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Her previous model was better.
But enough about Doki
Her new model looks younger, therefore it's better.
She got down syndrome eyes now but her cuter facial expressions and better mouth sounding make up for it
The heart eyes are way too lewd, wtf were they thinking?
She looks the same
Phasecucks just can't help themselves from outing themselves
objectively incorrect but you fags want new shit and then hate it when you get it so whatever
Seriously, I saw a pic of Doki the other day and was shocked. That's what she looks like now?! The ugly eyes, the messy pointy hair. Her original smirk face design was so simple and clean
I'm too autistic to notice anything but the “fatter” face, is this what makes her look younger but ugly at the same time?
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>Random Phase mention unprompted

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literally nobody brought up phase
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Her previous model wasn't even hers retard, it was a free model that's used for Live2D demos (also comes included in VTube Studio by default)
neuro got a new model the other day, this isn't talking about hiyori
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I didn't know that, thanks. I assumed they were talking about Hiyori because of the OP pic
I'm sure it'll get some touches up on both the art and rigging side.
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Yeah, it was a lot better.
it's a chatbot
It's actually a sexpest hiding behind a chatbot.
how is Vedal any different from Zen?
Vedal self-inserts and uses his TTSbot to build a "harem".
I wish vedal would go back to shutting the fuck up. I hate having to listen to him during Neuro streams.
She's a cute chatbot.
I somewhat agree but I am sure the new model will grow on me.
Fucking hell this.
How can her 2+ years old model mog the shit out of her now one?
It's the exact same model but with more expressions retard.
Vedal is half the reason I even watch Neuro. His dry british wit contrasts well with Neuro's insanity.
I instantly thought it was way better.
It also proves that anny is a legit artist and it wasn't a fluke. She has to walk a very fine line.
By that logic we should call any character from an anime or manga "it" because they're just drawings.
what are your pronouns
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Mom i posted the youtube comments again.
I understand why she was given a legally distinct design but I do miss the Hiyori one. It worked perfectly given what Neuro-sama is.
how about you go lecture your dad to not call batman he
Your oshi isn't streaming for Christmas

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