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The 342nd Wind

[link pending]

>LAST STREAM: [WE WERE HERE] this is what perfect, calm communication and teamwork looks like... CCGG TIME!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks

{COVER} Forgotten Words | 忘れじの言の葉 #歌ってみた #cover - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twto2g0FwTQ


#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>91872979
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Please stop using sexy pictures for the OP it is very distracting.
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It's only a slightly sexy picture, I believe that's a you problem.
Cece sex
vest+white dress shirt kill any sort of sex-appeal
Cece and desist
you don't have exclusive rights to your catchphrase rara...
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You don't have to rub it in, Gigi.
I hope the panel went alright and she got a full night of sleep!
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I’d blush if she kabedoned me
mamma rara hasnt streamed on her own channel in a while, I wanted to stare at her boobs
mamma is still sick
she has a cold, I hope she's feeling better... I miss her big tits too
I want Cecilia to kabedon me and pin me against the wall
I am 205cm and weigh 120kg
>tfw ceci will never kabedon you
why live
ceci's singing voice would go well with mitski songs
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I miss her vulgar tits too…
Astute observation.
You should listen to her karaoke.
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you think the drunk crying was because she was overwhelmed and stressed by the rigging and other work required for the big christmas collab or was it something else?
She's so cute
I know, clip, but she's too cute, nyam
HolyOtomos is one of the few decent clip channels
There is no point in guessing with our limited knowledge
Yeah I know, that's why he's one of the rare ones I'm subbed to
His titles are always in broken English, so I never click on them.
I can count on my hand the number of clipper channels that don't have broken English titles, we gotta take what we can get
Yeah, he's decent enough for me to not click the "don't recommend this channel" button
>Ceci, Zeta, Ojou, Akirose
Cute group, I expect a lot of giggles
I like Immergrün Clips.
Why Do They All Capitalise Every Single Word In Their Titles? Is It An ESL Thing Or A Youtube Algorithm Thing? It Looks So Stupid.
It'll be pairs, she'll be with Zeta only
ESL thing.
capitalizing words in titles is pretty standard practice for anything
Oh, still cute, I expect a lot of giggles!
No, it is not
This is for books, songs and movie titles. Not youtube videos.
explain why titling a youtube video should follow different standards than literally every other type of media that preceded it
Because they are not titles of pieces of media. They are sentences. It's not following a different standard, this is how English works. Look at any youtube title written by somebody who speaks English, then compare it to an ESL title.
Mori has a bunch of titles like that.
just looking through my youtube homepage most of the videos that aren't capitalized are more casual things like streams while most of the actual videos use more "proper" capitalization
though the news videos are not capitalized which is mildly interesting to me
NTO. Stop being stubborn about it. This looks retarded as fuck. Only you are doing this shit on youtube
YouTube, my ESL friend.
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Yes, titling a stream. Some are just sentences.
>Mori's Plays a Game - Title
>I'm going to play a game - Sentence
>we should use a wigger turned weeb who thinks she's a jap as an example of English standards
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Mori also has vulgar tits
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No, that is just how English works. Look at what this anon said >>91973808
It's pretty simple. If it is a title then you stylise it, if it isn't then don't. You Can't Just Take Any Sentence And Do This And Not Look Like An ESL.
My homepage has a bunch of native english speakers who capitalizes every word except sometimes a 'the' or 'a'
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love green women
I like Fauna too, but this is the Ceci thread, not the green women thread.
soon the green women thread will just be a ceci thread
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Dollwife awake!
Ok, you can put the frame up now.
Don't tell me what to do.
In less than 30mins I predict
Updatilia, do as I say or I will replace you with a much cuter mimic.
Would you go to the testy festy with Ceci?
Don't know what that is but yes
Testicle festival, from the previous FC5 stream.
Pinned in Biboo's chat
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I need some Ceci dakimakura, because whenever I’m kinda drunk and she does something cute on stream, I have this urge to hug something
Oh well. Hopefully the early stream tomorrow is still on the table.
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It's over.
I hope she gets a good rest
If she is actually resting now, yes.
It's over...
rest well cecilia immergreen from hololive en justice
Yeah, she deserves this rest for all work she’s done she really needs to fucking work on her sleep shedule though
well, at least she learned something from last week's experience.
She put 8 things on her schedule in 6 days. I'm not so sure.
While it's sad we won't have Babydoll today at least she's resting
Feels like she needed it quite a lot honestly
No biggie. CCCC looked like a lot of work and that + CCGG collab were great so I ain't sweating a day off. Biboo agreeing to a stream on her moving day was also kind of baffling. That cute rock needs to GSH.
>Green woman delay
No... the curse is spreading...
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life has become void

