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>Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers
This is King levels of ESL.
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What’s depressing is that people used to get shat on for these, now people just upload poor quality ESL slop and nobody says anything.
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I...I can kinda understand this
Mumei just enjoyers bros...
>Biboo and Shiori's didn't expected Kaela can answering it!!
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How do you do this for 1 year and still suck so much, just use AI at that point.
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it's over...
Sushi, Polritz and Sakasandayo have a different country, why did they change it?
>Nerissa activate neuron's chat with lotion thingy but ended debating it
The question I have is if they are ESL and can barely speak English why do they subtitle the clips? Who is that for? The viewer already speaks English, do they think that retarded subtitles are somehow helpful? Do they think that all clips must be subtitled in order to be classified as a clip instead of stealing content?
>Do they think that all clips must be subtitled in order to be classified as a clip instead of stealing content?
This, if you don't edit in some way, YouTube can detect it as "duplicate" content and flag your video.
Hololive has a massive US fanbase, why are all the popular EN clippers from these fucking countries?
the couple bucks they get from youtube are closer to a decent income in SEA than it is in the US which naturally increases the incentive to create these clips as fast and reliable as possible
The funny part is almost all of the specific OP clipper's videos don't even have subtitles. It's just slightly zoomed in stream moments with no other editing.
This shit always makes me laugh
post the Watame one
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This one?
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kek, yeah, that's the one
what the fuck does that even mean? peak ESL
Fauna did a graduation and Mumei will no longer enjoyers...
I fucking love those, thanks for the laughs
You see, Amerikaner, this is why you lose. You don't have a soul, you only think about money while these honest to God clippers, even if they do it for money too, they have a soul because they spread the knowledge of Hololive girls all over the world even if they can't speak English so well.
Don't they use some kinda AI audio transcription software?
based kopla
Riddle me this: why are clippers predominantly from Indonesia, yet they barely have any presence in the vtuber industry in terms of talent?

>muh Holo ID!!
a forced branch by the way by Yagoo who falsely thought at the time that Indonesia is gonna be a good market for them and nothing became of it and now it's just.... there.

Filipinos for example, are all over the place, on EN, on JP, on indie, on corpos.
I'm actually reporting these dogshit clips as "Harmful or dangerous acts"
Filipino JP? Who?
A lot of them self-report as thirdies in channel descriptions jsyk
it will not be mentioned.
>With a population over 280 million people, Indonesia is the world's fourth-most-populous country
not a good thing. normies will ruin vtubing, new thirdies won't fund vtubing, and I don't worship growth.
>new thirdies won't fund vtubing
Everyone watches clips, not just thirdies
>I don't worship growth
Too bad
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If everyone watches, they will see the shit above and associate the hobby with browns so yeah, it is too bad - repulsive, even. They're a debuff anyways
They're poorfags so it doesn't matter. 1 billion poorfags is useless.
Who will see? Euros who are just as ESL?
How does such ESL shit get so many views?
I've never actually encountered it myself.
Nobody judges Euros for being ESL because they aren't thirdies.
ESL mockery is simply poorfag thirdie mockery.
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>You only think about money while these honest to God clippers, even if they do it for money too
Anon...They're only doing it for money.
Look at how many clippers spawned when Hololive said you can monetize your videos.
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Not wrong, the amount of numbers means nothing when there's barely any money BUT... The reason so many corpos go for Indonesia is because there's extremely few consumer laws and taxes, thus corpos can do pretty much anything at extremely low cost so it's often worth the investment.
>Chattinx going crazy when finally got jetpack at Raora halloween stream
This level of esl has to be intentional, they could get a better translation from either ai or google translate
Slug maxing!
I love these threads

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