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Opening Presents Early Edition

/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

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Cute Snail
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Is this where I shill my literal 1-view friend? She's a cute little gremlin. Please give her a chance.

yeah go for it
I understand that you're trying to do well by your friend but this thread is a haven of schizophrenics.
It'd be wise to delete your post for your friend's sake.
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your cute dictator's playing x-men destiny! also she might be doing vket stuff later
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4 days till Christmas
Any events or streams you're looking forward to?
Archives exists bro so whats done is done
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autist ice fox is doing a bit of birthday karaoke
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loud goat woman's working on her american impression tonight!
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Whats your fave Miri OC/model?
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robo kamen rider's being a meleechad in transformers fall of cybertron
also he might be doing some legacy of kain later
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ha0nk ha0nk it's rise of the golden idol time!
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yeah, it's probably the jellyfish. her pixel model was really neat
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I'm glad she's doing so much fun holiday stuff this year
oh shit
i have to catch this thank you anon
It's the best Christmas music event every year, I love it
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library committee ojou's doin more shin megami tensei
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cute punk frog's reacting to a v4mirai collab with callie and fangguu!
I miss her
This one
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ayo lobotomybunny and molly love
I just wanna chill i'll look at whoever is on
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why did maroony get such a downgrade
Josa sex
doesn't she hate sex?
Sad. Smells like bottom of the barrel desperation in here.
Not a thing
I think what they mean is your thot is boring, and average.
No she is just menhera about it
you literally shit in diapers
Sorry for being so vulgar, but your crush really isn't that special, and doesn't leave much of an impression. I'm sure to you she's very special. Sorry for speaking so crudely about someone you care so deeply about. I was simply trying to answer your question in a localized way that would answer your question in a way you'd understand. Forgive my crudeness, but I was simply trying to help you understand what that anon used clear understandable English to say.
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Pigs in a blanket on a stick, but the blanket is southern.
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I love her thirstposts
Keep telling yourself that.
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Why gween wen we'd?
I thought this was a Maple Story avatar at first lol
Sex is different from rape my guy
Is she hot?
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ikemen /tg/ elf's paint some trench crusade stuff!
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mecha mechanic jellyfish is live with Ys II
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artsy wood elf's celebrating the winter solstice tonight!
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hedgehog boy's runnin and shootin in crow country
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Gween sex
Oh no she's hot
it does kinda look like that...
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Has Nina ever sang Silent Night? Anyone have a link? Im surprised I couldnt find any vod of her singing that song. If she hasnt hopefully she'll sing it Sunday
no idea
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history hag's maaaybe playing more Path of Exile 2!
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house arrest magical girl's on with dark souls ii
I'm banned from her community, but I'll chat with you regardless. Why nina, and why silent night?
There's a lot of Christmas songs, and vtubers to choose from. Why this combo specifically? Any special reason you'd like to share?
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corpse is playing more of dragon quest 7!
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cozy treetuber rigger's doing more amogus
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alker rainworld
Yes, she
Picky made it
he talked about being a tranny on stream before
Made what?
She streamed ARK for me specifically. How could she not with stats like that?
Don't care, if it makes my dick hard, it's a woman
recommend me an indie with lots of vocal fry
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Nina is a great singer, and Silent Night is possibly the best Christmas song. Im shocked she has never sung it. Nina I know you read these sing it tomorrow or Sing the original version which is in German "Stille Nacht". Please and thank you.
>Austrian Christmas Carol: Stille Nacht (Silent Night)
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Yes, and?
>best Christmas song
Why is that the case for you? Want to share? Was it a specific memory, or show that cemented it for you? Why do you think only nina can hit that spot for you?
stop replying to rebel
Nobody else is willing to help this guy flesh out his case.
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Between this and Pam's concert, Christmas music enjoyers are eating good this year
>not blacklisted by a single talent listed
Too funny. I hope I make it to the show.
Who is that?
I'm starting to think silent night poster is a souless bot.
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seiso flower AI's checking out build 42 for project zomboid!
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No, Im making a compilation of Silent Night for the wsg thread and I wanted Nina to be in it. Which I why I was surprised she hasnt sang it considering shes a singer. So I came asking if anyone knew if she'd sung it before
Which ones do you have so far?
You should be way less conniving next time crabber.
Watch this guy make some awful tea drama video painting vtubers as neonazi devils who conspired the Christmas town attack, or just end up like cooksie. Damn crab scams can never leave vtubers alone.
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Retarded resident schizo. I wont go on a 20 long sentence rant about him just trust me for now and filter out any comment that contains "ARK" or "Fallout New Vegas" and ignore any postcomplaining about being banned or saying weird stuff
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this elf rules
ninafag has nina mentioned if she's going to vexpo next year?
I got a bunch, I dont remember I havent started working on it. The last two I want to have in it are Nina and Lia.
How was I being conniving?
Do you think clip compilation channels actually follow the talents they exploit for ad revenues?
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Speaking of, the anon who is calling you conniving might be him. He is legit schizophrenic and makes up weird shit in his head so ignore that
If you want more examples of his posts look up the !!01myR5Jqkx9 trip in the archives
No idea sorry dude
Wth are you talking about? This is going in the wsg thread. What ad rev are you talking about?
that christmas attack was by arabs
don't forget he recently made an hour of vocaroo schizoing over kuku's new vegas stream
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Forget about the schizo, is she ever going to stop using the loli model? I miss her first models
whenever the work for the throwback stream gets done, probably...

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