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Double Trouble edition
This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>/pyon/craft server

>Channel/Socials/Merch Links

>Danboorus, Aggie, & /i/ thread (Art/Fan Content)
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection & Voicepack
A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Kiki Notifications RSS feed w/ instructions

>Misc. Rabbalabs links (timestamp tagger, VOD search, /pyon/ archive)

>Kiki AI LoRA for Stable Diffusion
[PonyXL] https://files.catbox.moe/2la9jp.zip
[SDXL] https://files.catbox.moe/7vkvqw.zip
>Champy LoRA for Stable Diffusion

>Recent Stream Highlights

>Clip channels

>Champy Creative Corner
Champy Creations playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o7PpCUPwTKvj_4l7UBE8toP
Kiki’s World Tour: https://youtu.be/prMQWPfJpWs
A Day w/ Kiki: https://youtu.be/KY-2XziO8s8
Music (Kikikore etc): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o5iNrFvZm8eMQGtj9xnacjM
Kiki Ambient Album: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18C-GvhOs5uG90xx4Et-yIF2QJHSUV0Eg/view
Animations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o4TyrbqW87D2aygzbUMLMVs
Kiki Koikatsu Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/Bx4XXYTb#o7L7D5bg4XverGHQ03upkQ
Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library: https://mega.nz/folder/LnRjWaoL#UL6z0KJcBwRPBapmRdAg2Q
Kikinese: https://files.catbox.moe/yv1xre.pdf
Kiki Doom 2 WAD: https://files.catbox.moe/pd9lr9.zip
/pyon/ Worms game: https://mega.nz/folder/46VjwSRS#DihAVX2GfbOvMiY0X_1nEA
Kiki RPG demo: https://kikirpg.itch.io/kiki-rpg (pass: debtdiskdeath)
Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack): https://files.catbox.moe/0tbbps.zip

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Related places
>>>/vt//freak/ >>>/vt//vrt/ >>>/vt//fvr/ >>>/vt//uoh/

>Last thread
Kiki Love!
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kiki with your nose so bright wont you guide my champysleigh tonight
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*twice as nice edition
Kiki’s hung her stocking by the chimney with care

but she needs correction, so some champycoal will be there
s .(\_/). s Kiki love
ヽ(^-^ ;)ノ Kiki love
s ( へ) s Kiki love
__く___ Kiki love

s .(\_/). s Kiki love
ヽ(; ^-^)ノ Kiki love
s (へ ) s Kiki love
____>__ Kiki love
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christmas came early this year
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nini pyon
sleep tight
are we watching anymore ping pong goils tonight? im gonna try to catch up on what i missed last night in the meantime
speed it up!
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This is that same song from that silly Ren & Stimpy dance loop I saw on /f/ about 15 years ago. Good times.
That's exactly what I'm replicating, gardevoirpaizuri.swf, good catch!
I've made a few /f/ inspired soundposts
what do (you) love most about kiki?
her thighs, her pits, her tummy, her chest...uoh...i love it all T0T
her smile calms me down every time i look at it
I don't really think I can narrow it down to just one thing I like about Kiki.
I love how she helps and cares for her friends and how she tries so hard to improve herself. I also love her for the love that she gives to me. It is my light and my happiness.
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He's a humble fellow
The Giggler of The Four-Chungus
Nini all
saw a santa on a motorcycle today
uuuuuh her autistic rambles and cute Kiki-isms

