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So, that's it? just one member stream? when's the next one? valentines?
within six months
graduation stream after holofes
Don't worry, she'll be back to steal your money on Christmas and New Year's and then will disappear until Fes
She'll be back between 75 and 80 days since her last membership stream.
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She'll be back for valentines, then she'll be back a bit earlier than 120 days after her last membership stream, then if they launch a new gen around summer she'll be back to overlap any new loli during her first few streams after debut.
She's literally done this two years in a row now.
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you want more ?
She's gonna be in the Kiara Advent Calendar #trust
it's actually ogre if we don't get a Christmas karaoke chumbies...
when was the last time she did a karaoke stream?
There's no hope for Chumbuds, she'll never change. Even if she debuts as an indie she'll still stream the same amount.
The queen appears as she pleases
Christmas stream, she shows up for Fauna's graduation, and then she sleeps until fes.
(And then she graduates sometime next year)
honestly, who cares
I only feel pity for chumbuds.
Why? They defend this behavior to the hilt and are deluded assholes everytime she comes back. Chumbies get what they deserve for supporting someone who transparently just sees them as a cash machine.
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Anon, she doesn't stream on Christmas
Probably have a last minute collab with Fauna before she graduates.
>actually shows up late and has an awkward one-on-one conversation for a few minutes, like a boss
She's been following the same formula for the past two years. She'll be back a few weeks before Valentine's and go back to ghosting shortly after until summer.
She only comes back for summer if there's a new loli holomem to kneecap
she's doing the bare minimum to keep memberships from deactivating
why take care of tens of thousands of manbabies when there's one baby that needs all her attention

im that baby
I hadn't heard this accusation before but it'd be hilariously fucked up if she consciously did this
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>People actually think there will be a Christmas stream
She didn't even wish her fans a Merry Christmas OR Happy New Year last year. Next stream is 60 minutes of Valentine's merch shilling. She's been doing this for 2 years, and every year it's less than the previous one.
quick screwing around
I just checked and saw that she hasn't done anything for Christmas or New Year's since 2021, that's insanely pathetic
She's busy with projects, she can't take the time.
She's been doing that for years and people have been pointing it out for years. She blatantly always streams over the debut and first couple weeks worth of streams of whoever is most likely to peel away part of her aufience.
yes probably? anyone bothered by it fucked off already what are you trying to achieve?
saying gura doesn't stream is the reliving your highschool football days of trolling
Her fans are where her heart is, isn't that enough for you anon? Now give her five dollars in supas
Interesting I always thought of her as just a mess not a greedy scheming type
Gura might not be a genius or anything but she’s also not retarded. Being the HoloEN loli is her thing and anyone attempting to take that from her must be suppressed early on to stop them from overtaking her.
You know what they say about vtubers that don't stream on christmas...
She also comes back in summer in the weeks leading up to her birthday and Myth anniversary, but yeah it's also because new gens usually come during that time. I would say summer is her most active season by far.

As an outsider this is the first thing ive heard about gura and thought "oh shit that is heinous".
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>next one?
next what?
>Being the HoloEN loli is her thing and anyone attempting to take that from her must be suppressed early on to stop them from overtaking her
it would only work out for so long because she has no presence at this point for her lack of any streams. Hell I'd say koseki bijou already took that crown as the loli of hololive at this point.
>when's the next one? valentines?
Keep in mind that Gura isn't a streamer, she is an idol.
She doesn't have to stream, true chumbuds have accepted that years ago.
Well yeah by now I think there are enough dissatisfied chumbuds plus people who were never trally exposed to her that her tactics will just stop working and the next gen might very well have an actual successful replacement for her.
For an idol she doesn't seem to produce a lot of music either...
dodgers game i believe.
She milks me daily.
idols don't do anything. they are just listed on a website, that's what makes them idols
Did she actually do anything worth noting in this stream or was it just another 2 hours of irrelevant yapping that's going to be followed by another six months of ghosting? Because I genuinely want to know if cumbuds are fine with getting nothing but these paywalled scraps after months of waiting
She won't stream at all if she goes indie. Holo at least has mandatory streams to drag her out of her hole with every once in a while
Oh ok in that case she is one of the best
I didn't watch because I'm not a member, but I know that it's just 2 hours of irrelevant yapping.
whenever she needs chumbud money again
Will you feel bad when it turns out that she does have a chronic or even terminal illness?
thanks for the membership ATM transactions npcs lol seeya next milking
she really should just graduate if she isn't going to commit to being a streamer or even an idol.
Miss goobs
im assuming this is sarcasm
move on, she already did
She is The IdleM@ster
I just remembered how Gura was the only one to not talk with Coco with her whole gen. She did this really weird 1 on 1 thing like they snagged her last minute
jesus she apparently actually has a fucking tumor
She'll be on a fauna stream for one hour somewhere between christmas and new years. This way she doesen't have to interact with chat or acknowledge the holidays in any major capacity. After that she will return in late january to normalize herself before valentines day, after which she'll fuck off until fes.
No she just slept in because she's gura. Ame confirmed it on twitter.
>complains about merch shilling which she stopped
>complains about her finally throwing her members a bone
Damn poorfags really are pathetic
>Will you feel bad when it turns out that she does have a chronic or even terminal illness?
Gura definitely has reasons but they are related to disagreements with management and not health issues. There is no illness that vanishes when a new Hololive gen debuts that would allow her to do 30 hours of streams in a week. The only thing I don't understand is what Cover is thinking since eventually the health breaks will make sense and it will be obvious that it was because of management.
Is it really a crime if the victims aren't human?
The usual
>I love my fans (but not enough to stream)
>I should communicate more (never does)
>Im busy working on an amazing project (that never seems to release)
If she had that, why does she consistently show up for Fes and concerts which often involve gruelling dance routines.
you know anyone could be using that model right
Anon, it's easy to deduce she isn't sick. She's been behaving like this for almost 3 fucking years. Her branch mates at the very start of her non streaming arc got very annoyed when her fans kept asking them where she was. Now they barely ever mention her and when someone asks if she'll join a stream they bluntly say no. Some of them outright say she never answers discord messages. That's not the behavior of people that have a terminally ill colleague.

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