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Love and V edition.

Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous: >>91889171

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
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still thinking about mond's mole and the fact that we have a matching mole
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Neppie is beautiful
i love her so much
why are you guy(s) so fucking mean
Girls are meant to be bullied
If you aren't a girl, then get more testosterone
Tatsu is so eepy
it's cute
people like you are the reason neppie went on a break. go bully women that aren't age regressing or mentally young and see how well it goes for you.
>get more testosterone
says the faggot bullying lolis.
what do you mean bullying vulnerable little girls isn't a manly man thing to do?
Good, based, turns little girls on
Bad, retarded, makes little girls want to quit
Tatsu you're literally an egg what do you mean
what happened i clicked the link but shes offline wheres my imouto i want to watch her be cute
she was very eepy and went to eep
>went to erp
what a slut
they're so kind my corrupt brain doesn't deserve any of these...
I want to cuddle neppie so badly, telling her everything will be fine
All lolis are for sex. No exceptions.
loli on my lap
loli footjob
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how do you fags even come up with so much money on christmas
god damnit. really have to sit here while I watch her getting showered. why does my life have to be so fucked who did I hurt
It's called having a job.
money magnets money
they might shower her in money but I shower her with my semen
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Is Amai Hiyo UOH, or is she too toddlercon?
she's conditioned to be on top of my dick
haha dude good one I haven't heard that one 1 quadrillion times already
Being generous and assuming that it only takes you 1 second to read that post, it would have taken you 31.7 billion years to do so 1 quadrillion times
Considering that is significantly more than twice the age of the universe I must conclude that you sir, are a phony and a liar
This post is literally infinity worse than Hitler.
Don't like being fact checked?
How about telling the truth instead of lying
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I'm niot into the toddler model but the cunny one is pure sex especially when she's doing gymnastics
she is /uoh/.
Oh she has the same artist as Ellie.
Tsuka cunny
She’s streaming today/Sunday so let’s fucking goooo bros
lack of cunny asmr is very concerning
you will be fine
that's what I told myself almost 10 years ago, and even after lots of hard work I ended up in the same spot
some people are just destined to fail
Suicide talk is probably going to get deleted but we can talk here if you want anon https://poal.me/jtpn96
sewerslide talk
kinda based ngl
She has a nude vtuber model btw
of course she does, its meimei
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back to your discord
what happened?
cunny juice
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yes. there's too many people here now. this thread is like talking to children. if i joke about something you dumb fucks will actually do it. i said mindbreaking lolis as a joke and you fags are actually mentally abusing the cute girls. i said dm your oshi dicks and you stupid man children sent girls your dicks. i say little girls then you wierdos try to relate things to irl. the less of you the better. i don't want to post as much as i want because you always go too far. kill yourself please.
she changed her channel it's meimeich now
>i'm not retarded, you guys are!
go play in traffic anon
>he goes play in teaffic
and i'm the bad guy for some reason. grow up and stop being retarded. if i told you your dog's head could turn 360 degrees would you try it?
you killed my dog how could you!
what's wrong with abusing lolis? i'm sure they're having fun too
you! you told me looking at the sun for 20 minutes would give me powers. now I have to read the thread with a screenreader bcause I went blind
good job anon
pee flavored irina
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I love Ber
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me on the foot
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joke's on you
I mindbroke and sent a dick pic to my oshi like you told me to and she was super into it
mishie handcam
File deleted.
So are you just ban evading, or are they just deleting without banning?
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i love neppie
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guys it died
I don't.
I like neppie, but I don't love her
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update: the second smaller house made from the rubble of the larger house has also died
me when I send a maro and regret it 5 seconds later
astral cunny fucking
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Khubie doing handcam as soon as she's done with her yapping
fucking cunny in space without an astronaut suit
i wanna commission lewd art of my oshi, you guys seem cultured and wanted to know if you had suggestions for some affordable cunny artists?
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the crafting has begun https://www.twitch.tv/khubie
1/10 nails. Holy fuck.
I think some women don't realize that the fake nails are for impressing other women and that they just freak out men.
Bimbo nails are hot... On bimbos. That's an abomination.
>Bimbo nails are hot... On bimbos
they're never hot
i prefer normal nails but she's happy to wear her silly hello kitty nails so idc
the nails are coming off
Because she is reading the thread.
loool doubt she'd do that just because of some anonymous retards
one nail was bothering her so in a fit of femoid rage she removed them all

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