what do I do now?
You could sleep early, next stream is at noon so we need to get up early anyway
Watch a VOD, play a game, do your reps, and what >>91980078 said.
>Read a book
>Watch a VOD
>Watch a movie or tv show
>Learn Japanese
>Play minesweeper
>Do some sit ups
>Try and name every country on earth
>Practice juggling with some balled up socks
The world is your rocky mountain oyster
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Masturbate to Mumei
Texas vs Clempus SOON
Those are certainly words.
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>juiced up on caffeine in preparations for long night stream
Try doing some exercise, maybe that will tired you out
caffeinated sleep feels great if you manage to fall asleep
Man I miss Cecilia
I was working on Christmas stuff happily because I would get Ceci soon as a treat. Now I’m sad
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>grabs your balls
If it makes you feel better, imagine Ceci all snuggled up in bed getting some well deserved rest
That does make me feel better, but she’s probably working anyway
No, she's reading bad shojo manga.
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Good night.
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I'm sorry but this is way too good not to share
This song is way too much of a banger for a random fps game
The girls will never play something like this...
Sleep well!
>Delta Force
What the heck I played that a lot as a kid
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There's a new one now and it's pretty good
Kind of a BF replacement, at least for me
takes all the bad parts of battlefield and enhances them, imo
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I could be your bf
You could be his battlefield?
Eh... I like it, gunplay is nice, but yeah there's no teamplay like in older BFs, still fun to shoot around in
How big is your field?
Actually, now that I think about it I would be the bad company.
lack of transport being critical for capturing flags is the big point for me and desu it has been missing since bf4(before they added the bf2 maps, bf4 gulf of oman is the best bf map ever)
This song sucks bro
Fair, at least in this one there's the same double sprint that cod has so it takes less time to get to places Does 2042 have it btw? never played that one
Different tastes, I've been listening to it for the last few hours
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I wonder if love could bloom there
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This is what good music sounds like, bro.
No, this is.
i dislike being able to just run around the whole map. Want to use jeeps, atvs, trans helis, IFVs to get around and not be overtaking by some dude running or using a spiderman hook to get around.
I fucking love Sawano's stuff, even if he kind of peaked with the Xenoblade X soundtrack.
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I agree, thankfully the vehicles are a lot faster
>Spiderman hook
Thank GOD that's not a thing
His stuff is so good(Everything I heard so far honestly)
good clipper. really cringe titles tho
Cecilia's dreaming about me right now
>implying she's sleeping right now
She could be daydreaming...
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Interesting game choice
why the fuck is she streaming so early...?
She wants to fix her sleep schedule she said
Maybe there's some omocat x justice merch coming up.
This >>91992074 and she's experimenting with this schedule, if she doesn't like it she will not stream at that time again
Good thing I don't care about this game I guess
What kind of game is Omori? What is it about?
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Don't know much about it, but it's a JRPG
Also this warning
Looks interesting
Quirky Earthbound style indie RPG about depression
She does have at least one thing in common with omocat
Good thing I didn't sleep well today, good night
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I need sleep to catch next stream...
Good Night!
Unrelated, but I opened my mouth and my jaw cracked so now I can hear better, neat
She should play Lisa the painful instead. Or OFF if it has to be tumblr core
Why did you need to make me feel old
Sorry, it wasn’t intentional
It's getting a rerelease on Steam so you're going to get a lot of newfags getting into it. Enjoy!
I miss Ceci...
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This felter makes us so cute
so early...
I liked omori a lot. The game becomes a real slog in the middle though
Yay more Hololive girls to cry with when they beat the game

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