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300k Subs Edition

>Her YouTube channel
>Her Membership
>Her Twitter
>Her Bluesky

>Twitter Spaces, Event Streams, Unarchived Karaokes, etc.

Official Merch Store (Dakimakura included) - https://shop.moso.moe/mint-fantome/
Virtual Vacation & FantomeThief - https://shop.oshispark.com/



>Our Divegrass team

Previous thread: >>91929479
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First for Lilac
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I love Minto but jesus christ, this game is garbage.
I think it's pretty fun so far.
It's just like a movie watchalong.
I think the main problem was the vatican part going on for too long but that was arguably Minto being slow
Minto, I wanna cum inside you and take responsibility.
That's why I don't want her to rush to finish it, she doesn't have to 100% but it's nice to just explore all the levels
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
Really i find it more enjoyable than some of the shitty one stream games she does.
I don't know why, but her being kinda bad at the game makes it a little better somehow
Indy gets his ass beat a lot in the movies
Kek i feel reading this in chat would make her have a melty
He gets absolutely fucked up in every movie before crystal skull
That's why I say it here instead and my chat messages are just silly nonsense instead.
is her ass really fat?
I haven't been able to keep up with everything recently
Can someone explain where "minki" came from?
It mayhaps be TOO fat
what the FUCK is that username???
Is her ass fatter than senchou's?
probably the same anon who's clearly getting triggered by wahmen in vidyagames
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This Wisp is the gay.
Oh no, Mint has a dumpy, Marine has a the whole fucking dumptruck
It's not that bad ngl
I'm surprised that you can get away with that on YouTube these days.
It is that bad ngl
It seems he is a phase connect fan
Shut up mint. Your ass is too fat..!
Nah its fun
indie is gonna be a fat fuck after this playthrough
I never want to bring it up to her because I know she feels bad about it but I hate that they still haven't even uploaded the dearstage episode of the podcast. Not sending out all the letters is whatever since honestly if you were in that tier you were just there to support them not for the postcard but how hard is it to upload a video that you already recorded and someone else has edited for you?
Some of the podcast episodes were even shared weeks late and you could see the youtube upload date was from weeks ago.
I love Mint more than the world but it reflects poorly on her and Matara and I hate that it does.
Maybe they forgot?
Eh, I completely forgot there was still stuff missing from the podcast besides the postcards.
I think Matara didn't really take it seriously how much work there would be and Mint has been prioritizing the concert and her channel.
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I thought she was being dumb before but the fact she's still calling the currency Euros is making me question if this is a bit.
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I'm not hating the game but it seems to be breaking apart since the Vatican.
Yeah the gameplay quality keeps dropping after vatican
Any fellow oiji-sans played this back in the day?
Bob lives rent free in my head. I remember all his superchats
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>Chinese song
>Chinese song: Japan
I vaguely remember an NES one, but not a SNES one.
I couldn't beat it, but I was like 5 or 6 when I played it and it was rented so no instruction manual.
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No, but I did play this one (and Minto should too)
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This is my favorite Indy game
Would Minto enjoy a lego game?
Seems like it'd be hard for her to stream with the lack of dialogue and atmosphere.
And the grand daddy of them all, one of the few 2600 games you could actually beat
I think she would enjoy it, don't know if it is a good game for stream though
That's a soundpost right there
alright fess up which one of you was it
I literally burped like a monster and she started saying she was hearing a growling noise, shit is freaky I'm too high for that
she's in your walls
she's in your walls
she's in your walls
she's in your walls
new lego games are fully voiced and absolutely amazing to watch but i like them even more when the chuuba hasn't even watched the movies before. they're so confusing
wisp stop doing drugs recreationally you're better than this
Should just drink to help numb the pain of getting old
I missed the last hour, anything particularly goofy or interesting happen?
Do you think if I married Henya or Kiara I could convince Mint to actually get married to both of us too? Seems like a good way to hook up with her.
Convince Mint maybe, but Kiara doesn't seem like the sharing type.
Minto is the only good thing about this, this game is way too long. Rather watch the movie agian.
I think she's about halfway, no way she is finishing tonight
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This game needs more action of the trap variety like shit chasing you or mummies chasing you around.
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but that's way too scary
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It depends on the Lego game, they've adapted entire movies series and have their own share of voiced cutscenes.
If they put it in every tomb then it kinda stops being special doesn't it? It has some great sequences, don't worry.
>a camel
>funniest shit I've ever seen
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The raider in question
based 1view trying to help minto branching out. they should collab
I don't even see raiding notifications
They don't show up when you have Hyperchat enabled.
Now that I think about it, she probably wouldn't be able to play this in Niji because of all the Nazi imagery. I remember how she wasn't allowed to play the Wolfenstein level in Doom 2.
Degenerate times...
Minto playing eroges
Selen literally played wolfenstein https://archive.ragtag.moe/watch?v=RzbHpGFxw8M
Honestly the backseating companion is the worst part of the game, everything else looks fun
Speaking from my childhood, they're a bit repetitive if you play them alone but they are awesome in co-op mode
You're not allowed to say that according to a resident faggot wisp. That makes you a /pol/ incel (Mint earlier called her insufferable).
Mint has been shitting on her all stream, faggot can go back to /lazu/
Wtf? I love nazis now?
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This is outrageous. Where are the armed wisps who come in to take the protestors away? Where are they? This kind of behavior is never tolerated in /mint/. You shout like that they put you in /lazu/. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Journalists, we have a special /lazu+/ for journalists. You are stealing: right to /lazu/. You are playing music too loud: right to /lazu/, right away. Driving too fast: /lazu/. Slow: /lazu/. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses: you right to /lazu/. You undercook fish? Believe it or not, /lazu/. You overcook chicken, also /lazu/. Undercook, overcook. You make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, /lazu/, right away. We have the best patients in the world because of /lazu/.
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Can you chudcels shut up. I am concentrating on the stream right now
Too busy kissing one another again. They are being punished as we speak, forced to work in they crying mines.
I love Mint for trying to shoot a defenseless man
He was clearly a monkey
>Membership asks if she ever wishes she could fight nazis
>She deflects the massively retarded political bait and says she wishes she could fight the whole world in a fight club