me outside kiki's house taking a peek.
*she doesn't kno I'm there*
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if I had to pick one thing of why I love kiki it would have to be her openness and honesty with not only what's on her mind but her feelings too. It's really warm to know she trusts us enough to talk about her life and problems and thoughts and all the little silly things that most people would be too embarrassed to say. I love kiki <3
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kiki christmas eve date
Do you think gigi would be humble enough to let a tiny champy go spelunking in her holes?
Define tiny
morning pyon
Finger sized
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lol, lmao
Take a picture of your cat pretty please
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Not that champ but here's mine
Awwww so cute. I love their little white socks
her voice and the stupid cute stuff she says, but also her serious and humble side
I eep
Gunai, broski
I mean
>perpetually youthful
>sick if she goes out in the sun
>probably could use blood
>will count rice if you spill it on the ground
the only way it doesnt work is that she has no problem entering your house without being invited in,
That makes a lot of sense
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from champ in cytube:
>my very early nini image
>kiki carrying her sodastream she bought for papapyon
she's so strong
her voice
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back from cat walking
this is a cute photo I took of them last year. that I like a lot. it really shows the closeness of their family bond.
very demure cat...humble
what is a soda stream? does it gas up your water or something?
basically homemade way to make carbonated fizzy drinks with flavoring pods or whatever, they are popular in austrailia i assume
I've had one for years, I usually just use it to make carbonated water since that can be nice and refreshing on its own
>carbon fart machine
oh like vimto?
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I think she also desires the opposite.
Is Kiki a hag?
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kiki is cute lolibaba
I'd let her explore my insides if I get to explore hers
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she would only find pickles and then turn 360 degrees
her rabbutt
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Kiki: *god's eepest warrior*
Mamapyon: N A I L S
>good morning
but isnt it nighttime for giggles?
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mamapyon... LET HER EEP
It is, but she says it whenever she wakes up
She probly hasn't eaten
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forbidden bread loaf
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>kiki's carbonated kiki
a beverage to quench your thirst
giggle giggle
gobble gobble
wiggle wiggle
wobble wobble
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there is nowhere i would want to randomly meet kiki than a public restroom, if you kno what i mean
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my newer cat is so retarded i hate her so much. she's afraid of everything and its becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy with how much she's pissing me off. the dogs want to fuck with her too more because she's like that. but no, she's not just a retarded pussy that runs from everything, she's also a psycho that attacks the 15 year old pug with no teeth that wasn't fucking with her in the first place IN HER SLEEP. never have i had a less well adjusted cat.
Oddly most of the time when I've seen cats and dogs interact the dogs want nothing to do with the cats due to getting too close and getting swatted at
none of the dogs are really fucking with them anymore. my jack russel used to chase them on the way back from the litter box (a bit rude) but she stopped that. the pug never gave a flying fuck about the cats at all.
anyway my cat is retarded.
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get a load of this fucking retard
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who would've thought
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well well well...
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her kind is evil and fucked up
>and some niggers just want to watch the world burn
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a kiki lullaby to add this tired champ in sleep.
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kiki is number 1!
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I was talking to an Irina fan on the serb last night, they have nowhere to talk to eachother besides stream chat, no bread, no forum, the only thing that can be posted on their discord are stream notifications. Makes sense why I can never remember what her fans are called, there is no community there. It's her choice but ~. Complain about blog posts all you want but atleast we aren't living in the third world that they are in. I atleast consider all you guys as my friends and that would be impossible if we couldn't talk to eachother. I love Kiki but I think the comrodery I feel with the other Champys plays a roughly equal role in why I am a Champy. You guys are great.
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did a double take there. yeah same
what does it mean, am I dumb?
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the citizen of serbia
I think it's nice /pyon/craft has kind of allowed different fanbases to mingle a bit, I hope some of them stick around
I didn't know how good we have it. literally staving africans compared to us.
Irina's case is a little bit special, I don't wanna go into it in too much depth here since it's not really thread-relevant but she had stuff like a community discord server in the past but shut it down due to some bad experiences related to it, so the current stance is something of a matter of choice for her.
this is the problem that most small indies have. either you create a discord server and have to deal with groomers or you don't have any place for your community to grow and create OC. kiki's decision to be openly /here/ and have a thread is the best decision she ever made.
I think /pyon/ serving as the core of her community as opposed to some discord server really has shaped it in a very beneficial way
the Minecraft SERBer
Yes because everyone is anonymous and every post is public it inherently prevents grooming. I honestly believe that more indie vtubers should do the same even despite the negative image associated with 4chan.
Even leaving aside the whole "groomer" boogeyman I think those kinds of servers by their nature create a lot of toxic dynamics over time, with things like cliques forming between fans, and issues of favoritism (whether real or imagined) and many people feeling excluded or pushed out either because they're not as extroverted as other users and don't put themselves out there as much or because they don't mesh up quite right with the current group. The anonymity of this place does a lot to mitigate those issues, though I think the fact that we can make it work and not have it turn into a toxic hell hole like some other places I could mention is down to /pyon/ as a community and might not be the easiest thing to replicate.

