stream?
I feel asleep before the end lol
she beat the sewers!
hey Mori look at this
>12 hours to get to the sewers
Damn, the burial lmao
Watching Mori and Iroha breeze through JK makes you forget this game is actually hard
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we continue to win
This was made like 2 minutes after the video went up lmao. That rainforest guy works fast.
man, the Kobe jump will make Riona cry
Isn't that the reason we watch JK?
Why did Mori buy a bunch of muscly man and phallic food for the gift swap?
it will return
fuck, just as I need to sleep
what's his @?
Can't a woman enjoy her candied dildos?
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Sora cheering on Riona... I have a faint memory this happened to Mori too
ooh thanks
Cute Soda-chan
It's too bad these streams keep happening at a bad time for the actual JK fairy to show up
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I want mori to sit on my face
Chama's live with DS3 now
Unfortunately she seems to be a dirty spellcaster
>Chammer is a wizard
same, deborah
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I think Mori should become a mother so that she gets MILF energy
>call it a marshpit
I volunteer to make this possible
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What gun would fit best with her default outfit (aestheticalli)?
And with the sheriff one?
Voice changer and autotune is a helluva combo
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Yeah I meant to post it in global. I guess no harm posting it here too
Revolver for the sheriff outfit obviously, for her default maybe something more old-fashioned like a flintlock?
Casual=Glock o'clock
Red Dress=Thompson
Sheriff=Winchester 1894 with a Colt Single Action as a sidearm
Rocker=Dual M1911
Morp should uh.....proink? yeah that
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I still want art of Mori with a BAR and Milky with a Bren (especially after that one clip where the Brit lady didn't know where a magazine goes and was trying to put it into the top of the slide of a pistol.)

Default should be something powerful, elegant, and long like a scythe handle...maybe a full-length Springfield Trapdoor?
Kimono- Type 99 rifle, or a Murata if you want to go older.
Nightgown- ASP pistol (clear grips make me think it matches the see-through fabric), or something integrally suppressed so as to keep quiet(er) during the night.
Rapper outfit gets a pimped out Glock with a switch and a 30 round mag
Please tell me Chammers took a long time in character creation or something and hasn't been fighting Gundyr for like an hour.
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I could tell you that but it would be a lie......

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