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SorAZ Major Debut Live Blu-ray First Gravity 2025.2.12 Release: https://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/SorAZ/2402/buy/
Limited Editions come with a CD of the daytime performance (Sora edition) or night performance (AZKi edition)

Latest Voice Pack "[Resale] hololive Manzai Voice Collection" through 2025/03/31 18:00 (JST): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_kikimanzai_voice_re
Music: https://www.youtube.com/@TokinoSora/releases
Holodex Radio: https://music.holodex.net/radio/:artist[ch=UCp6993wxpyDPHUpavwDFqgg]/
Watanuki-san song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHzfRyYEfHo
Yume o Kakeru Group Cover: https://archive.ragtag.moe/watch?v=gyJQ9u_UKbo

Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/tokinosora
Fanclub: https://tokinosora-fc.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/
Manga: https://twitter.com/hashtag/SoraRecord?src=hashtag_click&f=live
Fan games:
Further information:

Previous Thread: >>91733759
A moving train is an underutilized gaming setpiece
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We're in here if there's any late-tomos entering the thread
What is even going on right now
>Sora teared up at Cyan saying goodbye to his deceased family
She's so sweet bros...
She's looking for the cat rage tech, she must've looked that up, or a JPtomo told her about it
lmao i thought she was a completionist and wanted all the rages
I didn't know you could use the bucket during the event.
I thought it was only for preparations
i think that's a pixel remaster thing. i don't recall it being there in the other versions
Her FFVI sprite looks good
>>92018527 (me)
I remember a savepoint where you can use tent and save at that spot but I don't remember a bucket.
Maybe it's a remaster thing, yes.
It makes this much more trivial
RPGmaster Sora
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don't forget to listen to Sora's rendition of the best Christmas song
That was a great set, Sora is fantastic in song relays.
Sorry, wrong link
FF6 continues next week, watch the vods to catch up by then!
I really hope there's more Sora themed FF6 fanart
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Sora in the latest Hologra!
Finally! She hasn't been in one for ages...
Sora get out of my computer, I'm trying to work!
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Default looking as radiant as ever
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(๑ ' ᆺ ' )ノ
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Why does Sora detest concert T-shirts with the fury of 1000 suns?
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=͟͟͞ ( ˙꒳˙)
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(๑ T ᆺ T ) Sora-chan..
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Sora has no 3d live tshirts whereas almost everyone is taking the opportunity to have one

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