in absolute shambles
Got to avoid that bullshit. She does a pretty good job at not falling for any political shit aside mgs. Mgs 2 being the biggest red pill with the ending talk about how bleak the future is.
>Mgs 2 being the biggest red pill with the ending talk about how bleak the future is.
It smells like gay sex in here
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How did the world get so pussified that people are afraid to say they'd punch a nazi
Because everyone on the right is nazi the left.
“Everyone I dislike is hitler”
According to the left*
yes I been drinking.
Right-wingers are becoming actual nazis to own the libs so you can't do that anymore
But this isn't some twisted 2020's rhetoric, Indy's literally punching nazis that answer to hitler
Mint spanking me and calling me naughty
Yeah but it can be seen that way.
>le orange man is hitler
>retards think right wing are nazis and try to kill le orange hitler
Sorry left has ruined nazis for everyone.
It got weird in /here/
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Personally, I blame Euro Wisps
How long is this game? I want to see Minto react to melting man meme part.
Minto stealin' yo mama
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personally, i blame pomudachis, they need rape correction
>Look up Astrobot screenshots
>They're way more vibrant and colorful than her stream
This game's the same way, is her setup borked?
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You haven't got the guts
She's on the xbox for this so it's not a console specific thing
Are gamersupps cups actual good cups you can use longterm or are they like use a few times plastic cups or something?
So her capture card
you can't put them in the dishwasher
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nvm they're shit
I'd get it to support Mint but honestly I'd rather just give her a streamlabs and buy a better cup.
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Minto thinkin' about dinosaurs again
I learned today that she was born with 12 fingers
>see Elira live on my side bar
>been streaming for 46 minutes and has 500 viewers
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2nd raider
cute model
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Based fairy
Everyone loves Minto
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I am eepy Wisps but Minto stamina is endless today...
Same. She's too young at heart for me I'm an old man Minto...
Sorry, we've both been busy for the holidays so I haven't had all the time I need to normally wear her out before stream. Don't worry, I'll be beating that mintussy up soon, I got you bro.
She is going to comiket retards, stop asking.
Sounds like she'll probably quit after this section since she realizes she isn't going to beat it tonight
Holy kek, sudden horror game
Minto wants uppies
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Which Indiana Jones did Mint say she liked the most?
>mint talking about everest like she's probably been there
I think about 2021 when she was broke as fuck because of her doctor's visits and how the nijiboom of 2022 made her at least a google-employee-tier salary. If only I didn't sell my gamestop shares in 2020 the day after thanksgiving for like 9 dollars. I coulda avoided going to everest because that's dumb and only retards 'travel' to absolute awful hellholes like that, but I would also have a lot of money.
Mint's mind is blown
She's addicted, she doesn't want to stop
Minto Gaming
Miuna raid
can a kind wisp catch me up on the story? last I was here, they just got to giza
Fucking love these Indy streams.
Somehow a fucking nazi navel cruiser got to the top of a mountain in the Himalayas
I am now more confused than before I asked
Giant guy is dead. :(
They're trying to stop the nazis from getting the powers of the great circle
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Minto likes being called baby...
Minto bald 2026
did she just compare love for your oshi to a german's love for hitler
this must be difficult seeing her people attacking her with planes
Minto wants to stream Astrobot DLC after VRchat tomorrow
Minto Uncharted
wow she's really fucking loving this and would love uncharted even if she just played it on easy because THIRD PERSON SHOOTER or whatever, I don't even thin super highly of Uncharted but she'd fucking love it