Honestly I think a lot of indies out there (at least of those who pay attention to /vt/) probably wish they could have a constant thread devoted to just them like this, but it's not the easiest thing in the world to keep one active and going all the time. Even a lot of much larger vtubers from big corpos and stuff struggle with that.
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yeah, we're pretty cool
Yeah, well said. Anonymity can definitely be a mixed bag sometimes cause you'll get cases of people acting one way with their "public" face and another way here since there's little to no accountability. Tho I am surprised how that isn't even close to a thread destroying issue like it is in some other places/generals... plus almost all of /pyon/ is bretty noice, even tho some of you may have a bad case of brainworms sometimes.
That being said, I'll definitely take this place over a discord.
Participating in vtuber communities is overall, generally, a shitty experience full of shitty negative feelings. It's just like socializing IRL and the outcome is always overwhelmingly negative with no positives to balance it out at all.
I love my wife
Literally this
chat reflects the streamer
that goes for all versions of chat
youtube live chat
discord general chat
and even /here/
the only reason /pyon/ isnt a cesspit is cause kiki actually engages with us
I think it helps that we aren't completely anonymous. This same group is talking in stream chat, and to a lesser extent Cytube and /pyon/craft, nonymously. You can't always tie a post here to a poster here but sometimes there is continuity.
So you have a general idea who makes each post here?
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I can't point to a single one thing that makes me love her
I feel like if you like one part so much, others get neglected, for me its the sum of all her parts. her body, her mind, her kindness, her childish innocence and her motherly charm, all at the same time, they all shine when they have to.
Her entire being is what I love, not a single part of her, the total sum of great qualities
I think it helps that many of us have been on 4chan for a very long time. Personally I have been here for 19 years and so the culture of anonymity has been ingrained into my being. With more zoomer fanbases attention whoring is the norm.
checked. sometimes i can but often no. there are many regs i have no idea of their posting style. personally i used to try to mask and mix up my posts, but nowadays i don't care
First off checking those quads.
Most for most posts I got no clue but sometimes someone will talk about something that they were talking about in stream chat or blog post in a recognizable way, things like that. Enough to infer that the consistent stream chatters are also consistently posting here. I believe that there are other posters who are better at that than I am too.
Every single one
>it's over 9000!
I want to say I had a Kiki edit of that vageet but I can't seem to find it
hopefully you can make it to Christmas without posting lewds this time
>he can't evade
yes, not all of us are burgers with dynamic IPs
Just post anything questionable on your phone
terrible idea lmao. waste of time and effort when the enforcement is inconsistent on gray zone things, and you can just not post at all things that will definitely get you in trouble
better self-delete when you're unsure, but even so you won't always accurately predict what is questionable
...why did you have to go and put the idea of carbonating pee inside my head? I have the power to do it. It would be so easy. I don't want to do it so why can't I stop thinking about doing it aaaaaaaahhh
theoretically, are you able to recarbonate flat soda with this?
is that... powdered pepsi?
nta but I think thats syrup that mixes with the carbonated water
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In theory but they warn you not to carbonate anything but plain water and add syrup after so idk if anything bad would happen.
retrobaba.. hubba hubba
putting this on in cytube while i wage in a couple min
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idk what to eat, give me ideas
you should try it and tell us what happens -w-
fried rice
I saw a video of someone carbonating milk on youtube so YMMV I guess...
I will try next time I get a flat soda. It will definitely be recarbonated but not sure if the flavor will recover
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you telling me a shrimp fried this rice?
It's a syrup. It doesn't taste as good as the "real" stuff, sadly. None of them do.

It's just to keep the carbonation tube from getting clogged up and nasty with syrup residue.
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are there really no discord alternatives that allow anonymous interactions between fans? Maybe some custom forum builders? At least something? I remember one retired /here/ chuuba having a kind of anonymous forum built on 2channel engine or something. People ought to look into this stuff. I'd love to see some hosting their own sites, but I guess that can turn into security nightmare and endless headaches
i mean there's cytube, and it can have enforced anonymity but when we tested it out kiki said its weird and told us to revert back
nod really, everything requires a username except for 4chan and its clones
I think part of the issue is that only a very small minority actually WANTS to keep everything anonymous, and a lot of our desire to stems from 4chan culture stuff which means we're already just here anyway.

