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T-Posing Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Live /BIG/s

>Wordcloud creator

>/BIG/ logo

>OP template

>Vod channels


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>91935125
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Very inspirational, thank you Autism Creature
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wise words from an eldritch goddess of autism
I like to think that chatters just started announcing their imminent masturbation before she could clarify
secret mating press
I'm going to bed
why not stream on main?
marimari doesn't need a car and thinks that cars are the reason people are fat
I try to be nise here so I'd rather not give my hot takes on Anny.
that's fair
mating press
marimari is literally ryan gosling
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I thought Mari lived in the part of America that looked like this? Everything is so far apart in the Midwest.
she said she prefers to walk and stuff like that.
i'm having sex with mari's mom and i'm watching mari who is my step-daughter stream at 11am
ok grampa
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I think I will sleep early (it's 2:30 am)
gn anon
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Love this Ferret
GN Bigots
gn ferret enjoyer
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luv this flipper
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based and same
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goose's end of year virtual festival awards thing imminent
bug mabinogi collab? in an hour
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>little ferret
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some of these attendees are gonna be...
>based filian
>goose's end of year virtual festival awards thing imminent
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gomiee and the gang looking hot too
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no idea, I think it's supposed to be a vtuber awards thing
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oh, that's pretty cool
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the red carpet
>no twitch
get fucked
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there's a lot of fucking 3d anime women
also this one's dress is cool
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gomiee's fit
ma! ee! gom! ee! imnida~
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and I don't recognize this one, but she's BLANGIN
this gives jellyfish vibes
actually I wish we had some jellyfish vtuber, such an underused concept
which one is this supposed to be lol
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I think these are the v-illage girls, middling corpo
>Giri Brain damage speedrun any%
>goose hosting a vtuber award show in vrchat
>filian is not invited
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Love my wolf wife
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pretty good turnout though
would filian have woken up at 4am for it
She didn't need to bend over for that picture but I'm grateful she did
Giri fell so hard that she became British
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special (recorded) musical performance
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I like the Isegye girls' matching outfits.
>would filian have woken up at 4am for it
It would be amusing if Filian showed up for a bit but it's probably not worth it.
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more ac3 in 1 hour
based goose
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clip reel
actual production les goooo
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Goose seems really happy
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sexy award
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speaking of, her and ine should be doing the mabinogi sponsorship
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a bit overshadowed
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Giri just wanted to post her ass
burger mogged by goose
goose love
I bet she knew what she was doing there
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fat fuck
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who's the one with the big head?
chunyang? the fat fuck?
or the paper chick? radio, but I don't know what her soop channel is
the paper chick
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sorry, radiyu
no vods, wonder what her story is
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>christmas outfit reveal monday
wonder what it will look like
i took ze painkiller
sexy santa outfit
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i get ze carrots to ze reindeer and ze cookie to ze santa
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gomiee and minnie getting a couples(?) love(?) award
didn't catch it
also there's multiple winners of everything because why not, but also it feels kind of worse to get snubbed if half the nominees get an award
also mington and the cat, don't know him
yeah couple award
based myhomie
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>omg he's so tall
>is actually dead average height
post the pic of her cupping a feel
woman brainrot
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she looks so proud of herself
that's myhomie, getting some action
Giri should post pictures of her ass more often
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I like Lilpa's outfit
it's the OVER outfits from isegye festival
>more often
this implies that she already has
I see. Lilpa's outfit is still my favorite out of the group.
>look how he movez hisz axe, itz so cool
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cute creature
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why does she always overreact?
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Woman moment, please understand.
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What did she overreact to? She's very vocal but what does she overreact?
overreacting is her bit
It's too bad the EN vtuber scene is too fractured to ever get that big of a turn out. Imagine trying to get the tops indies, Holos, VShojos, Nijis, and Phase members together in VRChat?
some guy asked if she needed an editor for her youtube and she went off on him.
to be fair, it's a lot bigger and that has its own problems
would be nice if there was more /unity/ in EN, though, but too many of them are too self-interested and retarded
I didn't notice stellive having a presence here (maybe skill issue on my part), but they're pretty huge on chzzk now, so there's that
>KR vtubers are able to host events with good turn out
>ES normie streamers are able to host big events with sport stars
I think the EN crowd is just too big for their own good.
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Is the event over?
seems like it i think, it was fun
think so
>reading out all the credits to the MVs
>30k dono
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and if I didn't fuck the math up somewhere, that's like 22k usd
and I think two of them
>>30k dono
holy moly
sorry almost 22k euro, almost 23k usd
1100 won for 10
just getting Phase, Vshojo and indies into the same room is pretty good in of itself.