when you die and come back as a ghost your faction is permanently set to undead
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>when you die and come back as a ghost your faction is permanently set to undead
Minto flexing her Japanese Princessness
She's right, it's great. A never ending Indy movie.
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She's a pretty typical strong non-white woman type character expected of this, and I don't even hate her... But come on. She's far from "really cool". Marion from the first movie was "really cool". Even Elsa or whatever her name was the nazi girl was fucking cool. She's like rank 3, only above the dumb bimbo from Temple of Doom who was completely incompetent and only in the movie playing a retard because she was fucking Steven Spielberg.
I'll admit the puns with the frozen severed hand won me over a bit
This is probably one of my favorite pure game streams.
Minto thinking of looping karaoke streams while she's in Japan
>New computer soon
Isn't her current one pretty good already?
I think not being able to stream Indiana Jones + render her model bothered her
She seems like a "I'm good at everything" mary sue
I don't think it's necessarily always wrong. But the problem is that she's basically on the same level as Indie.... without the resume to back it up
How is this woman who's just looking for her sister matching him for everything?
It's Rey "I fixed the falcon for you, Harrison Ford" Palpatine all over again
It's one of the fucked up Intels
Minto has an "exciting thing" a day or two after she gets back from Japan
I love her
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Minto is gone... I miss Minto....
>She seems like a "I'm good at everything" mary sue
That's basically the problem, she's randomly on the fucking airship before him and initially just sort of watches as he hangs suspended from a whip saving him from immediate death going "ohoho how'd you end up like that" and is conventionally unattractive (and not white, I guess? I get the impression she's a gypsy or arab or something) as well. Marion was capable and hardened and attractive (for the time period and character) but wasn't outstripping the protagonist in the hero or general capability category. It reeks of "modern" character design for women.

Like I said I'm surprised by how little I care or how inoffensive she is but she's very fucking far from "very cool", for the first half of the game even Minto was calling her insufferable.
Great stream, glad she ended up switching games
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Yeah but the main issue with regards to Indy was VRAM, which Nvidia is skimping out on. Next generation won't be much better and the higher end 40 series has ramped down with little stock. Realistically, she will get a 16 GB model but I don't think her VRAM issues will go away unless she opts for a 24GB card with the 3090/4090 or above.
In that airship scene you are talking about they completely glossed over how that woman would be able to pull up a fully grown man with a single hand like that.
She just can you know you stupid chud.
Yeah, this game has been a blast.
So is she not going to stream at all while in Japan? That's a bummer, was hoping she'd do a handful of simple game streams or twitter spaces or something.
Yeah, she's been working really hard though. As much as I want her to stream as well, I hope she focuses on relaxing and enjoying her trip.
I think it would've been fine either way but I understand the mindset and wanting to take a break longer from hard games given what happened with Awaria. I still wish she had put off DMC3 until next year. It's going to suck when she gets through 1 half of the game, and then takes a long break and needs to relearn everything.
I think she will do Spaces at least, but given how she streamed her last trip and how much she wants to do this time in Japan and wanting to take a break after pushing for 300k, I get her.
>minto gone to japan
>doki on break
>my other oshi missing
>my family doesn't talk to me and my roommate is out of town till new years
uuuuu I'm not gonna make it
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Sans fantôme franca, /mint/ will be torn asunder. And then, it shall be free. Wisps will suffer, of course - a phantom pain. The general will need a new common oshi. A fandom of seeds.
it's called alcohol and it's your friend