As far as hosting your own fork it's probably not that hard, but a lot of the headaches involved make it not that worth it unless the current situation changes drastically
>I remember one retired /here/ chuuba having a kind of anonymous forum built on 2channel engine or something
What's the benefit over just having breads /here/?

On the Discord alternative vibe: the only reason to have Discord is accounts, namefaggotry, mods, power tripping mods, and sliding into DMs, all of which leads to grooming in the end. It's not like this is unique to Discord over Discord alternatives, it's just that Discord is the most popular one right now so that's what everybody names it.
>power tripping mods
this in particular bothers me
Team Speak didnt have DMs but other than that I cannot think of an alternative that those arent true for.
Before Discord there were forums, IRC, email, voice chat programs, and instant messaging. All of those required usernames at the very least.
>What's the benefit over just having breads /here/?
I guess just having a place for you and your viewers to interact without bothering anyone or sharing a thread with a bunch of different chuubas
Maybe. I think most small content creators who frequently use discord understand it's shortcomings and universally come to a similar conclusion that chan style places would be more suitable as a place where fans could talk with each other, share media and have a place where the content creator could share their plans and thoughts. Encountered way too many streamers and tubers in my day who got tired of dealing with a discord server and it's dramas, to the point they decide to shut it down and leave no avenue of communication for their viewers, except twitter replies and chat. Could I make money if I write a platform for that exact purpose and market it to 2 views?
I think having a thread here is probably better/safer if the chuuba's community can sustain it.

>Could I make money if I write a platform for that exact purpose and market it to 2 views
Not if you market it to 2 views lol
A lot of those are built around 1-on-1 communication too, which is basically DMs. The thing about all of that shit is that it violates the barrier between you the fan and the vtuber you watch. Like it or not Kiki is an entertainer and you are her audience, nothing more and nothing less. This is where the relationship begins and ends, this is the ultimate form, there is no movement from this place to another place. I think some people desperately want to tear down that barrier and advance the relationship into something different without understanding that this will only bring destruction. At best they're just lonely men in denial, and at worst they're predators (e.g. sliding into DMs).
hugely unrelated, but I just got recommended a video made from Mark Laidlaw's (Half-Life's writer) posts after cancellation of episode 3 and now I'm pissed they aren't using his writing for continuation of the franchise. He knows how to write good spooky sci-fi stuff
I know this is bait but Kiki is not just "an entertainer". You are right that the relationship has to maintain a certain distance to function but that does not make it unreal or less legitimate. Essentially champs and Kiki are in a mutual agreement to keep the relationship public and anonymous for the sake of everyone's love. And that public and anonymous nature is why it has worked for so long where so many other vtubers have failed.
>I know this is bait
nta but it's not bait. it may (or may not) be wrong, but it sounds like a reasonable opinion to have.
Leaving aside the "just an entertainer" thing (since I think Kiki herself hopes to be much more than that to us too) I will agree with one thing, trying to bypass the one-to-many nature of the current arrangement is a bad idea and will only lead to bad things on all sides.
imo the fact all communications are public and transparent is the key aspect, anonymity being secondary
I would argue anonymity is crucial too, just look at /shon/ to see what happens when people start schizoing out about chatters
i was going to bring them up as an example for why this post was correct >>92037015
pyon wasn't much different until kiki intervened. same with /yah/
I don't see that as an anonymity issue but just more as a cultural one. Most champs highly value champ unity and many see other champs more as friends than as rivals. Of course our trust in Kiki and knowing that she would never do things like playing favorites goes a long way toward removing those kinds of impulses as well
>since I think Kiki herself hopes to be much more than that to us too
Do you really believe that, or is that just what you personally want? Hasn't Kiki actually said that she always dreamed of being an idol, and that recently the thing she sought was to be part of an idol group of other girls who do events and sing songs? None of that changes the entertainer dynamic between her and her audience.

And besides, is that not enough? Does Kiki not already bring you some happiness through the content that she creates? Mind you: the content she creates, and not herself. Does that satisfy you, or are you really just seeking "something more"?
She can be an idol while still genuinely loving her champs. I do believe that yes. She's made it more than clear over the years how much we mean to her and how much she trusts and relies on us.

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