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Is this the sponsored segment? It looks like they're giving out vouchers or something
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some giftcode on kakao
beats me, says bulgogi (불고기) whopper (와퍼) set (세트)
might've just been giving away dinner
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such a dull game
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>chocolate strawberry cake gift
>1kg of premium beef gift
one of these days I'll learn korean and know what the fuck is going on
maybe bonus prizes to best dressed or something, they were doing bits earlier
that's the problem with with game
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>Giftcodes for burgers, pizzas, cakes, and what looks like expensive beef
Maybe Lily should do a Gamersupps giveaway or something at Filian's next event
>34k people trying to redeem the same coupon code
kakao ddos
that's really cool, filian should do this next time
i love how it's not even one second between doki saying "i found it" and total annihilation
Honestly, I've played most of the Assassin's Creed games and I still don't know what the whole story is about
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Now the event is over and everyone went to a mansion map for the after party.
Neither does Ubisoft it seems.
cute goose having fun with her friends and guests
/lig/ told me we are no longer allowed to talk about Dya. Is this a good thread to talk about my insecure fox lady?
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Sir this is a saruei thread
lig says a lot of shit, emphasis on shit.
we don't care about /lig/ and you can post whatever bigot you want, stop trying to bring thread drama here
>/lig/ told me we are no longer allowed to talk about Dya.
>Is this a good thread to talk about my insecure fox lady?
Ubisoft doesn't know what it's doing in general
>letting yourself get memed on by them ligmaroles
Can Saru finish this game today? I don't think she can
If she doesn't get tired again she can, she's done longer Sunday streams to finish games before.
If she does a longer stream today she might be able to. If not then she'll finish 3 and start 4 next stream
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which chuuba genuinely HATES her chat?
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the pipes on this one jesas
don't remember seeing her before
beautiful voice
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>Is this a good thread to talk about my insecure fox lady?
anny love
do we like chuubas with under 1000 CCV?
as long as their 3 month ccv is 1000+
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I like this one, too
she used to stream on twitch a lot, think she might almost be /big/ at this point
has starship captain theme
she's very cute
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>peter griffin laugh when the nuke dets
found her
>55 viewers
brutal, looks like she plays around with her avatar a bit
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this one's killing this bit in this song
something about calling up a restaurant?
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stop rushing you dumb bitch
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does she have ADHD or something?
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sad how cold people abandon their pets!
so many of the koreans know how to have a good time
also don't know if you caught it, but her chat kept apologizing for her
she's great
Almost definitely
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>why do I have to play the game the devs should play the game for me
I like her silly performance
dumb woman
she's gonna groom and have sex with that wisp
she's was such a sweet heart
saru just came on stream
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Things seem to be winding down. Goose ended stream and I think other people are starting to leave too.
saru hasn't refilled her arrows once
is she stupid?
it was a good stream
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womp womp
Groom as in do his hair, make-up and put him in a maid dress?
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she just doesn't pay attention. it's almost fascinating
saru is pretending to be retarded, right?
be nise
saru can't read and barely speaks english
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no vei, as expected
Squ live, in a hoe hoe hoe outfit
when she comes back, she better play mass effect consistently
[citation needed]
Snuffy should do a cozy stream today.
A comfy Snuffy sleam would be nice
saru's chat and mods are pretending to be retarded, right?
no, saruei's mods (all the time) and chat (sometimes) are retarded
Chat reflects the streamer
No Saru's chat is a whole different kind of retarded.
squ is slapping that meat
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Sex ferret
Laimu on Mata's stream. They will be streaming the Holiday Matsuri meet and greet. I think Amalee and Zen will be joining too.
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bugg seggs
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mata in da biggy
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Double Minto today
Minto Cuteo
overdosing on minto today
Cute hags
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bless her heart she struggles with everything
that guy would drive Tenma feral
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>finally gets a gun
>doesn't use it
sometimes I wonder
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So would the guy who's carrying them around.
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Mygomiee finally ended stream almost 2 hours after people started to leave.
based my myhomie
I love squ's modest boobage
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Layna live
wat da laynner doin?
I love hags getting cute puntable cunny models
damn saru is still streaming
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why is she so fucking stupid
i'm genuinely getting angry
To be fair this is shit game design. Classic Ubisoft.
nah she's just fucking dumb. I had no problem with this as a child.
Yapping then playing Miside later I think
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she's gone!
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I knew we should have watched a summary video of 3 instead
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Good night saru! I missed about 2h at the start but the rest was fun, though I agree about most of the bad parts of the game you said, but I like these long streams to finish games even if it's bad, and the extra French English-French was actualy pretty nice to listen to even if it was meant to be funny.

I'm not sure what's happening near Christmas so maybe I won't see you next stream but I'll see you the day after then. Man I'm going to really miss seeing you on Christmas. Merry Christmas since we won't see each other before then.

Good night Rael! have a good weekend. Hope you can get a lot of work done. I don't think I say it a lot because I only like saying it when I mean it (or I'm drunk), but I love you!

Good night big.
gn anon
Sweet dreams frog bro
night frog schizo
Goodnight frogbro.

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