I'm so sourced up right now that even though I am absolutely broke I have at least 20 steel reserves left in my fridge, the fucking 24 fl oz cans, I'm set for the entire holidays
oh yeah
>was alcoholic to the point of medical issues and now one glass could send me to the hospital
Can add that to the list
sorry to hear that my buddy recently entered into that status by apparently slamming vodka (and formerly having other abuse issues)

I'm in my mid 30s and started slamming alcohol in my late 20s but... for the past like 4 years I only drink like 3 steel reserves (malt liquor, occasionally a four loko) a night

I'm thinking I'll get colon cancer before kidney/liver issues
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oh, also to clarify, I'm not saying I literally drink 3 steel reserves *every night*, it's normally only weekends, though I've been on a bender on the holidays (I literally said I have 20 steel reserves in the fridge, I started my binge with 32)
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I'm glad my alcoholic family scared me off from ever drinking. I smoke weed instead though.
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You broke the cycle and I just became my dad
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I don't use any kinds of drugs
Ayamy's Comiket artbook (44 pages) up for preorder on Melon.
Preview images on Melon's site show both Pomu and Mint lol
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Wisps aren't alright
he broke the cycle and became Snuffy

also alcohol is fucking god tier I don't care what anyone says or the fact that I literally become a schizophrenic when blackout drunk, like literally a schizophrenic is ranting at you went I'm blackout, I don't care, I'm not hurting anybody (except my personal relationships I subject to drunk schizo me but I rarely do that so it's fine)
weed is overrated as hell but alcohol is awesome except for the parts where it's not
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Cheeky ghost
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Alcohol seems useful as a social drug but it always gives me a headache + drinking consistently will kill muscle gains and I like lifting more than any buzz from alcohol.
You keep on doing you wisp, you seem like a healthy individual. Minto would be proud
Same, except they put me off weed too
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Ayamy added some comments to Mint's reference sheet, ran through Google Translate.
>I struggled a lot with the idea of redrawing the original without destroying it, and mixing in the image of Mint that I have in mind.
>I changed the design of the small parts to make it look more adorable, and I put a lot of thought into the volume of the clothes to make it look even cuter!
>The thing I put the most effort into was "just loli"
>No matter how you look at it, Mint is a loli. Yes, that's right <3
Minto baby real
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And the comments on Pomu's image:
>This is fan art of Pomu-chan!!! I was so happy to have the opportunity to collaborate with Pomu-chan that I stayed up all night drawing this (^^) I love it!!!!
>I had always thought of Pomu as pure, but she turned out to be a real otaku and I was a little scared... well...
>But it was fun drawing Pomu like this too!
>I have a tendency to like girls with elf ears
>No matter how you look at it, Mint is a loli
Hag lovers in shambles
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She is a lolibaba everyone knows that
I only get a headache or negative effects from drinking if I don't eventually pass out from drinking. If I eat before drinking or during drinking I get negative effects like bad flush or bad body buzz that feels like shit for hours.

