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no furniture?
ugly retarded tekken fraud, Nobody loves you, Just an unloved faggot's cocksleeve
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what would daily life in marriage with rosemi-sama be like?
That's a wose
fun adventures with your pissy wife
I don't even know what she sounds like because I don't watch Nijis. Does she have a speech impediment making her pronounce "r" as "w" or something? Is that way she's often called Wosemi and da wose?
Blowsemi Lovescock
So no answers?
Neversemi Leavinglock
midsemi and her cuck fans who think shes not in the clique KEK
>sticking around even after the Selen thing
She's no better than the likes of Elira or Vox.
I guess not. I'll just assume she does from now on.
da wose
Wosemi my beloved
most deductive /vt/ poster
yeah she has a lisp or something. Sounds like a little retard sometimes
So is she going to graduate or go down with Niji in 2025?
My rrat is that she is staying to milk her 15 mins of fame with Harada because she knows she will be a 3view indie that won't get attention from him
>I'm not wosemi, I'm wosemi!
my rrat is they're paying lazusydia a lot of money to preserve their image
But the remaining lazulight members are reviled and the remaining obsydia members largely forgettable
them leaving would be the end
She's also half French half Japanese born and raised in Canada which equals full weird accent
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no she totally lives in the USA guys trust

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