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no furniture?
ugly retarded tekken fraud, Nobody loves you, Just an unloved faggot's cocksleeve
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what would daily life in marriage with rosemi-sama be like?
That's a wose
fun adventures with your pissy wife
I don't even know what she sounds like because I don't watch Nijis. Does she have a speech impediment making her pronounce "r" as "w" or something? Is that way she's often called Wosemi and da wose?
Blowsemi Lovescock
So no answers?
Neversemi Leavinglock
midsemi and her cuck fans who think shes not in the clique KEK
>sticking around even after the Selen thing
She's no better than the likes of Elira or Vox.
I guess not. I'll just assume she does from now on.
da wose
Wosemi my beloved
most deductive /vt/ poster
yeah she has a lisp or something. Sounds like a little retard sometimes
So is she going to graduate or go down with Niji in 2025?
My rrat is that she is staying to milk her 15 mins of fame with Harada because she knows she will be a 3view indie that won't get attention from him
>I'm not wosemi, I'm wosemi!
my rrat is they're paying lazusydia a lot of money to preserve their image
But the remaining lazulight members are reviled and the remaining obsydia members largely forgettable
them leaving would be the end
She's also half French half Japanese born and raised in Canada which equals full weird accent
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no she totally lives in the USA guys trust
she's half japanese?
maybe she can transfer to NijiJP and still be considered one of the good ones like Petra?
Sanest fagoon
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Traitor bitch
I feel kind of bad that she's basically in a gen by herself now. Petra is Gura-tier absent and is closer to Ethyria anyway and we all know what happened to Selen.
She barely interacted with them before so it's not much of a loss.
All the same, being a 1-person gen because all the others either fucked off or got fired just looks kind of pathetic
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da wose
Midsemi Midlock
Kys nijinigger
after you fagoon kek
No, she's an INCEL. An angry evil Saruman incel
Peaksemi Peaklock
What if I like da wose and doki...
Congrats on being a terrible person
But enough about Finana.
That's just called being a normal person who doesn't obsess over retarded tribal wars and internet drama fanfics
Her trying to gaslight people into believing she was American was the funniest thing.
>called hot dogs "glizzies" on debut
>tries to tell everyone she's American
God she's so cute
She even went so far as to private/cut vods that accidentally showed her region was Canada
Yes! I remember that! She also told everyone that she went through TSA to visit her friends in Canada

Absolutely true this is the sane position held by people who actually saw them interact
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I like both too. I miss their funny collabs, they had great chemistry and I stand firm that staff skincrawled her twitter account to retweet the black stream. Matara still talks to her.
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Also Selen is still in her intro.
there seems to be a lot of canadian vtubers, i think its because they have a lot of asian immigrants that have a long history of being weebs
>rosemi blatantly betrays doki
>nah dude it’s totally management’s fault
If she cared about doki she would have graduated by now
Will she ever stop playing master duel??
>blatantly betrays doki
may I see it?
Tiny cute brat wife with imposter syndrome. Also the tightest pussy imaginable.
>after fucking half of tokyo
aww, are you on your period?
First time I've ever heard someone imply rosemi was somehow a slut...

It's like calling mother Teresa a slut
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>fucking half of tokyo
all the women?
Yeah that's probably a good assessment
Things aren't that simple. When you grow up from being a manchild you'll understand.
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>imposter syndrome
it's okay. i'm dragoon, but i dislike this purist moralism of blaming everyone by association. there's 0 evidence to blame the rosemi, just association and speculations

sure, i'd prefer if she'd leave that godforsaken place, but she's an adult and it's up to her, she has her own head on the shoulders, no need to saviorfag of moralfag. in the end, niji is niji, rosemi is rosemi

it's also kinda funny that rosemi is now an event organiser in nijien, together with doppio
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She's perfectly fine there, rosebuds are chill and she has a decent ccv. Becoming an indie just to rebuild your brand and have the same ccv is too much of a hassle and she's probably aware of it. I personally wouldn't follow her if she graduates since I like the character Rosemi too much.
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da wose
Genuinely the best design in all of vtubing
wosemi will protect you, anon
I haven’t really actively watched her in ages
What’s a good recent playthrough she did?
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Requirements to become president:
>Natural born citizen
>Over 35 years old

She's da pwesident, she's 50 years old with arthritis, she's American, deal with it
What’s her opinion on Israel?
I'd say start with those ones. They are fucking insane.
Thank you
oh i love her GTAIV playthrough, it was so cute seeing her like the bond between niko and roman so much.
Rosemi doesn't play good games, that's her thing
Is she cussing? If she isn't then by her own admittance she suffers from imposter syndrome.
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As Rosemi would say: go pluck yourself fucking asshole.
Huh, she has a much different voice than I expected.
Yeah I also expected her to sound like a black man
Rosemi couldn't say that with Harada's cock in her mouth
>Blows Harada
>Chokes in more ways than one
>blows harada
>can still speak just fine cause asian dicks are basically clits
Fraudsemi Griftlock
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what's wrong with being a leaf
wape da wose
she sounds different now
da wose
don't think anyone is as naturally cute as she is in 3d
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roseschizo is now a banana
Kronii and Rosemi should tell you why being a leaf is wrong
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yeah well you're the wrong one buddy
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i wanna pluck the rose
theres still a slim hope, but at this point it basically requires that she drops a cup of coffee in four days or lights the niji building up for christmas as an anniversary present
Now that your rose is in bloom
A light hits the gloom on the grey
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Believe in her.
In dorkness, I bloom~
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I'm a genius
Rosemi Sama
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>has to be forced by a sponsored stream to collab
da wose

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