If I go full alcoholic mode and just drink after not eating for 3-4 hours, and I drink until it becomes so much I either feel I have to, or more often, involuntarily "fall asleep" then I have no consequences from drinking whatsoever. Like the rare, RARE times I wake up feeling "hung over" in any way, I can just chug a bottle of water and a can of mountain dew and feel right as rain. 34 btw.
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Keep practicing, your aim will improve eventually
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Minto in Baltimore in January
I guess I will need to accept that she loves cons and appearances too much to stop the pace she is going at as someone who doesn't particularly like them a whole lot. Sucks to be me.
Yeah, you need to accept that
Going to these events means she's succeeding. It could be worse. She could be abandoning her fans. She could be slowing down her activity. But she's literally winning.
I can't go to these and I have FOMO but I'm still happy for her
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Look I'm not a super big unicorn or anything.
But it feels really odd how there's like 2 males shoved into this thing.
I’m happy for her but the fomo is killing me. Glad she’s enjoying it, it’s well deserved to say the least.
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don't care
only care about picrel
Jesus did they invite everyone? Think each one is going to have like what… 2 songs?
Judging by this playlist from the previous summer concert, it looks like it's going to be duet/group song covers with Aura.
Given Mint's notoriety, I'm guessing it's gonna be a duet between the two - I doubt Aura would relegate Mint to a group song.
Doki should be back by January 3 right?
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Wisps, if you're alone this Christmas I want you to know that me too
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There's 2 guys in this? I went through this image multiple times and can't tell which ones are supposed to be male vtubers.
Who cares nigga, male vtubers have always been normal since the start
>I'm not a super big unicorn
>2 males have been SHOVED into a group of 50 vtubers
Congrats on getting a bunch of people to bite your bait.
There are quite a few familiar faces on there, quite a few girls I really liked to watch in the past, girls I haven't seen in quite some time. I really like them, even if I don't keep up with vtubers who aren't Mint in this day and age.
Those are: Kanna Yanagi, Non Anon, Sara Nagare, Poko Rakun and Raki Kazuki.
I recognize only Pia, Ashton, Ollie and the girl in 3rd row 2nd from right but can't remember her name
I must be blind because I don't see Ashton. Yeah Pia was in the Dokimint concert as well, but I have no idea about her content, personality or anything else besides
>slime girl
>I must be blind because I don't see Ashton.
Bottom row, 5th from left
Oh! That's Ashton!
pia is great
I started watching after the concert, highly recommend
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I tried watching a few of her streams and she seems really zoomer and hyperactive.
Did I just catch her at a bad time or is she not for me? I'm too old for that shit.
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Do you think she's gonna use her new 3d model in the vrc stream today?
boneless behaviour
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I wanna hang out with Minto in VRChat...
Reminder that Mint the most wonderful woman in the world is playing the Astrobot DLC after VRChat today because she loves Wisps.
Good morning wisps
Good morning. Still catching up on the Indy vod myself
she's pretty energetic, probably just not for you
Ojisan doesn't have his stamina anymore, sad!
>old man with a raspy voice and a chiseled/scarred body
Mint would be on all fours with tongue out if she saw me.
you need prior military service and a uniform to change into though
I played Halo and did a jump in it, does that count?
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Eating Wisps
I imagine it would be like this
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Why aren't Mint and Matara following each other? Doppio is the only NijiEN member that follows her btw.
they hate each other
I think they forgot to follow each other after one of them jokingly blocked the other
From what I've read, they wear out pretty quick, or at least the graphic design does. I've seen people post elaborate tutorials on how to preserve the images.

Probably better to just get a better cup and enjoy the formula.
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>tiktok link
No thanks, I prefer to be spied on by AMERICAN companies instead.
Because of the frenemies rp
I want to take care of this lonely and abandoned Wisp.
You better learn Mandarin Chinese, buddy.
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I'll be fine, American military dominance and all that jazz. We'd body the Chinese if it came down to it, they aren't really a direct threat as their military is only aimed at regional conflict. The real problem comes if they stop supplying the US with all of the plastic garbage it needs to function.
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>American military dominance
Russia invaded Ukraine a bit after the US left Afghanistan and this was also when China increased its tensions with the ROC on Taiwan until... they did the Chinese thing and calmed down again. The US is an unreliable ally at best and no ally at all at worst. This doesn't go unnoticed. If you count on them, you're lost. American foreign politics made bin Laden, made the IS and made Europe's current immigration crisis. Since I'm neither American nor Chinese, I don't see a difference between those two. I guess Chinese foreign politics have less of a catastrophic effect.

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